
Cut with something prettier (part 6)

Cut with something prettier (part 6)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

This is how it happens that you choose a topic by chance, guided by the principle "like it or not like it." Then others start to like her, and in the end she begins to live her own life, and it is not you who "lead" her, but she is you! This is how it happened with a series of materials about knives and daggers - “slaughter

World War I rifles

World War I rifles

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

During the First World War, it was the hand-reloading rifle that was the most important weapon of the infantry. The volume of production of this type of weapon by enterprises of the belligerent countries, as well as the losses that with its help, depended on the quality, reliability and manufacturability of this weapon

An alternate history of small arms

An alternate history of small arms

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Today, the assumptions about "what would have happened" have become very popular and it is not surprising that even science is engaged in them. Why? Because there are such bifurcation points in history - "points of instability" when all the enormous inertia of the economy and psychology of the masses ceases to play

Cut with something prettier (Part 5)

Cut with something prettier (Part 5)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Bambarbia! Kirgudu! - What did he say? “He says that if you refuse, they… will stab you. Joke. - Joke! ("Prisoner of the Caucasus, or Shurik's New Adventures") The appearance on the screen of the unforgettable trinity (scene in the restaurant) always causes laughter because of how skillfully Coward, Experienced and Goonies shared

Slaughter with something prettier (part 4)

Slaughter with something prettier (part 4)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Carried away by the samples of cold steel, I completely forgot about the theory, and as you know, there is nothing better than a good theory. For example, the compilers of the British encyclopedia of weapons classify it according to the shape of the blade and its section. In the first case, seven types turned out: a wide triangular blade, easy

Slaughter with something prettier-3

Slaughter with something prettier-3

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The two previous materials on this topic aroused genuinely genuine interest of VO readers, so it makes sense to continue this topic and talk about what, firstly, was not included in the previous material, and secondly, to move from the countries of Central Asia to the coast Pacific Ocean and see how

Slaughter with something prettier (part 2)

Slaughter with something prettier (part 2)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Silently, proudly speaking, Shining with naked sabers, Arapov walks a long line … ("Ruslan and Lyudmila" by AS Pushkin) The interest shown by VO readers to the material about the edged weapons of the East is quite understandable - it is very beautiful, but at the same time deadly for all its beauty. A little bit surprising

Slaughter with something prettier

Slaughter with something prettier

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

As you know, the most ancient daggers were made of stone. These could be flint or obsidian points with a barely outlined handle, which could, if desired, be used as a spearhead. In Denmark, a knife was found already with a clearly marked handle, and one of the later samples, found

Weapons of the XXI century: only ideas

Weapons of the XXI century: only ideas

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

At one time, so many images of various fantastic machines were printed on the covers of the American magazine "Modern Mekenix", and what machines, that when you look at them, an idea involuntarily creeps in, and … were those who published this magazine "at home"? In addition, they did not spare the red paint

"Paper gun"

"Paper gun"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu has repeatedly said that … the most direct and obvious paths actually "lead to the wrong place." That is, the obvious impact on society, too, is not the best, so it is necessary not to prohibit, he said, but to ensure that people themselves realize that “a noble man is so

One of the heiresses of Henry's rifle

One of the heiresses of Henry's rifle

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Do you think you loved the Portuguese afterwards? Or maybe you left with the Malay … Vertinsky It has always been and will always be so that some successful design will so firmly enter into use that subsequently people will return to it many times, hone it to genuine perfection, while already, roughly

Winchester who never became a Kalashnikov (part 2)

Winchester who never became a Kalashnikov (part 2)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

One of the most unfortunate features of our peculiar civilization is that we are still discovering truths that have become hackneyed in other countries and even among peoples much more backward than we are. So, it is obvious that it is the Winchester carbine (we will call it that, without specifying)

The secret weapon is the ring

The secret weapon is the ring

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

What can the most common objects hide in themselves: food, household items, jewelry, office supplies? If offhand - nothing special, if only they are not with all sorts of "bells and whistles", as they would say now. But no … Just such ordinary things were used, for example, in the espionage

The same age as "His Majesty Mauser" (part 2)

The same age as "His Majesty Mauser" (part 2)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

"He fired once, and fired two, and a bullet whistled into the bushes … You shoot like a soldier," Kamal said, "I'll see how you drive!" ("The Ballad of the West and the East", R. Kipling). However, all of their "backwardness" (there is no other way to say) overshadowed the United States with their rifle! There, the army (infantry and

The same age as "His Majesty Mauser" (part 1)

The same age as "His Majesty Mauser" (part 1)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“The smaller the caliber, the better the rifle, and vice versa.” (The History of the Rifle. Written by F. Engels at the end of October 1860 - the first half of January 1861. “Essays Addressed to Volunteers.” London, 1861) Personally I

One of the rifles of the Spanish Civil War. "Swan song" of the Steier-Kropachek rifle

One of the rifles of the Spanish Civil War. "Swan song" of the Steier-Kropachek rifle

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

How many of them were there exactly - no one knows for sure these same foreign rifles that came to Spain from different countries. You can, however, calculate yourself according to Wikipedia and then it turns out that the Spaniards got 64 rifles! Only from neighboring France to the Republicans got

About Mauser with love. The end (part five)

About Mauser with love. The end (part five)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The new Mauser rifle came out so successful that it fought almost unchanged in the Weimar army throughout the First World War, the army of the Weimar Republic was armed with it, and then the Wehrmacht fought with it in World War II. It has been exported and produced in a wide variety of ways

About Mauser with love. Two Spanish twin brothers (part four)

About Mauser with love. Two Spanish twin brothers (part four)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Gewehr 98 rifle was patented by Paul Mauser on September 9, 1895. It became the development of the 7.92-mm M1888 rifle, which was not actually his development, and with which he himself was not very happy. Therefore, already in 1889, he designed a new M1889 rifle, which was put into service

About Mauser with love. "Karl Gustav" - traditional Swedish quality (part three)

About Mauser with love. "Karl Gustav" - traditional Swedish quality (part three)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

It is clear that the firm of the Mauser brothers could not stay away from the "arms race" and already in 1889 created a sample of a rifle called the "Belgian Mauser model of 1889", which was the first development of their firm for a new, recently created small-caliber cartridge with a smokeless gunpowder

About Mauser with love. On the road to excellence (part two)

About Mauser with love. On the road to excellence (part two)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The history of the next German rifle, called the Gewehr 88, is very curious, as well as herself. The fact is that all rifles of the second half of the 19th century were at first rather large-caliber and were loaded with black powder cartridges. Accordingly, as soon as in France appeared

About Mauser with love! The beginning of the beginnings (part one)

About Mauser with love! The beginning of the beginnings (part one)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

I have long promised to give a selection of materials about Mauser rifles, which are in the collection of my old good friend. It's always nice to have good friends, but especially - haha - it's nice to have friends with interesting rifles. And now, finally, I have the opportunity to fulfill my promise. V

"Arisaka" - a rifle aimed at the future

"Arisaka" - a rifle aimed at the future

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

What makes a person a person? Mainly upbringing - culture is not inherited. That is, something, some abilities, inclinations, habits even - are transmitted. But not a social person in general. In England, one of the universities conducted an experiment: students entered one by one

James Lee's Legacy - From Lee-Metford to Lee-Enfield (continued)

James Lee's Legacy - From Lee-Metford to Lee-Enfield (continued)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

It should be noted how much wiser one acts who takes all the best from others, instead of clinging to the worst, but his own. Worse than this, perhaps, only the one who still does this, but does not speak out loud about it, or even just modestly keeps silent about where he got it from

James Lee: constructor by the grace of God

James Lee: constructor by the grace of God

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

They say that around our planet there is an information and energy field, which the famous "sleeping prophet" John Casey called akashik. It is there that all the souls of the deceased go and there they stay, being united into a kind of Supermind, which sees everything, knows everything, can do everything, but very reluctantly

Berthier rifle - a rifle for the Zouaves and everyone else

Berthier rifle - a rifle for the Zouaves and everyone else

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In a smoky coffee shop you will involuntarily become sad Over a letter to a distant one. Your heart will beat, and you will remember Paris, And the hum of your country: On the way, on the way, the day of fun is over, it's time to hike. Aim for the chest, little zouave, shout "hurray!" For many days, believing in miracles - Suzanne waits. She has blue eyes and a scarlet

Czech, comfortable and successful pistol CZ 27

Czech, comfortable and successful pistol CZ 27

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

It always happens that a well-done thing causes a lot of imitations, and quite often imitations are not only in no way inferior to the original, but even surpass it in some way. So at the very beginning of the 1920s, the Czechoslovak army decided to test a new self-loading pistol designed by the German

Once again to the question of the Remington rotary bolt rifle (part 2)

Once again to the question of the Remington rotary bolt rifle (part 2)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

I found my second Russian rifle in the first special forces museum in Okinawa. Again, it had an unusually short barrel, a feature I initially mistook for a modification. This rifle was in even worse shape. However, the caliber markings were clear, as well as the Remington address and the date 22

Once again to the question of the Remington rotary bolt rifle (part 1)

Once again to the question of the Remington rotary bolt rifle (part 1)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In one of my articles published on the VO website, I talked about the Remington rifle, and the material was prepared based on the publication "Remington Rolling Block Military Rifles of the World" (George Layman. Woonsocket, RIUSA: Andrew Mowbray Incorporated Publishers, 2010 - 240pp ). book author

Light machine guns of the Steyr AUG family

Light machine guns of the Steyr AUG family

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

An important component of the arsenal of any rifle unit is a light machine gun. With a relatively small size and weight, such a weapon is capable of providing a sufficiently high density of fire, which allows the machine gunner to act effectively together with other soldiers. In order to simplify

Projects of submachine guns with longitudinal store placement

Projects of submachine guns with longitudinal store placement

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Belgian FN P90 submachine gun is widely known. One of the main factors drawing attention to this weapon is the original store. The magazine of this submachine gun is mounted above the receiver. The cartridges in it are located horizontally and perpendicular to the axis of the barrel. Front

FN P90 submachine gun

FN P90 submachine gun

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Bizon submachine gun article generated a lot of interest among site visitors with the FN P90 submachine gun. I think it would be perfectly reasonable to do a little review of this weapon. Many people compare this submachine gun with other samples that have a large-capacity magazine, but this

For all types of troops

For all types of troops

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The submachine gun of Sudaev was recognized as the best automatic weapon of the Second World War The fact that during the hostilities the submachine gun (which was then called in our country for short the submachine gun) turned out to be the main automatic weapon of the infantry, was a certain surprise for all those who participated in the Second

Blum small-bore machine gun for Osoaviakhim

Blum small-bore machine gun for Osoaviakhim

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Another very interesting weapon chambered for the .22LR cartridge was our Soviet Blum machine gun. It didn’t have the phenomenal rate of fire of Richard Casull’s American submachine gun, and he didn’t need it. But it contained in its design many unusual solutions that make it

Rifles by country and continent. Part 21. Spain: women and Mauser (continued)

Rifles by country and continent. Part 21. Spain: women and Mauser (continued)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

By far the most generous and main supplier of the Republicans was the Soviet Union, which had strong political ties with the leftist government in Spain. In September 1936, the supply of weapons from Soviet arsenals began to Spain. First they sent what was left after the First World War

Rifles by country and continent. Part 20. Spain: women and Mauser

Rifles by country and continent. Part 20. Spain: women and Mauser

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

By chance, not on purpose, it turned out that when I was preparing the first materials of the series "About Mauser with Love", which were published here on VO in due time, three Spanish Mauser of excellent preservation fell into my hands at once. Well, and of course, having held on to them, I hastened to tell not so much about

Rifles by country and continent. Part 19. Mauser of Serbia and Yugoslavia

Rifles by country and continent. Part 19. Mauser of Serbia and Yugoslavia

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

At first there was no Yugoslavia. It just wasn’t, as it is now. There was Serbia that became an independent state in 1878. And the liberated Serbs wanted complete independence, that is, in everything, including weapons. This is how the "Mauser" model of 1880 appeared, which received the name

Pantgan. Just a very big gun

Pantgan. Just a very big gun

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

We all love to watch movies in one way or another. Some are "war movies", some are science fiction or fantasy, some are watching everything, for some, serials are the most lovable of all. And again, everyone finds their own in them. Someone suffers, looking at the torment of the slave Izaura, someone worries about the "radio operator Kat", someone

Rifles by country and continent. Part 18. Mausers of Persia and Turkey

Rifles by country and continent. Part 18. Mausers of Persia and Turkey

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The East, as you know, is a delicate matter. Once it surpassed the West in terms of technology, but in this respect it remained the "world of artisans", while the West, which was inferior to it in handicrafts, quickly moved to the industrial level and already bypassed the East on it once and for all. At least got around

Poem about Maxim. Interlude (part 5)

Poem about Maxim. Interlude (part 5)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“An interlude is an episode, performance, play or scene. Such an interpretation of this term is given in the “Dictionary of Russian Synonyms.” And now it makes sense to interrupt our story a little about Kh. Maxim and his machine gun and “wander into that steppe” a little. That is, to see what they were doing at the same time

Poem about Maxim (part 4)

Poem about Maxim (part 4)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

And again, two namesakes are on friendly terms, And call both Maxims. Again, the gunner is pointing accurately, hits with maximum force. "Well, well, well!" - says the machine gunner, "Well, well, well!" - says the machine gun! Music: Sigismund Katz. Words: V. Dykhovichny. 1941 Already the first cases of the use of machine guns