In June of this year, the graduation of young lieutenants took place at the Zhukovsky and Gagarin Air Force Academy, located in the city of Voronezh. About 1,200 people have graduated from the academy, and not only Russians are among them. Citizens of foreign countries in Africa, Latin America and Asia have also become professional military personnel who have received diplomas from a prestigious Russian military university. 38 girls received diplomas of military meteorologists and lieutenant shoulder straps. 16 "freshly baked" lieutenants from the hands of the Air Force Commander-in-Chief Viktor Bondarev received gold medals for excellent mastery of professional skills. The graduation, as expected, took place in a solemn and festive atmosphere. However, the holiday was dominated by a moment with, to put it mildly, ambiguous coloring, which continues to be discussed over the past couple of years.

Speech, of course, about the sensational translation of the renowned Air Force Academy. prof. N. E. Zhukovsky and Yu. A. Gagarin from Monino (Moscow region) to Voronezh. On July 12, 2011, the then Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov, by order No. 1136, transferred the VUNC of the Air Force “Air Force Academy named after Professor N. Ye. Zhukovsky and Yu. A. Gagarin ". That order bore the proud title "On measures to improve the system of personnel training in military educational institutions of higher professional education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation." And if the order came into being in July 2011, then the transfer of the academy had to take place before September 1 (of the same year). And it took place …
Voronezh is undoubtedly a wonderful city with the richest military and educational traditions, but … Why is Voronezh better suited for "improving the personnel training system" than Monino, whose military and educational ones are clearly not poorer or paler than those of Voronezh? Why did Anatoly Eduardovich think that the banks of the Voronezh River are better suited for the academic training of future Air Force specialists than the territory of the "near Moscow region"? Perhaps the land in the Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region, at its sole cost, prevented the ex-defense minister from "improving the system." So to speak, it crushed with its material value … And now it doesn’t press - there are so many pieces of land that have been released. But if Mr. Serdyukov had been in his previous position for a few more years, perhaps the academy would have been transferred from Voronezh somewhere too - far away. Where there are no problems at all with the prices of land and real estate. There is no land (there is permafrost), no real estate, no problems too … To Wrangel Island, for example … Taimyr …
But the "generalissimo" Serdyukov was brought under the monastery in time by his ladies' guard. Well, how I let you down … Amorous adventures were revealed, but economic crimes, you know, no. Investigators cannot, you see, "dig up" evidence. But the minister's resignation took place, and what was the root cause - "love of love" or other spheres - is not so important in this context.
And after this resignation, people who found themselves outside the academy (professors, candidates and doctors of sciences with vast experience) took heart and began to harbor hopes that the academy would return to its native walls. But time passes, and the institution of higher education is not going to transfer it back to Monino. If such a transfer does not take place in the near future, then the Monin territories, which used to belong to the academy, will turn into what all the closed military universities of the country turned into - desolation and dead silence, occasionally broken by the exclamations of metal hunters or the rustle of leaves that succumb to the janitor's broom …
By the way, former employees of an elite military university now work as janitors in Monino. For example, the former associate professor of the department of command and control of troops Vladimir Sapyorov, for whom, apparently, there was no place in the "new" academy, sweeps the autumn foliage from the paths and grounds, which hundreds of cadets and employees of the educational institution, which prepared the real elite, walked several years ago Air force.

Vladimir Sapyorov and other employees of the Academy on October 19, 2011 received notice of dismissal from teaching. More than one and a half thousand people, many of whom are real luminaries of the national military teaching activity, as it was announced, themselves did not want to move to Voronezh, and therefore were left without their jobs. Even if we assume that all, without exception, teachers were offered to move “along with work” from Monino a little further south, then no one spoke about the provision of guarantees, including in the form of housing. Leaving their homes and going to a place where hardly anyone was going to provide new housing for the teaching staff is an action that people simply could not decide on. Well, in order to identify the culprits, the previous leadership of the military department took an interesting move, announced that, they say, they were “fed up,” “they didn’t want to work,” “outdated,” “outdated,” and so on. Like, it's not our fault, it's all of them - "old people" …
The "old men" did not sit on the sidelines, and began vigorous activity aimed at attempts to return the academy to the place from which Mr. Serdyukov tore it away. The number of letters sent by academy employees to various government addresses is difficult to count. The letter was sent to the name of the then President Dmitry Medvedev, the now well-known head of the Department of Education Yekaterina Priezzheva, the head of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin, the Secretary of the Security Council Nikolai Patrushev, the leaders of parliamentary factions, Vladimir Putin.
We present an excerpt from the letter of the head of the working group of the Scientific Council of the All-Russian Scientific Center of the Air Force "VVA named after N. E. Zhukovsky and Y. A. Gagarin" I. Naydenov addressed to N. Patrushev:
Dear Nikolai Platonovich!
We, members of the Academic Council of the Military Training and Scientific Center of the Air Force “Air Force Academy named after Professor N. Ye. Zhukovsky and Yu. A. Gagarin "(VUNTS VVS" VVA ", gp. Monino), we appeal to you with deep indignation in connection with the insult inflicted on us and the entire scientific and pedagogical community of our university in your report to the President of the Russian Federation, which states that The Ministry of Defense of Russia (A. E. Serdyukov), the training and material base and infrastructure of these academies are morally and physically outdated. A significant part of the teaching staff is in pre-retirement and retirement age, which negatively affects the level of educational, methodological and scientific work."
We have no doubt that you understand the complete absurdity of such an "assessment" of the work of a teacher, teacher and scientist. With such an assessment, it remains only to submit proposals to the President of Russia on the closure of the Russian Academy of Sciences (the staff of the Security Council of the Russian Federation from the VUNC Air Force "VVA" submitted all the necessary documents confirming this absurdity).
The letter contains information that speaks about the "reasons" for the transfer of the academy: the statesmen considered that "everything at the academy was outdated" - from work programs to the teaching staff. Moreover, Nikolai Patrushev himself in August 2011 (after the issuance of Serdyukov's order) wrote a "dispatch" to Dmitry Medvedev that there is no need to worry about the future of the academy's military teachers. He writes in a peculiar form:
A. E. Serdyukov notes that teachers and researchers of the VUNC VVS "VVA" and "VA VKO named after Zhukovsky" will be given the opportunity to continue their scientific and pedagogical activities after passing the recertification …
They say, Dmitry Anatolyevich, nothing will happen to these teachers - Serdyukov said, Serdyukov did … He will retest a little and that's all …
The fact that someone was going to re-certify doctors of sciences with their subsequent transfer (possible, since “they will be given the opportunity) is strong, Serdyukov way …
In general, we can assume that now no one will return the academy to its place. And according to the old tradition: years will pass, in Monino from the academic complex (if they are not sold to cunning businessmen at all) hemp and stakes will remain, and then someone will come up with a brilliant idea - why is Monino “empty” - let's turn the academy back …