The TOPWAR website constantly talks about various types of weapons and … PR or "public relations" is one of them and, by the way, very effective. Today we will continue our story about public opinion management technologies and talk about the so-called "special event". For example, it is quite clear that, when organizing a PR campaign, a public relations specialist must, first of all, not forget that the news "sucked from the finger" is worth little, and false information is worth nothing. But information based on a "special event" is already something.
It is clear that in order to be memorable, it must meet a number of requirements. So:
- such events are planned and organized in advance and reported in advance by the media;
- such an event should have a positive character, say, for the company; and meet the interests of the selected target audiences;
- an event should be impressive, people need to expect it, and then retell it and be eager for it to happen again (the release of adrenaline into the blood and the hormone pleasure in the brain!);
- the event, of course, must have a plot, intrigue and be entertaining;
- opinion leaders necessarily participate in it;
- access to it should be easy, especially through the media;
- you should remember the rule of "circles on the water": one "made" event already generates other similar events that occur spontaneously.
Accordingly, your information about certain events, as well as the materials of your articles published in the press, should be interesting and as positive as possible. However, IT'S VERY DIFFICULT EVERY TIME, especially when you don't have a COMMON TARGET POSITION. It should not be forgotten that through the same media people periodically receive truly colossal amounts of information about the lack of natural resources, in particular about the fact that oil is running out, then about "star wars" that are supposedly about to begin on our planet, then about the terrifying "neutron weapons", "missiles in Poland" and so on. Moreover, people who are not familiar with data from professional publications most often perceive all this as a fait accompli and become easy prey for those who know well that frightened people are the easiest to manage!

The reptilian in the background!
So many "scarecrows" have been invented for people today that, in principle, any one is suitable, as long as it was said about it in the media. These can be myths of both our domestic and foreign history, politics, economics - whoever likes what. However, there is simply no better topic than "conspiracy theory" (given the nature of our people)! This topic in our media today is far from the main one, however, like a "Trojan computer virus", it is included in a large number of other topics and is closely related to them. That's why you should definitely use it! Its essence, for the everyday consciousness, is that there is a certain world conspiracy of evil forces that, in addition to legitimate governments, control the life of states and peoples. For some, this is a "Jewish-Masonic conspiracy": "Jewish-Masons sat on the Russians' necks and drink all the juices from them"; for others it is a "conspiracy of Satanists who have sworn to destroy the Orthodox faith", while others believe in UFOs, aliens from outer space who have assumed our appearance and live next to us, and other devilry that has existed for centuries.
Meanwhile, like every phenomenon in our life, the "conspiracy theory" has its beginning, it has its own "creators" and even its own history, hidden, however, from the majority of our citizens, as, incidentally, everything else is hidden from them., because for them "fables" are quite enough. For the first time this term ("conspiracy theory") appeared in the 1920s. XX century in the economic literature, and acquired its modern significance only in the mid-60s. of the past century. In the famous "Oxford Dictionary of the English Language", this term got into only in 1997. Exactly two years later, namely in 1999, the English football player, reporter, TV communicator, and also a member of the Green Party David Icke published the book "The greatest secret: Book, which will change the world”, and in it he told what exactly our civilization really is.
According to Hayk, the world is ruled by aliens from the Draco constellation (of course, reptilians, that is, lizards, you could not imagine more vile), and they have their own secret society on Earth, called the "Babylonian Brotherhood". They are, according to Icke, erect and can easily take the form of humans. According to Ike, most modern world leaders are actually lizards: both Bush, the same Hillary Clinton, Tomy Blair, of course all the Rothschilds and, of course, the Rockefellers, and for some reason most of the musicians playing country music.
This alone can be regarded as a real gift to all PR specialists in the field of politics, because according to Hayk's point of view, other politicians, friends of Bush, like him, who are not tall, are most likely also aliens from outer space. After all, an alien cannot have friends who are not aliens ?! In addition, their physical characteristics can always be explained by the fact that their transformation into an earthling was not very successful for them. But since the aliens are friends with the aliens, then all their actions … are aimed at the detriment of humanity! It is clear that a public relations specialist cannot argue all this. But why not express this point of view in a popular magazine with a circulation of 1 million 500 thousand people or on an Internet portal with an audience of eight million (and there are some!) not translated, which can also be explained by the malicious activities of the extraterrestrial civilization of lizard people.
The consequence of such information management may well be a rumor (there has already been an article about rumors on VO!), The dissemination of which to a certain extent will only increase the irrationality of public consciousness and, again, will help a PR specialist to manage it!
The theory of the world Jewish conspiracy has its own creator, which for some reason is especially exciting for our Russian philistine. And it so happened that in 1868 Hermann Gödsche, an employee of the German postal service, decided to write an adventure novel. He took himself an elegant and sonorous pseudonym - Sir John Ratcliffe, and published the novel "Biarritz". And in this novel there was a chapter "Night at the Jewish cemetery in Prague", in which the author described a ritual that allegedly occurs once in a hundred years, when representatives of the 12 tribes of Israel meet at the sacred tomb of Rabbi Simeon Ben Yehuda in the cemetery in Prague, and there brag about their achievements to each other. In other words, they are doing the same thing that the evil wizards in Gauf's fairy tale "Caliph the Stork" did in some ruins: who stole how much gold, who, how and where controls the workers and the press of different countries. Accordingly, here they also discuss their plans for the future, the purpose of which is, first of all, the penetration into the power structures, the widespread incitement of revolutions and the discrediting of Christianity.
Gödsche wrote his novel as an adventure-adventure and, of course, could not even imagine that eight years later an excerpt from his novel entitled “The Rabbi's Speech” would be published in a separate brochure in Russia, like the speech of the chief Jewish rabbi allegedly overheard by the British diplomat John Ratcliffe!
However, this transformation is not as impressive as what happened afterwards. And it so happened that in 1909 the writer Jean de la Hire in 62 issues of the weekly Parisian newspaper "Le Matin" published the novel "Giktaner and Moisetga" with the subtitle: "The Man Who Could Live in the Water." In it, a certain disgusting Jesuit Fulbert wants to become the ruler of the world. He finds the surgeon Oxus, who implants the boy Giktaner … the gills of a young shark - a plot we all know well from the novel by Alexander Belyaev "The Amphibian Man". Fulbert instills in him a hatred of people and teaches the unfortunate young man to drown entire squadrons in the oceans. The whole world is in a panic, but here the beautiful Moisetta comes to the aid of humanity, with whom, of course, Giktaner is in love. She forces the young man to abandon his terrible intentions, instilled in him by the villain Fulbert. At the end of Giktaner's novel, the forces of law and order are taken to Paris, where the luminaries of medicine remove the shark's gills from him and revive him to normal human life. Such novels are not uncommon today, and even at the beginning of the 20th century. Jean de la Ira's novel was not particularly outstanding. But here in Russia in 1905 the Black-Hundred newspaper "Zemshchina" began to appear. It had a literary page (it was fashionable then!) And it was in it that the translation of this novel in Russian was published, and so free that the editors changed not only its name (now it began to be called "The Fish Man"), but also characters: the villain Fulbert turned into a certain Jew who headed the Council of Jewish Dominion, and he, too, was preparing to take over the whole world. Thus, anti-Semitism in Russia was implanted even in such, albeit very amusing, ways.
By the way, it is obvious that it was from Zemstvo that Aleksandr Belyaev took the idea of his work, The Amphibian Man, published in 1929. But since at that time the topic of Jesuits and Jews was irrelevant, he placed an ordinary Catholic cleric in it as a negative hero, and so he calmed down.
It is interesting that literally following, in 1911, Vera Kryzhanovskaya, one of the first women writers of the fantastic genre in Russia, published the novel Death of the Planet. In it, the Satanic Jews go so far that they decide to destroy the entire planet, but the forces of good come to the aid of … the Himalayan magician Supramati, who defeats the Jewish Satanist Shelom Yezodot. It is clear that people understood that “a novel is a novel,” but … this is how the mood in society was created. So the novel is just, yeah, yeah, you guessed it right - it's a "special event."
Interestingly, already in our Soviet era, Freemasons were again mentioned in the science fiction novel by E. Voiskunsky and I. Lukodyanov, "The Mekong Crew," but in their novel Ur, Son of Sham, the villains were Seventh-day Adventists - sectarians, believers in the second coming of Christ.
But the most grateful topic for maintaining the appropriate mood in society is various secret societies. We have already reported about the secret society of reptilians, but people also have them.
There are actually three such societies in the world today.
Bilderberg Club (founded 1954)
Its founder is Prince Bernard of the Netherlands. The goal is to strengthen the societies of the United States and Europe in the fight against the threat of communism. Once a year, members of the club meet at a closed meeting, the location of which, however, is not a secret. So, in May 2007, the club meeting was held in Istanbul. But for some reason there is no permanent membership in this club. Each year, his committee invites no more than a hundred people to a regular meeting, and they all commit themselves to keeping everything they hear secret. Horror! Members of this club at different times were and are: Margaret Thatcher, Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Angela Merkel, Romane Prodi, Henry Kissinger, Donald Rumsfeld.
Trilateral Commission (founded 1973)
It was founded by banker David Rockefeller and professor Zbigniew Brzezinski. It began with the fact that in 1972. Rockefeller and Brzezinski selected 200 Commissioners around the world: a third of North Americans, a third of Europeans, and a third of Japanese. The Commission is considered a private and informal organization. Today it consists of about 500 people. The members of the club are: George W. Bush (Sr.), Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Sergey Karaganov. The members of this Commission received positions in governments in their countries, but while they are engaged in public service, they do not participate in the meetings of the organization.
Bohemian Grove (founded in 1872)
It was founded by students of the University of California.
Since 1899, the meetings of this organization have been held in the Bohemian Grove - a relict forest more than 1500 years old. To be eligible to join this club, you have to wait 15 to 20 years. Life during these meetings in the Grove is organized according to the principles of a scout camp. In the middle of its territory is a huge concrete owl: this is the official emblem of the club. In the clearing in front of the owl, various rituals are performed, including imaginary sacrifices, during which members of the club dressed in robes with hoods burn the Doll of Care at the stake (that is, they arrange something like our Shrovetide). In this way, they are eliminated from these very worries. The motto of the club is the following maxim: "May spiders not be here, weaving a web." Club members: Colin Powell, Francis Ford Coppola, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Clint Eastwood.
Of course, there is nothing easier than to ascribe to all these societies the most terrible designs and plans in relation to the same Russia, and thereby further strengthen the "image of the enemy" among our Russian inhabitants. You just need to make a documentary about all these three societies (and, of course, choose the appropriate music for it, for example, from the films "The Green Monster" and "Fantomas"!), And it should be shown on the eve of the 2018 presidential elections, which is any doubt it will improve the turnout in elections of those who are most afraid of the "world behind the scenes" (this type of people is called "security men"), and we have a lot of them!
The mythologization of our, and not only ours, but any other modern society today is such that even the large state seal of the United States, which we see on a one-dollar bill, attracts the attention of conspiracy theorists who see in it a number of secret signs. In particular, they argue that if you inscribe the pyramid depicted on it in a circle, and then draw a six-pointed star on its basis, then the ends of its rays will point to the letters MASON and this, in their opinion, indicates to whom exactly all the gold of the federal treasury. Likewise, there is an American site (translation of the name into Russian - "forbidden knowledge"), the authors of which meticulously collect all the photographs of President Bush, where he shows an ancient satanic greeting - the sign of a horned owl. Therefore, he belongs to the order of the Satanists! So, the statements of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez about the connection between George W. Bush and the devil, who were not born spontaneously and far from empty space, are being discussed in every possible way. But ordinary people, of course, really like this explanation of their own troubles!
In 2006, Hassan Bolhari, an advisor to the Iranian Ministry of Education, declared Tom and Jerry to be part of a well-thought-out global Jewish conspiracy during a televised speech: “The cartoon was filmed by Hollywood Jews in order to change the attitude towards mice, in the form of which the Nazis often portrayed themselves … No nation acts as secretly as the Jews. " Bolhari stated that Jerry the mouse has clear Semitic roots. “She's very resourceful. She kicks the poor cat in the ass. However, despite this atrocity, you do not look at the mouse with contempt. She looks attractive and very smart! " That is, if Jerry looks smart, then his Jewish origin is evident!
The most famous conspiracy theories a few years ago, there were 20, although today there are many more. But you can get by with this amount … In particular, conspiracy theorists talk about the following secret events that allegedly took place in our modern history.
1. John F. Kennedy was killed by his own driver.
2. On May 22, 1962, the Americans landed on … Mars.
3. The UN was actually created by the Luciferians to enslave our world.
4. NASA carefully hides the planet Nibiru from all earthlings, the orbit of which passes beyond the orbit of Pluto.
5. The MacDonald's logo hides the number 13 twice.
6. The three pyramids of Giza hide a tunnel that leads to the underworld.
7. Antigravity exists and has long been used by the American army.
8. The golden structure adorning the building of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow is in fact a radiator of waves of obedience. This is a terrible invention of the local scientists, but they hide it even from the government.
9. The galactic government also exists, but secret, but the United States is the country that maintains contacts with it. All the rest - no!
10. Stanley Kubrick filmed the landing of astronauts on the Moon in Nevada.
11. Walt Disney is a freemason.
12. Kentucky Fried Chicken actually belongs to the Ku Klux Klan organization, and all its fried chickens are impregnated with a special drug that does not harm a Caucasian, but turns into impotent every colored person who ate such a chicken!
13. Denver Airport is the headquarters of the international government of the Freemasons, and a huge secret underground city is built under its terminal.
14. If the pack of Marlboro is turned upside down, then instead of the syllable Magician, you can read the word "Jew" (jew).
15. The white contrail that an airplane leaves behind is the process of spraying secrets to control the mind.
16. The 1958 World Cup in Sweden did not take place, but was staged by the Americans on radio and TV as … a strategic maneuver of the Cold War era.
17. HIV is a design by the CIA to end the black population of the planet and homosexuals at the same time.
18. At the beginning of the XX century. hemp was outlawed only because it competed with more expensive, and therefore more profitable, raw materials for the manufacture of various products - from paper to plastic.
19. Each barcode on the product contains an encrypted number of the beast.
20. The 2004 tsunami was caused by American and Indian scientists who tested powerful electromagnetic emitters.
Public relations specialists can use any of these statements in their work with target groups of the population, while always, of course, the case can be presented in such a way that you just “inform” him and nothing more. Almost all of these statements are topics for articles that, in principle, do not assert anything for certain and do not prove anything unambiguously, but hint that "the truth is always somewhere nearby …" that governments hide the truth and the world is actually not what it seems or how it is presented to us. The result may be your image, and the corresponding massive impact on the masses, whose destiny is to feed on fables forever and ever!
Keep in mind that conspiracy theory may well be true; little by little insert information about it into the information blocks of your PR campaigns, hint that “the truth is always somewhere there,” and a huge number of people will be much more loyal to everything that you tell them besides this! Today, people expect the informant to confirm their expectations, so you shouldn't disappoint them, but you should skillfully stir up interest in the topic, using it for your own purposes!