780 years ago, on January 1, 1238, the remnants of the Ryazan troops and the army of Vladimir-Suzdal Rus were defeated by the army of Batu in the battle of Kolomna. This decisive battle was the second after the Battle of Kalka, the battle of the united Russian troops against the "Mongols". In terms of the number of troops and stubbornness, the battle of Kolomna can be considered one of the most significant events of the invasion.
As noted earlier, the myth of the "Mongols from Mongolia" was invented in the conceptual and ideological center of the West, which holds the "keys" to history, in papal Rome. The Russian superethnos (Rus) has existed from the very beginning of the appearance of the white race on the planet, our history is at least 40 - 45 thousand years old. but the true history of Russia and the super-ethnos was "cut off" and distorted in the interests of the masters of the West and their lackeys-slaves in Russia, who want to become a part of the "world civilized community" at any cost, at least at the cost of surrendering their homeland. Since the true history is dangerous to the masters of the West, claiming world domination. And they try to plunge the Russians into ignorance, to turn them into "ethnographic material." To finally dismember and assimilate, to turn them into slaves of the new world order, like Russian-“Ukrainians”. This is beneficial to both the masters of the West and the East. Russians are well assimilated, becoming Chinese, Turks, Arabs, Germans, French, Americans, etc. At the same time, they bring fresh blood, are often creative creators, giving impetus to the development of civilizations, countries and nationalities of which they become a part.
The West cannot admit that Russia-Russia, as a geopolitical reality, has always existed, and appeared before the Western project and civilization itself. Moreover, the super-ethnos of the Rus has always occupied the territory of Northern Eurasia
Under the term "Mongols" in the XIII - XIV centuries. in no case should one accept real Mongoloids living in the lands of present-day Mongolia. The self-name, the real ethnonym of the autochthons of present-day Mongolia, is Khalkhu. They did not call themselves Mongols. And they never captured China, did not reach the Caucasus, Persia-Iran, Asia Minor, the Northern Black Sea region and Russia. Khalkhu, Oirats - anthropological Mongoloids, then were a poor nomadic community, consisting of scattered clans. They were primitive shepherds and hunters, who were at a very low primitive communal level of development and under no circumstances could they create even the simplest proto-state formation, not to mention a kingdom and empire of a global level of significance. This required a state tradition, a high level of spiritual and material culture, a developed economy capable of equipping armies with tens of thousands of soldiers. The primitive Mongoloid tribes were at the level of development of the then Indian tribes of the Amazon basin or North America. That is, even with the most fantastic luck and a successful combination of circumstances, they could not crush China, Khorezm, the kingdoms of the Caucasus, the powerful tribes of the Polovtsy and Alans, defeat Russia and invade Europe.
Anthropological studies of burial grounds of the 13th - 15th centuries. also show the absolute absence of the Mongoloid element in Russia. Modern genetic research confirms the absence of the Mongoloid element in the Russian population. Although if the myth of the "Mongol" invasion were true - with hundreds of thousands of invaders, thousands of destroyed and burned Russian villages and cities, tens of thousands of people taken into slavery. With a long "Mongol" yoke (until 1480) with accompanying invasions, raids, battles, the withdrawal of masses of people to the full, etc. Moreover, any war (just look at the massacre in modern Iraq and Syria) is accompanied by massive violence against women and girls. Women are always the prey of a successful conqueror. However, there is no Mongolian element! This fact, which is impossible to dispute. The Russians, contrary to the false myths that are cooked up in the West, were and remain Northern Caucasians.
Thus, there was no "Mongol" invasion. And there was no "Mongol" empire. But there was a fierce war as such. There were bloody and fierce battles, sieges of cities and fortresses, pogroms, fires, looting, etc. There was the Horde-Rada, tribute-tithes, shortcuts, tsars-khans, joint campaigns of Russians and "Mongols", etc. Everything described in the annals was, this is confirmed by the data of archeology.
However, it was not the "Mongols" who invaded Russia. In the forest-steppe zone of Eurasia from the Caucasus and the Black Sea to Altai and Sayan Mountains, including Inner Mongolia, at this time lived the late Rus of the Scythian-Siberian world, the heirs of Great Scythia, the Aryan and Boreal world. Hundreds of powerful clans, united by language (the Russian language is a true keeper of ancient history, therefore they are trying to distort and destroy it, which will deprive us of the last source of spiritual strength), boreal-Aryan traditions of the super-ethnos, a single pagan faith. Only the Rus could field thousands of well-armed and trained fighters, warriors of many generations. Mighty fair-haired and light-eyed northerners. Hence the myths of the late Mongolian and Turkic peoples about tall, fair-haired (red), light-eyed giant ancestors, this is the memory that part of the Rus was assimilated by the late Mongol and Turkic peoples, giving them khan, princely and noble families.
Only these Rus were able to make such a great campaign, in many respects repeating the glorious deeds of their distant ancestors, who brought impulses to development in China, reached the Indus and created the Indian and Iranian civilizations, in Europe they laid the foundations of Rome - through the Etruscan Rasens, Ancient Greece (all the gods of Olympus are of northern origin), the Celtic (cleaved Scythians) and the Germanic worlds. This is who the real "Mongols" were. The Rus of the Scythian-Siberian world, the heirs of Great Scythia, the Aryan world and Hyperborea, the great northern civilization that occupied the territory of modern Russia, could not be resisted by anyone. They overwhelmed and conquered China, giving it a ruling elite and a Russian guard to guard the emperors. They subdued Central Asia, returning it to the bosom of the great northern empire. Central Asia has been part of the Great Scythia since ancient times.
In a campaign to the west, the Scythian-Siberian Rus defeated the Tatars of the Urals and the Volga region, annexed them to their Horde (from the Rus. "Clan" - "horde, ordnung"). They defeated and subjugated other fragments of Great Scythia - the Tatars-Bulgars (Volgars), Polovtsians and Alans. Moreover, the Tatars were then pagans of the common Boreal (northern) tradition, and not so long ago they separated from the Boreal ethno-linguistic and cultural community and did not yet have a Mongoloid admixture (in contrast to the Crimean Tatars clan). Until the XIII century, the differences between the Russians and the Volgars-Tatars were extremely insignificant. They appeared later - after the Islamization of the Bulgars-Volars and parallel Mongolization as a result of the penetration of carriers of Mongoloidism into the Volga region.
Thus, the "Tatar-Mongol" invasion is a myth invented in papal Rome to destroy and distort the true history of mankind and Russia. It was the invasion of the Scythian-Siberian pagan Rus, who drew into their army the pagans of the Volgar Tatars, the pagan Polovtsians (also close relatives of the Russes of Ryazan and Kiev), the Alans, and the inhabitants of Central Asia, who had not yet lost their Scythian roots. As a result, there was a fierce clash between the pagan Rus of Asia and the Rus-Christians (mainly two believers) of Ryazan, Vladimir-Suzdal and Chernigov, Kiev, Galicia-Volyn Rus. Tales about the "Mongols from Mongolia", like the beautiful but historically false novels of V. Yan, must be forgotten.
The battle was fierce. The Rus fought with the Rus, the carriers of the most ancient military tradition of the planet. As a result, the Scythian-Siberian Rus took up and, relying on the conquered kingdoms and tribes, including Russia, created the Great "Mongol" empire. Later, this empire, under the conceptual and ideological influence of the hostile centers of the West and the East, began to degenerate and degrade. Islamization and Arabization played the main role in the degradation of the Golden (more correctly, White) Horde. A huge influx of Arabs, attracted by gold, led to the victory of Islam over the ancient boreal tradition. The elite of the Horde chose to convert to Islam, destroying the noble families that remained faithful to the old faith, and alienating the masses of ordinary Horde people who remained faithful to the old tradition. Also, on the outskirts of the empire, the process of assimilation was actively going on - after a few generations, the Russians became Chinese, "Mongols", Turks, etc. This led to the collapse of the empire. And the history of the Eurasian Empire-Horde reached us in the "crooked mirrors" of Muslim, Chinese and Western sources, where they tried to clear up the silence about the moments they did not need.
However, the northern empire and tradition did not die. The period of dual faith in Russia ended the emergence of fiery Russian Orthodoxy, which absorbed much of the ancient northern tradition (the Almighty - Rod, Jesus - Khors, Theotokos - Mother Lada, Childbirth, George the Victorious - Perun, the cross and the fiery cross - the swastika-Kolovrat - have millennia-old roots in a super-ethnos, etc.). The Kulikovo field showed that a new center of attraction for all Russians, including the Horde people, who did not accept the Islamization of their elite, had emerged. For a century and a half, this new center was able to restore the main core of the empire. Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible should be recognized as the first tsar-emperor of the new Russian empire (hence such hatred of Russian Westernizers and masters of the West). During his reign, Russia began to restore its positions in the south, in the Caucasus and in the Caspian, with one blow returned the entire Volga region (Kazan and Astrakhan), opened the way to Siberia.
The indigenous population of these territories, the descendants of the Scythian-Sarmatian population, returned under the arm of a single imperial center and tradition. Now it becomes obvious that in the late Middle Ages, as before, the entire inner continental Eurasia, as Western sources called it "Great Tartary" from the Danube, Dnieper and Don to Siberia, was inhabited by the descendants of the Scythian-Sarmatians, that is, the Rus, direct brothers of the Russians from Novgorod, Moscow and Tver. It is not surprising that then in the eyes of Western Europe the concepts of "Russia" and "Tataria" meant the same thing. For the inhabitants of the West, we have always been barbarians, wild "Mongol-Tatars". Although in the XIV - XVI centuries. Siberia was inhabited not by any "Tatars" or "Mongols", but by white people, surprisingly similar to the ancient Scythians and modern Russians (one genus and tradition).
Major milestones of the invasion
At the meetings of the "Mongol" nobility in 1229 and 1235. it was decided to go west. The headquarters was located in the lower reaches of the Yaik. Separate detachments of the "Mongols" began the conquest of Transcaucasia and the North Caucasus. In 1231 Tabriz was captured, in 1235 - Ganja. Many Armenian and Georgian cities were captured: Kars, Karin (Erzurum), Ani, Tbilisi, Dmanisi, Samshvilde and others. Subudey's detachment made a campaign in the country of the Ases (Alans) in 1236. Then the detachments of Mengu Khan and Kadan went to the Circassians.
In 1229the great kakhan (kagan) Ogedei sent the troops of the western part of the state - the Jochi ulus - to help the forward detachments. The "Mongols" made a reconnaissance campaign to Yaik, defeated here the troops of the Polovtsy, Saxins and Bulgar-Bulgarians. The Volgar Bulgarians, realizing the danger from the east, made peace with Vladimir-Suzdal Rus. In 1332 a large "Mongol" army reached the border of Volga Bulgaria. But the Bulgarians repulsed this blow. For several years, the "Mongols" fought against the Bulgarians, who offered stubborn resistance. Volga Bulgaria successfully defended itself, erecting powerful fortified lines on the southern borders. At the same time, the Horde continued to crush the resistance of the Polovtsy, the struggle with which lasted for several years.
In 1235, according to Rashid-ad-Din, Ogedei the second arranged a large council (kurultai) “regarding the destruction and extermination of the rest of the rebellious peoples, a decision was made to take possession of the countries of the Bulgars, Ases and Rus, which were in the vicinity of the Batu encampment, were not yet conquered and were proud of their numbers. To help Batu sent 14 noble khans, descendants of Genghis Khan. The number of the invading army reached 150 thousand soldiers. Usually each of the Chingizid princes commanded a tumen-darkness, that is, 10 thousand cavalry corps.
Thus, the "Mongols" gathered a huge army, which included troops from all uluses (regions). At the head of the army was the grandson of Genghis Khan, Batu (Batu). In 1236, the Horde troops went to the Kama. All summer the detachments moving from different uluses moved to their destination, and in the fall “within the bounds of Bulgaria, the princes united. From the multitude of troops the earth moaned and buzzed, and from the multitude and noise of the hordes wild beasts and predatory animals were dumbfounded. " In late autumn the fortifications of Bulgaria-Bulgaria fell. In fierce battles, the Volga Bulgaria was completely ruined. The capital of the Bolgars (Bulgar), famous for its inaccessibility of terrain and large population, was taken by storm. In the Russian chronicle it was noted: "And taking the glorious great Bulgarian city (Bolgar) and beating it with weapons from the old man to the dull and to the real baby, and taking a lot of goods, and burned their city with fire, and their whole land captivated." Other major Bulgarian cities were also destroyed: Bular, Kernek, Suvar and others. At the same time, the Mordovian and Burtas lands were devastated.
In the spring of 1237, Batu's army, having completed the pogrom of Bulgaria, moved to the Caspian steppes, where the struggle with the Polovtsy continued. The conquerors crossed the Volga and combed the steppes with a wide front (round-up). The raid was enormous in size. The left wing of the invading army went along the coast of the Caspian Sea and further along the steppes of the North Caucasus to the lower reaches of the Don, the right wing moved further north, along the Polovtsian possessions. The corps of Guyuk Khan, Monke Khan and Mengu Khan advanced here. The fight against the Polovtsians continued all summer. At the same time, the troops of Batu, Horde, Berke, Buri and Kulkan conquered lands on the right bank of the Middle Volga.
In the winter of 1237, the invaders entered the Ryazan principality. Russia, divided by the strife of the princes, did not put up a single army and was doomed to defeat. Individual Russian squads and armies offered fierce and stubborn resistance in the field and on the walls of cities, in no way yielding to the warlike invaders, but they were defeated, yielding to a large and disciplined army. The "Mongols" had the same organization (decimal system), weapons, but they had the ability to crush individual pockets of resistance, breaking cities, lands and principalities separately. In addition, under the conditions of a “war of all against all,” the unified system of defense from the steppe in the south, which had been developing for centuries, was broken. Individual princes and lands could not support her full-fledged work. The unified system of defense of the country was replaced by the defense of each principality separately, and the tasks of defense from an external enemy were not the main ones. Fortifications were built mainly from their own. The steppe no longer seemed as dangerous as it used to be. For example, in the Ryazan land from the steppes, the principality was covered only by Pronsk and Voronezh, advanced far to the south. But from the north, from the side of Vladimir-Suzdal Rus, Ryazan had a whole chain of strong fortifications. The exit from the Moskva River to the Oka was covered by Kolomna, a little higher up the Oka stood the fortress Rostislavl, downstream of the Oka - Borisov-Glebov, Pereyaslavl-Ryazansky, Ozhsk. To the west, on the Osetra River, Zaraysk was located, to the east and north-east of Ryazan - Izheslavets and Isady.
The defeat on Kalka taught the Russian princes little, they did little to organize the defense and form a unified army, although they knew well about the approach of the formidable invading army. News of the first appearance of the "Mongols" after Kalka on the borders of Volga Bulgaria reached Rus. Knew in Russia and about the hostilities on the border of Bulgaria. In 1236 the Russian chronicles reported about the defeat of Bulgaria. The Vladimir Grand Duke Yuri Vsevolodovich knew very well about the threat: the main stream of refugees from the devastated Volga region came to his possession. The Volgar-Bulgars then fled to Russia en masse. The prince of Vladimir "was glad of this and ordered them to be taken out to the cities near the Volga and to others." Yuri Vsevolodovich knew about the conquest plans of the "Mongol" khans from the Horde ambassadors, who had repeatedly traveled to the west. Knew in Russia and about the place of gathering of the Horde troops for the campaign against Russia.
About where Batu's troops gathered in the fall of 1237, the Hungarian monk Julian "was told verbally by the Russians themselves." Hungarian monk Julian twice - in 1235 - 1236. and 1237 - 1238, traveled to Eastern Europe. The official goal of the long and dangerous journey was the search for the Hungarians who lived in the Urals and preserved paganism in order to lead them to Christianity. But, apparently, the main task of the monk was strategic reconnaissance undertaken by the papal see to study the situation in Eastern Europe on the eve of the invasion of the Horde. Julian and his companions visited the Taman Peninsula, Alania, the Lower Volga region, Bulgaria and the Urals, Vladimir-Suzdal and Southern Russia.
Thus, there was no question of the strategic surprise of the invasion. It is possible that the fact of the winter offensive became new, the Russian princes got used to the autumn raids of the Polovtsians. After the defeat of the Volga Bulgaria, the appearance in the Russian lands of masses of refugees from the Volga region and the war in the Polovtsian steppes, who had a lot of ties with Russia, the proximity of a great war was obvious. Many advised the Grand Duke of Vladimir "to strengthen the cities and agree with all the princes to resist, if these wicked Tatars come to his land, but he hoped for his strength, as before, he despised it." As a result, each land met with the army of the invasion of Batu one on one. 100-150 thousand Horde army received complete superiority over individual cities and lands.

The story of the ruin of Ryazan by Batu. Miniature. The obverse vault of the 16th century.
The fall of Ryazan
Ryazan was the first to meet the invasion. In the winter of 1237, the invaders entered the Ryazan principality: "That same summer, for winter, I came from the eastern countries to the Ryazan land with the forest of atheism of the Tatars and more often fight the Ryazan land and the captives and (her) …". The enemies reached Pronsk. From here they sent ambassadors to the Ryazan princes, demanding tithes (one tenth of all), which they owned. The Ryazan princes, headed by the Grand Duke Yuri Igorevich, gathered a council and gave the answer "If we all are not there, then everything will be yours." Yuri Igorevich sent for help to Yuri Vsevolodovich in Vladimir and Mikhail Vsevolodovich in Chernigov. But neither one nor the other helped Ryazan. Then the Ryazan prince called the princes from his land and from Murom. To play for time, an embassy with Prince Fyodor Yuryevich was sent to Batu. Prince Fyodor came to the river. Voronezh to Tsar Batu, the Horde accepted the gifts. But soon a dispute broke out and the ambassadors were killed.
Meanwhile, the Ryazan land was preparing for an unprecedented battle. The peasants took axes and spears, went to the cities in the militia. Women, children and old people went to deep forests, to the Meshcherskaya side. For the borderland Ryazan land, war was a common thing, villages were quickly emptied, people were buried in secluded places, behind impassable forests and swamps. After the steppe inhabitants left, they returned and rebuilt again. Before a terrible external threat, the Ryazan people did not flinch, the Russian people got used to meeting the enemy with their chest. The princes decided to lead the army into the field, towards the enemy. Having learned about the death of the embassy, Prince Yuri began to gather an army, and said to other princes: "It is better for us to die than to be in a filthy will!" The united army of the Ryazan land moved to the border. There were professional squads of princes and boyars, skilled fighters, perfectly trained and armed, there was a city militia and a zemstvo army. The army was led by Yuri Igorevich with his nephews Oleg and Roman Ingvarevich, the princes of Murom Yuri Davydovich and Oleg Yurievich.
According to the historian V. V. Kargalov, the Ryazan people did not manage to reach Voronezh and the battle took place on the border of the principality. According to a contemporary, “they began to fight hard and courageously, and there was a slaughter of evil and terrible. Many strong regiments fell to the Batyevs. But Batu's strength was great, one Ryazan soldier fought with a thousand … All the Tatar regiments marveled at the fortress and courage of Ryazan. And the strong Tatar regiments barely overpowered them. They perished in an unequal battle, “many local princes, and strong governors, and an army: the daring and frolic of Ryazan. They died anyway and drank the single mortal cup. None of them came back: all the dead lay together … . However, Prince Yuri Igorevich with a few vigilantes managed to break through and gallop off to Ryazan, where he organized the defense of the capital.
The Horde cavalry rushed into the depths of the Ryazan land, to the Pronsk cities, which were left without dead squads. “And they began to fight the Ryazan land, and ordered Batu to burn and whip without mercy. And the city of Pronsk, and the city of Belgorod, and Izheslavets ravaged to the ground, and killed all people without mercy, - so he wrote "The Tale of the Ruin of Ryazan by Batu". Having defeated the Prona cities, Batu's army moved across the ice of the Proni River to Ryazan. On December 16, 1237, the Horde laid siege to the capital of the principality.
The Russian city was defended with all the skill of the time. Old Ryazan stood on the high right bank of the Oka, below the mouth of the Prony. On three sides, the city was surrounded by powerful earthen ramparts and ditches. On the fourth side to the Oka there was a steep river bank. The ramparts of the fortress reached a height of 9 - 10 m, with a width at the base of up to 23 - 24 m, the ditches in front of them were up to 8 m deep. On the ramparts stood wooden walls made of log cabins, filled with compacted earth, clay and stones for strength. Such walls were distinguished by their great stability. The problem was that the main forces of Ryazan had already died in the battle on Voronezh.
The ranks of defenders quickly thinned out during the assaults, and there was no replacement. Ryazan was stormed day and night. "Batu's army was replaced, and the townspeople fought continuously, - wrote a contemporary, - and many townspeople were beaten, and some were wounded, while others were exhausted from great labors …". The city fought off enemy assaults for five days, and on the sixth, December 21, 1237, it was taken. Residents died or were captured. Prince Yuri Igorevich and the remnants of his squad perished in a fierce street battle: "Everybody dies equally …".
Then other Ryazan cities fell, and "not a single one from the princes … you will not go to each other to help …". However, when the Horde went further north, they were unexpectedly attacked from the rear by the Russian squad. It was headed by voivode Evpatiy Kolovrat, who was in Chernigov during the siege of Ryazan, trying to get help. But Mikhail Chernigovsky refused to help, because "the Ryazans did not go to Kalk with them." Kolovrat returned to Ryazan and found the ashes. He gathered 1,700 fighters and began to beat the Horde.
“The Tale of the Ruin of Ryazan by Batu” says: “… he chased after the godless Tsar Batu to avenge Christian blood. And they caught up with him in the land of Suzdal, and suddenly attacked the camps on the Batyevs. And they began to flog without mercy, and the Tatar regiments mingled…. The soldiers of Evpatiy beat them so mercilessly that their swords were dulled, and taking Tatar swords, they whipped them, passing the Tatar regiments. The Tatars thought that the dead had rebelled, and Batu himself was afraid. … And he sent his brother-in-law Khoztovrul to Evpatiy, and with him many Tatar regiments. Khoztovrul boasted to the Tsar Batu Yevpatiy Kolovrat with the hands of a living one to take and bring him to him. And the shelves came together. Evpatiy ran into Khoztovrul the hero and cut him in two with his sword to the saddle; And he began to whip the Tatar power, and beat many heroes and Tatars, cut some in two, and some to the saddle. And they notified Batu. He, hearing this, grieved for his brother-in-law and commanded that many vices be brought to Evpatiy, and they began to beat him, and they barely managed to kill the strong-armed and impudent heart and lion-hearted Evpatius. And they brought him dead to Tsar Batu. Batu, seeing him, was surprised with his princes at his courage and courage. And he ordered his body to be given to the rest of his squad, which in that battle had been captured. And he commanded to let them go …”. And the Tatar princes said to Batu: “We with many kings in many lands, we have been in many battles, but we have not seen such daring and frolic, and our fathers did not tell us. These people are winged and have death, they fight so hard and courageously, one with a thousand, and two with darkness. None of them can leave the battlefield alive. And Batu himself said: “Oh, Evpatiy Kolovrat! You have defeated many strong warriors of my horde, and many regiments have fallen. If I had such a servant, I would have held him against my heart!"

Kolovrat. Artist Ozhiganov I. Ye.