You can talk as much as you like about the superiority of laser, hypersonic, finally nuclear weapons, you can ponder endlessly about what tactics and strategy to choose in the course of a local conflict or global war, but in any case, conversations and reflections will touch upon such an issue as a stable connection between units, between command and different levels of subordination. Communication determines not only the parameters of interaction between individual units, units, formations, sometimes it determines the outcome of entire military campaigns. In this regard, the role of a military signalman can hardly be overestimated.

Today, October 20, military signalmen of the Russian Armed Forces celebrate their professional holiday. Previously, the holiday was called the Communication Day of the Armed Forces of Russia. The name change set the priorities. In the Armed Forces, communication as such is, of course, important, but much more important is the person who provides this communication, on whose decision the fulfillment of a specific combat mission or military operation depends.
The date October 20 as the chosen date for the holiday has a reference to 1919. It was then in the young Soviet Russia that the order of the Revolutionary Military Council was issued under the number 1736/362, on the basis of which the Communications Directorate was allocated as part of the Field Headquarters. At the head of this structural unit of the headquarters was the communications chief (chief of communications). As a result, the signal troops eventually became an independent unit in the structure of the Red Army.
Speaking at the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu congratulated the country's military signalmen on the centenary of the signal troops. From the statement of the head of the defense department:
We all remember from history textbooks the importance of military communications in special periods of the history of our country. Without communication, there is no control - this is an axiom. At present, signalmen are honorably carrying this watch both at the distant borders of our Motherland and abroad. I mean what is happening in Syria today. I cannot fail to note that our signalmen work there with incredible dedication. Thank you for this job!
Today, the work of military signalmen involves the use of computer and space technologies, it takes into account the invaluable experience gained earlier, including the experience of using technical means and communication systems in combat conditions.

Voennoye Obozreniye congratulates military signalmen and veterans on their professional holiday!