How to recognize "Grandfather"?
It is not difficult, because the appearance and manner of the 'old men' are the best business card. Their 'identifying features' are: a hook on the collar of a tunic or overcoat is unfastened; the cap (cap, hat) is famously pushed to the back of the head; hair is longer than the statutory norm; the badge of the belt is bent, and it itself hangs below the belt. Well, the face, of course, is impudent and grinning (I am talking, of course, only about harmful and disgusting 'grandfathers', so the last omen does not apply to normal 'repeaters'). Well, if someone in the dining room threw a plate into the orderly, it is, of course, he, 'dear grandfather,' to whom the kitchen utensils seemed not clean enough. Stay away, guys, from such idiots, as well as from the outfit for the kitchen, which because of the 'unbridled fun' is also called the 'disco'.
Types of bullying in the army
Hazing in the army is essentially a cult, a kind of religion, with its calls for humility and non-resistance, numerous commandments and rituals, with an abundance of 'can and must not'. And religion, as you know, is used both for good and for evil. The Church is capable not only of giving a person freedom of spirit, but also of enslaving him; Hazing, of course, is primarily an instrument of violence, but it can also act as a guarantor of order and the fighting efficiency of a unit, when it takes the form of mentoring and guardianship of young old-timers. It depends on the type of bullying prevailing in the unit, and I would venture to single out three of them.
Hazing, not associated with humiliation of human dignity, consists in the fact that recruits perform certain types of work, designed, in theory, for the entire personnel. Well, let's say, 'grandfather' Private Pupkin was ordered to clean the floor in the barracks. Naturally, in the second year of service, the guy just turns back from this, and he quickly strains the 'salabon' (that is, he has not plowed for half a year yet) Private Tulupkin, whom the army god himself ordered to arm himself with a broom and a rag. In general, this is normal, this cup will not escape anyone. Newcomers are supposed to 'rustle' (work hard), but the last months of service will not be overshadowed by rough work. Also, the "grandfathers" can order to drive to the dining room for bread and sugar or peel potatoes. They will not rake the snow either - they will sit and smoke while you hump. Nothing, guys, this is all legal, and there is no need to 'arise' here. The above-mentioned mentoring applies to the same 'non-violent hazing', when even the junior in the rank of 'old men' teach young people wisdom in terms of service, make them pump up their muscles (without assault!) boots, etc.). Such hazing is even useful, and many of those who have served with whom they had a chance to communicate, reasonably believe that the whole army is supported by it.
Grandfather's games and customs
a borderline view between 'useful hazing' and violence. 'Grandfathers' are sometimes like children. Whatever they can think of in order to brighten up the dull days of waiting for the demobilization order. Here are some types of entertainment. Chauffeurs (aka 'steering wheels', 'cardan shafts') force Salabons to 'surrender driving'. Private Tulukin crawls on all fours under the bunks, moving a basin of water in front of him and beeping, and the 'grandfathers' from above give commands: 'To the left!', 'Add gas!', 'Reverse!'. The signalmen have their own trademark 'gadgets' - they are forced to stand on a stool and use a mop to ward off interference from the radio antenna. Sometimes it is suggested to blow out the light bulb, to practice in dressing up in uniforms in 48 seconds (this is how it is supposed to dress up on alarm). But the most beloved game of the old fellows is the 'demobilization train'. This is when corporal Pupkin's passion is like a hunt to feel like he is going home in a soft carriage. And now he is reclining on his bunk, which is slightly swayed by two or three 'salabons' (sort of like' a blue carriage is running and swaying …), and soldiers are running around with branches in their hands (these are trees floating outside the window). The sound background, obviously, is created: chukh - chukh - chukh, chukh - chukh - chukh, tu-tu-uuu! And, finally, a 'guide' with a glass in his hands: 'Would you like a tea?' Such 'pretzels' are a circus, and nothing more! Treat this with humor: they say that the child did not amuse himself, as long as he did not climb with his fists. The 'grandfathers' will let out couples in such theatrical performances - you see, they will be angry and less angry …
Finally, the third and most brutal form of hazing is the dictatorship of 'grandfathers'. Systematic beatings, terror, sophisticated bullying, often disguised as training young people (long crawling in a gas mask; push-ups until they lose consciousness), mockery of human dignity, coercion to fully serve the 'elite' (washing footcloths, even carrying out combat duty for 'grandfathers') …
I know of a case when young guys from the guard company did not sleep for three days in a row, replacing the sweetly snoring second-year scum. Such hazing in the army is famous for the legendary construction battalions, autorots, the navy (where it is called 'godkovshchina'), motorized rifle troops, etc. To a lesser extent, it is common among border guards, since the service there is intense (outfit - sleep - outfit - sleep) and there is simply no time left for grandfather's tricks. In general, the intensity of hazing is determined by the level of the culture of the unit. For example, it has always been like this: the more students there are in the company (at the outpost, on the ship), the softer the morals. Now students are not called upon, and a normal good guy who 'drove past the institute' and found himself in boots often has nowhere to wait for support among colleagues who are not burdened with intelligence and culture. And any punks, unfortunately, feel like a fish in water in the army.
Officers and hazing
Alas, the overwhelming majority of officers are indifferent to what happens in the barracks in their absence. Hazing is even a little profitable for them - the old-timers will always control how the youngsters work. An intelligent lieutenant knows how to maintain the first type of hazing in the team, suppressing attempts at bullying. Such, by the way, are respected. There are specimens trying to fight any manifestation of bullying (even light), forcing the personnel to live strictly according to the charter. They fasten the 'grandfathers' hooks, straighten the plaques, demand that they wash the floor along with the 'salabons' … It is a stupid and useless occupation, because while they are fighting with secondary attributes, atrocities often occur behind their backs. On the whole, officers are weak protection against barracks arbitrariness, and informers, by the way, usually get even more punches. Try, guys, to solve your problems on your own, taking note of some of our recommendations.
How can you resist?
First of all, friends, keep in mind that more than others they drive such unlucky Chonkins, weaklings, inept. If you do not know how to wash the floor, you cannot thread a needle, are too thoughtful and not in a hurry, know that you are the N1 candidate for the role of the scapegoat. They do not like mama's sons, imagined, miser. Inability, however, can be compensated for by diligence, desire to learn, diligence (but not fawning!). It's not very good to 'run over' on a physically tough kid, so be sure to 'pump up' before the call. They will not particularly pester the artist who is able to help the 'grandfathers' design 'demob albums', they respect the one who owns the guitar. Be sure to try to find a 'grandfather' - a fellow countryman! In which case, support and intercession will be provided.
And yet, one cannot fight off the 'old people' alone (they will peck, break, even if you are a tough bodybuilder). Only together, rallying with all young growth. Therefore, young people, do not squabble among themselves!
But what if there are only tormentors around and they have baked to the limit? Where to complain? Its officers, as I said, are ineffective. It is better to write a letter to the military prosecutor's office, but try to put it in a mailbox outside the unit's territory. And inappropriately inform your parents about your bitter lot - it will be easier for them to raise a fuss, to declare the outrages that are happening to the appropriate authorities. The main thing - God forbid you to try to lay hands on yourself or deal with the offenders through the AKM! Guys ! One life - you cut it off or break it - that's it, nothing can be fixed … And this is because of some scum … Think …
Summing up the conversation about hazing, I would venture to suggest that this ailment will be cured only with deep and effective reforms in the army, with its transfer to a professional track.