LYNX: Walking softly, attacking hard

LYNX: Walking softly, attacking hard
LYNX: Walking softly, attacking hard
LYNX: Walking softly, attacking hard
LYNX: Walking softly, attacking hard

SOBR "Lynx" of the Special Operations Center of the Rapid Response and Aviation Forces (TsSN SR) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation provides force support to units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia during special operations to free hostages, detain armed and especially dangerous criminals, fight banditry and terrorism.

The special unit was founded in 1992 as a tactical operations department to solve special tasks in the fight against organized crime. From that moment, the combat chronicle of the special rapid reaction units (SOBR) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia began.

On February 10, 2012, the Lynx special rapid response unit turns 20 years old.

Near the room where the duty shift of the operational response department is located, an officer in a special forces uniform meets me, leads me along the corridors of the administrative building of the detachment. We go up the stairs, and a stele opens right before our eyes in memory of those who are forever enrolled in the lists of the detachment - Heroes of Russia, awarded the high rank posthumously. The heroes who died in the battles look from the bas-reliefs and photographs … The command and all members of the detachment sacredly keep the history of the Lynx, honor the memory of the veterans, the living and those who are no longer in the ranks.

On the second floor, I note a very impressive collection of various sports cups, diplomas and medals - all these are trophies won by the squadron's employees at various competitions, including international ones. The sports achievements of the Sobrovites are quite understandable, because only employees in excellent physical shape can effectively perform the entire range of operational and service and combat tasks that are constantly assigned to the detachment.


I am brought into the office of the deputy commander of the squadron, and I see on the closet an impressive collection of hats from a variety of special forces - from the purple beret of the Foreign Legion to the green Panama of Vietnamese commandos. Later, the owner of the office will tell me that all these are gifts from representatives of those structures with whom I had to meet at work or just in life. I notice a fresh issue of "Brothers" on the table. One of the officers in the office leafs through a magazine, finds a strip with a sniper's photograph, and a heated argument begins - whose unit? With a smile, they come to the general conclusion - from Lynx. In general, everything is in perfect order with a sense of humor, because a good mood helps to overcome physical and psychological overload.

Silence and order reign in the corridors of the detachment. Occasionally, fit men of athletic build and very calm pass by. Somewhere at the subconscious level, I almost intuitively understand that behind the outer calmness is hidden the readiness of everyone to perform any task. Lynx officers, like all regional SOBR officers, are people who are permanently ready for the most difficult tests, but such a state is achieved in the course of combat training and constant training: firing, special tactical, psychological and physical. As for physical training, there are two halls on the ground floor, perfectly equipped with strength training equipment, professional wrestling mat and boxing bags. I look into the halls and see the guys who are perfecting their skills in full. In "Lynx" there are many officers who are masters of sports in various types of martial arts and hand-to-hand combat.

In the basement of the building there is a shooting range equipped for conducting fire training classes. The officer accompanying me says that there are only two shooting galleries - in the second one is undergoing a major overhaul, it is being re-equipped in accordance with modern technologies.


After the shooting gallery I go to the dining room - a spacious, clean and bright room with massive wooden furniture. A varied menu and more than reasonable prices are good news. My attendant notes that all the amenities for employees are the result of purposeful and constant work.


On February 10, 1992, the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation made a decision to create a subdivision in the structure of the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime to provide power support to the operational staff of the Directorate. It all started with the 13th Department of Tactical Operations (OTO) - its personnel then totaled 9 people. The department gathered employees who were distinguished by excellent physical fitness, the highest level of education and who had rich experience in operational work. The first commander of the unit was Alexander Ivanovich Zyryanov, who had previously worked in Krasnoyarsk in the area of economic crimes. A real professional with flexible strategic thinking, able to make bold decisions, not afraid to take responsibility and always bringing what was started to a successful conclusion. The same officers were selected for the department.


Detachment officer Sergei K.:

“I always wanted to serve in the special forces, I liked it, it’s for me. And I got into this squad when I found out that a new unit was being created, phoned, came, passed all the necessary tests. This is probably like doing exercises in the morning. You get used to it and you can't imagine yourself without it"

Detachment officer Andrey M.:

“Let's remember the years when the division was created. This was the collapse of the state, and what was happening around was called then lawlessness. It was painful to look at what was happening in the country, and there would hardly be a person who would not be worried about everything that was happening. This time was doubly difficult for me. I served in the army, fought in Afghanistan. He left for the service from one country, and returned to another. Therefore, when I was offered to work in this unit, I had no doubts. I wanted to contribute to the fight against crime, I wanted to raise my country from its knees so that it would be a legal, strong state. So that people are not afraid to live in it!"

The department was created as an operational combat unit. Its employees not only provided force support, but also carried out the development themselves, infiltrated criminal groups, and monitored. The tactical operations department actively opposed the intelligence activities of the criminal communities, because all the special forces had experience in operational work. The crime situation in the country at that time was tense to the limit, and the creation of a special operational-combat unit was simply necessary. UTO officers were involved in all special operations. I had to work around the clock, practically did not appear at home, often spent the night right at work. People worked for the idea. They had no advantages, except for one - the first to go to arrest criminals.

The tactical operations department was involved in performing tasks in various regions of Russia: in the morning the officers could be in Moscow, and a few hours later they already "received" the bandits in one of the cities of Central Russia or the Urals. Until a certain time, the unit was quite secret; the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia did not disclose practically any information about it. Yes, the special forces themselves did not particularly strive to advertise themselves - the specifics of the work are as follows.

In 1993, the tactical operations department was reorganized into a special rapid response department of the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime - (SOBR GUBOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia). It was he who actually served as the prototype of all regional SOBR. Since 1993, they began to be created in various constituent entities of Russia and joined the first SOBR, which mercilessly waged a cruel war with rampant crime.

Nevertheless, in 2002, the idea of abolishing the departments for combating organized crime came to the minds of some "leaders" with access to the top. SOBR was reformed, a new stage in its history began in the service of the criminal police: as a special police unit (OMSN SKM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia). In 2004, by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the name of the Lynx detachment was approved. The detachment received its own name thanks to Vladimir Nikolayevich Naumenko, who commanded it at that time, who put forward the idea to designate in this way a special-purpose unit directly subordinate to the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The name was not chosen by chance: the lynx approaches gently, attacks hard and leaves quickly. The new name was approved at the general meeting of the officers of the detachment.


2011 brought new reforms and new changes. The detachment became part of the Special Forces Center of the Rapid Reaction Forces and Aviation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The command managed to maintain its numbers, the detachment went through the reform stage without losses. At the end of the same year, special forces units of the internal affairs bodies (OSN) were reorganized into special rapid reaction units - SOBR returned! According to the officers, this is the most important milestone in the history of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, because SOBR is not just a status, abbreviation, abbreviation, but a kind of quality mark, a brand won by sweat and blood.

There are several people in the "Lynx" squadron who have been working since the first day of its creation. Among them is the current commander of the unit, Vladislav Alexandrovich Ershov. There are participants in the hostilities. The invaluable experience of veterans is very necessary both in combat work and in training young recruits.

Combat path of the squad

The main tasks of SOBR "Lynx" are the fight against organized crime, extremist groups and illegal armed groups, force support of operational units of law enforcement agencies. First, there was a fight against unbelievable criminal groups. The commandos worked extremely hard. Everyone understood that the bandits needed to be put in their place and to show them that retribution for their crimes was inevitable. Sobrovtsy were feared like the plague - there were legends about harsh detentions in criminal circles.


A little later, in 1993, officers of the SOBR went for baptism of fire to the zone of the Ossetian-Ingush conflict. There would have been much more casualties if it were not for the clear, well-coordinated work of the SOBR officers and the internal troops, who have become a living barrier between the opposing sides.

In 1994, the southern region of the Russian Federation was swept by a wave of hostage-taking. The Sobrovtsy were at the forefront here too: they freed the hostages in the town of Mineralnye Vody and in the town of Makhachkala.

The detachment's employees took a direct part in the New Year's assault on the city of Grozny, in 1995 - in a special operation in the city of Budennovsk, captured by Shamil Basayev's militants.

The participant of the operation tells:

“I remember how the militants put women with babies in the windows and, pushing machine guns between the defenseless bodies of the hostages, poured fire on the commandos. Before our eyes, in a matter of moments, like a match, the BMP in which the ammunition was transported burned down. They managed to get out of the car only a young soldier and some major, who died in our arms. This, of course, is unlikely to ever be forgotten."


1995 brought the first losses to the detachment. On December 20, a SOBR group, together with subdivisions of internal troops and army units, attempted to break through the ring of Dudayev's formations that surrounded Gudermes. Major Lastochkin was wounded during the battle. But he did not leave the battlefield and continued to direct the actions of his subordinates. On December 25, police major Vladimir Evgenievich Lastochkin died in the hospital without regaining consciousness. The officer was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

In 1996, the SOBR forces, together with the Vega detachment (as the Vympel was called after it was transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs), Vityaz, units of the 22nd separate special-purpose brigade of the GRU General Staff and Alpha, are used during the special operation to liberate the city of Kizlyar and s. May Day from the bandits of Salman Raduev. It was during the assault with. Pervomaiskoye detachment, marching in the first line of the assault, again suffered irreparable losses: the commander of the detachment, lieutenant colonel of militia Andrei Vladimirovich Krestyaninov, died heroically. Lieutenant Colonel A. V. Krestyaninov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

In the late 90s - early 2000s, the detachment takes an active part in hostilities as part of the second Chechen campaign. At the end of hostilities, the SOBR was tasked with confiscating weapons, ammunition, explosives, drugs, and vehicles from criminals.

In 2002, the officers of the detachment took part in a special operation at the Theater Center on Dubrovka in Moscow, when the militants took several hundred hostages during the performance of the now infamous musical "Nord-Ost". After the assault, the Sobrovtsy together with their battle brothers from "Alpha" and "Vympel" carried the insensible bodies of the hostages in their arms. On that day, commandos saved dozens of lives.

Since the mid-2000s, the detachment's officers have been performing tasks in Dagestan and Ingushetia: they detain active members of illegal armed groups, identify and neutralize extremists who went underground after the end of active hostilities.

In 2009, losses again. On July 2, in the Ingush village of Kantyshevo, during a special operation to eliminate members of illegal armed groups, police captain Oleg Grigorievich Malochuev is killed. Covering the personnel of the assault group with a shield, the officer was the first to take over the bandits' fire. Malochuev received a penetrating gunshot wound, but did not come out of the battle, opened return fire, continuing to cover the actions of his comrades. As a result of the clash, the militant was destroyed. The commando died from his wounds on the way to the hospital. He was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

All the dead officers are forever enlisted in the lists of the detachment's employees.


January 16 in the "Lynx" detachment - Memorial Day. Every year on this day, special forces gather at the Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye cemetery to honor the memory of their dead comrades. Honored veterans and still very young employees of the unit are in the same ranks.

At present, SOBR "Lynx" continues to fulfill the assigned tasks both in the central regions of Russia and in the North Caucasus. If necessary, the officers of the detachments can be delivered to the emergency area as soon as possible. The mobility of the detachment is the highest. For the redeployment of personnel, SOBR has access to all the necessary means of transportation, including aviation. The TsSN SR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has at its disposal helicopters and small planes, always ready to transfer a SOBR group to any part of the country. In special cases, the aviation of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is involved.

Sobrovtsy are constantly involved in the performance of operational combat missions. But times change, and with them the nature of the tasks performed and the criminals themselves change. Now these are no longer "brothers" from the 90s, today they are increasingly sitting in offices or bureaucratic offices. But behind the external respectability lies a mortal danger for citizens and society. And there is no less work. Sometimes there are several trips a day.

The nature of the detachment's work when performing tasks in the North Caucasus has changed. The special forces are conducting analytical work, studying all the nuances associated with the tactics of the actions of modern criminal organizations and illegal armed groups. In general, service in the Lynx SOBR presupposes constant self-improvement, professional growth, flexibility of thinking, the ability to understand the situation and adequately respond to changed conditions, because the special forces do not work according to a template. Each special operation is unique. Special forces are creative people, therefore, when performing tasks, they often use non-standard solutions that can lead to success. The detachment is constantly working on collecting, generalizing and analyzing various information regarding the conduct of special operations both by various special services inside the country and by foreign colleagues. This is what helped in 2008 to carry out the most difficult multi-step combination, during which the daughter of an employee of one of the embassies located in Moscow was released. At the same time, the forces and means of the operational services and the aviation detachment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia were involved.

Each operation is calculated with mathematical precision. The ability to predict the development of a situation and conduct a competent analysis allows solving all tasks with a high degree of reliability, minimizing the risk to life.


In addition to operational and combat tasks, SOBR officers, by decision of the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, are involved in ensuring security at especially important events. For example, commandos worked at the G8 summit in St. Petersburg, and also took part in events related to ensuring security during the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan.

To be a SOBR member …

At all times in Russia and in Russia there were "servants of the sovereign", people who put the interests of the country at the forefront, not caring about themselves. In our time, these include officers of the SOBR. Sobrovets is not just a profession … It is much more: a special character, vocation, philosophy, destiny, moral responsibility. And even though work in SOBR is associated with an increased risk, and death always walks somewhere near these brave guys, they are ready to help.

Detachment officer says:

“There is a risk, of course, but we are men! This is a normal man's job, it is worthy of a man! Only fools are not afraid. But I can’t say that I’m scared. There is a sense of danger. But we are professionals. Fear is when your hands are shaking and you are lost. And a professional is distinguished by the fact that when a person is scared, he, on the contrary, concentrates, gets together and does everything competently, correctly and professionally in order to minimize this danger and complete the task."


Sobrovtsy are unique. There are only a few such people. In the Lynx unit, as in the regional units, higher education is one of the prerequisites for recruiting. Many have behind them - study in the prestigious educational institutions of the country. For example, today in "Lynx" the chief of staff is a graduate of the Academy of the General Staff of the Ministry of Defense, there are officers who graduated from the Russian Academy of Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation, and some have PhD degrees.

SOBR includes people who are psychologically stable, not subject to breakdowns, doubts, and able to take responsibility for making difficult decisions. In a matter of seconds, you need to analyze the situation around you, consider all the options for solving the problem, choose the only correct one and be sure to complete the task. And if to complete the task it is necessary to destroy the criminal, he will be destroyed.

Increased requirements are imposed on employees: perfect health, stable psyche, high intelligence, excellent physical fitness. As for the latter, its role cannot be overestimated.

A candidate for service in the squadron must pass physical tests. The final test is full-contact sparring according to the rules of hand-to-hand combat, very similar to the one conducted by the special forces of the internal troops when they pass the exam for the right to wear a maroon beret. The subject must withstand 4 rounds with the current members of the detachment - three minutes with each.

Another condition for admission to the detachment is that the candidate must be recommended by one of the current Lynx employees. After being recruited, the newcomer undergoes an internship.

Almost all of the squadron's officers have combat experience. The head of one of the operational-combat departments in the past commanded a regimental reconnaissance, the head of another department served as deputy commander for special operations in the special forces unit "Rus" of the internal troops, which, unfortunately, was disbanded in 2008. The current officer of the Lynx detachment, deputy commander of the detachment, Hero of Russia, was the commander of the Vostok grouping formed to storm Grozny during the second Chechen campaign.


The training of employees is inextricably linked with the performance of operational combat missions. Each department takes over the service for a day. If there are no calls, then the employees are engaged in a combat training plan. There is an established schedule of classes, according to which instructors are engaged with employees in their areas. The training of the "Lynx" employee includes possession of different types of firearms and cold weapons, hand-to-hand combat, parachute training, mountain training (mountaineering, rock climbing), work underwater with various equipment, psychological training.

The detachment also has its own methods of training specialists.

"Lynx" has established contact with the Belarusian special unit for combating terrorism "Almaz". Joint tactical and special exercises are regularly held. Colleagues from Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan come to SOBR "Lynx" to study. Recently, the Ukrainian subdivisions "Sokol" and "Berkut" have asked to share their experience. On the basis of the "Lynx" detachment, seminars are held for employees of special-purpose units that are part of the CSTO CRRF. The detachment officers take part in various seminars to exchange experience with colleagues from domestic and foreign divisions. In addition to trips to the near abroad, the special forces regularly travel to exchange special forces in France, Austria, Germany. The French have an excellent technical component. In Europe, Sobrovites had the opportunity to train in a shooting range, where shooting can be carried out in almost any direction. The famous "killhouse" made an impression as well, allowing to practice practically any assault operations. The detachment command plans to build something similar at home.

The special forces received at their base representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Bahrain, Palestine, Israel. During the period when the Lynx SOBR was entrusted with the tasks of protecting especially important persons, the director of the US FBI was visiting the special forces.

In addition to the main one, there are in-depth programs of specialized specialists: high-altitude workers, snipers, sappers, drivers, combat swimmers, negotiators.

The sniper squad, in conditions as close as possible to combat, fulfills the tasks that it has to face. The "Lynx" snipers have unique shots. In special tactical exercises, the shooter successfully hit a simulated terrorist while in a helicopter hovering in the air.

Lynx divers have permission to carry out engineering work using explosives. To carry out their activities, they have a full set of equipment and special underwater weapons. Fighting swimmers "Lynx" were actively used to ensure security during mass events, for example, the celebration of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg. The unit's employees patrolled the water areas together with colleagues from the FSO and the FSB. In addition, divers are involved in operational search activities, such as searching for weapons and evidence thrown into the water.

Absolutely all members of the detachment undergo high-altitude training.

A field exit of the detachment's personnel is carried out at least twice a year. Usually, for these purposes, the training centers of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or the Ministry of Defense are used.


The detachment also has its own professional psychologist, who is also a negotiator. Despite the seeming "peacefulness" of the profession, the psychologist at Lynx is a combat officer with extensive experience of participation in hostilities.

A wide range of issues is studied in the tactical and special training classes, from individual training of an employee to the actions of a combat group in various situations.

Detachment officer says:

“There is only one specificity of work in residential premises, for example, in an apartment. Public transport is different. And sometimes the situation changes right before our eyes. For example, sometimes you go into an apartment. According to the information there are 2 criminals, but in practice there are 8 of them. And you have to react to the situation, change tactics, make decisions and take appropriate actions. The bus is seen better, and here the issues of speed and penetration technique come to the fore. But if, for example, hostages are taken on a bus, then again the tactics will be completely different. It is already necessary to attract other forces and means, negotiators will work, but in this case, too, one must be ready for an assault. It is necessary to be constantly ready to perform any task in any conditions. Therefore, we simulate these situations and, considering them from all sides, we repeatedly work out all the options for solving the assigned tasks. In the process of such training, the fighting team is coordinated, a feeling of a team appears, people learn to understand each other literally without words"


The officers of the detachment are constantly working, studying the latest samples of domestic and foreign production. The market is monitored for the most advanced technologies in those areas that are of interest to special forces and their equipment. On the basis of the detachment, the developed models are tested, the Lynx specialists take part in research work, prepare conclusions and recommendations on the tested samples.

The detachment is armed with unique samples of special and silent weapons, such as the VSS and AS, SR-3 M systems, underwater submachine guns and pistols - SPP-1 m and APS.

In the near future, it is planned to change the line of long-barreled automatic weapons to the AK 100 series (7, 62 mm). In addition, there are samples of imported weapons, for example, Glock pistols, sniper rifles, as well as the recently widely used accessory - CornerShot for firing from behind cover.

All members of the detachment work in heavy body armor and titanium armored helmets "Lynx-T", which provide the maximum level of protection from bullet wounds. Armor shields are also used, equipped with additional protection and powerful built-in lighting. Almost all equipment supplied to the detachment undergoes additional adjustment for each employee. Modifications are recorded, taken into account and sent to the equipment manufacturer as a technical assignment for the introduction of certain improvements. Some items of equipment, such as, for example, body armor, are sometimes made for a specific employee - an individual order! According to the recommendations of the Sobrovtsy, new samples of equipment and uniforms for special purpose units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were patented and put into mass production.

The detachment regularly receives new samples of weapons, ammunition and equipment for testing. At the moment, "Lynx" is taking part in the development of a machine gun designed for combat in urban environments. In the future, this weapon will provide a high density of fire, but at the same time it will be compact enough to be able to fight in a continuous building environment.

Development is underway for tuning domestic-made weapons. Many domestic firms take part in them, among them - the company "Zenith". Some of the Lynx officers are officially part of the acceptance commissions. In addition to weapons and equipment, the squadron also has such high-tech devices as reconnaissance robots, and together with colleagues from the special-purpose aviation squadron, the Sobrovtsy are using the latest achievements of unmanned aviation with might and main in their work.


Often, employees also work with the helicopter unit. Basically, the services of rotary-wing vehicles are resorted to during combat missions to the North Caucasus, where the equipment ensures the delivery of the group to hard-to-reach areas. The commandos speak very highly of the work of their "heavenly" colleagues. For example, during an exercise in Armenia, the Russians completed the difficult task of piloting a helicopter in a remote mountainous area, while the owners refused to fly there at all.

Domestic armored vehicles "Tiger" and foreign samples of armored minibuses are used to move around the city.

The building in which "Lynx" is now deployed was built specifically for the detachment - it is perfectly equipped and equipped. Plans for the future include the construction of a tactical camp on the territory of the base, similar to those that exist in special forces training centers. It is also planned to place a helipad. This will increase the mobility of the unit.

Exercises, competitions

SOBR "Lynx" constantly takes part in various competitions and exercises. For two years in a row, the officers of the detachment took part in competitions held by the TsSN of the FSB of Russia.

In 2011, the command of "Lynx" made a decision to hold competitions timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the formation of the detachment. More than 20 teams from various law enforcement agencies came to take part in the competition: the Central Security Service of the FSB of Russia, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Federal Drug Control Service, the Ministry of Defense. The Lynx officers themselves took an active part - the detachment fielded 4 teams. The competition turned out to be very large, took place in several days and included the development of a variety of tasks. When developing assignments, they took a lot from combat experience. Some stages were developed with the help and theoretical support of instructors from the IPSC Practical Shooting Federation. The tasks were very diverse: working in a building, in a narrow space, in transport, night shooting, freeing hostages and much more.

It has now been decided that such competitions will be held regularly - once every two years and will be dedicated to the memory of the officer of the Lynx detachment, Hero of the Russian Federation, Oleg Malochuev.
