The F-22 Raptor multi-role fighter has unique combat qualities, but scenarios for its use are limited to confrontation with modern fighters and enemy air defense forces. This statement was made by US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates during a visit to the Air Force College in Alabama on April 15. In his speech to military personnel, Gates emphasized that the F-22 is a "silver bullet" that can only be useful on rare occasions.
When deciding to stop purchasing the F-22 and assessing its quality, US military experts took into account the similar capabilities of another fifth-generation F-35 fighter, Gates said. It also has a high level of invisibility for enemy air defense systems and the ability to destroy ground targets. The purchases of these aircraft are provided for by the budget. In addition, the adoption of such a decision is associated with the growth of the capabilities of unmanned aerial vehicles and other means of the US Air Force.
The new policy of financing rearmament programs, as noted by the head of the Pentagon, will allow the United States to maintain air superiority, which is a prerequisite for ensuring military power for at least six decades. Gates also stressed that funding for the F-35 program in the prospective military budget will be increased from $ 6.8 to $ 11.2 billion. This will accelerate the development of the project and the development of the aircraft. In the next five years, at least 500 of these machines should come off the assembly line.
Russia, according to Gates, will be able to develop a similar combat-ready fifth generation fighter no earlier than in six years. China will need at least 10-12 years for this. By this time, according to the calculations of the American military, more than a thousand similar machines will already be in service with the United States.
Recall that Robert Gates announced plans to change the rearmament programs of the American army on April 6 at a press conference. The F-22 Raptor and Future Combat Systems programs may undergo the largest reductions. Instead, the Pentagon intends to focus on the development and production of weapons needed in irregular military conflicts. The cessation of production of the F-22 causes dissatisfaction with American manufacturers, who cite not only its fighting qualities, but also job cuts during the crisis.