In service with Israel, there are several types of anti-missile defense systems, and in the foreseeable future new models may appear. The main novelty of recent times in this area is the I-Dome project. He proposes transferring the means of the stationary complex "Kipat Barzel" to a self-propelled chassis and expanding the range of tasks to be solved. The resulting combat vehicle is intended for escorting troops or quickly organizing air defense and missile defense in a given area.

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The first missile defense systems "Kipat Barzel" / Iron Dome / "Iron Dome" took over duty in 2011, and since then such equipment regularly participates in repelling missile strikes. In the future, the development company Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd. was engaged in the development of the project and the adaptation of the complex tools for use for different purposes. So, a few years ago, a draft ship version of the Iron Dome air defense system was presented, and now a land mobile version is also offered.
For the first time about the project of the I-Dome mobile complex was told last year during the Eurosatory 2018 exhibition. The developer company disclosed the main data on the new project, and also pointed out its advantages. Experienced equipment is not yet available, and only graphic materials and models appear at exhibitions. The timing of the appearance of a full-fledged sample remains unknown.
Technical features
In the original version, the Iron Dome air defense system includes several different means on stationary platforms, which is why its transportation and deployment are associated with certain difficulties. The new I-Dome project provides for some changes in the composition of the complex and the transfer of its main components to a self-propelled chassis with suitable characteristics.
I-Dome advertising materials feature a three-axle special chassis of foreign production. It has a platform with mounts for the necessary devices and tools. The self-propelled combat vehicle carries a radar station, communication and control systems, and a launcher with interceptor missiles. Some of the funds for such a complex are directly borrowed from the stationary Kupol, while others are being developed anew.
Above the cab and the engine compartment of the base chassis is a raised platform with a telescopic mast for the radar antenna device. The latter is made in the form of a pyramid with four active phased antenna arrays, providing all-round visibility. In the working position, the antennas rise, which increases the detection range. The type and characteristics of the radar were not specified. Probably, it should provide target detection at ranges of at least 70 km - comparable to the parameters of an interceptor missile.
Apparently, fire controls and other electronic components are undergoing some changes associated with the proposed methods of combat work. Radar and LMS must accompany a large number of targets and control the launch of missiles. It is required to provide independent work and actions as part of a developed integrated air defense-missile defense system.
A lifting launcher with 10 transport and launch containers for Tamir missiles is placed on the cargo area of the chassis. Any special modification of the interceptor missiles is not envisaged. It is planned to use the same missiles as on the stationary complex, including those that have been modernized. This provides for the expansion of combat capabilities.
At the moment, the serial Tamir interceptor missiles are intended only for combating unguided missiles of various types. An improved missile is also being developed, capable of hitting aerodynamic targets such as aircraft, helicopters and UAVs. After the appearance of such a modification of the missile defense system, the Kipat Barzel complex in a stationary or mobile version will be able to expand the range of tasks to be solved. In fact, the new missile defense system will make it a universal anti-missile defense system.
The I-Dome complex will not be able to fire on the move. Before using weapons, the car will have to stop and prepare for launch. The necessary procedures, it is said, will take no more than a few minutes. The air defense missile system will be able to return to the stowed position just as quickly and continue to move.
An anti-aircraft system of this kind is proposed to solve two main tasks. She will have to guard stationary objects, quickly going to a given position and performing deployment. In addition, the I-Dome will be able to replenish military air defense and provide protection for troops on the march or in positions. In both cases, the use of universal missiles should provide high performance and combat qualities.
Weapons of the future?
The promising I-Dome anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense complex exists only in the form of documentation and advertising materials. As far as we know, a full-fledged prototype has not yet been built or tested. Its appearance is a matter of the future. Nevertheless, even on the basis of the available materials, it is possible to consider the proposed sample and draw preliminary conclusions.

In the I-Dome project, the very fact of transferring the funds of the stationary complex "Kipat Barzel" to a self-propelled chassis is of interest. It was possible to accommodate all fixed assets on one machine, although the price of this was a certain reduction in tactical and technical characteristics. A vehicle of this architecture can quickly enter a given area and begin combat work. Escort of troops is also provided.
In its proposed form, the I-Dome is capable of protecting troops or areas from an air strike. In addition, the possibility of working on unguided missiles, a threat characteristic of Israel, remains. Thus, the new development of Rafael can be considered as a typical modern air defense system, assembled from available components.
However, there are also reasons for criticism, some of which are directly related to the transfer of components to the mobile platform. It is obvious that the airborne radar in terms of its parameters lags behind the larger and more powerful one used in the Iron Dome. In addition, the ammunition load of one launcher has been halved. The impossibility of firing on the move, due to the design of the launcher, imposes restrictions on combat use and its effectiveness.
Some questions are raised by the declared possibility of intercepting aerodynamic targets. Work on the modernization of Tamir missiles, aimed at obtaining such functions, has been going on for several years, but has not yet reached the adoption of improved missiles into service. Lack of progress on anti-aircraft missile limits the potential of the complex. If the tasks of updating the missiles are not solved, then the I-Dome will become not a universal air defense system, but a specialized anti-missile system, even if it is in a mobile version.
Apparently, the I-Dome complex has commercial potential. Such a system may interest both the Israeli army and the military of other states. The international market for air and missile defense systems is large enough, and any new sample has a chance to become the subject of a contract. The presence of certain positive qualities increases the likelihood of receiving an order.
The main combat capabilities can be considered as a competitive advantage of the I-Dome. In addition, the results of the operation of the Iron Dome systems with Tamir missiles turn out to be a good advertisement for such an air defense system. During the operation, stationary complexes attacked more than 2 thousand missiles, shells and mines, intercepting 90% of the targets. The proposed modernization provides for the preservation of the anti-missile potential while mastering the fight against aircraft. All this may interest the buyer.
However, the I-Dome project is still in its early stages and is not yet ready for serial production and deliveries of equipment to customers. Last year and this year, the development company demonstrated only advertising materials and mock-ups of equipment, but not full-fledged prototypes. The progress of the last year is unclear, which is why the real prospects of the project remain in question. Obviously, Israel offers an interesting version of a universal short-range air defense system, but its future has not yet been determined.