I would be glad to serve - but without weapons

I would be glad to serve - but without weapons
I would be glad to serve - but without weapons
I would be glad to serve - but without weapons
I would be glad to serve - but without weapons

They say both bad and good about alternative civilian service. And the attitude towards her is different - among people in uniform, among the parents of boys who will soon be in the army, and, of course, among the conscripts themselves. Some have no idea what it is, others believe that alternative men simply strive to leave military service under any pretext. But is it really so?

This year in Murmansk, three young men applied for alternative civilian service: two from MSTU - a graduate and a fifth-year student, the third graduated from an industrial lyceum. They came to the meeting of the city draft board with a support group, which, however, the owners asked to wait outside the door. "If you have any questions, we will invite you!" - said the deputy chairman of the commission Oleg Kaminsky sternly. I had to obey, after all, a military institution.

Young people were a little shy at first, but they quickly got used to it and answered questions quite convincingly. And they were asked, mainly, why they preferred an alternative to military service. The first to answer was Arthur, who declared that he was a member of the Church of Christians - Seventh-day Adventists, and presented the corresponding certificate in support of this.

- Outwardly, you look like a physically developed, strong person. Are you afraid of the army? And if there is a war, what will you do? - asked the guy.

- If a question arises before me, whether to die or ruin someone's life, I will choose the first one, - Arthur answered confidently, with a sense of his own dignity. From his further explanation it was clear: with the word of God firsthand.

At the meeting of the draft board, the characteristics of each young man, issued by the educational institution, were read out. The future metalworker Stanislav, according to the teachers, was not distinguished by zeal in his studies and concentration. True, he was always "sociable, benevolent, but avoided dangerous situations."

- Yes, - Stanislav confirmed, - I prefer to avoid conflicts, I try to resolve any difficult situation peacefully. I consider myself a pacifist. People should renounce violence and strive for mercy. This is my credo.

And although the members of the draft board at first doubted whether to send the young man to the ACS or give him some more thought before spring, the lyceum student managed to achieve his goal. Perhaps it was not the most brilliant characteristic that helped him (really, why are they "not assembled" in the army?), Or something else … Only there was a feeling that his pacifist speeches did not really convince the adult men. This is probably why the following words were said in parting to Stanislav:

- Your worldview will radically change by the age of 40-45.

The third, Alexander, who declared his pacifist views, immediately clarified that he was a vegetarian and did not accept any violence, even against animals. That is why he participates in various peacekeeping, humanitarian actions, charitable events. And he added that as a child, he was shocked by the death of his cousin while serving in the army.

- But what about such holy concepts as honor, duty to the Fatherland?

- I am ready to serve honestly wherever they send me - to a hospice, a hospital, to the post office …

“You could apply your radio engineering knowledge just in the army,” the members of the draft board persuaded.

- The army must serve professionals who have deliberately made their choice. I have my own way in life, - Alexander stood his ground.

So the support group for future alternatives was not needed, they received directions. As the head of the conscription department of the Murmansk city military commissariat Vladimir Galat said in an interview with reporters, who, according to him, gave 29 calendars to the army, today young people have the right to choose - military service or ACS.

This is recorded in the Constitution of the Russian Federation and in the Federal Law "On Alternative Civilian Service" adopted on July 25, 2002. “They are not deviators, they just made their choice. If only the choice was really deliberate,”he stressed.

Meanwhile, in the corridor, conscripts crowded and worried, those who decided to serve in the army for a given year. Parents and friends came to morally support some of them. One of the guys, who has already served, gave me his opinion:

- Of course, they are not deviators. I don't understand those. It's not even that they are breaking the law. We must not respect ourselves in order to run somewhere for years, to hide. You need to prepare for the army both mentally and physically. After all, I saw in my unit all sorts of guys, including those for whom the road to the army has been barred. Just the weak. Serving them is unbearable, and it's hard to be with them even in the same barracks.

At any moment they can break loose, let down their comrades - especially during exercises. Personally, I am for an honest choice: if you cannot serve - go to the pacifists, peacemakers, sect and ask for the ACS. Moreover, such a right is given today.

On that day, Alexander Peredruk came to the city military commissariat to support his pacifist friends, who now carries out alternative civilian service in the regional clinical hospital - he works as an orderly in the cardiology department. His service life is 21 months. The guy is studying in absentia at the university.

By the way, for those who pass the AGS in civilian positions in military organizations (construction departments, factories), the service life is 18 months. The place of its passage is determined by the Federal Service for Supervision and Employment (Rostrud), guided by the annually approved lists of professions, positions and organizations. According to Vladimir Galat, the Murmansk alternatives still have little choice - a post office, hospitals, a nursing home.

He also stressed that an application for replacing the army service with an alternative one must be submitted six months before the call-up. In this case, the draft board takes into account the beliefs or religion of the young person, as well as whether he belongs to an indigenous minority.

However, as Murmansk human rights activists clarified, for whom the deferral was prematurely terminated (for example, the young man was expelled from the university), has the right to submit an application within 10 days from the date of termination of the grounds for the deferral.

We asked the chairman of the regional veteran council Lev Zhurin to express his attitude to the ACS:

- I believe that every man should fulfill a sacred duty to the Motherland. If there is a war, who will defend? And without a weapon, not only can you not stop the enemy, but you can’t save your loved ones either. Another thing is that children need to be prepared for military service, and seriously - starting with school, with their families.

“From the family,” - I will repeat the words of a person wise by everyday experience.

An interesting fact: all three of the current alternatives are from single-parent families, live with their mothers. Maybe the choice of these guys to some extent, albeit small, but depended on women's upbringing? However, this is perhaps already a topic for another conversation.
