In the middle of 1954, the leading enterprises of the Soviet automobile industry were assigned the task of developing a promising ultra-high cross-country wheeled vehicle suitable for use in the army. Special design bureau of the Moscow Plant named after Stalin worked on the appearance of such a machine as part of the ZIS-E134 project. First, a prototype model called "Model No. 1" was created and tested at the test site. It was followed by a second prototype with a similar designation.
In the fall of 1955, tests of the first version of the ZIS-E134 all-terrain vehicle began. It was an all-wheel drive four-axle vehicle with large-diameter wheels, capable of carrying up to 3 tons of cargo and towing a 6-ton trailer. A characteristic feature of "Layout No. 1" was the widest use of ready-made components and assemblies borrowed from serial equipment. At the same time, using existing components, it was possible to implement several fundamentally new ideas. During the tests, the prototype had to confirm or deny the viability of the applied solutions.

All-terrain vehicle ZIS-E134 "Model 2" without awnings. Photo
During the tests of the ZIS-E134 machine, it was found that the proposed power plant and transmission meet the requirements and allow you to get the desired capabilities. At the same time, it was determined that the chassis, showing the required characteristics, turned out to be unreasonably difficult. Large tires with comparatively low pressure responded correctly to uneven terrain and literally left the spring suspension out of work. Due to certain design features, "Model 1" could only wade through water obstacles.
At the end of 1955, having received the first test results of the first prototype, the designers of SKB ZIS, headed by V. A. Grachev began to develop a new version of a promising vehicle. In the new experimental project, it was planned to use some of the already tested developments. It was proposed to combine them with some new ideas. As a result of this, the second version of the ZIS-E134 project should have differed in the most noticeable way from the first. At the same time, due to the experimental nature of the work, the new project was not renamed and the previous name was retained.
To distinguish two prototypes of different looks, the second prototype was designated as "Model No. 2". According to some sources, in the documents of the Ministry of Defense, this experienced all-terrain vehicle was listed under the name ZIS-134E2. The presence of additional designations while maintaining the common name avoids possible confusion, although it does not completely eliminate it. Also, one should not forget that within the framework of the ZIS-E134 project, two more prototypes were built, which also differed from the previous technology.

A prototype with awnings. Photo
The ZIS-E134 all-terrain vehicle "Model No. 2" was proposed to be made floating, because of which the designers had to abandon the preservation of the mass of the features of the first prototype. So, instead of a frame structure, a sealed supporting body should be used. According to the test results of the first prototype, it was decided to abandon the elastic elements in the suspension. Finally, a certain rearrangement of the internal volumes of the hull was required. As a result, the two prototypes had minimal external and internal similarity.
The first model was built on the basis of a metal frame, but in the new project they decided to use a displacement bearing hull of a special shape, capable of turning a land all-terrain vehicle into an amphibious vehicle. An interesting fact is that the contours and layout of the hull used in the ZIS-134E2 machine were subsequently used in a number of new projects. This design has proven itself well and proved its potential.
All the main units of the machine were placed in a large lower part of the hull. It had curved lower parts at the front and back. On the sides of them were vertical sides with wheel attachment points. A horizontal bottom was used. Above the front on such a body, a medium-sized hood was installed, which was distinguished by a non-standard shape. To protect the engine and the hull from flooding with seawater, the radiator grilles were not moved to the sides of the hull and shifted back. A metal strip structure appeared on the frontal sheet, which increased the rigidity of the hood. At the level of the radiators there was an open cab of a simplified design. The entire middle and rear of the hull formed a large cargo area.

Kinematic diagram of the machine: 1 - engine; 2 - torque converter; 3, 8 - cardan transmission; 4 - gearbox; 5 - transfer case; 6 - COM on the transfer case; 7 - parking brake; 9, 16 - power take-off; 10 - chain drive of the water cannon drive; 11 - promoter ZIS-151; 12 - water cannon; 13 - main gear; 14 - rear driving axle; 15 - wheel; 17 - semi-axle with a steering fist; 18 - front driving axle. Figure
In front of the hull was a ZIS-121A gasoline engine equipped with an aluminum cylinder head. The applied engine developed power up to 120 hp. As in "Model No. 1", a three-stage automatic hydraulic transmission, originally developed for the ZIS-155A bus, was connected to the engine. Such a hydraulic transmission / torque converter had to solve several problems at once. It made it possible to protect the engine from stopping when the load was exceeded, several times increased the torque at the start of movement and automatically changed gears, making it easier for the driver. The presence of a built-in reverse simplified the "swinging" of a stuck all-terrain vehicle.
From the torque converter, power was transmitted to a five-speed gearbox taken from a ZIS-150 truck. This was followed by a two-stage (both downshifts) transfer case, connected to two power take-offs. These three devices were serial and produced for armored personnel carriers BTR-152V. From the power take-offs, propeller shafts departed, connected to axial self-locking differentials. In the course of one of the subsequent modifications in the transmission, a power take-off for the aft water jet propeller appeared.
In the updated project ZIS-E134, the four-axle architecture of the chassis was retained, but some of its units were redesigned. First of all, SKB ZIS abandoned the elastic suspension. "Model No. 1" showed the possibility of using low-pressure tires as a means of depreciation, and therefore on "Model No. 2" the axle shafts were rigidly fixed to the body. Unlike the previous car, it was decided to install the axles at different intervals. So, the centers of the first and second wheel were spaced by 1400 mm, the second and third - by 1595 mm. The third gap has been reduced to 1395 mm.

The prototype runs over the trench. Photo
Continuous axles with differentials were borrowed from the BTR-152V armored vehicle and slightly changed to slightly increase the track gauge. Six-layer tires were used. The wheels were connected to a centralized pumping system, which made it possible to change the pressure from 3.5 kg / cm 2 to 0.5 kg / cm 2. Like its predecessor, the new prototype received a power steering built on ready-made components. With its help, the driver could control the position of the four front wheels. In practice, it has been shown that two steerable axles can significantly improve the maneuverability of the machine on all surfaces.
Initially, the designers decided that the ZIS-E134 "Model No. 2" amphibian would float by turning the wheels. Nevertheless, after the first such tests, it was decided to equip it with a water jet. This product was borrowed from the PT-76 amphibious tank. Unlike the latter, which had two water cannons, the all-terrain vehicle was equipped with only one such device. For this reason, to control the course, the water cannon had to be supplemented with a rotary cylindrical nozzle that controls the thrust vector.
In case of problems on the track of the landfill, the prototype was equipped with its own winch for self-recovery. The drive of this device was carried out by a separate propeller shaft extending from the transmission.
A characteristic feature of the second prototype ZIS-E134 was an open cockpit of a simplified design, borrowed from the experienced ZIS-485 amphibian. It was located directly behind the engine compartment and above some of the transmission devices. Above the hood, a frame with a windshield was fixed, supplemented with small side elements. There was no roof, but in its place there were arcs for installing an awning. The driver's workplace was located on the left side of the cab. To the right of the control post, they placed various equipment and a second seat, installed sideways in the direction of travel. The third workplace of the tester was behind the driver. It was proposed to get into the car through the low side of the cockpit.

Climbing an obstacle. Photo
The entire middle and rear parts of the hull were given under the side body. It was a relatively long platform, fenced off with low sides. There were nodes for the installation of arcs, on which it was proposed to pull the awning. For greater convenience, the cabin and body were covered with two separate awnings.
In terms of its dimensions, "Layout No. 2" was similar to the previous "Layout No. 1". Some of the main characteristics of the two machines were also on the same level, meeting the customer's requirements. The length of the second prototype reached 6, 8 m, width - about 2, 2 m. The height along the arches of the awnings approached 2.5 m. The ground clearance of the all-terrain vehicle, determined by the bottom of the new hull, was reduced to 345 mm. The rejection of a number of components has led to a sharp reduction in the weight of the structure. The curb weight was 6, 518 tons. The all-terrain vehicle could take on board a payload weighing up to 1312 kg. At the same time, its gross weight reached 7, 83 tons. The theoretical possibility of towing a trailer remained.
The construction of the prototype vehicle ZIS-E134 "Model No. 2" was completed in early April 1956. Soon, the car was taken to the test site for running in and determining the main characteristics. It was found that a radical redesign of the design did not adversely affect the characteristics of mobility. So, the speed of the car on land reached 58 km / h. On rough terrain, the maximum speed dropped by almost half. The all-terrain vehicle confirmed the possibility of climbing a wall with a height of 1 m or crossing a ditch with a width of 1.5 m. It could climb a slope with a steepness of 35 ° and move with a roll of up to 25 °.
The performance on the water when using the wheels was insufficient. The car was kept on the water, but the speed of movement left much to be desired. As a result, a small modernization of the layout was carried out, which included the installation of a water jet propulsion unit. Now, having descended into the water and turned on a new water cannon, the all-terrain vehicle developed a speed of up to 6 km / h.

Descent. Photo
Within a few months, the specialists of the Plant im. Stalin and the Ministry of Defense conducted tests of the built "Model No. 2" / ZIS-134E2, collecting the necessary data on the operation of individual units and the machine as a whole. The machine confirmed the calculated characteristics and showed the positive aspects of the applied innovations. In practice, the advantages of an all-terrain vehicle with a displacement hull have been demonstrated. Unlike its predecessor, the new prototype could move not only on land or fords.
In August 1956, both built prototypes entered one of the test sites. This time, the manufacturer and the military department were going to test them in comparative tests. The information collected earlier allowed certain assumptions to be made, but new checks were required to confirm preliminary conclusions. "Model No. 2" expectedly showed its characteristic features and confirmed its advantages over the older "Model No. 1".
After comparative tests, an experienced all-terrain vehicle of the second model returned to the manufacturer, which by this time received a new name “Plant named after Likhachev . Developing the ideas underlying the project, the designers of SKB ZIL proposed to rebuild the chassis and significantly modify the transmission. The first and fourth bridges, with the help of special brackets, were carried forward and backward, respectively, outside the original sides, and the gap between the central axes decreased. Calculations have shown that such an arrangement of the undercarriage will optimize the distribution of the load on the ground.

"Model No. 2" with a redesigned chassis. Photo
Over the next few months, the rebuilt mock-up # 2 was tested at the test site in order to determine the real benefits of the updated chassis. It was found that placing wheels at different intervals does make sense and provide some advantages over the original configuration. These conclusions were taken into account when creating a new special technique.
According to various sources, tests of the updated "Model No. 2" continued until 1957. After that, the prototype was sent to the storage site. The information collected during the tests was soon used in the development of new all-terrain vehicles for various purposes. The first model of equipment, in the creation of which the developments on the ZIS-134E2 were used, was the special ZIL-135 chassis. A displacement hull, as well as a four-axle chassis with a rigid suspension and a special arrangement of bridges, passed from the experimental model to it. Subsequently, the ZIL-135 project was developed, and machines of a number of modifications were used in various fields.
The second project of the ZIS-E134 family was developed in order to test a number of new ideas that could increase the patency of equipment and expand the scope of its application. The new hull and rebuilt undercarriage paid off and soon moved on to new projects of equipment, already intended for use in practice. Nevertheless, research on the subject of ultra-high cross-country vehicles did not stop. In the same 1956, prototypes No. 0 and No. 3, also created within the framework of the ZIS-E134 project, entered the landfill.