After the completion of R&D and the start of serial production of the new coastal anti-ship missile systems (SCRC) "Bastion" and "Ball" Russia became the leader in the world market for these systems. For its own needs, the Russian Navy purchases only the Bastion SCRC for operational and tactical purposes, designed to defeat large surface targets, and neglects the procurement of less powerful tactical SCRC Bal. Considering that in today's conditions the prospect of a local conflict in coastal waters is more likely than the start of a large-scale war, such a policy of the Russian Navy looks short-sighted.
Modern coastal anti-ship missile systems are quite powerful weapons systems capable not only of solving coastal defense tasks, but also of hitting naval targets at a distance of hundreds of kilometers from it. Usually possessing their own target designation means, high autonomy and mobility, modern coastal SCRCs have high combat stability and are hardly vulnerable even to the most serious enemy. These circumstances have become one of the reasons for the currently observed surge of attention on the world arms market to the coastal SCRC of the new generation. Additional perspectives are provided by the opportunity now being created to use coastal SCRCs as means of using high-precision missile weapons against ground targets.
Major overseas developments overseas developments
Today, there is a wide range of coastal anti-ship missiles on the world market, armed with almost all modern types of anti-ship missiles.
Harpoon (Boeing, USA) - despite its wide distribution in the world, this anti-ship missile is used in coastal complexes only in small quantities in several countries: Denmark, Spain, Egypt and South Korea. At the same time, in Denmark, coastal complexes were created independently by rearranging the Harpoon anti-ship missile launchers from decommissioned frigates in the early 90s.
Exocet (MBDA, France) - coastal complexes using the first generation of the Exocet MM38 anti-ship missiles were previously in service in the UK (the Excalibur complex in Gibraltar, sold to Chile in 1994) and Argentina (impromptu, was used during the Falklands conflict in 1982.), and today are used in Chile and Greece. Coastal SCRCs with more modern Exocet MM40 missiles are in service in Greece, Cyprus, Qatar, Thailand, Saudi Arabia (deliveries were made in the second half of the 80s and in the 90s) and in Chile (in the latter case made by yourself).
Otomat (MBDA, Italy) - used as part of coastal SCRC delivered in the 80s. Egypt and Saudi Arabia.
RBS-15 (Saab, Sweden) - this complex in the coastal version of the RBS-15K is in service in Sweden and Finland (it was delivered in the 80s), and in Croatia the RBS-15 anti-ship missiles are used as part of the RBS-15 anti-ship missile system created in the 90s biennium coastal SCRC MOL of its own production. Saab continues marketing a coastal SCRC based on a new version of the RBS-15 Mk 3 rocket.
RBS-17 (Saab, Sweden) is a modified version of the American Hellfire anti-tank missile. Used with light coastal launchers (PU), which are in service in Sweden and Norway.
Penguin (Kongsberg, Norway) - from the 70s. this anti-ship missile is used in stationary launchers in the coastal defense of Norway. Now the complex is outdated and is being removed from service.
NSM (Kongsberg, Norway) is a new Norwegian anti-ship missile system, which is also offered as a mobile coastal anti-ship missile system. At the end of 2008, Poland signed a $ 145 million contract for the acquisition of one onshore NSM division for delivery in 2012. This is the first known contract for the supply of Western European SCRCs in the last decade. In the future, the acquisition of the coastal version of NSM by Norway itself is possible.
SSM-1A (Mitsubishi, Japan) is a Japanese-made anti-ship missile system used in the Type 88 mobile coastal SCRC in service with Japan. It was not exported.
Hsiung Feng (Taiwan) is a family of anti-ship missiles used since the 70s. in the coastal defense of Taiwan as part of the stationary and mobile SCRC of the same name. The first version of the SCRC (Hsiung Feng I) was created on the basis of a modified analogue of the Israeli anti-ship missile Gabriel Mk 2. Since 2002, the Hsiung Feng II SCRC, which uses a longer-range missile entirely of Taiwanese development, has entered service with Taiwan in a mobile version. In the future, it is possible to create a coastal complex based on the latest Taiwanese supersonic anti-ship missile Hsiung Feng III. These systems were not exported.
HY-2 (PRC) is a Chinese anti-ship missile (also known as S-201), which is a modified analogue of the Soviet P-15 missile developed in the 60s. Coastal SCRC based on HY-2 from the 60s. formed the basis of the coastal defense of the PRC, were also supplied to Iraq, Iran, North Korea and Albania.
HY-4 (PRC) - a modified version of the HY-2 with a turbojet engine, used in the coastal defense of the PRC since the 80s. After 1991, coastal complexes with this missile were supplied to the UAE. Iran (Raad) and North Korea (US designations AG-1 and KN-01) have developed their own counterparts of this missile for coastal defense. Today the rocket is hopelessly outdated.
The YJ-62 (PRC) is an anti-ship variant (also referred to as the C-602) of the family of modern Chinese CJ-10 cruise missiles, similar to the American Tomahawk. The coastal mobile anti-ship missile system S-602 has entered service in recent years, becoming the main coastal defense system of the anti-ship missile system. No export data available.
YJ-7 (PRC) is a family of light modern anti-ship missiles, which includes missiles from S-701 to S-705. In Iran, the licensed production of the C-701 under the name Kosar, including the coastal version, is underway, and the C-704 under the name Nasr.
YJ-8 (PRC) is a series of modern Chinese anti-ship missiles, which include the S-801, S-802 and S-803 missiles. Coastal mobile systems with C-802 missiles are in service in the PRC, and in 1990-2000. delivered to Iran and, according to some reports, to the DPRK. It is reported that Thailand is currently planning to purchase these onshore SCRCs. Iran has organized the licensed production of C-802 missiles under the designation Noor, coastal complexes with them were supplied to Syria and the Lebanese organization Hezbollah and used by the latter in the Lebanese conflict in 2006.
Domestic context
Soviet period
In the USSR, the creation of coastal SCRCs was traditionally given considerable attention, because they were seen as an important means of coastal defense in the conditions of the naval superiority of the West. At the same time, in the Soviet Union, such complexes were created on the basis of anti-ship missiles not only for tactical, but also for operational-tactical purposes with a firing range exceeding 200 km.
In 1958, the first Soviet coastal mobile PKRC 4K87 "Sopka" was adopted with S-2 missiles with a firing range of up to 100 km (developed by a branch of OKB-155, now MKB "Raduga" as part of the "Corporation" Tactical Missile Armament "). The same missiles were used in the coastal stationary protected SCRC "Strela" ("Utes"), built in the Black Sea and Northern fleets. The Sopka complex formed the basis of the USSR coastal missile and artillery forces in the 60s. and was widely supplied to friendly countries, but in the 80s. was finally removed from service.
To replace the Sopka complex, the Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau (Kolomna) developed and in 1978 adopted the USSR Navy's mobile coastal anti-ship missile system 4K40 Rubezh, which uses the widespread naval anti-ship missile system P-15M with a firing range of up to 80 km developed by the Raduga Design Bureau. … The Rubezh complex was completely autonomous and had a launcher and a Harpoon target designation radar integrated on one machine (MAZ-543M chassis), realizing the concept of a missile boat on wheels. "Frontier", which took place in the 80s.modernization, still remains the main coastal SCRC of the Russian Navy. In the 80s. in the export version "Rubezh-E" the complex was supplied to the GDR, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Algeria, Libya, Syria, Yemen, India, Vietnam and Cuba. After the collapse of the USSR, Ukraine received a number of systems, and after the collapse of Yugoslavia, its Rubezh-E complexes went to Montenegro, which sold them to Egypt in 2007. Now "Rubezh" is considered morally and physically obsolete.
As a coastal operational-tactical complex for the USSR Navy, a mobile PKRK 4K44B Redut was developed and adopted in 1966 with P-35B supersonic missiles with a firing range of up to 270 km developed by OKB-52 (now JSC NPO Mashinostroyenia) … BAZ-135MB is used as the base chassis. Subsequently, "Redut" was modernized with the replacement of the P-35B missiles with more modern 3M44 of the Progress complex, which were put into service in 1982 with the P-35B missiles, and then the 3M44 coastal stationary complexes "Utes" were also re-equipped. In the 80s. complexes "Redut-E" were supplied to Bulgaria, Syria and Vietnam. In the Russian Navy, in Syria and Vietnam, these systems, despite their obsolescence, are still in service, and the Vietnamese complexes were modernized after 2000 by NPO Mashinostroyenia under the Modern program.
Present time
In the 80s. to replace the Redut and Rubezh complexes, the development of a new generation of coastal SCRCs began on the basis of the then promising anti-ship missiles (the Bastion and Bal complexes, respectively), however, due to the collapse of the USSR, they were only brought to fruition in recent years. After the start of the serial production of these systems, Russia has become a leader in the market for the production of coastal SCRCs and, apparently, will retain this advantage for the next decade, especially given the possibility of promoting even newer Club-M and Bal-U systems in the future.
The operational-tactical coastal anti-ship missile system "Bastion" was developed by NPO Mashinostroyenia on the basis of a new supersonic anti-ship missile system of the 3M55 "Onyx / Yakhont" series with a firing range of up to 300 km. The system is offered in mobile (K300P "Bastion-P") and stationary ("Bastion-S") versions, while for export it is equipped with K310 "Yakhont" missiles with a firing range of up to 290 km. The complex (division) "Bastion-P" includes four mobile launchers on the MZKT-7930 chassis (two missiles on each), a control machine, and target designation vehicles with the "Monolit-B" radar and transport-loading vehicles can also be introduced. …
In 2006, contracts were signed for the supply of one Bastion-P division to Vietnam (with an estimated value of $ 150 million) and two divisions to Syria (about $ 300 million), while the Vietnamese contract actually paid for the final part of R&D … The complex was delivered to both customers together with the Yakhont missiles by NPO Mashinostroyenia in 2010.
In 2008, the Russian Ministry of Defense issued NPO Mashinostroyenia a contract for the supply of three 3K55 Bastion-P complexes with Onyx / Yakhont missiles to equip the 11th separate coastal missile and artillery brigade of the Black Sea Fleet stationed in the Anapa region. At the end of 2009 - the beginning of 2010, two Bastion-P complexes were transferred to the brigade (according to the "new look" of the Russian Armed Forces, they are called batteries and combined as part of the brigade into one division), and in 2011 there should be transferred to the third complex (battery).
To replace the tactical complex "Rubezh" in the coastal missile and artillery troops of the Russian Navy was supposed to be created by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "KB Mashinostroeniya" (head contractor) and enterprises of the corporation "Tactical Missile Armament" (KTRV) mobile coastal SCRC 3K60 "Ball", using small-sized subsonic anti-ship missiles 3M24 "Uranus" with a firing range of up to 120 km. The Bal complex includes four 3S60 self-propelled launchers on the MZKT-7930 chassis (eight missiles on each), two self-propelled command and control centers (SKPUS) with the Harpoon-Bal target designation radar on the same chassis, and also four transport-loading vehicles. The total ammunition of the complex, therefore, consists of 64 anti-ship missiles.
For testing, one "Ball" complex was manufactured in the minimum configuration (one SKPUS, two launchers and one transport-loading vehicle), which successfully completed state tests in the fall of 2004. This complex was transferred to trial operation of the Russian Navy and is now part of the 11th 1st separate coastal missile and artillery brigade of the Black Sea Fleet, although it does not have ammunition for 3M24 missiles. But despite the formal acceptance into service in 2008, orders for the serial production of the Bal complex from the Russian Ministry of Defense did not follow. For export, the complex is offered in the "Bal-E" version with export missiles 3M24E, but so far no orders have been received for it either, despite the interest shown by a number of countries.
Another proposal for coastal SCRC in Russia is the mobile complex Club-M, promoted by OKB Novator (part of OJSC Air Defense Concern Almaz-Antey), based on cruise missiles of the Club ("Caliber") family of types 3M14E, 3M54E and 3M54E1 with a firing range of up to 290 km. The complex is offered for export in a mobile version on different chassis with 3-6 missiles on the launcher (including container version), there are no orders for it yet.
Another project was the proposal of KTRV (MKB "Raduga") presented for the first time in 2006 for a mobile coastal version of the export version of the well-known ship-borne SCRC "Moskit-E" with supersonic missiles 3M80E with a firing range of up to 130 km. The disadvantages of this complex are the bulkiness of not new missiles, as well as insufficient firing range. Coastal "Moskit-E" has not yet found demand.
Prospects for equipping the Russian Navy
The main promising coastal SCRC for the Russian Navy today is considered to be developed with the leading role of NPO Mashinostroyenia universal complex "Bal-U", which is supposed to use missiles of the "Onyx / Yakhont" and "Caliber" series (on the basis of interchangeability) in interaction with new target designation means. Apparently, due to the expectation of the readiness of this complex, the Russian Ministry of Defense is refusing additional orders for the Bastion SCRC and the purchase of the Ball complexes with 3M24 missiles.
It should be noted that if the Bal-U complex is adopted as a unified system of coastal missile and artillery units of the Russian Navy, it will turn out that all missile armament of these units will be represented only by operational-tactical systems. At the same time, in all cases, extremely expensive powerful (with a heavy warhead) supersonic (in the case of the Caliber complex, with a supersonic stage) anti-ship missiles will be used, designed to destroy large warships. The Russian Navy will have no modern coastal tactical complexes in principle. Such a choice should hardly be considered optimal from either a military or an economic point of view.
In the event of a real large-scale conflict, it is unlikely that large enemy ships (for example, American cruisers and destroyers equipped with the AEGIS weapon system, not to mention aircraft carriers) will appear in Russian coastal waters, thereby exposing themselves to missile attacks. The days of the near naval blockade are long gone, and the US Navy will be able to strike at Russian territory with sea-based cruise missiles from significant distances from the coast, obviously exceeding the range of existing coastal systems. It is obvious that the invasion of the enemy aircraft carrier strike group and large ships into the Russian near sea zone will be carried out only after the complete conquest of supremacy at sea and in the air and only after the destruction of coastal defense forces during an air-naval operation with the help of high-precision aviation weapons and cruise missiles.
It should also be said that a significant firing range, declared one of the main advantages of operational-tactical complexes, in the face of a stronger enemy will be difficult to achieve due to the difficulties of ensuring target designation at a considerable distance. The enemy will, if not disrupt, then as much as possible complicate the target designation of the coastal SCRC at a significant range, provided by external means. In the worst case scenario, coastal SCRCs will have to rely only on their own radar systems, the range of which is limited by the radio horizon, which will negate the expected benefits of using expensive long-range missiles.
Thus, coastal SCRCs with powerful operational-tactical missiles, focused on use mainly in large-scale conflicts against large and "high-tech" naval targets, in fact, in such a conflict, will face significant limitations in effectiveness and, quite possibly, will not be able to fully realize their combat potential. Shooting the same "Onyx" at small sea targets in limited conflicts is clearly irrational.
Meanwhile, the modern development of the naval forces of our neighbors, as well as the general trends in the evolution of littoral naval combat assets, suggest an increase in the role of small combat units (including small combat boats, and in the future, unmanned combat assets) in a war in the near sea zone. Even the US Navy is increasingly focusing on the development of such means. Thus, in the coastal waters of Russia, the most likely conceptual scenario for the Russian Navy is not the presence of “a small number of large targets”, but the presence of “a large number of small targets”. It is obvious that the Russian Navy is in dire need of modern weapons systems to combat small and medium surface targets in the near sea zone, especially in the inland seas.
One of the main weapons systems for solving problems of this kind should be considered inexpensive subsonic small anti-ship missiles. Russia has a very successful and proven modern example of such an anti-ship missile system in the form of "Uranus" with missiles of the 3M24 series, as well as its coastal version in the form of "Bala".
Neglecting the purchases of these complexes, both ship-based and shore-based, seems completely short-sighted.
The reorientation of the Russian naval forces to combat not only large, but also light and boat forces (at least in the Black, Baltic and Japanese Seas) should affect the construction of all branches and forces of the Navy - both naval and naval aviation and coastal missile forces. -artillery units. With regard to the latter, the most optimal prospects are seen in the combination of purchases of operational-tactical coastal anti-ship missiles Bastion-P and Bal-U with powerful and high-speed anti-ship missiles Onyx and tactical complexes Bal with Uranium-class missiles. It should be noted that the cost of one missile "Onyx / Yakhont" 3M55 is approximately 3-4 times higher than the missile of the "Uran" 3M24 series. The cost of the Bastion-P SCRC battery with a standard ammunition of 16 missiles is approximately comparable (and most likely higher) with the cost of the Bal SCRC battery with a standard ammunition load of 64 missiles. At the same time, from the point of view of "plugging" the target channels of modern naval air defense systems, a salvo of 32 subsonic missiles is preferable to a salvo of eight supersonic missiles.
In practice, the high cost of the Bastion and Bal-U complexes will most likely lead to a restriction of their purchases or to an extension of the period of their supply for a long time. As a result, if the fleet does not resort to the purchase of tactical SCRCs, the Russian coastal missile and artillery units of the Navy will be equipped with Redut and Rubezh systems in a decade, which by that time will finally turn into “museum exhibits” with negligible combat significance. … It should also be noted that the 3M24 missiles, as shown by their recent improvement, have a large modernization potential, the implementation of which will allow, at relatively low cost, to significantly increase the flexibility and effectiveness of the use of missile weapon systems based on them.