For a long time, you will not surprise anyone with industrial robots. This type of technology has become firmly established in industrial practice several decades ago. However, there are still a number of industries and areas of production, economics, etc., where highly specialized robots simply cannot cope with emerging tasks. The solution to this problem in the future should be more versatile humanoid robots-androids. Their application, first of all, is seen in those areas where you need to work with people and, as a result, have the appropriate appearance and work characteristics.

Not so long ago it became known that the Russian public movement "Russia-2045" joined the number of organizations engaged in the creation of the android of the future. The project called "Our Avatar" is now in its early stages and so far only promises great prospects. In the future, based on today's developments, a group of designers led by D. Itskov, the founder of the Russia-2045 movement and the main ideologist of the project, plans to create not only an assistant robot, but also a full-fledged cybernetic “carrier” of the personality. However, this is not a matter of today or tomorrow.
Currently, the project "Our Avatar" is only in its first stage. In the "road map" of the program, it appears under the code designation "Avatar A". The result of the first part of the entire project should be the creation of a full-fledged humanoid robot capable of performing a number of functions that were previously beyond the capabilities of robots. Avatar A is divided into three main areas: the creation of the so-called. control object (android itself), creation of a control tool (robot control system) and preparation of a control subject (android operator). These three areas, in turn, are divided into even smaller, but important parts. At the moment, work is in full swing on the creation of mechanics and software for the hands of the future android. At the same time, the employees of Russia-2045 are working on the means necessary for face recognition - without this function, the robot is unlikely to be able to communicate with people normally. This is not to say that all this is simple. If only because, so to speak, the architecture of the human brain and the electronic computer are too different. The situation is similar with the creation of manipulators, because a machine assembled from artificial parts is rather difficult to teach to act in the same way as a natural human hand works. Nevertheless, there are already certain successes and soon the engineers of "Russia-2045" will begin work on the "chassis" of their robot - its legs and related systems.
An interesting fact is that the operating hands-manipulators of the android of the Avatar A project are still available only on experimental stands. But the face recognition system is being tested on a different type of device. A few months ago, Itskov's team demonstrated their achievements to the general public. Then it was the upper half of the future android - the torso, head and arms. It is in this configuration that the robot is currently used to fine-tune the face recognition system and the coordination of head movements. As soon as the rest of the "spare parts" are completed, the tests of the new robot will begin in full. It should be noted that even in an incompletely completed form, the prototype "Avatar A" is able to give a rough idea of how it will look in the future. This particular android under test has the face and physique of a chief designer. Like the heroes of some science fiction books and films, D. Itskov "presented" his creation with his own appearance. Whether such a step arouses the envy of fellow engineer - we do not know. However, the goal of the project is to start mass production of "Avatars" and their widespread introduction. Who knows, maybe the employees of Russia-2045 will receive substantial discounts?
The employees of the Russia-2045 organization are planning to complete the first stage of the Our Avatar project within the next few years. So, by the middle of next 2013, their robot should already take its first independent steps. After the completion of the design work and the completion of the software for stage "A", the project stage called "Avatar B" will begin. Even this second stage of work looks fantastic by today's standards. Itskov's team believes that during the Avatar B stage, an android will be created, capable not only of acting on the commands of a person, but also of becoming a bearer of personality. True, there is no talk of artificial intelligence yet. It is understood that a biochemical circuit will be included in the power supply systems of the new robot. Thanks to him, it will be possible to "mount" the human brain on the android. This will allow not only to control the mechanical part, but also to transfer the personality from one "carrier" to another. Naturally, stage "B" will require additional research in the field of brain transplantation, conversion of electrical signals of the nervous system into a form understandable to electronics, and so on. The designers are well aware of this and declare that the stage of the Avatar B project will not begin until 2020, or even much later.
The third stage, called "Avatar B", by today's standards is complete and unconditional fantasy. It is during the third stage that it is planned to create the hardware part of artificial intelligence. And not only intelligence, which will "appear" by itself, but also transferred from external "sources". In other words, the android of the third stage will be able to receive a new personality from a person without a brain transplant. It is obvious that the Avatar B stage will not start in 2020 and, most likely, not even in 2030. The main snag of the third stage of the project "Our Avatar" lies in the lack of the necessary neurobiological technologies. But, as we are confident in "Russia-2045", it is just a matter of time. When it comes to the third stage, scientists studying the brain will achieve the results they need.
Finally, there is a fourth stage in the project roadmap. However, the details of "Avatar G" are currently represented by the scant characteristic "avatar-hologram". It is difficult to understand what exactly the authors of the project mean by these words. Nevertheless, under certain circumstances, after 60-70 years, even third-generation avatars may turn out to be an outdated technique.
Now "Avatar B" - only the second stage of the program - is more fantasy than a matter of the near future. However, this does not prevent the designers and programmers of Russia-2045 from continuing to work on the project. Several companies, including foreign ones, have already become interested in their plans. It should be noted that the developments on "Our Avatar" in the coming years can already be applied separately. Thus, the arms or legs of a robot, being equipped with a neuro-electrical interface, can be used as prostheses. As for the remotely controlled robot as a whole, according to the current plans of Itskov and his comrades, mass production will begin in 2020. The approximate cost of the complex, of course, has not yet been announced. Regarding the time of implementation of the next stages of the project, it remains only to make your own guesses. Moreover, in the part "Avatar B" or "Avatar C", assumptions may relate not only to the prospects or the price of the android, but also to the moral side of the matter. Who knows if Our Avatars will not bring to life S. Lem's story The Washing Tragedy?