Outsourcing in the army: or the 401st way to honestly take away budget funds

Outsourcing in the army: or the 401st way to honestly take away budget funds
Outsourcing in the army: or the 401st way to honestly take away budget funds
The most accessible recipes in all runet (in any case)
The most accessible recipes in all runet (in any case)

As you know, we are fighting corruption on all fronts. But only something while corruption beats all those laws and barriers that they are trying to fix. Moreover, the victory of corruption can be recognized both at the local level and on an all-Russian scale. Army corruption should be discussed separately, since our army today is in such a state in which it has absorbed all the worst from the Soviet era and at the same time managed to absorb new ideas of very dubious content.

One of these seemingly good ideas for the Russian army is the idea of outsourcing. In this case, outsourcing means that army units will not provide for their own life, but with the help of hired civilians. For this, not without the help of the state, even special companies were created, which are designed to save the military from the unbearable burdens of cleaning the barracks and adjacent territories, refueling military equipment, supplying food and medicine and other non-military affairs. The idea is clearly borrowed from the West with the expectation that our military will devote more time to combat training, tactical training and mastering new military equipment. Yeah - right now! This is what happens, our military will have to pay money to civilian offices, whose representatives will carry out cleaning of floors and toilets, the delivery of pasta and buckwheat. Yes, not to happen!

Of course, on paper, outsourcing has long been implemented in our military units. The hired "Maryivanna" and "Vanvanychi" are already "successfully" replacing the soldiers in the chores - peeling potatoes, scrubbing the floor in the sleeping quarters of the barracks.

However, in reality everything, to put it mildly, is somewhat different. Responsible persons in this situation took two paths, and none of these paths can be called real legal outsourcing.

So, the first way. Or affiliate outsourcing

It lies in the fact that according to the documents, the military unit cooperates with a certain LLC "Pupkin and Sons", which, for a certain fee, assumes all responsibility for ensuring combat service within the framework of economic work. Upon closer examination, it turns out that the company "Pupkin and Sons" is de facto controlled by the leadership of the military unit. Moreover, it is controlled - it often happens that the director of this economic company is either the general's wife or other relatives of the person in charge. And where are the tenders, according to which it was necessary to choose from a number of companies, and even so as to reduce the costs of a military unit? Believe it or not, there were tenders, only they were on paper again. According to them, several companies competed with each other at once, which set prices for their services at sky-high heights. And here the unconditional victory is celebrated by that very LLC "Pupkin and Sons", whose prices in the price list are slightly lower than those of "competitors". At the same time, no one or almost no one pays attention to the fact that the military has other companies nearby that can take out garbage and wash clothes for an amount two or three times less than Pupkin. But who will allow such companies to outsource right and left …

As a result, the money flows into the general's pocket through the very affiliated company that the general created on the family council.

The second way. Or "dirty" outsourcing

In this case, with the help of "paper" tenders, a certain company is appointed, which undertakes to manage the economic affairs of the military unit. In fact, such a company does not exist at all. There is only a bank account where budget money is transferred. You can even guess who this account belongs to. And who washes toilets and footcloths? Guessed it … Of course, the same fighters who did this throughout the history of the Russian army. No doubt, they were immediately instructed by high-ranking officials that in case of some correspondent interest, they would have to answer that all maintenance work is carried out by civilians, and they, they say, only shoot from high-precision weapons, train on 3D simulators and use the latest navigation systems on military exercises. And God forbid, if someone from the rank and file at least hints that "precision weapons" are machine guns of the seventies, "3D simulators" are a wooden town of tactical training, and "the latest navigation equipment" are sharp-sighted the eyes of a soldier and a twenty-kilogram radio "stack" behind him.

This is how it is military outsourcing in Russian. First, you need to deal with corruption, and then use the NATO standards for providing the army in the vast expanses of our Motherland.
