The image of the army of the XXI century, the realities of 2010

The image of the army of the XXI century, the realities of 2010
The image of the army of the XXI century, the realities of 2010

Russia today has unique opportunities to create a highly effective army, but in order for Russia to finally have such an army, it is necessary to work seriously. This statement was made by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, at a meeting of the Collegium of the Ministry of Defense on March 17, 2009. Also at the collegium it was discussed which weapons would be purchased within the framework of the execution of the State Defense Order (SDO) for 2009-2011 in the next 5-6 years. It was planned to give priority attention to the strategic nuclear forces, spending about 25 percent of the funds allocated from the budget for the implementation of the state defense order on maintaining their combat effectiveness. In total, more than 1.5 trillion rubles were allocated for the implementation of the three-year state defense order. rubles.

The results of the re-equipment of the RF Armed Forces in 2008 were summed up, problems with the launch of the Bulava were discussed, a detailed analysis of the military operation in Ossetia was carried out, according to which conclusions were drawn about the mistakes and omissions made, just in terms of rearmament and modernization of the RF Armed Forces. In general, in 2009 and in the next two years, the RF Ministry of Defense planned to complete a whole range of measures to modernize and re-equip the RF Armed Forces with modern weapons.

These plans included accelerating the development and modernization of tactical intelligence and communications, missile attack warning systems, and radar stations for ground forces. For the Air Force, it was planned to accelerate the modernization of MiG-29, Su-25, Mi-28N helicopters, additionally purchase MiG-29, Su-27SM and Su-30MK2 aircraft, Ka-52, Mi-28N, Mi-24M, Mi-8MTV5 helicopters, purchase the Pantsir-S air defense missile system, as well as modify the available anti-aircraft guided missiles. In the interests of the Black Sea Fleet, it was planned to complete work on the creation of a diesel submarine "Lada" with a hydroacoustic complex, to modernize diesel submarines "Varshavyanka", to accelerate the creation of a new large landing ship and a ballistic missile-carrying system of the "Bal-U" type. Long-range aviation of the Air Force and space forces were also not forgotten. It was planned that all these measures would make it possible in the next three years to significantly accelerate and increase the pace of re-equipment and modernization of the Armed Forces, taking into account the updated perspective appearance. The President made a decision, in spite of the financial crisis, to allocate additional funds from the budget to fulfill the tasks set to ensure the state of the art and the formation of a new modern image of the Russian army.

And now, after a year, on March 5, 2010, at the next expanded meeting of the collegium of the Ministry of Defense, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief summed up the results and determined the tasks for the future. At this meeting, Russian President Dmitry A. Medvedev noted that it was possible to ensure the implementation of the state defense order "not without problems", and "the mechanisms for the implementation of agreements on the purchase of weapons are still not effective enough." Such an alarming statement by the head of state was due to the fact that out of the allocated budgetary funds, which is more than a trillion rubles, half of which was directed specifically at rearmament, most of it was spent on the implementation of various corruption schemes, practically at all stages of modernization, starting with the planning of tenders and the formation of prices and ending with the supply of weapons and military equipment (AME) directly to the troops. This is confirmed by the statements of the chief military prosecutor Sergei Fridinsky. According to him, in 2010, more than 70 officials, including several high-ranking military officials, were convicted for various speculations and frauds in spending the allocated funds, and dozens of criminal cases were initiated. Joint inspections of the prosecutor's office and the presidential control department showed that the current regulatory framework for the mechanism of suppliers for defense needs has become a feeding trough for various businessmen who least of all think about the country's defense capability. The current base actually legitimizes the protraction of work and the extension of the contract to increase funding, together with abuses and numerous corruption divisions of budget money, the situation with the spending of funds becomes almost critical.

According to Fridinsky, in order to suppress various abuses, exclude the participation of intermediary firms that do not have financial and production conditions for the execution of tenders and the withdrawal of money from the real sector, it is necessary to change the federal laws "On state defense orders" and "On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs”. At the moment, these laws make it possible to turn the ongoing competitions for the performance of work into profanation. In general, we can say that at the moment the tasks of modernization and rearmament within the framework of the State Defense Commission are being solved with a "creak", developments for the state defense order are considered exclusively as a way of appropriating funds by various businessmen and fraudsters who are not clean on their hands, with the help of unscrupulous military officials and shortcomings in laws governing orders. For example, in the past 2009, this led to damage to the state in 1 billion rubles. allocated budget funds. At this point in time, in terms of improving the situation, little has changed, there is something to think about, draw conclusions and take action.
