The purchase of Mistral helicopter carriers in France will undoubtedly protect our country from an attack by Georgia. And the sooner we buy them, the better. After all, it is difficult to imagine what will happen if the Georgian army does not allow us to hold the Olympics in Sochi. Only French ships will protect us from the insidious Georgians. Both Israeli drones and Italian armored vehicles.
If our missiles do not fly where it is planned in the General Staff, then we need to buy missiles where they know how to make them. For some reason, this elementary logic of the military does not find a response in the hearts of ordinary citizens. They want the homeland to be defended by the products of Russian industry. But we are living in the era of globalization. If France is cheaper and of better quality, why spend money in Russia? And who knows, how much normal weapons we have left after 20 years of permanent disarmament.
As the unforgettable Popandopulo said from the old comedy Wedding in Malinovka:
- Do you know how many machine guns we have? Seven! No, six … and the seventh, secretly from the chieftain, I exchanged for these pants.
And if our, homegrown fighter costs the country more than a mercenary from the countries of the 3rd world, then we can make the army completely mercenary.
Imagine, Tajiks or Uzbeks in Italian armored vehicles are fighting the Georgian special forces for the independence of Abkhazia. And Israeli drones fly over the battlefield and transmit the picture to the Russian General Staff. Maybe this is the essence of military reform?
Better yet, outsource some foreign army.
The term "outsourcing" is borrowed from the English language (from the English "outsourcing") and literally translates as the use of other people's resources. In other words, outsourcing is the transfer, on a contractual basis, of non-core functions to other organizations that specialize in a specific area and have the relevant experience, knowledge, and technical means.
For example, we agreed with Belarus. And in exchange for free gas, Old Man promises to protect our country if something happens. Beneficial to all parties. We disband the army before it scatters by itself, and we save the country at least 5% of GDP. Old Man Lukashenko is leading his people to a bright future based on free energy resources. Or you can hold a tender on the website "State Purchases". Whoever gives a lower price will defend our Motherland.
Here it is necessary to quote one more immortal phrase of the adjutant of Pan Ataman Gritian of Tauride (apparently, the smartest man was) Popandopulo:
- My heart senses that we are on the eve of a grandiose nix.
I have no doubt that the idea of full outsourcing will gradually take over the minds of our generals and admirals. No need to think: "Bulava" is flying or as usual. Our submarines leave for the shores of America or rust near the piers. And how much we will save on renting Sevastopol - the city of Russian sailors!
We need a new, fresh perspective on army reform. What Defense Minister Serdyukov is doing now is extremely insufficient. We must once and for all solve the problem of protecting our homeland from at least someone.
So, all that remains is to select an army by competition that will protect us from foreign invaders. Or it will be like in the movies:
- Tube 15, scope 120. Wham, bam and past!