In the mid-1970s, relations between Moscow and Beijing deteriorated so much that the parties began to seriously consider the possibility of using nuclear weapons against each other. At the same time, the Soviet Union had an overwhelming superiority over China in the number of nuclear warheads and their delivery vehicles. The territory of the PRC was threatened not only by medium-range ballistic missiles, but also by numerous Soviet bombers carrying free-fall nuclear bombs and cruise missiles. Due to its geographic location, China was very vulnerable to air attack from the North and West. During the Cold War, the Soviet Air Force had a large fleet of bombers. Attacks on objects on Chinese territory could be inflicted not only by long-range bombers Tu-16, Tu-22 and Tu-95, but also by the front-line Il-28 and Su-24 - based in the Central Asian Soviet republics, in Eastern Siberia, Transbaikalia, in the Amur region, Khabarovsk and Primorsky regions. Taking into account the fact that the Soviet military contingent was stationed on the territory of Mongolia and there were jump airfields, and from the Mongolian-Chinese border to Beijing about 600 km, the Chinese capital was within the reach of Soviet front-line strike aviation. This largely cooled the "hotheads" in Beijing and the Chinese leadership, realizing their weakness, and in spite of the bellicose rhetoric tried not to cross the "red line." So, in March 1979, the Soviet bomber aircraft, making demonstration flights along the borders with the PRC, became one of the factors in the withdrawal of Chinese troops from Vietnamese territory.
This is not to say that the Chinese leadership and the high command of the PLA did nothing to reduce potential vulnerability from Soviet bombers. In the PRC in the 70s and 80s, massive construction of very large and well-fortified underground shelters for equipment, weapons, urban population and personnel of the armed forces was carried out. The dispersal of military bases and aviation regiments was carried out. A legacy from the times of the Soviet-Chinese confrontation in the PRC remained a large number of capital takeoff and landing and shelters cut out in the rock. Quickly demolished models of houses were erected over the mines of a few Chinese ballistic missiles for the purpose of camouflage, and false starting positions were set up in the district.
In addition to the construction of shelters and the implementation of organizational measures to reduce possible damage from a nuclear strike, HQ-2 air defense systems were deployed on the most likely flight routes of Soviet bombers, interceptor airfields and anti-aircraft batteries were located. Realizing that the available forces are not enough to protect the entire territory, the Chinese leadership tried to cover especially important administrative and economic centers, which are in the most vulnerable position, with anti-aircraft missile systems and fighters. This primarily applied to cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan and Shenyang. The positions of anti-aircraft artillery of 57, 85 and 100-mm caliber and the HQ-2 air defense system were especially densely located to the north and north-west of these cities. On the coast adjacent to the Taiwan Strait, air defense systems and anti-aircraft artillery batteries were deployed in the vicinity of Zhangzhou and Quanzhou. The north-west of the PRC was very weakly defended in anti-aircraft terms, only around Urumqi in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region were deployed three divisions of the HQ-2 air defense missile system. At the same time, a dense network of radar posts was located along the perimeter of the Soviet-Chinese border. As a rule, radar stations were installed at points dominating the terrain, no closer than 60-70 km from the state border. The second radar belt in northwestern China was located inland at a distance of 400-600 km. To intercept bombers invading from this direction in the sparsely populated western and northwestern regions of the PRC, several airfields were built, where the J-6 and J-7 fighters were based. In total, as of the mid-1980s, more than 60 HQ-2 anti-aircraft missile battalions were on combat duty in China.
After the normalization of relations between our countries, a significant part of the positions of the air defense system, as the first modifications of the HQ-2 were written off, were eliminated. By the end of the 1990s, almost all 85-100-mm anti-aircraft guns were decommissioned, of which there were about 8,000 units in the PLA in the 1970s. A small number of large-caliber anti-aircraft guns are still preserved in the coastal defense units in the Bohai Bay and the Taiwan Strait.

At present, the position of the HQ-2J air defense missile system has remained in secondary directions in the inland regions of the PRC. Several complexes with missiles operating on liquid fuel and oxidizer are deployed near Beijing. Direct air defense of the Chinese capital is provided by modern long-range anti-aircraft missile systems: Russian S-300PMU / PMU1 and Chinese HQ-9 / A and five air regiments on J-7B / E, J-8II J-11A / B fighters. It should be expected that in connection with the development of the resource, the S-300PMU air defense systems will be replaced in the near future with new long-range anti-aircraft systems. At the moment, the S-300PMU air defense missile systems, covering Beijing, are on duty with a truncated composition from the east, which is most likely due to the lack of conditioned missiles.

The modernized HQ-2J air defense systems, along with the relatively modern HQ-12, are considered as an addition to long-range multi-channel air defense systems. At the moment, Beijing is second only to Moscow in terms of the density of cover from air attack weapons. In total, the security of the Chinese capital from air attack weapons is provided by three dozen medium and long-range air defense systems.

According to Western data, the number of anti-aircraft missile divisions deployed in stationary positions in the PRC is 110-120 units. About 80% of them are armed with modern complexes and systems. The Chinese are very zealous in preserving the existing infrastructure. Capital positions, where in the past the obsolete HQ-2 air defense systems were located, in most cases remain, modern anti-aircraft systems are deployed on them after reconstruction. Unlike our country, where hundreds of expensive defense facilities have been destroyed as part of “reforming” and “giving a new look”, China strictly monitors the intended use and safety of the existing infrastructure.
The distribution of medium and long-range anti-aircraft missile systems over the territory of the PRC is very indicative. The main part of the Chinese air defense systems covers industrial and administrative centers located in a comfortable climatic zone for living.

Russian-made anti-aircraft missile systems, in addition to the vicinity of Beijing, are concentrated in the areas of Dalian, Qingdao, Shanghai, Quanzhou, Zhangzhou - that is, mostly along the coast.

Modern and long-range S-300PMU-2 air defense systems are mainly deployed near the Taiwan Strait and in the area of operation of American combat aircraft based in Japan and South Korea. Western observers note that the S-300PMU air defense systems, delivered more than 25 years ago, in the PRC are gradually being replaced by their own HQ-9A air defense systems. So, in positions near Shanghai, where the S-300PMU missile defense system was stationed in the past, now the HQ-9A air defense missile system is on duty.

Anti-aircraft systems and complexes of our own production HQ-64, HQ-9, HQ-12 and HQ-16 are deployed to protect especially valuable objects in the depths of China and in the border southern and northwestern regions.

Particular attention is paid to the air defense of the areas of deployment of Chinese ICBMs, aerospace and nuclear energy enterprises. So, for example, around the city of Shenyang, where an aircraft plant specializing in the construction of heavy J-11 and J-16 fighters is located, three HQ-9A air defense missile systems and an HQ-16 air defense missile system battalion are permanently deployed. The aircraft factory and test center in Xi'an is covered by an anti-aircraft missile regiment, which includes three divisions of the HQ-9 air defense system.

One of the first serial HQ-9 air defense systems was deployed in Tibet, near the Gonggar airbase, in an area located in the immediate vicinity of the disputed sections of the Sino-Indian border.

In addition, recently, Chinese HQ-9A long-range air defense systems have been deployed outside the mainland of the PRC. According to satellite images released in February 2016, the People's Republic of China has deployed an HQ-9A air defense missile system on Woody Island, which is part of the archipelago of the disputed Paracel Islands in the South China Sea.

The southern direction from Vietnam is protected by eight divisions of the HQ-12 air defense system. There are three HQ-12 locations around Baotou City in Inner Mongolia. Although this air defense system is inferior in its capabilities to the long-range air defense systems HQ-9 / 9A / 9V and S-300PMU / PMU-1 / PMU-2, it is also much cheaper. Currently, the HQ-12 is the most massive anti-aircraft missile system, which is constantly on alert in the air defense forces of the PRC.

Airbases and some strategic objects located not only on the coast, but also in the depths of the territory are covered by short-range air defense systems HQ-64 and HQ-7. The batteries of the HQ-64 air defense system are on duty in the position for a long period of time, and the HQ-7 on a rotational basis.

Observers note that the number of short-range air defense missile systems equipped in the vicinity of air bases, ports, radar posts and other important facilities located along the coast has recently increased significantly.

Taking into account the existing experience, it is quite possible that the HQ-17 air defense system is involved in carrying out combat duty and covering airfields, stationary radar posts and long-range air defense missile systems.

Direct anti-aircraft cover of the PLA Longtian Air Force base closest to Taiwan is provided by the HQ-64A anti-aircraft missile and artillery battery. On this base in 2016, an unmanned squadron of radio-controlled J-6 aircraft was deployed, which, judging by satellite images, regularly take to the air.

In the event of the outbreak of hostilities, the outdated J-6 remotely controlled fighters will act as decoys, taking over the attack from the enemy's air defense systems. There is reason to believe that, in addition to remote control equipment, unmanned kamikazes have jamming stations and missiles designed to destroy enemy radars.
It is worth dwelling separately on the ranges available in the PRC, where control, training and test launches of medium and long-range anti-aircraft missiles are carried out. 80 km east of the city of Tangshan, in the Hebei province, on the shores of the Bohai Bay, there is a training ground for the Air Defense Forces.

Here, in the direction of the sea water area 2-3 times a year, control and training firing of combatant battalions of the HQ-2J, HQ-12 air defense systems, as well as the HQ-9 and S-300PMU / PMU-1 / PMU-2 air defense missile systems carrying combat duty around Beijing, around Qingdao, Nanjing, Shanghai, Shenyang, Quanzhou and Zhangzhou.

Radio-controlled targets J-6 and H-5 are launched from the Qinhuangdao-Shanhaiguan airbase located 70 km to the north. Long-range missile-carrying bombers N-6 are also based here for the duration of the exercises, from which simulators of cruise missiles are launched.

In 2017, construction began on a missile test site in Shaanxi province, 50 kilometers north of Xi'an city. In this area, in addition to five starting positions, there is a large radar post with several JY-27, JYL-1 and YLC-2 radars. Also, on a permanent basis, there are two divisions of the HQ-9 air defense system on the territory of the test site.

Around the administrative center of Jiuquan in Gansu province, within a radius of 200-300 km, there are four sites, from where regular test and control and training launches of anti-aircraft missiles are carried out. Due to its low population density, this desert area is very well suited for firing military missiles.

The legendary test site No. 72 is located 20 km north of the Jiuquan cosmodrome, where all Chinese medium and long-range anti-aircraft missile systems were tested in the past, as well as the Russian S-300PMU / PMU-1 / PMU-2.

It was at site number 72 in December 2018 that control and test firing of Russian S-400 air defense systems was carried out. In a number of Russian media outlets in January 2019, unconfirmed information was published that, during firing, the 48N6E missile defense system at a distance of 250 km hit a ballistic target flying at a speed of 3 km / s. This news caused a great upsurge among "patriotic" Russian citizens, but those who are at least a little familiar with the capabilities of modern air defense technology shrugged their shoulders in bewilderment. Having become interested in this issue, I tried to find more information on the tests of the S-400 on the Chinese Internet. A number of sources say that the ballistic target was launched from a range of 250 km, but nothing is said about the distance at which it was intercepted.
As you know, the S-400 is a system designed primarily to combat aerodynamic targets, but at the same time it is capable of intercepting short-range ballistic missiles. According to materials published during arms exhibitions and international aerospace shows, the maximum target designation range of the 91N6E radar for ballistic targets with an EPR of 0.5 m² is 240 km. The maximum firing range at large low-maneuverable targets: long-range B-52 bombers and KS-135 tankers is 250 km. The maximum boundary of the coverage zone in terms of range from ballistic missiles is 60 km. For comparison: as part of the upgraded S-300V4 system - specially created to provide air defense / missile defense of the front link of the ground forces, the 9М82М missile weighing 5800 kg is used, with a launch range at slow aerodynamic targets at medium altitudes of about 400 km. As you know from open sources, the weight of the 48N6E SAM is about 1900 kg. Most of the mass of these missiles falls on solid fuel. The maximum flight speed of the 9M82M missile is 7, 85 M, the 48N6E missile - 7, 5 M. Taking into account the fact that long-range 40N6E missiles with active homing were not supplied to the PRC, statements about the interception of the S-400 ballistic target using the 48N6E missile at a range of 250 km should be considered unreliable.
It can be stated that due to the change in the military-political situation and the balance of power in the world, in the 21st century, the layout of the stationary positions of the air defense missile system has radically changed. In the past, the HQ-2 air defense systems were located in the northeast and northwest of the PRC, on the path of the most likely flight routes for Soviet long-range bombers. Now most of the positions in the northwestern part of China have been eliminated, and there are no anti-aircraft missile systems left along the border with the Russian Far Eastern territories.

A particularly significant concentration of modern anti-aircraft systems and fighters Su-30MKK, J-10A / B and J-11A / B is observed in areas that are in the area of operation of the Taiwan Air Force. The Air Force of the Republic of China (Taiwan) has about 380 combat aircraft. Of these, the most valuable are the 125 F-CK-1 Jingguo multirole fighters. This aircraft was created on the basis of the American F-16, but has two engines and differs in the composition of avionics and weapons. Also in the Taiwanese Air Force there are fighters: F-5E / F, F-16A / B and Mirage 2000-5.
Long-range cruise missile bombers are also considered as the most likely opponents of the Chinese air defense system. Andersen Air Force Base on the island of Guam, operated by the 36th Wing, is used as an intermediate airfield for American long-range bombers in the Asia-Pacific zone. Here, on a rotational basis, F-15C and F-22A fighters (12-16 units), long-range unmanned reconnaissance aircraft RQ-4 Global Hawk (3-4 units), B-52H Stratofortress, B-1B Lancer, B-2A bombers are on duty. Spirit (6-10 units). If necessary, the aviation group on Guam can be increased 4-5 times during the day. F-15C and F-22A fighters, KC-135R tankers, and C-17A military transport aircraft belonging to the 15th Air Wing and 154th Air Wing of the National Guard Air Force are assigned to the Hikkam airbase in Hawaii. Although the Hikkam airbase is quite remote from the PRC coast, it can be used as an intermediate airfield and for basing tanker aircraft and long-range bombers. And fighters stationed here on a permanent basis can be quickly deployed to airbases in Japan and South Korea.
A potential threat to China is the combat aircraft of the US Pacific Air Force, headquartered at Hickam Air Base, Hawaii. Subordinate to the Pacific Command are the 5th (Japan), 7th (Republic of Korea), 11th (Alaska) and 13th (Hawaii) air armies. As part of the 5th Air Force Army, with its headquarters at the Yokota airbase, the 18th air wing, deployed at the Kadena airbase, is considered the main striking force. F-15C / D fighters of the 44th and 67th squadrons are based here. Air refueling of American fighters stationed in Japan is provided by the KC-135R of the 909th tanker squadron. Aiming at air targets and general management of the actions of military aviation outside the zone of visibility of ground-based radars is entrusted to the 961st radar patrol and control detachment, equipped with AWACS and U E-3C Sentry aircraft. Regular reconnaissance flights along the PRC coast are carried out by RC-135V / W Rivet Joint aircraft and RQ-4 Global Hawk long-range high-altitude unmanned reconnaissance aircraft. Reconnaissance functions are also assigned to the base patrol aircraft P-8A Poseidon, P-3C Orion and the US Navy's EP-3E Aries II radio reconnaissance aircraft, which are stationed at Kadena AFB. F-16C / D of the 13th and 14th squadrons of the 35th Fighter Wing are deployed at the Misawa airbase.
Naval Base Yokosuka is the permanent forward base of American aircraft carriers. Since 2008, the Nimitz-class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN-73) has been located here. He was recently replaced on duty in Japan by the USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76). Deck aircraft of the US Navy for coastal deployment use the Atsugi airbase, which houses the aircraft of the 5th aircraft carrier wing. It includes three F / A-18E / F Super Hornet fighter and assault squadrons, an EA-18 Growler electronic warfare squadron, an E-2C / D Hawkeye AWACS squadron, as well as carrier-based transport aircraft and helicopters for various purposes.
On the territory of Japan, there are about 200 combat aircraft of the US Air Force and Navy on a permanent basis. In addition to American fighters on a permanent basis based on Japanese airfields, the Air Self-Defense Forces of Japan have: 190 heavy F-15J / DJ fighters, 60 light F-2A / B (a more advanced Japanese version of the F-16), about 40 multi-purpose F-4EJs and about 10 scouts RF-4EJ / EF-4EJ. Also, 42 F-35 fighters have been ordered in the United States. The forces of the 7th Air Army, stationed in South Korea, are represented by the 8th Fighter Aviation Regiment - 42 F-16C / D (Gunsan Air Base), and the 51st Fighter Wing - 36 F-16C / D, belonging to the 36th Fighter Squadron. and 24 A-10C Thunderbolt II attack aircraft from the 25th Fighter Squadron. To the forces of the 7th VA of the US Air Force, approximately 460 South Korean fighters should be added: F-5E / F, F-16C / D, F-15K and F-4E. Which, in the event of a military clash between the United States and China, if they do not participate in air strikes on Chinese territory, will definitely be used for the air defense of American air bases.
Thus, the combined aviation group of the United States, Japan and the Republic of Korea, taking into account the combat aircraft of the Republic of China, is practically equal in number to the entire fighter fleet of the PLA Air Force. At the same time, it will be easier for Chinese fighters to conduct defensive combat operations over the territory of the PRC adjacent to coastal areas due to the presence of a large number of alternate runways and numerous ground radar posts. As for the American aircraft carrier strike groups, given the increased power of the Chinese coastal defense units equipped with numerous modern anti-ship missiles, their presence in the territorial waters of the PRC is impossible. Moreover, the Chinese fleet and strike aircraft of the PLA Air Force and Navy, stationed at coastal airfields, are quite capable of forcing American aircraft carriers to be at a distance greater than the combat range of the F / A-18 E / F carrier-based fighter-bombers. Chinese fighter-interceptors, operating in conjunction with medium and long-range anti-aircraft missile systems, are capable of inflicting unacceptable losses on enemy bombers. In this regard, it should be expected that the first attack on key Chinese defense facilities will be carried out by cruise missiles launched from long-range bombers, surface ships and submarines.
According to information published in open sources, the duty forces of the American 7th Fleet constantly have carriers capable of launching at least 500 sea-based cruise missiles RGM / UGM-109 Tomahawk. The most modern modification is considered to be the RGM / UGM-109E Tactical Tomahawk with a launch range of 1600 km and KVO - 10 m. Outside the affected area of the anti-aircraft missile systems available in the PRC, AGM-86C / D CALCM cruise missiles can be launched, which are carried in the Air Force USA are long-range bombers B-52H. One bomber can carry up to 20 CR. AGM-86C / D can engage ground targets at ranges up to 1100 km. In the case of using the Litton anti-jamming guidance system with correction based on GPS satellite navigation signals of the 3rd generation, the circular probable deviation from the aiming point is 3 m.
Bombers B-1B, B-2A, B-52H, as well as tactical and carrier-based aircraft F-16C / D, F-15E and F / A-18E / F are capable of carrying AGM-158 JASSM cruise missiles. B-52H bomber can take 12 such missiles, B-1B - 24 missiles, B-2A - 16 missiles, F-16C / D fighters, F / A-18E / F - 2 missiles, F-15E - 3 missiles. To date, the improved AGM-158B JASSM-ER cruiser with a launch range of 980 km is being serially produced. The speed on the route is 780-1000 km / h. The average deviation from the aiming point is 3 m. The missile is capable of striking both stationary and mobile targets. Aircraft F-15E, F / A-18C / D, F / A-18E / F, P-3C, R-8A are capable of hitting ground targets with AGM-84 SLAM missiles. This missile was created on the basis of the AGM-84 Harpoon anti-ship missile system, but differs in the guidance system. Instead of the active RGSN, the SLAM uses an inertial system with GPS correction and the possibility of remote tele-guidance. In 2000, the CR AGM-84H SLAM-ER was adopted, which is a deep processing of the AGM-84E SLAM. SLAM-ER is able to independently identify the target according to the data pre-stored in the missile's on-board computer or be guided by the operator's commands. The missile has the ability to hit targets at a distance of 270 km. Flight speed - 855 km / h. The AGM-88 HARM missile is designed to combat surveillance radars and air defense missile guidance stations at a distance of up to 150 km. It can be carried by all American tactical and carrier-based aircraft in service.
In the context of the widespread use of cruise missiles by the enemy, camouflage and dispersal of fighters to alternate airfields will be of particular importance; the existing underground shelters carved into the rocks will also play a role. There is no doubt that based on the experience of using American high-precision aircraft weapons and cruise missiles in local conflicts, the PLA command made the appropriate conclusions and was concerned about the creation of electronic warfare equipment capable of reducing the effectiveness of guided munitions, in which signals from a satellite positioning navigation system and telecontrol are used for guidance. …The effectiveness of the use of anti-radar missiles will be seriously reduced due to the use of generators that simulate the operation of radar stations. In the event of a negative forecast of the development of a crisis situation and the announcement of a "threatened period", anti-aircraft missile battalions, mobile radars and mobile communication centers should move to prepared reserve deployment areas, while prefabricated mock-ups and radar traps remain in old, well-known enemy positions. In the process of deploying anti-aircraft missile battalions, a thorough camouflage of real and equipment of false positions is carried out, while observing the radio silence regime. Provided that the above measures are carried out in a timely manner, the effectiveness of a strike with cruise missiles can be significantly reduced, and attacks by manned strike aircraft in conditions of an unsuppressed air defense system will be fraught with very significant losses.

It can be argued with a high degree of confidence that in the event of an attack on objects on the territory of China, the PRC leadership will issue an order to retaliate with missile and bomb strikes against the bases from which the air attack weapons have emerged. With the current level of development of the air defense of the PRC, in an armed conflict in which only conventional ammunition will be used, the means of an air attack by the United States and its allies will not be able to suppress the Chinese air defense system and gain air supremacy over the mainland of the PRC with acceptable losses.
One cannot fail to note the tremendous progress in improving the air defense of the PRC. As part of the military reform and modernization of the armed forces, the Chinese top military-political leadership strives to create the maximum balance between modern fighter aircraft and anti-aircraft missile forces. The construction of China's air defense system is carried out taking into account the development experience and achievements achieved by the air defense forces of the USSR and Russia. In the last decade, more than 70% of the fleet of ground-based radar stations has been updated, and there are approximately 20 AWACS aircraft in service. Thanks to the introduction of automated combat information and control systems, ground-based radars and air radar pickets are linked into one network. Interceptors and modern anti-aircraft missile systems are equipped with high-speed data exchange equipment in a closed mode. Information flows and the issuance of timely target designation are under the jurisdiction of regional commands. Already, China's air defense system is one of the best in the world and is capable of inflicting unacceptable damage to any enemy and effectively covering strategically important facilities and troops.