In the Soviet Union, physical education was very popular. A healthy mind in a healthy body, that was the slogan of many Soviet citizens. The parades of athletes were also very popular. In its beauty, the number of spectators present, the event could be compared only with the parades of military equipment. The purpose of the military parades was to demonstrate the country's military power. Let us ask ourselves why such parades were held.
Important dates in the history of the movement
The first parade of athletes took place in May 1919 on the main square of Moscow. It was visited by all the leadership of the young country, headed by Lenin. Mainly workers who have passed compulsory military training took part in the parade. Since 1918, such training has been compulsory for all males between the ages of 18 and 40.
In 1939, the day of the sportsman was established in the country by a special decree, and all parades began to be held on a holiday. Before that, they were increasingly held on days of various holidays or significant events.
The number of participants in the movement was constantly growing and if about 8 thousand people took part in the first parade, then in 1924 it was already 18 thousand, and in 1933 more than 80 thousand participants. The best specialists of the Soviet Union were involved in the design and organization of the processions. After the victory of our people in the war against the German invaders, the parades of athletes gained widespread popular love and mass character. However, in 1954, the last procession of athletes took place at this point in time.
Purposes of such parades
Of course, the main goal of such parades was to show how important a healthy lifestyle is. The beautiful muscular and flexible bodies of the participants were supposed to arouse healthy envy in observers and the desire to become the same strong and healthy people. In the Soviet Union, sports and physical education in particular, in particular, always received increased attention. In the 30s of the last century, sports societies began to emerge one after the other. The TRP complex is gaining popularity.
After the end of the war, physical education faculties were introduced in each higher educational institution.
Thanks to such measures, physical education and sports in the Soviet Union acquired a special scope, which naturally influenced the state of the country's defense capability. Many owners of TRP badges proved to be excellent at the front and were nominated for government awards. This is due, not least of all, to excellent physical fitness.