By the early 1980s, it became clear that the J-7 lightweight single-engine delta fighter could not compete with the American and Soviet 4th generation fighters. In terms of maneuverability, thrust-to-weight ratio, radar characteristics and weapons, the Chinese versions of the MiG-21 were hopelessly behind the F-16 and MiG-29. Although the improvement and serial production of the J-7 in the PRC continued until 2013, the development of a new light fighter in China began about 30 years ago.
Initially, it was supposed to create an aircraft "self-reliant". However, it soon became clear that such a difficult task with an acceptable time frame could be solved by Chinese specialists only in cooperation with foreign colleagues, who had the appropriate know-how and technologies at their disposal. Shortly before this decision, in 1987, in Israel, under pressure from the United States, the development of the 4th generation IAI Lavi light fighter (Hebrew: Lion) was stopped. The design of this aircraft began in the second half of 1982, and the first flight of the prototype took place in December 1986. Work proceeded at a high pace, the start of deliveries of the first production copies was scheduled for 1990. However, the Americans, fearing that Lavi would compete with the Fighting Falcon, blocked financial support for the program. As a result, many developments in the Israeli light fighter were used to create the Chinese J-10. Apparently, the American leadership was aware of the Sino-Israeli contract and did not interfere with it, which became a kind of compensation for Israel's refusal to launch mass production of a fighter of its own design.
The design of the new Chinese aircraft was based on the basic layout decisions of the Israeli fighter, but the J-10 cannot be considered a complete copy of the Lavi. Although the Sino-Israeli cooperation at the first stage was carried out in an atmosphere of deep secrecy, the Israelis did not dare to transfer the American Pratt & Whitney PW1120 TRDDF to the PRC. In the early 90s, Russian developers joined the program, and the AL-31F turbojet engine was proposed as a power plant, installed on the export Su-27SK. The J-10 also tested the N010E "Zhuk" radar. However, the Israeli Elta EL / M ELM-2021 radar was installed on at least one prototype.

The first information about the new Chinese fighter appeared in the open press in the fall of 1994, when, with reference to the American intelligence agencies, it was reported that at the Chengdu aircraft plant, space reconnaissance assets had spotted an aircraft resembling the Eurofighter EF-2000 Typhoon or Dassault Rafale fighters in its outlines and dimensions.

The first flight of the J-10 prototype took place on March 23, 1998. Official photos of the fighter were presented in 2007. Before that, photos taken by Chinese spotters were published on the Internet, after which some of them were imprisoned. It was on the basis of these illegal photographs that it became clear that the J-10 is made according to the aerodynamic "duck" design with a triangular mid-wing, swept, close to the wing of the PGO and a single-fin vertical tail. The air intake is located under the fuselage. Later, the Chinese media published information that the airframe structure, made on the basis of aluminum alloys, contains a high proportion of composite materials. The J-10A serial fighter is statically unstable, which should provide a high level of maneuverability. This required the use of a fly-by-wire control system with fourfold redundancy and modern computer technology.

Chinese sources say that the J-10A fighter is equipped with a Type 1473 radar of its own design. This station is capable of detecting a MiG-21 aircraft on a collision course at a distance of up to 100 km. The developer claims that the Type 1473 radar, with a digital weapons control system, can simultaneously track up to 10 air targets and fire two of them with medium-range missiles. That is, the characteristics of the Type 1473 station are slightly superior to the Soviet N001E airborne radar, which was installed on the Su-27SK fighter. The J-10A avionics also includes: GPS / INS navigation equipment with a digital calculator of flight parameters, ILS and an ARW9101 radar warning system. The internal stock of aviation kerosene is 4950 liters. Additional fuel tanks can be suspended on the inner underwing and central ventral pylon. To increase the range and duration of the flight, J-10A aircraft have been equipped with an in-flight fuel intake system since 2006.

The J-10A fighter is armed with a built-in 23-mm Type 23 cannon (Chinese copy of the GSh-23). To combat an air enemy, a melee missile system with an IR seeker PL-8 (licensed Israeli Python 3) or Russian R-73 can be used. For missile duels or interception of enemy bombers at medium range, URs with a radar seeker PL-11 (licensed Italian UR Aspide Mk.1) were originally intended. The maximum launch range of the PL-11 is 55 km. In total, the J-10A has 11 external hardpoints that can accommodate a 7250 kg payload. It is reported that in order to increase the combat capabilities, modern highly maneuverable close-combat missiles PL-10 were introduced into the armament, which supposedly surpass the Russian P-73 existing in the PRC. The PL-12 missile launcher with an active radar seeker should increase the firing capabilities at a longer range.

According to advertising data presented at aerospace salons, the J-10A fighter with a maximum take-off weight of 19,277 kg, equipped with an AL-31FN turbojet engine, has a combat radius of up to 800 km. The maximum flight speed at high altitude is 2340 km / h. Cruising - 970 km / h. It is reported that without switching on the afterburner, the aircraft can fly at a speed of 1110 km / h. Ceiling - 18000 m. The thrust-to-weight ratio with a curb weight of 18000 kg is 0.7.

Simultaneously with the adoption of the J-10A into service, the serial construction of a two-seat combat training modification of the J-10AS began in Chengdu. This model is equipped with a full set of onboard equipment and weapons, but has a shorter flight range.

In 2008, tests of the improved J-10B began, and in the second half of 2013, photographs of a serial aircraft with the tail number "101", taken at the Chengdu airfield, appeared on the Chinese Internet. In 2013, it was officially announced that the serial production of J-10B fighters was launched. By the end of 2015, 50 J-10B aircraft had already been built.

The main difference between the J-10V fighter and the J-10A is the use of a new airborne radar with AFAR as part of the avionics. Due to the absence of a heavy antenna rotation mechanism, it is possible to reduce the weight of the radar and make the aircraft lighter. Also, the J-10V received a highly efficient optoelectronic station for detecting targets by their thermal radiation.

A turbojet engine with an afterburner AL-31FN of Russian production is used as a power plant on serial J-10Vs. However, information was leaked to the media that from 2011 to 2015, a fighter with a WS-10A engine was tested, and at present the modification with a Chinese engine is ready for mass production.
In June 2017, photos of the J-10C fighter with the close-range PL-10 missile launcher and the latest long-range PL-15 were published on the Chinese Internet. Taking into account the fact that according to American data, the launch range of PL-15 missiles can reach 150 km, the J-10C fighter should have a radar with very high energy indicators.

Also, in the design of the J-10C airframe, a number of technical solutions are implemented aimed at reducing radar signature, mainly due to changes in the design of the air intake and the widespread use of composite materials.
In May 2017, the Chinese corporation AVIC officially announced the creation of the world's first LKF601E radar with air-cooled AFAR. Presumably, this radar is intended for installation on J-10C fighters.

According to information announced at the aerospace show in Zhuhai, the LKF601E radar is capable of tracking up to 15 fighter-type targets at a distance of 170 km. The station operates at a frequency of 3 GHz. Power - 4 kW. Weight - about 145 kg.
The first combat regiment of the PLA Air Force to re-arm from J-7 to J-10 in 2004 was the 131st IAP stationed at Luliang airbase near the city of Kunming, Yunnan province in southern China.

Currently, J-10 fighters play a prominent role in China's air defense. So, the 131st IAP on the J-10A, together with the 125th IAP on the J-7G and the 6th IAP on the Su-30MKK and J-11B, cover the border of the PRC with Vietnam. At the moment, KJ-500 AWACS aircraft are also based on a permanent basis at the Luliang airbase, which indicates that the PLA Air Force has established successful interaction of air radar posts and control points with new light fighters.

Overall, the J-10A is a solid mid-range in the light fighter class. But even now the aircraft of the first series, powered by our Su-27, are superior to the American F-16 and European Eurofighter EF-2000 in a number of parameters.

Already in the first training air battles with the Su-27SK and their Chinese clones of the J-11, it became clear that due to their high maneuverability in the horizontal plane, the J-10A are difficult opponents. It is expected that after the finalization of the WS-10 aircraft engine with thrust vector control, it will be installed on the production J-10 family fighters. A prototype UHT fighter, known as the J-10V TVC, was on display at aerospace shows.

A number of aviation experts believe that it was in connection with the successful creation of its own J-10 aircraft that China refused to purchase MiG-29 light fighters in Russia. Currently, the J-10A / B have seriously pushed the outdated J-7 light fighters and J-8 interceptors in the PLA Air Force. In total, more than 350 J-10 aircraft of all modifications have been built at the Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corporation. The volume of annual production can reach 40 copies.
In addition to improving the 4th generation fighters in the PRC, combat aircraft are being created that can bring the PLA Air Force to a new level. More than 10 years ago, information appeared about work on the creation of a heavy Chinese fighter with extensive use of low radar signature technology, capable of flying at a cruising supersonic speed. The prototype of the 5th generation J-20 fighter was created at the Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corporation in the city of Chengdu, where the assembly of light J-10 fighters was already established.

The first flight of the prototype J-20 took place on January 11, 2011. Outwardly, the J-20 strongly resembles the experienced Russian MiG 1.44 fighter, at the same time, its individual parts bear similarities to the American F-22 and F-35 aircraft. For testing, 8 prototypes were built, differing in the composition of avionics and engines.
In February 2014, an aircraft with the tail number "2011" took off, the design of which had serious differences from the previous flight prototypes. The air intakes, which received a smaller section, have undergone changes; a different shape of the trailing edges of the wing and tail has become. In order to reduce radar visibility, the configuration of the doors of the internal weapons compartment and the chassis has changed, as well as the geometry of the tail booms and ventral ridges located on them. In addition to this, a power arc appeared under the glazing of the lantern. The aircraft is equipped with a retracted fuel receiver rod.

It is reported that this instance with a full set of weapons and avionics has become a reference model for a batch of fighters intended for military trials. In October 2017, the Chinese media reported that the aircraft was ready for mass production and military operation. The pre-production batch, aimed at military trials, consisted of 20 aircraft. In Western sources, citing Chinese representatives, it is said that the J-20A modification has been officially adopted by the PLA Air Force.
According to information published in open sources, the J-20 fighter has a maximum takeoff weight of about 37,000 kg. Empty weight - 13900 kg. Length - 20.4 m, wingspan - 13.5 m. Flight range - more than 5000 km. On the first prototypes and aircraft intended for military tests, Russian-made AL-31F engines were installed. On the Chinese Internet, they write that the plane with the tail number "2016" uses Chinese-made turbojet engines with a variable thrust vector. Most likely we are talking about WS-10G engines, but in the future, serial J-20A should receive a WS-15 turbojet engine with afterburner thrust of more than 190 kN. The maximum flight speed is about 2, 2 M.
The J-20 fighter is equipped with a very sophisticated Chinese-made avionics. In the past, Western experts wrote that the aircraft will be equipped with an AFAR Type 1475 (KLJ-5) radar. But recently it was revealed that this radar is intended for the J-11D fighter, and they plan to install a more powerful radar station on the J-20. An optoelectronic station is located in the nose of the aircraft, six additional sensors are located on the airframe. Communication equipment with high-speed digital information exchange lines allows you to interact with ground command posts, AWACS aircraft, other fighters and control unmanned aerial vehicles. The aircraft has a "glass cockpit" with multifunctional color LCD touch screens. Aiming and tactical information can be displayed using a holographic projector.

The armament of the J-20 fighter is located on the external hardpoints and in the internal compartments, closed by flaps. The UR PL-10 is intended for close combat. Long-range missile duels are supposed to be conducted with the help of the PL-12 and PL-15 missile launchers. The PL-21 long-range missile was created especially for the Chinese 5th generation fighter. Tests of the UR PL-21 began in 2012. According to American data, this missile weighs about 300 kg and has a maximum launch range of up to 200 km.
According to American experts, from the moment of the formal adoption of the J-20A into service, 3-4 years should pass, after which the Chinese 5th generation fighter will begin to enter the combat aviation regiments. It is unlikely that the serial J-20A fighter will be able to surpass the American F-22A and the Russian Su-57 in flight and combat characteristics. Nevertheless, the J-20A with a combat radius of about 2000 km, equipped with a powerful radar with AFAR, armed with long-range missiles with an active radar guidance system and capable of performing long flights at supersonic cruising speed, will significantly increase the capabilities of the PRC's air defense. According to American experts, up to 300 J-20A fighters can be built in the PRC over the next decade. Thus, the PLA Air Force will be able to numerically compensate for the superiority of American and Russian 5th generation fighters in flight data. As you know, the production of the Lockheed Martin F-22A Raptor was completed in 2011, and a total of 187 production aircraft were built. As for the Russian Su-57, it has not yet been adopted for service, and it is unlikely that until 2028 its production will exceed 100 units.
Another 5th generation fighter being developed in China is the J-31. In the West, this aircraft is inclined to be viewed as a functional analogue of the American Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II. The aircraft, created by the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation, made its first flight on October 31, 2012.

At the 2014 Zhuhai Aviation and Space Salon, preliminary flight data for the J-31 were announced. On an aircraft with a maximum takeoff weight of 28,000 kg, two Russian-made RD-93 turbofan engines with an afterburner thrust of 85 kN are used as a power plant. These engines were originally developed for the MiG-29 fighter and are used in the PRC on the JF-17 Chinese export fighter. In the future, the Russian RD-93 should be replaced by the Chinese WS-13E, with an afterburner thrust of 90 kN. The design maximum flight speed is 2200 km, the combat radius without refueling in the air is 1200 km.
The J-31 is equipped with an AFAR Type 1478 radar. Against the background of the earth, at a distance of 90 km, this station is capable of detecting a target with an RCS of 3 m² and simultaneously tracking 10 targets. Radar weight 120 kg. Also, the avionics should include a standard set of optoelectronic sensors and modern avionics. It is not known if the J-31 has internal weapons bays, but even if they are, their volume is not large. When bombs and missiles are suspended on external pylons, measures to reduce radar signature will largely be discounted.
Although the J-31 program is funded from the state budget, it seems that it is not among the priorities and its development is not at a high pace by Chinese standards. Currently, only two flight copies have been built. In the future, the place of the J-31 fighter in the PLA Air Force has not been determined. This aircraft will not be able to surpass the larger J-20A, but in terms of its flight data, and at a much higher cost in aerial combat, it will not have superiority over the serial Chinese J-11V / D and Russian Su-30MKK and Su-30MK2.