(To the attention of the chief medical officers. Self-medication. Tested on myself.)
The war is already underway. From the muddy messages from Donbass it is clear that nothing has ended, and the escalation of hostilities is quite real. This means that there will be wounded again, and the civilian population will suffer again. Obviously, medical assistance to the wounded soldiers and the population in the battle zone is insufficient (there is never enough of it). And in many places it simply does not exist.
I'm not a medic, a retired sailor. And unfortunately I have type 2 diabetes. Three years ago I developed a trophic ulcer on the sole of my foot. Diabetes patients and doctors know that treating trophic ulcers is a very difficult matter. Expensive medicines. It also takes years for an ulcer to heal. Any minor foot injury or wear from new shoes can lead to ulcers and amputations. I met such fellows in misfortune in the regional hospital.
So I was threatened with amputation of a finger. As a rule, it starts with amputation of a toe, then a couple more operations, and - loss of a leg. The threat of becoming disabled made me study the nature of the disease and look for ways to deal with it myself. Internet helped. I noticed that one of the reasons for the formation of ulcers is stagnation of blood flow in the lower extremities. And he found that ozone has the most powerful bactericidal agent. Information about OZONE THERAPY can be viewed here on these sites:
A couple of quotes from these sites.
1. What diseases can be treated with ozone and by what methods? First of all, these are various wounds, damage to the epithelium, skin inflammation, dermatoses, trophic ulcers in atherosclerotic vascular lesions and in diabetes. Atherosclerosis and diabetes mellitus are the most dangerous diseases, because often lead to necrosis and amputation. Treatment is carried out using special polyethylene bags or sealed chambers, which are filled with a mixture of ozone and oxygen. The affected part of the body is placed inside.
2. The main medicinal properties of ozone. The successful use of ozone in almost all areas of medicine for the treatment of diseases of various etiologies is based on the unique spectrum of its effects on the body. In particular, ozone is a powerful antiseptic. In terms of strength, no antibiotic can be compared with it. In addition to antibacterial and antiseptic effects, ozone also has antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects, and also increases the body's defenses, normalizes metabolism and hormonal levels, relieves intoxication, and improves blood microcirculation.
In addition, when used in therapeutic concentrations, ozone exhibits immunomodulatory, fungicidal, viricidal, cytostatic, antistress and analgesic effects. Experts also claim that ozone therapy is the shortest and most effective way to raise the body's immune status and improve its defense system.
So, the trouble made me look for ways to self-medicate. Moreover, according to information from the sites, ozone therapy costs in Moscow from 500 to 3000 rubles. in one session. My long-term hobby in life is aquarium keeping, for more than 50 years I have been keeping aquariums. And I had an old Soviet ozonizer at home for treating aquarium fish. Here it is.

In the picture on the left - the compressor, it blows through the ozonizer, from which the tube is diverted to the atomizer. It is advisable to take a large cylindrical pressed from stone chips, it is heavy and does not float.
By analogy with the sites, I have empirically worked on the following treatment technology. A container with water (a deep basin, then I used a bath), the water temperature is about 40 degrees, warmer is undesirable, the gas solubility is less, I blow it with ozone for 15 minutes. Then I immerse my feet in ozonized water, again for 15 minutes. I call this water "standard water".
At first I only ozonized my feet. When I treated my feet in the bath for the FIRST TIME (15 minutes purging, 15 minutes soaking), all the dead layers on the wound were IMMEDIATELY washed off from the feet. The remains of the dead tissue were cut off by his wife. In two or three sessions, the ulcer was practically healed. And immediately (after the first soaking) the dead tissue "washed out" from under the nail plates affected by the fungus, and my "nurse" practically removed the dead nails by three quarters. By the way, the cracks on the legs have healed, the nails have improved and grow back almost like new. All corns and calluses on the feet are easily removed. And one more thing: because of the weak blood flow in the legs of a diabetic, the color of the leg below the knee is spotty brown, like that of an old alcoholic. So, the skin became lighter after the third session. And most importantly, I began to walk better! Brothers in misfortune know that one of the main reasons for complications of diabetes is weakness in the legs, it is impossible to walk for a long time, the legs practically do not bend at the knees. Walk 40 meters, sit down, rest. So, I started treatment 2 years ago. After treating my feet three times, I thought: why not treat the whole body? From aquarium hobbyists I know that ozone burns mucous and epithelial tissues. But I did not notice this in myself. The main thing is not to get water in your eyes. I underwent a course of treatment: I took baths of "standard ozonized water" for 10 days. The effect is positive, if not excellent. Now, if I feel that I am starting to "slow down", that is, my walking has become worse, I start the course of treatment. Five evenings, five baths - and order. I walk again for a couple of weeks. Then I repeat.
What does ozone do? Destroys ALL microflora. It makes the leg cell membranes work better, improves blood flow, that is, where the pump-heart does not "pressurize" the blood. For more details, see the sites.
Now I am being treated like this. I prepare a bath (40-50 degrees), blow it for 15 minutes. Then I AIR the bath, expel ozone from the room by rotating a bath towel, or with a fan - 3-5 minutes. And swim for 15 minutes, no more !!! When taking a bath, do not sit on a log, but massage your legs. I plunge into the bath up to my neck, the main thing is that the water does not get into my eyes. I wash for the last five minutes (shampoo, soap). Doused with warm, clean, non-ozonated water - and you're done.
PAYING ATTENTION. Recipe 15 minutes purge: airing 2-3 minutes - 15 minutes soaking (taking a bath); it was established empirically on my device. You can start with a shorter period, for example 10-2-10 minutes. Then increase the time. In general, the rescue of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves.
Why did I come out with this article on Topvar? In the fighting zone, there is little or no medical care for civilians. Using ozone therapy, wounds can be healed. Ozone simply rinses off the crusts and pus immediately, disinfecting the tissues. As a rule, there are very few antiseptics in the combat zone. And here is a RENEWABLE resource. I blew 15 minutes, and use it.
You can also use ozone:
1. Disinfect the water, all microbes are killed, the water will settle, and you can drink.
2. You can disinfect clothes, socks when fighting fungus, dishes, tools.
3. I disinfected drinking bowls and feeders of young poultry, soaked and washed. Helps a lot.
4. Standard ozonized water was added to the bucket (one third) and the bird was soldered - in case of coccidiosis in turkeys. I think it helps. I did not give a stronger dose of ozonized water. Afraid to poison.
In general, the chiefs of medical services in the battle zone are a large field for activity. When there are no antiseptics or whatever they call them, you can try ozone. You are specialists, you have the cards in your hands! Think.
Now such devices are sold in all aquarium stores. In Rostov-on-Don there definitely is. Here it is.

It is called O3-GENERATOR RSO-25.
My friend bought himself such a device a year ago for 2900 rubles. This device has a built-in compressor. The only thing you need is to buy a large atomizer like in the first picture.
P. S. Fate drives us through life, where our ideas, bosses and presidents show us. And when trouble snatches comrades out of our ranks and makes them “three hundredths”, they are left alone with their pain, sometimes envying the “two hundredths”. Think about them.
With this article I wanted to help at least someone. God bless you!