Against Fear and Fatigue: Stimulating the Brain of a Soldier

Against Fear and Fatigue: Stimulating the Brain of a Soldier
Against Fear and Fatigue: Stimulating the Brain of a Soldier
Against Fear and Fatigue: Stimulating the Soldier's Brain
Against Fear and Fatigue: Stimulating the Soldier's Brain

Human brain stimulation has recently been the subject of research by the defense agency DARPA. In the future, on the basis of these studies, it is planned to create a device, the use of which will ensure the minimization of the fear and fatigue of soldiers. This device, scientists believe, can be installed in a soldier's helmet and perform functions such as relieving stress, fatigue and pain.

An ultrasound machine for stimulating brain activity is planned to be installed in a helmet to regulate the functioning of a soldier's brain right on the battlefield

Now the method of brain stimulation finds its application in medicine. Due to the peculiarities of the implementation, many of these techniques cannot be applied in combat conditions. Some types of stimulation require the implantation of electrodes into nerve tissue, which is quite problematic on the battlefield. Exposure to electrodes is required when performing deep brain stimulation. Methods that are simpler from the point of view of implementation (for example, magnetic stimulation) have a small radius of action, which is unacceptable for the military.

The way out of this situation is the so-called ultrasonic impulse stimulation. The peculiarity of the method is that there is no need for surgical intervention. The impact on the brain occurs through the wall of the skull. In addition, neuromodulation has a fairly large range of action, while the effect is carried out on the subcortical systems of the brain.

Conventionally, the device has no special obstacles for the development of which there are no longer any, it can be called a state regulator, and after successful clinical trials, it may well be adopted. We can say that with its implementation, the combat capability of a soldier, and therefore of the entire army, will increase significantly. This effect will be due primarily to the ability to reduce pain without the use of specialized medications that can cause addiction. By the way, a significant part of the United States Army is already subject to this dependence. The device will allow, if not to get rid of, then significantly reduce various tumors, as well as solve many problems in the area of nerve tissues. Under the influence of the device, the mental and emotional state of the soldier will improve. In particular, the fighter will be less susceptible to panic, his vigilance and concentration during combat missions will always be at their best. With the help of the device, poor sleep and anxiety can be eliminated, which can serve as signs of severe stress and even mental disorder - modifying the psychophysical state of a fighter will be as easy to achieve as repairing a computer.

The capabilities of such a device look simply unrealistic. Relieving stress and instantly mobilizing the body's forces after a long rest or, conversely, hard work are the most attractive functions that will undoubtedly find their application in the army. After all, it is in the ranks of the armed forces that a person always needs a balanced state and concentration. These qualities will allow you to keep your life in a difficult situation. However, there are already concerns that in the future, using a similar device, it will be possible to create a group that poses a threat not only to the enemy, but also to the safety of the civilian population.
