In recent years, the Russian army has been actively introducing new communication and control systems. Modern automated control systems (ACS) have been developed and are being built. Some of these developments have a number of characteristic differences and can be considered a real breakthrough. Their appearance, as expected, attracts the attention of foreign experts who are trying to give an assessment.
With elements of artificial intelligence
New reasons for discussion and analytics appeared on November 12 thanks to Izvestia. With reference to sources in the Russian military department, they talked about the creation of a new automated control system based on the most modern technologies. The next day, Izvestia supplemented the previously published information.
In the messages, the new ACS is referred to as the "Combat Control Information System" (ISBU). It was created using elements of artificial intelligence and Big Data technologies. Its task is to collect all the necessary data, process it and issue it to the command.
The new ISBU is intended to support the work of the command of military districts and combined arms armies. Control system tools should collect data from different sources - from all units, soldiers and services. Data from them should come in the shortest possible time. AI will provide analysis of incoming data and will prepare forecasts for the development of events, as well as develop recommendations for the command.
Previously, such tasks were solved with a lesser degree of automation, mainly by personnel. In addition, there was a distribution of work to different levels at different levels. Now we are talking about an integrated system that combines several links.
It is proposed that ISBU be responsible for processing the mass of incoming data, which allows to reduce the workload on the personnel. The commander will be able to operate with already processed data, due to which command and control of troops will be simplified and accelerated. The absence of significant delays in the transmission of data and their processing will allow the command to work in real time.
It is reported that last year, elements of a promising ISBU passed military tests. The system is now deployed and operating normally. However, it has not yet been specified in which formations and formations it is deployed and for which directions it is responsible.

It is important that a promising ISBU with AI elements and "big data" is not the only modern ACS that ensures the work of the Russian army. There are also other systems of this class with certain features. The interaction of a number of automated control systems at different levels should ensure correct and competent command and control of troops in all conditions.
Foreign look
New Russian developments always attract the attention of foreign experts and the media. ISBU based on the latest technologies was no exception. So, on November 20, the Eurasia Daily Monitor of the analytical organization The Jamestown Foundation published a publication on the new Russian management system.
EDM writes that the Russian military has announced a new breakthrough in the field of C2 (command & control) systems, and these developments should not be underestimated. The result of the introduction of new tools is an increase in the speed of decision-making. In this respect, the Russian army is now ahead of NATO commanders.
The announced ACS includes not only C2 tools. In fact, we are talking about fully integrated C4ISR (command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance) tools. ISBU should process all incoming data and provide basic information to commanders.
EDM points out that through ISBU, the Russian army is improving its ability to plan and control in a combat situation. Accordingly, NATO commanders need to take this into account - as their decision-making process is slower.
In its publication, EDM examines the latest news from Izvestia and draws attention to their most interesting points. So, foreign analysts were interested in the use of the most modern technologies - AI and Big Data. They also noticed a new management architecture shifting the workload from people to technology.
Breakthrough components
EDM believes that the new Russian breakthrough in the field of command and control is provided not only by the ISBU system. Other modern automated control systems have been developed and are being introduced, which give the troops certain advantages.

The most important component of the observed breakthrough, created several years ago, is called the Akatsiya-M control system. To date, this ACS has been tested and is being supplied to the troops. For these purposes, 21 billion rubles have been allocated. ACS "Akatsiya-M" in real time provides the headquarters and commanders with complete data on the situation on the battlefield, the state and capabilities of its troops, as well as on the actions of the enemy. Based on the processing of this data, the headquarters can issue orders that most fully correspond to the situation.
"Akatsiya-M" can interact with other automated control systems of different levels and all types of troops. It also provides data exchange between troops and the National Defense Control Center. Thus, with the help of "Akatsiya-M", the interaction of different units, formations and formations of the armed forces at all levels is ensured.
According to the authors of the Eurasia Daily Monitor, the presence and implementation of the Akatsiya-M and ISBU automated control systems shows the development of relevant technologies in the Russian army. Russia has achieved a real breakthrough in the field of automated control systems of classes C2 and C4ISR.
As a result of the introduction of modern automated control systems, the Russian army gains new opportunities. Data processing and decision-making systems are optimized, as a result, the number of stages of information passage is reduced and processes are accelerated. In this respect, the US and NATO are now lagging behind Russia, and they need to take appropriate action.
Russian developments and foreign assessments
News about the creation and introduction of new weapons, equipment or means of support for the Russian army comes with enviable regularity and has long become familiar. Also, regularly reports on the development of our armed forces attract the attention of foreign media and analytical organizations. It is quite obvious that the news about the creation of improved automated control systems with AI elements and the use of "big data" could not go unnoticed.
The Jamestown Foundation reviewed the latest news from Russia and came to interesting conclusions. It is easy to see that the main motive behind the publication of the ESBU in the Eurasia Daily Monitor was Russia's superiority in the field of command and control systems. In addition, attention is drawn to the presence of several modern automated control systems capable of interacting with the troops and with each other, which also increases the efficiency of army control. It is noted that such developments provide an advantage over NATO in the field of data processing and decision-making.
It must be admitted that such assessments from foreign experts are very pleasant. The successes of the Russian army and industry in the development of communication and command facilities are so great that a foreign analytical organization had to recognize them. Moreover, note the superiority over foreign samples.
However, in this context, the main thing is not praise, but the presence of modern automated control systems in the troops. From the latest reports of the Russian press, it follows that everything is in order in this area.