Modern wars are usually local in nature. In the context of these conflicts, sniper fire and sniper weapons began to play a special role. That is why the arsenal of such shooting systems at the disposal of the Russian law enforcement agencies has expanded significantly.

In the era of local wars
After World War II 1939 -1945 military operations have ceased to be in the nature of large-scale army operations. Modern military conflicts differ significantly from the operations of the past war and are local in nature. Their main feature can be considered the widespread use of tactics of actions of small combat groups. Naturally, the role of certain types of weapons and military equipment has also changed in the new conditions: the importance of small arms and light models of assault weapons has sharply increased. In the course of clashes, sniper fire, ambushes, mine-explosive barriers, "stretch marks", etc. began to be widely used.
Lack of a clear front line dividing the warring parties; the actions of the subunits in isolation from the main forces created the conditions for the effective use of sniper weapons. The press cited data convincingly confirming the role of snipers in the course of hostilities in the 60s. in Vietnam. On the defeat of one soldier of the US Army, an average of 25 thousand rounds were spent. The American sniper unit, which underwent special training, spent 1.5 rounds on the defeat of one Vietnamese soldier. This efficiency and economy of sniper fire was confirmed later in the course of hostilities in the 80s. in Afghanistan, then in the late 90s. in Chechnya. The actions of snipers had a very strong psychological effect on the enemy, causing the enemy to feel defenseless and fearful.
Unitary cartridges - the foundation of high-precision shooting systems
Let us recall the events that led to the possibility of creating a sniper weapon. The basis for its creation should be considered the use in the XIX century. a new method of loading - through the breech with a unitary cartridge with a metal sleeve. Prior to that, for almost four centuries, loading was carried out separately with gunpowder and a bullet through the muzzle using a ramrod. Gunpowder paper cartridges were made in the army, gunpowder was measured in them with a special measure. This "crude" loading method inevitably led to a variety of muzzle velocity and increased bullet dispersion. Muzzle-loading fire was ineffective even at short ranges. Such a weapon was not suitable for accurate shooting at a separate target. The new method of loading weapons with a unitary cartridge led to the emergence of industrial production of cartridges, the accuracy of manufacturing all elements of the cartridge, the stability of the parameters of the powder charge, cases, bullets increased. A special science arose - internal ballistics - about the laws governing the movement of bullets under the influence of powder gases. Internal ballistics made it possible to calculate how much power and dimensions a cartridge must be created for the design of a certain type of weapon. And the possibility of creating precise sniper combat weapons began to be based, first of all, on the characteristics of the cartridges created for it. Later, with the advent of smokeless powder in 1885, the cartridges equipped with it significantly increased the firepower of weapons, mainly in the range and accuracy of fire. This was another step towards the creation of sniper models. To improve the accuracy of aiming, sniper rifles began to install optical sights. Sniper weapons, sniper cartridges and optical sights were allocated to a special complex of sniper weapons. The selection and training of snipers has become a separate area of combat training of troops, containing, in addition to rifle training, the development of a sum of necessary specific skills for the successful actions of snipers in a variety of combat conditions. Their training was based on the task of achieving super-marksmanship with the ability of independent actions to select a target and fire a shot.
In the First World War 1914 - 1916. snipers appeared, prepared for independent action and able to wait patiently for many hours for an accurate shot. This corresponded to the nature of a trench warfare during a prolonged confrontation between the belligerents on most sectors of the front. Sniper weapons were not produced for special orders, they were selected from mass consignments by careful checking of the accuracy of the battle with an optical sight; cartridges were selected from the same batch and year of release. Snipers were part of the army's infantry divisions; they were not decisive in trench warfare.
The Second World War brought about significant changes in the nature and scale of hostilities. Mechanized and tank formations appeared, the role of aviation and artillery increased. Military operations began to cover the actions of armies and even entire fronts. With such a scale, small arms, including snipers armed with them, have ceased to play a significant role in achieving success. However, sniper fire retained its main purpose - the defeat of important single targets with an accurate shot. In the defensive battles near Moscow, the Battle of Stalingrad, in the offensive operations of the Soviet army, snipers inflicted tangible damage on the fascist troops. Armed with 7.62mm sniper rifles, they showed the highest skill in accurate shooting, courage and heroism. The armament of snipers during the war and the first decades after its end did not change much. Although at the end of the war in the USSR the automatic sniper rifle AVT of the Tokarev system was adopted, it turned out to be unusable in terms of accuracy of combat and reliability and was soon removed from service.
However, already in the 60s. in a number of regions of Africa and Asia, for various reasons, armed conflicts began to arise, turning into local wars. In terms of the scale and tactics of warfare, they radically differed from the large-scale operations of the past, and demanded new forms and methods of warfare, changed the role and place of use of various types of weapons - this was discussed above. The importance and role of small arms in the general weapons system has changed, and the importance of sniper fire has increased. New complexes for sniper shooting appeared - rifles, cartridges, optical and electronic night vision sights. Local wars required new sniper weapons.
Sniper fire in modern warfare
The general trend in the development of sniper weapons in recent decades can be determined in several directions. They were clearly revealed in connection with the change in the nature of combat operations in local wars, the change in the tasks of certain types of weapons. As already noted, the role of heavy military equipment has decreased in order to increase the maneuverability of subunits; the importance of small combat groups, operating in isolation from the main forces, has increased. They began to necessarily include snipers with a complex of sniper weapons - large-caliber rifles for destroying objects of military equipment, sniper rifles for silent shooting; sights for shooting at night; devices for determining and making corrections for deviations from normal firing conditions.
One of the areas for improving sniper weapons in the 70s.was the design and development of new sniper ammunition to increase the damaging effect of bullets both by increasing the caliber and by using new designs and materials for the production of ammunition.
The second important direction in the development of sniper weapons was to increase the accuracy of the battle both by creating new ammunition and by improving the technologies for the production of cartridges and weapons, mainly weapon barrels. The requirements for the accuracy of fire have increased for sniper systems, especially for large-caliber ones. 7, 62-mm sniper rifles of the SVD "family" at a distance of 100 m have an accuracy of combat with a dispersion dimension within 8 cm. 3 cm. Such a requirement for accuracy corresponds to the location of holes in the envelope of a circle at a distance of 100 m, the diameter of which does not exceed one arc minute. This angle is abbreviated as "MOA" (from English - "Minute of Angle." Army subunits have not yet been able to achieve such accuracy of combat without increasing the caliber and mass of sniper rifles for army units., the SVD self-loading sniper rifle of the Dragunov system arr. 1963 and its modernized versions of the SVD-U (for airborne forces and infantry fighting vehicles). They are used as part of motorized rifle units.
To hit with sniper fire not only manpower, but also enemy combat equipment - ATGM installations, radar stations, mobile command posts, helicopters on take-off sites and other similar targets, it took sniper weapon complexes with an aimed fire range of up to 2000 m, with increased destructive ammunition and accuracy of fire. Large-caliber sniper rifles and cartridges with armor-piercing bullets of 9 mm and 12, 7 mm caliber were adopted by Russia. The mass of these complexes with optical night sights reaches 12 - 16 kg. Therefore, they are not included in the staff of army units, but are assigned to them to perform special tasks.
Along with the improvement of sniper weapons, there was also the creation of special equipment for use in a wide variety of climatic conditions - camouflage suits; insulated waterproof fireproof clothing, items and medicines necessary for life support. So, in general, the new conditions of warfare have affected the development of sniping at the present time.
Domestic sniper weapons 7, 62x54 mm
The following sections provide general information about sniper weapons and cartridges used for shooting from domestic sniper weapons. They do not replace the official Weapon-Specific Manuals and Technical Descriptions, supplementing them with previously unpublished information.
Speaking about sniper weapons - rifles, cartridges, devices, equipment, it should be emphasized that all this requires not only careful care and compliance with the rules of storage and conservation, preparation for shooting rifles, cartridges, optical and electro-optical sights, but also a love relationship … Sniper rifles are trusted by people who love shooting; personally assign them to the sniper, never this weapon is temporarily transferred to other persons; personally by a sniper are brought to normal combat. A rifle is a sniper's personal tool.
Table 1
<cartridge table
7N26 (7N13)
Bullet type
Bullet muzzle velocity, m / s
Cartridge weight, g
Bullet weight, g
Chuck length, mm
Kinetic. ener., kgm Muzzle At 10OO m
Penetration range (80%) of steel armor plate
The Dragunov SVD sniper rifle was put into service in 1963 and over the years of operation has earned recognition in many countries as one of the best army self-loading sniper rifles. For the first time in the world, the designer managed to create a self-loading rifle for a powerful rifle-machine gun sniper cartridge 7, 62x54 mm with an accuracy of combat previously unattainable in a self-loading sniper weapon. The basis of the success was put forward by Dragunov's idea - not to try to eliminate one of the main reasons for the dispersion of bullets - the variety of departure angles, but to achieve stabilization of its value. This was achieved by Dragunov's original design of the rifle forend assembly. The forend of the SVD consists of two symmetrical halves, pressed from behind by a powerful leaf spring; the front ends of the forend fit into a fixed stop on the barrel. Both halves can move in the longitudinal direction within a small range, constantly pressed by the leaf spring. When the barrel is heated and lengthened, the fore-end moves after it, the conditions for securing the barrel will not change, and there is no displacement of the STP. This is how the stability of the departure angles and the increased accuracy of fire were achieved in the SVD. Such a forearm attachment point was later borrowed by the designers of a number of foreign-made precision rifles. Dragunov was also the first to use the scheme of locking the bolt on three lugs, which increased the accuracy of fire - with three bolt stops, a monotonous position of the bolt was achieved after it was locked. An innovative device was a gas outlet with a short stroke of the gas piston, constantly pressed through the pusher by a spring to the end of the gas tube. At the same time, the gas tube remains motionlessly connected to the gas chamber, which also increased the accuracy of the SVD battle. The SVD has been in service with the Russian army for over 40 years. High fighting qualities, a successful arrangement of mechanisms, an original "skeletal type" butt and the exceptional reliability of the SVD served as the basis for the development of several modifications on its basis.
SVD-S sniper rifle (with folding stock). The need to reduce the overall length of the weapon led to its creation. The length of the SVD - 1225 mm - makes it inconvenient for operations in confined spaces, especially when landing.
In the early 90s. a variant of a rifle with a folding butt was developed - SVD-S. In it, the permanent wooden butt is replaced by a plastic handle and a metal butt folding to the right with a shoulder rest and a non-removable "cheek". With the stock unfolded, the rifle is held by one hand by the pistol grip, and by the other hand by the lower tube of the stock, the SVD-S with the stock folded has a length of 875 mm, which is 350 mm less than the length of the SVD. The SVD-S barrel has thicker walls, which increased its strength and stability of the rifle's battle. The gas regulator is excluded from the gas outlet unit, which simplified the design. In the SVD-S, the folding butt attachment device provides a stable rifle fight, it made the SVD-S easy to carry, when moving in vehicles and infantry fighting vehicles, landing. These goals were pursued during its development.
SVU sniper rifle (shortened). This rifle, like the SVD-S, was created on the basis of the standard SVD Dragunov sniper rifle, but with more significant changes. The purpose of this modernization is to create a more maneuverable model for arming the special forces of the internal affairs bodies, units of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and, in part, the army units of the Russian army.
SVU - self-loading short-cut sniper - has a bullpup layout - the firing mechanism is located in the buttstock behind the magazine and the pistol grip. This made it possible to obtain a shorter overall rifle length while maintaining a sufficient barrel length to provide the required initial bullet velocity. The SVU has a barrel only 20 mm shorter than the SVD barrel, but the total length with a constant buttstock is 900 mm - instead of 1225 mm for the SVD. This significantly increased the maneuverability of the shortened rifle. The straight stock reduced the effect of recoil, eliminating barrel rotation due to the mismatch between the directions of the recoil force and the shooter's shoulder reaction, which inevitably occurs in weapons with a curved stock.

Basic data of the SVD-S rifle
The used cartridges are 7, 62x54 sniper cartridges, the use of rifle cartridges is allowed. Cartridges are fed from a 10-round magazine. Automation - with removal of powder gases. The trigger mechanism is a hammer, which provides only single fire. The barrel is locked by turning the bolt with three lugs.
Weight of a rifle with an optical sight PSO-1 - 4, 68 kg
Rifle length - with folded stock - 875 mm, with folded stock - 1135 mm. Bullet muzzle velocity - 810 m / s. Combat rate of fire - up to 30 rds / min

Basic data of SVU and SVU-A sniper rifles
The used cartridges are 7, 62x54 sniper cartridges, the use of rifle cartridges is allowed. The arrangement of mechanisms is according to the "bullpup" scheme. Food - from the store for 10 rounds (for SVU-A for 10 or 20 rounds). Automation - with removal of powder gases. Trigger mechanism - trigger for single fire at the IED; for SVU-A - for single or automatic fire. The barrel is locked by turning the bolt with three lugs.
Rifle weight with automatic sight
PSO-1 - 4, 4 kg.
Rifle length - 900 mm.
Sighting range -1300 m; with a night sight - 400 m.
Bullet muzzle velocity - 830 m / s. Combat rate of fire - up to 30 rds / min - single fire, up to 90 rds / min - bursts
The IED three-chamber muzzle device performs three functions: it absorbs up to 40% of recoil energy, partially reduces flame formation and reduces the sound level of the shot. The SVU rifle has a diopter sight. For ease of aiming with a straight butt without optics, the front sight and sight are placed perpendicular to the barrel axis at a height convenient for aiming.
SVU-A automatic sniper rifle. The variant of the SVU-A rifle allows the use of bursts of fire with a combat rate of fire of up to 90 rds / min to hit a target at short distances.
Changes were made to the firing mechanism - a translator of fire was introduced from single to automatic with a rate of 10 shots per second. Automation using energy and powder gases has been preserved.
The rifle has a spring-loaded butt plate, shoulder rest and a three-chamber muzzle device that reduces the sound level when firing. The folding two-legged bipod allows you to quickly retarget the rifle over a wide range. Accuracy of single fire firing meets the requirements for this type of sniper weapon - at a distance of 50 m, the bullet dispersion size does not exceed 8 cm.
Rifles SVU and SVU-A require a high position of the shooter's head when aiming and firing due to the presence of a straight butt; from them it is impossible to fire from the left shoulder, since the casings are thrown to the right at the level of the shooter's face.
The SV-98 sniper rifle was created on the basis of the Record sporting rifle with the use of the barrel manufacturing technology by cold forging without chrome plating, which increased the accuracy of fire. In the rifle, to increase the accuracy of the battle, the barrel bore is locked by three lugs of a longitudinally sliding rotary bolt, as was done in the design of the Dragunov SVD. Cartridges are fed without using automatic manual reloading from a 10-round magazine.
The trigger pull is adjustable in the range of 1, 0 - 1, 5 kgf, which also contributes to the production of an accurate shot. The stock, like that of the SVD, is made of pressed plywood board; the buttstock, adjustable in length within 20 mm, allows you to adjust it depending on the length of the sniper's arms. Shooting can be carried out using a height-adjustable bipod, folding in the stowed position. An expansion-type low-noise firing device can be installed on the barrel; to protect the field of vision from thermal "mirage", a wide nylon belt is installed over the barrel, and a special visor over the muffler.
In the SV-98 complex, the main sight is the 1P69 optical sight of the 3-10x42 type; 7-fold PKS-07 can be used.
For shooting, a 7H1 sniper cartridge is used, as well as a sports "extra", a series of 10 shots at a distance of 300 m has an accuracy of holes in the size of 5-7 cm.
The weight of the SV-98 is 5.5 kg without a silencer and cartridges; barrel length - 650 mm; rifle length without a silencer - 1200 m; combat rate of fire up to 10 rds / min; sighting range - up to 1200 m.
The SV-98 complex is intended for special purpose units, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, law enforcement agencies and departments.
Sniper rifle cartridges, caliber 7, 62x54 mm. In the above-mentioned complexes of sniper weapons, cartridges of caliber 7, 62 mm with a sleeve length of 54 mm are used. This ammunition has a sleeve with a protruding edge (welt), and it is sometimes referred to as 7, 62x54R (welted). Over its long history, it has undergone a number of upgrades, as a result of which an increase in the accuracy of fire, penetrating and armor-piercing action of bullets has been achieved, and the technology for the production of cartridge elements has been improved. For sniper rifles, a sniper cartridge 7, 62 CH (index 7Н1) and an armor-piercing sniper cartridge (index 7Н14) were specially developed.
For firing 7, 62 mm sniper rifles, several types of 7, 62x54 cartridges can be used. In the absence of sniper cartridges from gross lots, cartridges of the same batch and year of manufacture are carefully selected by external inspection - this is what snipers did during the Second World War. Later, for sniper weapons were created cartridges with the index "Sniper", as well as cartridges with armor-piercing bullets and LPS bullets.
Specifications | SP-5 | SP-6 |
Length mm: | ||
- cartridge | 56, 2 | 56 |
- sleeves | 39 | 39 |
- bullets | 36 | 41 |
Weight, g: | ||
- cartridge | 23, 2 | 23, 0 |
- bullets | 16, 2 | 16, 0 |
The bullet of a sniper cartridge of recent years (index 7N1) is a shell bullet, with a heat-strengthened core in the front part and a lead core in the rear part.
Until 1978, the LPS bullet had a silver tip (“silver nose”). It has a steel core in a lead jacket inside the shell. Cartridges with such a bullet are used for lightly armored targets and targets in personal body armor.
In addition to the aforementioned ammunition, the following cartridges can be used in sniper rifles: armor-piercing-but-incendiary B-32, tracer T-46, armor-piercing tracer 7BT1, as well as 7.62-mm cartridges with an LPS bullet, ordinary 7N26, 7N13. In terms of accuracy and striking effect, they are inferior to the "sniper" and "silver nose" cartridges.
Some data on cartridges 7, 62x54, which can be used when firing from sniper rifles "families" of SVD, are given in table. 1.
Sniper weapons in calibers 9 mm and 12, 7 mm
In addition to the named samples of sniper weapons, the Russian Armed Forces use sniper complexes with 9x39 mm cartridges for low-noise and flameless shooting to solve special problems; caliber 9x64 mm - for hitting targets using NIB; caliber 12, 7x108 mm - to destroy military equipment and other important targets at ranges up to 1500 m.
Special sniper rifle VSS. For the armament of special-purpose units, a VSS sniper complex was adopted, which ensures the destruction of targets with silent and flameless fire at ranges of up to 400 m with 9x39 mm cartridges. The need for it arose for actions in settlements among urban buildings in the destruction of criminal and gangster groups, as well as in the destruction of terrorists. In this case, small arms fire is conducted, as a rule, over short distances - no more than 400 m.
Weapons with high initial velocities of bullets at the same time give a large number of ricochets from the walls of buildings, asphalt road surfaces, hard obstacles. In this case, there is a real threat of hitting unauthorized persons by ricocheting bullets. So there was a need for weapons with low initial velocities of bullets and with a short range of aimed fire. To this was added the requirement to reduce the sound level of shots when firing, in order to make it difficult for the enemy to determine the positions of the shooters. At the same time, the new weapon must have sufficient accuracy to hit targets with the first shot. All these requirements could be met by a weapon with a new cartridge, using bullets with a subsonic initial velocity, a greater mass and with a high-strength core.
The basis for the development of a special VSS sniper rifle was a 9-mm cartridge with a bullet weighing 16 g, which retains a sufficient damaging effect at ranges up to 400 m. In the mid-80s, special SP-5 and SP-6 cartridges were created to give a bullet weighing about 16 g initial speed 270 - 280 m / s.
The bullet of the SP-5 cartridge with a bimetallic shell has a steel core, the cavity behind the core is filled with lead. The shape of the bullet provides it with good ballistic properties when flying at subsonic speeds. The bullet of the SP-6 cartridge has a hardened steel core. The shell of the bullet does not completely cover the head of the core, its nose is painted black - it serves as an armor-piercing one. The ballistics of both cartridges are practically the same, so they can be used in weapons with the same sights. The accuracy of the bullets of the SP-5 cartridge is higher than the accuracy of the semi-shell bullets of the SP-6 cartridge, this ammunition serves as a sniper.
The mass of 9-mm rounds bullets is more than twice the mass of a 5, 45-mm round. Despite the subsonic speed, bullets of this mass have significant energy - with an outflow of about 60 kgm, and at a distance of 400 m - 45 kgm. This is enough to reliably defeat targets using NIB.
For 9-mm special cartridges, a special sniper VSS was developed and put into service in 1987. It is designed to engage targets with sniper fire in conditions requiring silent and flameless firing at ranges up to 400 m with an optical sight and 300 m at night with a night sight.
The Air Force rifle has a number of previously unseen design features, as well as unusual shooting rules due to the steepness of bullet flight paths. Therefore, its structure is given in more detail. This is also done because the VSS finds application not only in special, but also in army units of the Russian Armed Forces.
The rifle's automation is based on the use of a part of the powder gases discharged through the hole in the barrel into the gas chamber. It is located on top of the barrel under the plastic forend. The firing mechanism - striker with a separate mainspring, provides the possibility of single or automatic fire. The fire mode translator is located inside the trigger guard at its rear. A single fire is the main one for the VSS rifle, it is characterized by high accuracy: at 100 m with a stop with a series of 4-5 shots, the dispersion diameter does not exceed 7.5 cm. For comparison, we recall that the SVD rifle in the same conditions with a sniper cartridge has a dispersion diameter not exceeding 8 cm. Automatic fire can be used in a sudden encounter with an enemy at short distances. The magazine capacity is 10 rounds, so it is advisable to fire automatic fire in bursts of 2 - 4 shots. The barrel is locked by turning the bolt under the influence of the bolt carrier, which receives a forward movement from the return spring. A light drummer, when descending from a combat platoon, whispered to give a slight push to the rifle, which contributes to good accuracy of the battle.
The rifle has a silencer of a special device. It is put on the barrel and is attached to it with two nuts and a latch, which makes it easy to remove and install it on the rifle, while maintaining the alignment of the barrel and the muffler. In the outer cylinder of the muffler there is a separator of two strips with round covers at the ends and three round inclined partitions inside. The covers and partitions of the separator have holes along the axis of the muffler for the passage of a bullet. When fired, the bullet flies through the separator without touching the covers and partitions, and the powder gases, striking them, change direction and lose speed, which reduces the sound level of the shot. The separator is held in the muffler cylinder by a latch on its front cut and can be easily removed for cleaning.
The action of the muffler is associated with the unusual design of the rifle barrel. Its front part, closed by a muffler, has six rows of through holes. When fired, as the bullet moves along the bore, the powder gases escape through these holes into the muffler cylinder, then move through the separator, reflecting from its inclined partitions. As a result, the rate of flow of gases into the air is significantly reduced. Recall that in a conventional weapon without a silencer, this indicator at the time of departure is approximately 1300 m / s, which is the main reason for the sharp sound of the shot.
Basic data of the BCC rifle
Used cartridges - 9-mm special cartridges SP-5 (use of cartridges SP-6 is allowed).
Automation - with removal of powder gases. Locking - by turning the shutter. The firing mechanism - striker, provides single or automatic fire. Shop - 10 rounds
Sights - optical sight PSO-1-1; open (mechanical) sight; night sight NSPU-3.
Sighting range - 400 m with an optical sight; 420 m - with an open sight; 300 m - with a night sight.
The buttstock is made of wood, detachable when stowed in a briefcase-type case. Rifle weight (with optical sight PSO-1-1) -3, 41 kg.
Rifle length - 894 mm; trunk - 200 mm. Bullet muzzle velocity - 280 - 290 m / s. Combat rate of fire - single fire - up to 30 rds / min; bursts - up to 60 rds / min
The presence of the device described above on the muffler barrel reduces the sound level to 120 - 115 dB, which corresponds to the sound level of a shot from a small-bore sports rifle. This type of muffler is called an integrated muffler. The silencer reduces the overall length of the weapon, since it is not attached to the end of the barrel, but overlaps a significant part of it. It is impossible to shoot from a weapon of such a device without a silencer.
BCC sights include a PSO-1-1 daytime optical sight, a night sight and an open mechanical sight. The PSO-1-1 sight is similar to the sight of the SVD rifle, but with remote scales for the ballistics of the SP-5 cartridge. The upper handwheel for mounting the sight has a scale with divisions from 0.5 to 40, the price of one division is 50 m. This corresponds to aiming angles at a distance of 50 to 400 m. … The PSO-1-1 sight has a 4x magnification and a 6 ° field of view; sight weight - 0.58 kg. In addition, the VSS can be equipped with other optical day and night sights with remote scales for the ballistics of the SP-5 cartridge.
For shooting at night, the NSPU-3 night sight is used. In the combat position, its weight is 2 kg, the range of vision is 300 m. The open (mechanical) sight is used when it is impossible to use the optical one. It is located on the muffler body. The aiming bar of this sight has a scale with divisions from 10 to 40 on the right side and from 15 to 42 on the left side of the bar. This allows you to set at targets with an accuracy of 20-30 m, respectively, the range to the target. The trajectory of the bullet when firing from the VSS has a significant steepness and, therefore, forms a very small affected area for vertical targets. Therefore, for reliable hitting a target from a VSS rifle, the accuracy of determining the range to targets plays a decisive role. Placing the sight and front sight on the muffler requires strictly
Basic data of VSK-94
Used cartridges - SP-5, SP-6 (9x39 mm). Weight with a silencer - 3.5 kg. Length with silencer - 900 mm. Magazine capacity -10 or 20 rounds. Bullet muzzle velocity - 270 - 290 m / s. Rate of fire - 30 m / min - single; up to 90 rounds / min - automatic fire

ensure the correct connection of the muffler, it is necessary to protect it from impacts and other mechanical damage. The slightest misalignment of the muffler and the barrel leads to a change in the accuracy of the battle.
The BCC rifle has a "skeletal type" butt that is detachable for stowing in the stowed position in a briefcase-case. This allows for concealed carry.
At a distance of up to 400 m, the rifle provides penetration of 2-mm steel plates while maintaining a sufficient damaging effect after penetration; at ranges of up to 100 m, manpower is affected in body armor of IV-V protection classes.
As can be seen from the above data, the trajectory of bullets when firing from the VSS, due to the sonic initial velocity of bullets and their large mass, has a significantly greater curvature (about 4 times) than when firing from an AK74 assault rifle. This sharply reduces the depth of the affected area, and therefore requires increased accuracy of the sight installation. For this, the sights have scales that allow the installation of the sight to be carried out with an accuracy of 20-30 m. Consequently, the requirements for the sniper to determine the range to the target have also increased - it must be determined with an accuracy of ten meters. In city conditions, to determine the distance to the target, one should take into account the known dimensions of streets, squares, gaps between the supports of power lines, use a rangefinder scale in the field of view of an optical sight, and use more accurate methods of measuring distances. This will allow successfully solving the main task of sniper shooting - hitting the target with the first shot.
In general, the VSS rifle successfully complements the small arms sniper fire system, allowing it to hit targets at ranges up to 400 m with a silent shot.
Sniper rifle VSK-94 chambered for 9x39 (SP-5, SP-6) was developed in 1995. Its aiming range is 400 m. The rifle provides the ability to fire in bursts with automatic reloading due to the energy of the powder gases discharged from the barrel into the gas chamber. However, the main type of fire from it is a single fire with an attached silencer, which ensures low-noise firing. The butt of a manual type, detachable during disassembly for carrying the rifle in a special case.
Basic data of the ASVK rifle
Used cartridges - 12, 7x108 CH; 12.7x108
SPC; 12, 7x108 SPB; 12, 7x108 with a B32 bullet.
Weight - no more than 12 kg (without the OEPUO sight).
Length -1300 mm.
Height - 210 mm (with magazine).
Width -150 mm.
Sighting range - with an optical sight - 1500 m; with mechanical - 1000 m. Time - transfer to combat position no more than 10 s; replacement of the magazine from the pouch not 15 s. Barrel resource - 3000 shots. The penetrating effect of bullets (barrier, thickness, percentage of penetration, range) - armor plate 10 mm, 100%, 800 m; bullet-proof vest 6B12 - 80K%, 100 m. 3 shows the basic data on cartridges 12, 7x108 mm, which can be used for firing from the ASVK rifle (in addition to cartridges 12, 7 SPC and 12, 7 SPB).
The adoption of a large-caliber rifle expanded the combat capabilities of sniper weapons, made it possible to successfully solve fire missions characteristic of the conditions of action in modern local wars, as well as to carry out tasks to destroy terrorists and bandit groups. Complexes of large-caliber sniper rifles can be attached to army units for solving special tasks.

VSK-94 is designed to engage targets with sniper fire in conditions requiring silent and flameless firing; if necessary, you can fire from it in bursts. The rifle is intended for use in special-purpose units of various law enforcement agencies and departments.
The large-caliber sniper rifle VSK combines the ability to conduct sniper fire with small unmasking signs (sound and flame silencer) due to the use of 9-mm SP-5 cartridges, and, if necessary, high-density automatic fire to engage targets at short ranges. At the same time, the possibility of hidden carrying and carrying of the rifle is provided when separating its assemblies into a special case. It takes about one minute to assemble the VSK-94.
The SVDK sniper rifle was created on the basis of the SVD army sniper rifle of the Dragunov system, but chambered for a more powerful cartridge 9x64 mm (cartridge index 7NZZ). The mass of this ammunition is 34 g instead of 22 g in the 7.62 mm sniper cartridge, due to which it makes it possible to reliably hit targets using the NIB with the first shot. This is the main advantage of the 9 mm rifle over the standard SVD.
The 9-mm kit includes: cartridge 7N22; sniper rifle SVDK; optical sight 1P70 "Hyperon"; electro-optical sight 1PN101 (night).
The increase in the power and caliber of the cartridge led to an increase in the mass of the weapon. Thus, in a combat position with a "Hyperon" telescopic sight, the mass of weapons is 7.3 kg; with an electro-optical night sight 7, 9 kg; the weight of the rifle itself is 5, 7 kg. This reduced the maneuverability of the weapon and required the rifle to be supported on the bipod when firing. Therefore, the 9mm sniper weapon complex does not replace the army sniper rifle, but complements it.
The general device of the SVDK repeats the device of the Dragunov SVD sniper rifle with an increase in the mass of the barrel and rifle. This made it possible to increase the accuracy of the battle of the rifle with the new cartridge. The probability of hitting a target of the "chest figure" type at a distance of up to 600 m is practically 100%. The 9-mm cartridge, as already mentioned, has a mass of 34 g, the mass of a bullet with an armor-piercing core is 17, 0-18, 2 g; cartridge length 88, 8 mm.
The length of the SVDK rifle is 1250 mm; magazine capacity 10 rounds; sighting range with an optical sight "Hyperon" 1300 m and 1000 m with a night sight; muzzle velocity 785 m / s.
Accuracy of fire is characterized by the diameter of bullet dispersion at a distance of 100 m by the CH cartridge within the size of 6 cm, by the SNB cartridge - 8 cm. The complex has good armor penetration - 80% of the bullet penetration of the CH cartridge at a distance of 600 m to a steel plate 5 mm thick; bullet cartridge SNB - 5 mm at a distance of 800 m.
Table 2 shows the data of sniper rifles used in the Russian army for cartridges of calibers 7, 62xk54 mm, 9x39 mm and 9x64 mm.
The variety of modern sniper weapons is dictated by the change in fire missions, which are associated with the emergence of new individual means of anti-ballistic defense, as well as the need to increase the effective range of fire.
At the same time, the 7, 62-mm SVD and SVDS rifle, recognized as the best army rifle of the last century, remains the main weapon in the sniper weapon system of the Russian army. New samples of sniper rifles with more powerful cartridges are used in special forces.
Large-caliber army sniper rifle ASVK was created in 1990 for a cartridge of 12, 7x108 mm, used for large-caliber machine guns. This cartridge did not provide the accuracy required for a sniper weapon. Therefore, it had to be improved specifically for sniper weapons. This is how the 12, 7-mm SN cartridge (sniper) appeared, as well as cartridges 12, 7 SPC (special sniper cartridge) and 12, 7 PSB (armor-piercing sniper cartridge).
Cartridge 12, 7 CH of more accurate manufacture in comparison with machine gun has a shell bullet weighing 58, 5 g with a steel core in the ogival part and a lead core in the cylindrical part of the bullet.
table 2
<rifle table
Cartridge 12, 7 SPC has a bullet machined entirely from armor; cartridge 12, 7 SPB - an armor-piercing bullet made of high hardness steel, pressed into a chiseled bronze shell.
Grinding a bullet is an expensive process, but it provides significantly better accuracy and accuracy while maintaining sufficient penetration. Bullet weight of cartridge 12, 7 SPC - 42, 9-43, 5 g; bullets cartridge 12, 7 SPB - 47, 4-48, 0 g. These are the new sniper cartridges.
Large-caliber army sniper rifle (ASVK) is designed to destroy lightly armored and unarmored military equipment at ranges up to 1000 m, as well as openly located manpower in the NIB, single and group targets (grenade launcher, machine gun crews, ATGM and other technical means) at ranges up to 1500 m.
ASVK is made according to the "bullpup" scheme, which provides smaller dimensions in comparison with large-caliber sniper rifles of conventional design. Its length is 1300 mm, which is only 50 mm longer than the SVD. This is the main design feature of the ASVK makes the large-caliber rifle more convenient when moving, choosing a firing position and disguising it.
The ASVK rifle has a manual reloading mechanism with the supply of cartridges from the store; the barrel bore is locked by turning the bolt and engaging its lugs with the lugs of the barrel. The lack of an automatic mechanism for reloading the rifle, the massive barrel made it possible to increase the accuracy of the battle: at a distance of 100 m, the size of four holes when firing with an optical sight does not exceed 7 cm at a distance of 300 m - 16 cm.
Trigger mechanism - trigger type for firing only single fire; magazine with a capacity of 5 rounds; bipod folding bipod.
Sights: the main sight is an optical-electronic fire control device OEPUO, with a smooth change in magnification from 3x to 10x; mechanical sight with a scale from 300 m to 1000 m.
The stock has a rubber shoulder rest that softens the recoil when firing.
What is primary in the development and use of weapons - new types of weapons or new tactical methods of using them? The answer to such questions is unambiguous: the tactics of using weapons are developed in relation to weapons with new combat capabilities. So, after a breech-loading weapon with a unitary metal cartridge, instead of closed battle formations, a loose formation appeared; the emergence of magazine rapid-fire rifles led to the need for shelter from the aimed fire of small arms - trenches and trenches; a new type of automatic weapon - machine guns - required new tactical techniques to reduce infantry losses from the multiply increased density of fire.
Table 3
<table of cartridges
15 mm
on D-20cm
Also in modern local combat operations, the development of weapons determines the tactics of using each type of weapon. The increased role of sniper fire in the course of hostilities of local importance was determined by the appearance of large-caliber sniper systems in service to destroy enemy military equipment at significant ranges; new sniper sights and special cartridges, special equipment for operations in isolation from the main forces. New tactical techniques have been developed for the use of snipers in the course of local hostilities, the destruction of terrorist groups and bandit formations.
New combat capabilities of modern sniper systems determined the regular organization of units, including snipers with new sniper weapons, as well as their tactics in modern conditions. The combat capabilities of the weapons at the disposal of the army determine the tactics of the actions of the armed forces at this stage.
The skill of a sniper is determined not only by the ability to shoot super sharp. The sniper must possess a large complex of tactical and special training techniques. They are based on the physical capabilities of a sniper candidate - excellent vision and hearing, quick reaction and composure, the ability to withstand extreme conditions and loads, the possession of personal weapons of attack and defense, various means of communication and camouflage. You can also name many requirements that a sniper must meet. But, undoubtedly, the main thing for a sniper is the ability to make an accurate shot at the right time.
However, it is not enough to evaluate the skill of a sniper by just one skill to shoot perfectly. Unfortunately, in the published Tables of small arms firing (TS No. 61 GRAU, 1976), snipers are divided into categories "average" and "best" according to the only criterion - the magnitude of dispersion of bullets when firing (ie, accuracy). But a sniper cannot be an average shooter, he must be the best among the average, otherwise he cannot be considered a sniper. The division of snipers into categories based only on the results of shooting is unacceptable - this leads to a decrease in the requirements for training snipers in the army, since this does not take into account the level of special sniper training. The assessment of a sniper's skill should be given taking into account the entire complex of skills necessary for a sniper's combat operations.
Training of snipers should be carried out according to a separate program by specialist instructors with experience in training highly qualified shooters and educating comprehensively trained shooters for independent actions in isolation from the main army units. Sniper candidates must go through a special selection - medical and psychological. A sniper is a participant in hostilities, in which, in some cases, he must independently decide how severe the defeat should be inflicted on the enemy - is it enough to just temporarily disable him or should more be achieved?
This is exactly how the International Humanitarian Agreements on the use of firearms by belligerents, adopted by the main countries of the world in the package of the Hague Conventions, prescribe to act.
Extremists and terrorists in hostilities grossly violate these agreements in relation to not only the direct participants, but also in relation to civilians, including women and children. The sniper should not act like a mindless mercenary, insensitively carrying out the task assigned to him. His actions are guided by the consciousness and understanding of the justice of punishing those who bring violence to people, blind obedience to religious and clan leaders. The sniper carries out his actions deliberately, defending the freedom of people regardless of their religion, race and nationality.
The increased role of sniper fire in modern combat operations requires military commanders of all levels to pay more attention to the training of snipers in the army, to help improve the status of snipers, and to provide the necessary conditions for maintaining and improving their skills.
During the local wars of our time, sniper fire gained increased importance and required both new weapons, ammunition and equipment, and new tactics of using weapons, as well as special psychological training of snipers.
The proposed changes in the training programs for cadets at the Higher Combined Arms Command Schools (VLKU) do not affect the structure of the general system of military training for cadets, but will allow for a number of years to prepare the required number of sniper platoon commanders who are proficient in super-sharp shooting training.
During the years of Soviet power, a system of training snipers was formed through voluntary sports societies: OSOAVIAKHIM, Dynamo, DOSAAF, where sports shooting was allowed to be performed from military weapons. Sports organizations had several sniper schools that trained high-class shooters. After the Great Patriotic War, this system collapsed, due to the prohibition of sports shooting from military weapons.
It is possible to fill this gap by changing the training system in the VOKU, for which it is possible to provide for the transfer of one of the platoons to classes under the program of sniper platoon commanders during the graduation course. At the same time, candidates for snipers should be selected in accordance with all the requirements for professional snipers, both in terms of shooting skills and general knowledge of the art of special tactical training of snipers. Such a system of changing the VOKU training programs does not require additional funding, but will provide training for sniper platoon commanders for army units.