Russia's worst military secret

Russia's worst military secret
Russia's worst military secret

Do not rush to shout about the bad boys who rushed to divulge this secret. My interlocutors are quite adult people, and they will be older than me. And what they told me, and told me, definitely, a little bit, was not done at all from a desire to slander or defile what is holy.

Vice versa.

The main goal was to draw attention to the problems that are visible today to the eye of a person who understands and is aware of the problem. If we appreciate it, then only when it will be too late to bite off the elbows.

This material was originally planned as an interview. Questions and answers. But, after thinking well, I rewrote it. My interlocutors are absolutely not pressed by shoulder straps, and they are not going to retire hastily. So it will be just a story from a certain person.

Russia's worst military secret
Russia's worst military secret

We are talking about an institution that is located in Voronezh and has a long and colorful name:

"Federal State Treasury Military Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education" Military Training and Research Center of the Air Force "Air Force Academy named after Professor N. Ye. Zhukovsky and Yu. A. Gagarin ".

The center was established on the basis of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 23, 2012 No. 609-r through the merger of the Air Force Center of the Air Force "Air Force Academy named after Professor N. Ye. Zhukovsky and Y. A. Gagarin" (Monino, Moscow region) and the Military Aviation Engineering University (Voronezh).

Small correction. During the formation of the VUNC, the former Voronezh Higher Military Engineering School of Radio Electronics, a forge of personnel for electronic warfare, was also "raked" at the same time. And now only faculty №5 remained from the school in the structure of the VUNC.

It is difficult to say why this was needed, but it is a fact: electronic warfare officers are now being trained within the walls of the aviation center. It seems to be partially justified, because in the old structure of the school there were 2 faculties, air ("C") and ground ("N"). Now everything is in one heap, as it were.

I’ll be distracted. Do you think, dear readers, a lot of the teaching staff from the VVA Academy (Monino, Moscow Region) rushed to such a wonderful job in Voronezh? Think correctly, less than 5%. At the level of statistical error. They wrote a lot about this and with taste, someone understood the teachers and professors who sent the province to hell, someone blamed. But in reality, the result was such that the VUNC seemed to have moved to Voronezh, but the teaching staff did not. Fools in Russia seem to be less and less.

Here we must pay tribute to the head of the VUNC, Lieutenant-General Zibrov, who, according to my interlocutors, developed not only a stormy, even difficult to say what kind of activity it was. He swept out two counties with a broom, but staffed them.

On the site of the VUNC it sounds like this: “The Military Training and Scientific Center of the Air Force“VVA”has absorbed the glorious traditions of the Yu. A. Gagarin and the Air Force Engineering Academy named after Professor N. E. Zhukovsky, the Military Aviation Engineering University (VAIU) (Voronezh), the Military Institute of Radio Electronics (Voronezh), the Irkutsk and Stavropol Higher Military Aviation Engineering Schools, the Tambov Higher VAIU of Radio Electronics, as well as the Federal State Research Testing Center for Electronic Warfare and evaluating the effectiveness of reducing the visibility”.

It’s clear what “absorbed” means, right? Collected from the world on a string. Well, not about that. By the way, my interlocutors are from the Research Institute of Electronic Warfare. But more on that later.

So, today we have a luxurious (real) and perfectly prepared training center. Yes, and the first scientific company in Russia was organized here. But we will still get to this company. And we have two problems.

The first, as already mentioned, is the teaching staff. Which is 70% of the teachers of the former VAIU, which is far from the most prestigious school in the USSR and Russia. And, we can say that VUNC is VAIU, but the level is higher and more comfortable. Despite the splendid signboard, it is still a "technical".

VAIU trained ground personnel, as the name suggests. Meteorologists, instrument operators, electricians, gunsmiths, signalmen and other aerodrome service specialists. The same specialties today are in the structure of the VUNC VVA. With the addition of a new UAV faculty. Point. Pilots and navigators, of course, are trained in specialized schools.

And, yes, also electronic warfare. We mainly talked about electronic warfare.

My interlocutors believe that pushing electronic warfare into the structure of a technical (sorry, engineering) aviation institution is far from being a masterpiece idea. The fact that Faculty # 5 graduates anyone is already good. But if you go into details, then the sadness is complete.

The fact that in the structure of the Research Institute of Electronic Warfare, where the comrade officers work, for 8 (eight!) Graduations (including the personnel from the VRE), they did not select ANY graduate, says a lot. Meanwhile, every year, with the development of electronic warfare means, the need for personnel becomes more and more tangible.

Yes, this year two lieutenants have come from the troops to defend the candidate's degree. The level of training is stunning. In general, it is not clear what these officers did during these two years in the army. And how they will write dissertations. Not in terms of hands, in terms of brains.

The level of preparation of the minds of the "victims of the exam" plunges into a stupor. People, specialists, officers, having completed their training, are not capable of anything. Yes, the army has prestige today. Good salaries, prospects, and more. But in fact, there are no people capable, and most importantly, willing to go anywhere. Indifference dominates. The main thing is to serve the contract. How - we'll figure it out.

NII REB is a small institution, about one and a half hundred people. But the institute is not able to provide itself with at least some inflow of personnel. There is simply nowhere to take shots. Meanwhile, the technology, which is tested at the institute "old men", often of tomorrow. And it is in the Research Institute of Electronic Warfare that they give an opinion on the advisability of state tests of a particular development. And they bring the technique to mind within the framework of the same state tests.

Who will do this in ten years, when the "old people" will retire, no one can say.

About the "scientific company". Oddly enough, it helps out. Not the stupidest graduates of technical universities, of the same "polytechnic", end up in HP. And former students go there willingly. HP is not really an army, if that. Dorm rooms for four, with TV. Internet. You can work. You can really do science.

For the main contingent, HP is just a one-year "freebie". It seems that you are in the army, but it seems that you are not.

But there are also perverts, thank God. Which, after HP, go to serve quite normally. Over the past three years, there were 5-6 such people. Indeed, smart and promising guys.

But there is a nuance. Yes, they are on a contract. Yes, they have officer ranks. (I myself saw a reportage on TV last year, how two ordinary demobels of HP turned into lieutenants in an instant. - Approx. Auth.) But here the whole point is precisely that they graduated not from a military university, but from a civilian one. And, accordingly, they should sneeze on this contract, if that. They do not owe the state anything for training; if they wish, they will turn around and leave.

Who will replace them (and we, too, by the way, we are not eternal)? No one.

The worst thing is that everyone understands this. And we, scientists, and teachers. The other day we came to take tests in "physical", a little earlier we arrived at the sports complex. We were in shock. Two groups of cadets were engaged. More than half are in tattoos. And not "for the Airborne Forces" or a heart, no. Tigers, dragons, snakes, some kind of generally incomprehensible creatures. All colors of the rainbow. Painted, as if they were recruited by zones, were lured by amnesty.

We asked the head of the department, what a disgrace, because tattoos are prohibited. An officer cannot have them, especially when they are on the whole arm or leg. These are still nothing, replies. You should look at others. There is a group here, every one of them is scheduled. No others…

No others…

And here we are, two old capacitors, little by little begin to understand the whole horror of our tomorrow. We look at the cadets, at yesterday's schoolchildren and tomorrow's officers, and we understand that in the bulk they don’t need anything to hell. Dressed, shod, fed, the allowance for which in civilian life is not just necessary to plow, life with a perspective. Fine…

Language does not dare to call them stupid. Neither cadets, nor two years, who both went to the troops with empty heads, and returned with the same. Well, how can you serve in electronic warfare for two years and confuse the "S" and "L" bands? How???

This is a countermeasures system, a system that will destroy us without nuclear warheads. Which has already turned several generations into monkeys who simply do not know how, and, worst of all, do not want to think.

We're talking about the exam.

The exam will kill us very quickly, simply because there is no need to think. A physicist who is unable to calculate the simplest model on paper. Pilots who drop bombs using GPS (they hit well at least), but are unable to do so on sights. An electronics engineer who has a poor understanding of physical processes. And so it is possible ad infinitum.

The young have really learned to THINK. Not to THINK, they still know how to think at the level of instincts. THINK.

Yes, into a trench with a machine gun - easily! Enough intelligence and patriotism. The guys really went better in this regard, not such amoebas as 10 years ago. The tank is fine. To the cannon. Anyone can cope with ballistic computers after the iPhone.

Today the problem is in testing new developments. It takes one brain to use, and another to test. And for development?

If tomorrow we will have no one to test and bring to mind what has been developed, then what will happen the day after tomorrow? WHO, tell me, will develop what will need to be tested?

Who developed what we are proud of now? Are the "krasukhs" the same? Yes, those who are no longer really among us. They accepted dissertations from us. And we don't have much time left. We can teach, we can work for now, we can bring to mind anything. Today. But if there is no one to teach today, then tomorrow everything will be very sad.

The training system was almost killed, they scraped together the faculty from two schools, well, Cherepovets was reanimated. But there are almost the same problems.

But the main meanness of this USE is that young people absolutely do not know how to think creatively and analyze. They can still “Otyfonit” a task, remember the order of performing functions. Only a few people understand the problem.

Tomorrow, and even more so the day after tomorrow, we will need personnel who can at least replace us. And in theory - to go further than us. But the brain-killing system did its job. "The victims of the exam" will not replace us. They will not invent, develop, build, debug.

So weird to be honest. All my life we believed that we would fight with the US Department of Defense. And the Ministry of Education of Russia almost won us.

So it turns out that the most important military secret of Russia is how many smart people we have left. And how many of them can there be in the future.
