"It is time for the military to accept the facts, and the facts are that beards save lives. In light of this information, we will require all men to wear at least one inch of facial hair at all times."
From General James E. Mattis's Address to All Troops in Warzones

VR Dolnik suggested that a man's lush hair (like the mane of old male baboons) can increase his status in the eyes of his congeners. And Charles Darwin believed that the beard arose from sexual selection, as it serves as an ornament that increases the attractiveness of males. Modern studies of different cultures, including primitive tribes, show the opposite: women rate beardless faces as more attractive. On the other hand, men consider persons with a beard to be more aggressive, and both sexes rate bearded people as having an older age and a higher social status. It is a common misconception that a thick beard is a potential protection for the thyroid gland and neck from the cold.
On what basis did US Marine Corps General James Mattis conclude that a beard, like a bulletproof vest, helmet, or gas mask, can save a soldier's life?
In response to the terrorist act of September 11, 2001, the United States conducts Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. The operation developed into a protracted asymmetric military conflict that will last from 2001 to 2014.
After the "air war", in March 2002, the coalition forces conducted Operation Anaconda in the valley. Taliban resistance turned out to be much stronger than expected, and the operation grew into the largest battle since the beginning of the war. Among the first, special forces soldiers began to grow beards in order to disguise themselves as the local population, as well as specialists working in close contact with Muslims: translators, instructors, etc.

This was done in part because Islamic theologians believe that a man shaving a beard is like a woman. Indeed, in the East, as a rule, bearded men are perceived as courageous, more experienced people and with a higher status among others. Thus, a person is worthy of respect. That is, a beard is a sign of an attitude, not a tribute to fashion.
Pentagon research proves that having a beard has a lot to do with combat effectiveness! A published report by the research group Xegis Solutions says beards have a lot to do with combat effectiveness:
“We took 100 people, 25 special forces who had beards, and 25 special forces who did not have beards, 25 from the regular army who were allowed to grow beards for research, and the last 25 were from the regular army without beards.
All 100 took part in military clashes in Afghanistan."
The results of the research were amazing: out of 50 soldiers with beards, no one was injured or killed, their shooting accuracy was significantly higher than that of soldiers without beards. Soldiers who did not have beards had a high level of malfunctioning of their personal weapons, and something bad happened to them all the time.

These studies also show that the systematic regrowth of a beard leads to an increase in testosterone (a male hormone) in the beard wearer, which stimulates the endocrine system, leading to the fact that such men are physically stronger, they make more accurate and informed decisions.have more sober judgments in a stressful or time-limited situation.
It has been unequivocally established that testosterone has a positive effect not only on mental, physical, but also on mental parameters. In particular, growing a beard has a positive effect on the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.
This is where the expression "combat beard" appeared, and then the official term: "tactical beard".
It turned out that for American soldiers, a tactical beard is a multifunctional and simply irreplaceable thing. It spread not only among American soldiers, and not only during the Afghan and Iraqi campaigns, but before: in Vietnam, Korea and other hot spots.

Chevron on the sleeve of a soldier of the Danish kingdom

Tactical bearded man of the kingdom of Sveisky

Bearded Canadians. If they are tankers, the tank is probably too tight for them. It would be better to think about the gym and the Kremlin diet …
It is argued that a tactical beard protects the face of its owner from chapping and frostbite, respirates dust particles, gives the operator a brutal appearance, which, undoubtedly, should help in close combat.

How can we not recall the ancient Vikings, sea robbers and Turkish admirals of the 16th century Barbarossa, the English pirate Edward Teach, nicknamed Blackbeard, and the Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro?
By the way, the Cuban rebels against the Batista regime led by F. Castro were known as "barbudos": bearded.

But there are exceptions to every rule: bearded women with congenital hypertrichosis Julia Pastrana from Mexico or Miss Annie Jones Eliot from Great Britain. I can't imagine why Thomas Neuwirth, better known as Conchita Wurst, also grew a tactical beard?

Club of bearded warriors
In 2011, the humble Tactical Beard Owners Club (TBOC) project was launched by a handful of friends (bearded SWAT veterans). Today the club has over 1000 members from all over the world and 20 thousand fans.

Tactical Beard Owners Club (TBOC) logo
The administration claims that TBOC is the largest network of its kind. Below is the top of the official TBOC website.

On the left is a quote from the writings of St. Augustine: "Beard means courageous"
Exclusive tactical belts are available for club members only (with tactical beards). On the back of the belt there is a special field for the owner's name.

What's more: each belt comes complete with a personalized certificate signed by the manufacturer. In short, “say NO to fakes!”

I didn't bother to find out what the members of this venerable organization are up to, but after flipping through the photo gallery on their official website, I found that many members of the club like to pose with a black flag in their hands. Doesn't it look like anything?

Temporary tactical beard
For those who cannot or do not want to grow a tactical beard, but need compels … Do not despair!
A killer piece of equipment has gone on sale: a temporary tactical beard. The video clearly demonstrates that a temporary tactical beard is superior in quality and number of functions to a natural beard.
Video: Temporary Tactical Beard (translation)

The issue price is from 10 to 40 US dollars.

Hey people, don't be stingy, buy PAINTING!
Alexander the Great ordered his soldiers to shave off their beards so that the enemy warrior could not grab it during the battle.
All the men of Ancient Egypt shaved their beards. Only the pharaoh had the right to wear a beard (as a sign of his ownership of the land), but his beard was artificial.
In Russia, the obligatory shaving of the beard was introduced by Peter I in 1699, first at royal feasts, then among all the boyars, and then for everyone except the Old Believers.
A distinctive feature of firefighters of the old days was a luxurious mustache, which was not only a source of pride, but also had a practical function, while now stubble and a beard are strictly prohibited for firefighters.
So, a long time ago, fire fighters used a mustache as a gas mask! Drooling mustaches and plugging their noses, firefighters entered the smoky room to provide assistance with free hands.
At the beginning of the 20th century, generals, as well as officers and lower ranks were not so much allowed to wear a beard as it was prescribed: "The lower ranks of the guard and the grenadier should not shave their beards." Juncker received such a right only in 1901.
The sappers of the French Foreign Legion's grenadier company have worn wide beards in the tradition since the days of Napoleon Bonaparte. There are even known cases when soldiers wore false beards due to their natural inability to have their own. But I want to serve …

The Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation allows officers, warrant officers, and warrant officers to wear mustaches and beards. But vegetation must be neatly trimmed and not obstructed when wearing equipment and using personal protective equipment.
"In the navy, you can wear a beard, but you can't be unshaven." Therefore, the first beard is released on dismissal.
In one of the most seemingly democratic countries in the world, the United States, a ban on mustaches and beards was introduced at the local level - at Brigham Young University. Surprisingly, the person whose name this university bears (Brigham Young is a famous religious figure of the 19th century, as well as the organizer of the resettlement of Mormons and the construction of Salt Lake City in the 19th century), was a noble bearded man.
There are professional prohibitions that are not devoid of meaning and are aimed only at ensuring safety. For example, any type of professional aviation excludes beards and mustaches on pilots' faces. The ban is due to the fact that facial hair prevents the tightness of the oxygen masks.
Bearded characters in computer games

Soldier's bike
Any serviceman can grow a mustache, but with a beard it is more difficult. Wearing a beard is allowed only if there are visible defects on the face: scars, etc., and these defects must be confirmed by an appropriate certificate from a doctor. Otherwise, a soldier cannot grow a beard.
An ordinary conscript, an Armenian B., out of nothing to do, suggested that his colleagues bet on a bottle of vodka, which would grow a beard. Since the option at first seemed like a win-win, there were more than enough people who wanted to get a bottle of vodka practically for free. They shook hands, and the hero of the story began to bring his plans to life.
At the morning examination, Private B. unexpectedly for everyone appeared with a chin covered in white scabs and complained of itching and burning in the lower part of his face (in fact, there was no itching, the chin was thickly smeared with toothpaste, which then dried out, but at first glance did not think about it). Since, despite all the sanitary measures, the barracks is one of the most favorable places for the spread of infection, the warrant officer who conducted the morning examination, without waiting for the morning divorce to work, sent B. to the medical unit out of harm's way.
Of course, B. did not go to the medical unit, but returned to the location of the unit with a jar of synthomycin ointment obtained somewhere (most likely, in the pharmacy of a military town). For the next two weeks, at the morning examination, Private B. appeared every day with a chin smeared with this ointment and overgrown with bristles and the explanation "irritation is coming, the magician can't shave."
Since the hot brunettes from the Transcaucasus grow back hair quickly, it didn't take long to grow a beard. A couple of weeks later, having photographed as a keepsake for the demobilization album, B. shaved off his beard and went to collect the well-deserved half a liter …