If during the Second World War there was the Internet

If during the Second World War there was the Internet
If during the Second World War there was the Internet
If during the Second World War there was the Internet …
If during the Second World War there was the Internet …

June 22, 1941. Germany is bombing Kiev, surrounding Minsk, is about to burst into Moscow … Everything went to that, quilted jackets and savages cannot resist a cultural nation. There is no army, no navy, no planes fly. And all these red chiefs: Zhukovs, Shaposhnikovs … They promised to die, but not to surrender the country to the enemy! Why haven't you shot yourself yet ?! Stalin leaked the whole thing of our revolution.

He is the first traitor and traitor to be faced by the people's tribunal! Throw him in the neck, nobody democratically elected him to the Commander-in-Chief.

November 7, 1941. He will fail. The entire army was taken prisoner by the Germans long ago. The Soviet Union does not have tanks, aircraft and guns, and everything that you are told is myth and propaganda. It's madness to attack when the best army in the world is under the walls of the Kremlin. Better to give up quickly, especially since Hitler was rumored to have promised hot food and Wagner's music. Japan protested.

January 7, 1942. Well, yes, of course, if you drink so much vodka and catch up with quilted jackets, then something like an offensive can be portrayed. The Germans are cultured, they did not expect that General Moroz would be against them. This is all temporary. All the same, Stalin will merge everyone. He is not Russian. Demand the resignation of the shitty commander Stalin. We are for peace. You can come to an agreement with the Germans and not bomb your own cities.

And remove Zhukov from the front. He is mediocre and sad. It is necessary to put the real commanders Vlasov and Khrushchev, at the head of all the troops. The cavalry is the most dangerous branch of the army for Hitler. Buy horses from Mongolia from me.

June 7, 1942. We said that Stalin was leaking everything. He passed Kharkov. Any resistance is pointless. The Wehrmacht troops will occupy Stalingrad and the Caucasus by September and take oil from the regime. Stalin's soldiers are hungry and have no weapons, they fight with one rifle for seven, and even then they are crooked. Rus give up. All Ukraine is flourishing. Germany is helping her. Thousands of Ukrainian patriots are fighting the Stalinist regime. It is time to bring down Stalin and elect a democratic president.

October 7, 1942. Everything. The cover of the Soviet Union. The dictator Stalin poured out Stalingrad. He is taken by the Germanic knights and the National Guard of Ukraine. They have T-III tanks, while ours have nothing but barrage detachments behind their backs. There is a sweep of the city on the Volga from quilted jackets and the rescue of the civilian population abandoned without food by the Stalinist bloody regime. The peaceful German government is rebuilding the city's infrastructure and businesses. Everyone is waiting for the public uprising in Moscow against Stalin.

January 11, 1943. German troops, not wanting unnecessary casualties among the civilian population, regrouped and are preparing for a decisive attack on the North of Russia. Some of them, led by the brilliant field marshal Paulus, in the amount of 300,000 of the best fighters of the Reich, have already advanced there under the guise of prisoners of war. Another part is to deliver weapons and equipment to them in the near future. The German army already has Tigers, and soon there will be Leopards and jet fighters, and Stalin has only junk. The people are not suitable for the creation of modern technologies. Yes, and for democracy, a completely unsuitable people is the main problem of the Soviet Union. These are not people, but quilted jackets and anchovies, ready to die for the sake of the dictator Stalin, who do not understand that he merged and drank them along with his security officer Zhukov. As a matter of fact, Stalingrad had no meaning for Germany. And Stalin did not need to defend him, but to surrender Leningrad in order to save the Leningraders. And the troops to withdraw to the East, which will soon be captured by the Japanese.

August 1943. Some have the audacity to assert that the Soviet Union rose from its knees. Don't trust them! Stalin and Zhukov are simply destroying the population, throwing them into the slaughter against the German army. They are butchers and they do not feel sorry for ordinary soldiers at all. Near Kursk and Belgorod, they threw tens of millions of corpses into the trenches of Germany. Stalin la-la-la-la is himself a fascist and a Nazi. And all he says is propaganda. He had already taken all the gold to Italy and Austria long ago, and his assistants robbed the whole country.

June 1944. The German command withdrew part of its troops from the Eastern Front to be transferred to Normandy. Stalin burned his own fields and soon hunger and cold would destroy the population. Because he is not a Russian or a Russian nationalist. The population will not forgive Stalin for the colossal costs of restoring cities and helping Ukraine and Belarus at a time when even in Moscow people live on ration cards. A riot is brewing in Moscow, because there are no modern radios and problems with buying cars. Stalin's regime is an economic disaster for the Soviet Union.

May 9, 1945. Of course, if you keep the population at bay, and drive the army under the fire of machine guns from detachments … If you do not reckon with the losses, ditch half of your own country, it is possible … Perhaps for a while to gain a tactical victory. But, she will also be defeated.

Because the blood of the heroes of the punitive squads and courageous concentration camp employees who died heroically screams for revenge. What can save the Soviet Union and Europe from the Stalinist drain from this? Immediate resignation of Stalin and his terrorist generals. The entire civilized world is outraged by the wild behavior of Stalin's savages in Europe. They are rude, interrupt, smoke wherever they want and make noise at night. Bardels are closed, banks are not working, there is nowhere to rent boys … And if you knew what German women are talking about! … But there is no democracy in the USSR …
