How many times have we heard stories about such a negative phenomenon that exists in the army as “hazing”. This is the story of former soldiers who, after demobilization, talk about the terrible everyday life of a young soldier. But in their stories, for some reason they forget about how they themselves acted with the young soldiers - “spirits”. Hazing is a chain reaction that is not easy to stop.
Yes, it must be admitted that, despite all the assurances of the top military leadership that “bullying” is over in real life, this is far from the case. But why, despite all the attempts to eradicate from the army even the concept of "hazing", there are no real changes? The answer is quite simple, it is beneficial to the unit commanders. Yes, strange as it may seem, but thanks to the “hazing” the company and battalion commanders sleep peacefully and do not worry that an emergency will occur at the unit's location or that the barracks will not be cleaned. The officers pass on their knowledge to the soldiers, conduct exercises, but in matters related to everyday life, the commanding role is assigned to the senior soldiers.
In fact, there is nothing unusual in this phenomenon, since even in civilian life we are faced with manifestations of “bullying”. Remember who at work during lunch is sent for coffee, of course, a young worker, and for some reason no one is not talking about hazing. The second example, in production it is necessary to carry out work that may not have anything to do with professional duties, who will be sent to perform work - of course, young workers, and again, no one claims that old workers find fault with him. And in the cafeteria of the institute, a freshman can stand the entire break between pairs while senior students are shopping. There are countless such examples, but we see the manifestation of negativity only in relations between old-timers and young soldiers.
Of course, it is simply impossible to declare that hazing in the army is simply not necessary. Sometimes especially zealous “old men” turn the concept of seniority into an elementary mockery and humiliation of young soldiers. Very often situations arise associated with the infliction of grievous injuries and injuries of varying complexity, and the victims are forced to seek protection from the law and use legal services, a lawyer becomes a defender of a young soldier.
The manifestation of "bullying" in the army takes place not only among the soldiers, but also among the officers. A young lieutenant, who has just arrived at the unit, may not even look at the schedule of shifts and guards, and it is so clear that he will spend all the holidays in attire and should not be indignant about this, since he will simply be pointed out to his still low place in army society. The advantage over the young officer is shown not only by officers, but also by warrant officers. The unit commander will rather listen to the opinion of a warrant officer who has served for more than ten years, than to the sometimes correct and useful opinion of a young officer.
It is necessary to fight bullying, but only with its negative manifestations, since it will not be possible to avoid such an advantage as seniority, despite all attempts.