In recent years, it has been repeatedly reported about the imminent revival of the domestic direction of ekranoplanes. It was argued that in the coming years, several new types of such equipment may appear at once, designed to solve different problems. Together with other models, a new combat ekranoplan armed with missiles of one type or another may appear. It is supposed to be used to protect the country's maritime borders, including in hard-to-reach areas. Very little is known about this project, but there is already an opportunity to form a definite picture.
The existence of another domestic ekranoplan project became known on July 30. Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov, who is responsible for the military-industrial complex, told the press about him. According to Yuri Borisov, the new State Armaments Program, designed for 2018-2027, includes experimental design work to create a promising ekranoplan. The project bears the working designation "Orlan". The program provides for the development of a project and the subsequent construction of a prototype.

Impact ekranoplan "Lun" during tests. Photo
Unlike other ekranoplanes, the development of which was announced in the recent past, "Orlan" will be a military vehicle. It is supposed to be equipped with missile weapons, the type of which, however, was not specified. The ekranoplan will be able to patrol, attack various targets or participate in rescue operations.
Yuri Borisov named the possible areas of work of the future "Orlan". He noted that the Russian infrastructure on the Northern Sea Route is not too developed and needs to be protected. A promising ekranoplan will be able to patrol in those areas and protect them from possible threats. In addition, the possibility of "Orlan" operation in the Black or Caspian Seas is not ruled out.
What organization was entrusted with the development of the "Orlan" - was not specified. There is every reason to believe that the project is being created at the Central Hydrofoil Design Bureau named after R. A. Alekseeva. It was this organization that was the first in our country to deal with the subject of ekranoplanes and created most of the projects. For several decades of work in this area, CDB for SEC has managed to accumulate solid experience that can be applied in modern projects.
The Taganrog Aviation Scientific and Technical Complex named after V. I. G. M. Beriev. Thus, the Be-2500 project envisages the construction of an ekranolit with a mass of about 2,500 tons. Such a device, according to calculations, could perform a high-speed flight at a minimum altitude and, if necessary, rise higher. The carrying capacity was determined at 1 thousand tons. The maximum flight range was declared at the level of 16 thousand km, which would make it possible to fly along the entire Northern Sea Route.
The officially announced data on the Orlan project are not yet distinguished by any particular detail, but they allow us to draw up a general picture. In addition, they make you remember one of the old projects of equipment for a similar purpose. Several decades ago, a combat ekranoplan with missile weapons was created in our country; this sample was called "Lun". There is reason to believe that the newest project "Orlan" will be somewhat similar to its predecessor, and their main differences will be associated with the use of modern technologies.
However, it is not at all necessary that the new "Orlan" will repeat the previous model, even in the most basic aspects. The experimental "Lun" was distinguished by its outstanding dimensions and weight, and in addition, it had to be equipped with eight engines at once. One of the reasons for this was the technical features of the onboard weapons system. The ekranoplan carried six launchers for Mosquito anti-ship missiles at once. These devices were located on the upper surface of the fuselage and were installed one after another. It is quite possible that a different arrangement of units and the use of smaller missiles can reduce the size and take-off weight of the vehicle without negatively affecting the speed and other characteristics.
Any information about the technical appearance and exterior of the new "Orlan" has not yet been announced. However, the statements of the Deputy Prime Minister and the known information about the previous domestic ekranoplanes may become the basis for some estimates. Most likely, the project will propose the construction of an apparatus that is as similar as possible to an aircraft, but has some characteristic features. The construction of a low wing wing with a low aspect ratio, equipped with several turbojet engines, is to be expected. The empennage should be built in a T-shaped pattern. To improve the technical and operational characteristics, modern materials and technologies should be used.

General view of the multipurpose ekranoplan A-080-752. Drawing of the Central Design Bureau for SPK them. Alekseeva /
Previous domestic ekranoplanes, including those with a large mass, could reach speeds of up to 450-500 km / h due to their powerful propulsion system. The promising Orlan may have similar characteristics. Some Soviet and Russian projects provided for the possibility of flight not only at minimum altitude using the ground effect, but also ascent with horizontal flight "like an airplane". It is not known whether a promising sample will receive such opportunities.
It is argued that Orlan will have to patrol the Northern Sea Route area and provide its protection from various threats. If we take into account the nature of the latter, then we can imagine what kind of weapons the ekranoplan will need. First of all, it needs high performance anti-ship missiles. In this capacity, existing products P-800 "Onyx" can be used. Also, the possibility of using the "Caliber" complex in the version for surface ships cannot be ruled out. With the help of such a complex, "Orlan" could attack ground or underwater targets.
Missiles "Onyx" and "Caliber" differ from the older "Mosquitoes" in smaller dimensions, but they remain rather large. However, in their case, layout issues remain quite complex. Experienced "Lun" carried launchers for six missiles on the roof of the fuselage, which not only gave it a characteristic appearance, but also deteriorated aerodynamics in a certain way. The optimal solution to the problem would be the placement of weapons inside the vehicle, without the use of large external units.
What missiles the Orlan will receive and how they will be placed on the car will become known later. Perhaps Russian designers are currently addressing this issue and have not yet determined the optimal layout option.
Of interest are the words of Yu. Borisov about the possibility of attracting an ekranoplan to search and rescue operations. This means that the car will have to have a cargo-passenger compartment of sufficient size, in which it will be possible to transport rescuers or the equipment necessary for them, as well as found and evacuated victims. Combining missiles and a bulk cargo compartment in one project may not be the easiest design task.
According to Yuri Borisov, the Russian infrastructure in the Arctic is not yet developed, and the "Orlans" will have to work there, covering the northern borders of the country. It can be assumed that ekranoplans will be able to show their full potential in the field of flight performance in this region. Equipment of this class can be operated only over flat surfaces: in the Far North it can be both the sea surface and ice fields.
Moreover, when working on pack ice, the ekranoplan gets rid of some difficulties. When flying over water, excitement has a noticeable effect on the screen effect and, accordingly, on the characteristics of the machine. Ice fields are more stable, which makes piloting easier.
It is easy to see that a promising ekranoplan is now seen as a kind of replacement for some aircraft. He will have to conduct patrols in remote areas and, if necessary, use missile weapons. This allows us to consider the "Orlan" as a kind of analogue of the existing long-range bombers of naval aviation, the tasks of which also consist in the search and destruction of dangerous surface or ground objects.
Due to a number of characteristic design features inherent in ekranoplanes, a promising model may have some advantages over traditional aircraft. At the same time, he will have to lose to them in other areas. For example, using a screen effect can increase the payload, but severely limits the maximum speed. In practice, this means that a bomber plane, carrying fewer weapons, can quickly reach the line of its use.
A characteristic advantage of ekranoplanes, which is of great interest in the context of their combat use, is their low visibility for enemy detection systems. Moving at a low altitude above the surface of the sea, land or ice, the vehicle can move covertly and enter the missile launch area without revealing itself. In addition, an ekranoplan can be a difficult target for air defense systems of enemy ships. This applies to both anti-aircraft missiles and carrier-based fighters.

Model of the Be-2500 seaplane-ekranolet. Photo Wikimedia Commons
However, one should not forget that ekranoplanes have several fundamentally unavoidable drawbacks. Some of them degrade performance and complicate operation, while others impose significant restrictions on the ways and methods of work. An ekranoplane of traditional design, which does not have the ability to climb to a significant height, needs the correct choice of a route, on which there should not be high objects or sharp changes in heights. In addition, it cannot perform deep turns, which seriously increases the turning radius and limits maneuverability.
You should also recall the administrative problem that the first domestic ekranoplanes had to face. In terms of design, this technique is similar to aircraft, but intended for use by the navy. This requires the involvement of both aircraft and shipbuilding industries, as well as related departments from both areas, which makes it difficult to carry out the necessary work.
According to official data, the Orlan project will be developed within the framework of the current State Arms Program, which will be in effect until 2027. It has not yet been specified when exactly the work should start, but it is clear that a ready-made sample of promising technology will appear no earlier than the mid-twenties. Taking into account the various tests, fine-tuning and the need for a rather complex preparation for serial production, it should be assumed that the operation of serial equipment - if it appears - will start only by the early thirties.
It can be assumed that by the time the Eagles begin service, the Russian infrastructure in the Arctic will have changed for the better and will be able to more effectively protect the northern borders of the country. However, their total length and, as a consequence, the area of responsibility of ekranoplanes will not be reduced by that time. Thus, despite the development of all other elements of defense in the Northern direction, the Russian army may also need fundamentally new models.
The state armaments program, designed for the period from 2018 to 2025, started just a few months ago. It provides for several new development work, including the design and construction of a promising ekranoplan with the Orlan code. It is quite possible that the Orlan project has not yet had time to start, but already now it attracts attention and is of great interest. Previous domestic projects of military ekranoplanes could not be called fully successful, and it remains to be hoped that a new development in this area will be able to change this state of affairs.