The history of Khazaria is one of the most mysterious pages of history in general, but it is precisely by understanding the reasons that prompted Svyatoslav to uproot this formation so cruelly and mercilessly from our borders, that one can understand the subsequent general course of Russian history. We need to start quite from afar - from the 7th century Khorezm, when it was not even Muslim, and its inhabitants were fire worshipers, professing Zoroastrianism, like the Persians.
At the end of the century, a civil war was going on in Khorezm, a relative of the Khorezmshah by his father and the grandson of the head of the community of Rakhdonites (Jewish usurers and merchants) by his mother, Khurzad, revolted in order to seize power. It was supported by the power of the Rakhdonites and Mazdakid sectarians (their banner was a blood-red banner with a five-pointed star). This heresy was very similar to much later Marxism, it argued that all people are equal before God and, accordingly, all people should be equal on earth, therefore it is necessary to redistribute property in favor of the disadvantaged. In words, everything seems to be fine, but in reality, but in alliance with the Rakhdonites, it turned out very disgusting - in the captured cities there was a merciless terror, crowds of rebels massacred both the right and the guilty, while the houses of the usurers and slave traders of the Rakhdonites were not touched. On the contrary, amid the general devastation and massacre, they literally grew rich before our very eyes.
As a result, the entire Khorezm rose: from noble warriors to ordinary peasants, the rebels were not spared, the terror gave rise to a reciprocal terror. Naturally, they were the first to figure out what it smelled like, the Rakhdonites, caravans with looted goods crossed the western border and came to where there were already well-established connections - to the Lower Volga, the North Caucasus. Naturally, wealthy merchants were greeted with joy - the power of Khazaria increased, Jewish girls became the wives of tribal princes (the so-called "institution of wives" in this organization, which was similar in its methods to the mafia, was perfectly worked out), merchants entered the country's elite. So, the military leader of the Khazars (who were a people of mixed origin - in his roots were the Slavs, Turks, the peoples of the Caucasus) Bulan converted to Judaism and married Serakh, the daughter of an elder of the Rakhdonites. His son, Ras Tarkhan, did the same, the grandson already bore the name of the Jews - Obadiya. Centuries later, Kagan-bek Joseph, a descendant of Ras Tarkhan and Obadiya, wrote to his co-religionist in Spain: "Obadiya renewed the kingdom and strengthened the faith in accordance with the law and rule."
Byzantine, Armenian sources and archeological data allow us to understand how Obadia "renewed" Khazaria. A civil war broke out in Khazaria: the old pagan elite opposed the new elite, they did not like the order that was established in the country. Apparently, the pretext was the Old Testament hatred of the Rakhdonites and their "Khazar" grandchildren to paganism - sacred groves were cut down, altars and sanctuaries were destroyed. The war was not for life, but for death, its intensity is evidenced by the fact that Obadiah lost his son Hezekiah, grandson Manasseh in it, so the throne had to be transferred to his brother - Chanukah.
The rebels were doomed, they did not possess all the secret technique of skillful intrigues, for them the oath was a matter of honor, they did not know that for the newcomers to deceive a pagan means to please their god, and, most importantly, they did not know what total war was. For them, the “new Khazars” were nevertheless their own, albeit inferior compatriots. The limit of cruelty in the steppe war was to destroy all adult men, children and women went to the victors. They did not know that the Old Testament prophets of the Jews told them: "kill all male children and all women …"; and in the cities of the peoples that the Lord gives into possession, "do not leave a single soul alive," and they commanded to destroy even all living creatures - oxen, sheep, etc. Such horrors humanity experienced in the relatively recent past when Hitler replaced the "chosen one" the people of the Jews on the Germans, and the Japanese ideology worked in the same vein - as a result, tens of millions of corpses, from Europe to China and the Philippines.
The cities captured by Obadia's troops were carved out clean, after a thousand years archaeologists will unearth piles of bones in them - the Right-Bank Tsimlyansk and Semikarakorskoe settlements. Solid bones, everywhere - on the streets, in houses, in yards, men, women, children, old people. That is, Obadiya “renewed” the kingdom in a very peculiar way, according to the covenant of the ancestors: “And you will destroy all the nations that the Lord your God gives you; may your eye not spare them. " The new elite of Khazaria carried out its terror with the help of a new army, it is clear that the Khazars would not have gone to such an atrocity - to completely cut out their fellow tribesmen. A completely mercenary army was created, which lived on a salary, a rare phenomenon in that era, usually the army was collected from the squads of the nobility and plus the people's militia. They were strangers in Khazaria, many were Arabs, for them pagans were also "subhuman".
Khazaria was seized with horror, the majority bowed their heads before the new government, part of the clans fled - to Bulgaria, to the Hungarians, to Russia. A terrible fate awaited the Slavic tribes that were part of Khazaria, because they were pagans. After the "renewal" the Slavs are mentioned in Khazaria much less often, apparently, their number was greatly reduced, and their status fell to the position of slaves. So, out of 9 supreme judges of Khazaria, only one judge dealt with the affairs of the pagans, including the Slavs, a small Jewish community - 3 judges, Muslims - 3, 2 - Christians. The action of the northerners, led by Prince Lutover, was brutally suppressed.
A regime of existence of a “state within a state” took shape: the Jewish elite (“white Khazars”) lived in “elite villages”, protected by fortress walls, and “black Khazars” (the rest of the population) were even forbidden to enter there, on pain of death. In modern terms, this is the apartheid regime.
It is clear that such a “neighbor” for the Russians was a real “miracle-yud”, a “serpent” that should not be given mercy. It was a state literally standing on the bones of thousands of innocent victims, which sold many thousands of our ancestors to the southern countries. Therefore, where the squads of Svyatoslav marched, in the words of Ibn Haukal, "if there is anything left, only a leaf on the vine." We are left with only a cruel image of enemy blood in the epic "Fyodor Tyryanin":
Parted Mother Cheese Earth
As on all four sides
She devoured the Jewish blood into herself, Zhidovskaya, basurmanskaya, King of the Jews.