Since the late fifties, the Soviet industry has been working on the creation of promising operational-tactical missile systems with a firing range of up to several hundred kilometers. The 9K71 "Temp" complex became the first representative of this class of equipment brought to the test. He had some shortcomings that did not allow the deployment of mass production and operation in the army. Nevertheless, work in a promising direction continued, resulting in the appearance of the 9K76 Temp-S complex.
In the early sixties, the Soviet chemical industry created new formulations of mixed solid propellants that could be used in the development of promising rocket engines. In 1961, NII-1 (now the Moscow Institute of Heat Engineering), headed by A. D. Nadiradze began to work out the appearance of a promising weapon using new fuels. Theoretical studies showed high prospects for such projects, which ultimately led to the decision to develop a full-fledged project. On September 5, 1962, during the last work on the Temp project, the USSR Council of Ministers decided to start creating a new complex for a similar purpose.

General view of the "Temp-S" complex. Photo Wikimedia Commons
As part of the new project, it was necessary to develop a front-level missile system equipped with a two-stage solid-propellant rocket and including a set of necessary self-propelled vehicles with various equipment. When developing a new complex, it was necessary to use the developments of the previous project, which is why it was named "Temp-S". In addition, in the future he was assigned the GRAU 9K76 index.
NII-1 was again appointed the lead developer of the project. The Barrikady plant, together with some related enterprises, was supposed to present a self-propelled launcher and other equipment, and NII-125 (now NPO Soyuz) was responsible for the fuel of the required engines. Also some other organizations and enterprises were involved in the project.
Until the end of 1962, NII-1 completed work on a preliminary design of a promising missile system, defending it in mid-December. By this time, the main features of the complex were formed, which did not undergo significant changes in the future. The "Temp-S" system was supposed to include a self-propelled launcher on a wheeled chassis, a guided ballistic missile of the required range, as well as auxiliary equipment necessary for transporting and reloading ammunition, as well as for ensuring combat duty of calculations.

Self-propelled launcher 9P120. Photo from documents to the treaty on medium and short-range missiles /
According to some reports, the appearance of the launcher for the 9K76 complex was not immediately determined. Initially, it was planned to use the existing developments, but these projects were never completed. In the early stages of the creation of the Temp-S complex, it was decided to abandon the placement of launch systems on a semi-trailer or the separation of similar equipment with installation on two wheeled vehicles. An unsuccessful attempt was also made to adapt the 9P11 launcher of the Temp complex for use of the new missile.
In November 1962, OKB-221 of the Barrikady plant began designing a self-propelled launcher Br-278, which later received the additional designation 9P120. This car was based on a special MAZ-543 chassis of the Minsk Automobile Plant. The base machine was equipped with a D-12A-525A diesel engine with a power of 525 hp. and a hydromechanical transmission that distributes torque to eight driving wheels. All this allowed the car to carry loads weighing up to 20 tons. There was also the possibility of towing a 25-ton trailer. The maximum speed of the car reached 55 km / h. Such characteristics were sufficient for the use of such a chassis as the basis of an operational-tactical missile system.

General view of a combat vehicle. Figure
During the construction of the 9P120 launcher, it was proposed to mount a set of special equipment on the existing chassis. So, on the back of the frame there were additional cabins with missile system control equipment. In addition, jacks were installed for stabilization in preparation for launch. The rear of the chassis received a swinging system for storing, transporting and launching the rocket.
The rocket equipment consisted of several basic devices. Unlike previous missile systems, the Temp-S system was supposed to transport the missile in a heated 9Ya230 container. This device received a housing that completely covers the rocket placed inside. The rear end of the container was covered with a launch pad. The upper (in the transport position of the container) part of the 9Ya230 product was made in the form of two drop-down flaps.
The launch pad of the Br-278 launcher was a unit with a cylindrical casing, equipped with all the necessary equipment. There were support devices for missiles, drives for turning them in the desired direction, gas protection shields, etc.

Rocket 9M76 without warhead. Photo from documents to the treaty on medium and short-range missiles /
In the 9P120 project, an original method of storing and preparing the rocket for launch was implemented. After arriving at the position and leveling the machine, it was necessary to raise the rocket container to a vertical position, after which its doors opened. The rocket and launch pad remained in the required position, and the empty container could return to the roof of the vehicle. The use of the container made it possible to significantly improve the storage time of missiles and the deployment of the complex. So, it took only 25 minutes to deploy the systems from the stowed position, and when the 9Ya230 container was in the horizontal position, the launcher could remain on duty for a year. Without a container, the rocket could remain on alert for no more than 2 hours.
The length of the Br-278 vehicle reached 11.5 m, width - 3.05 m. Due to the preservation of the weight of the additional equipment and the rocket within the carrying capacity of the chassis, a relatively high mobility was ensured while maintaining the main characteristics at the level of the base chassis in other modifications.

The tail section of the rocket and engine nozzles. Photo Wikimedia Commons
In addition to the self-propelled launcher for the 9K76 "Temp-S" complex, several other machines for various purposes were developed. The transportation of missiles with warheads could be carried out by 9T215 transport vehicles carrying a heated 9T230 container, similar to the 9Y230 product of the 9P120 machine. This product was characterized by a closed tail end and two wheel axles for transportation over short distances. The 9T219 transporters used a shorter container that did not have a heating system. It should have carried missiles without warheads. Two types of truck cranes were proposed for reloading missiles from transport vehicles to launchers. Transporters and cranes were built on the basis of the MAZ-543 chassis, similar to that used as the basis for a self-propelled launcher.
For transportation of warheads, placement of topographic equipment, maintenance of equipment, etc.several specialized vehicles based on the ZIL-131, ZIL-157, GAZ-66, etc. chassis were offered. Thus, the missile division should have included a fairly large number of various equipment responsible for certain operations during combat duty, preparation for firing or launching.

Rocket reloading process. Photo
Complex "Temp-S" received a guided two-stage solid-propellant rocket 9M76. In some sources, this product is also referred to as 9M76B and 9M76B1, depending on the type of warhead used. At the same time, as far as is known, missiles with different combat equipment had minimal design differences, since they were built on the basis of a single product, the so-called. a rocket block containing engines and control systems.
The 9M76 rocket was divided into several main compartments. The conical head fairing accommodated the warhead with all the necessary equipment. After the completion of the active phase of the flight, the warhead should have been detached. Behind it was a relatively small instrument compartment connected to the second stage hull. The first and second stages had a similar design with a cylindrical body and a nozzle block at the tail end. The steps were interconnected by a light truss and an additional casing for control cables. The tail section of the first stage contained the parts needed to support the launch pad. On the second stage, folding lattice stabilizers were attached.

Complex 9K76 in combat position. Photo
Both stages of the rocket had engines of a similar design. It was proposed that the engine casings be made of fiberglass using winding technology. PES-7FG mixed fuel charges were placed inside the body, providing the required thrust characteristics for a given time. The tail end of the engine was equipped with a bottom with four nozzles. The total mass of the engine charges was 6, 88 tons. To control the rocket in the active phase of the flight, it was proposed to use movable nozzles. The second stage received a thrust cut-off system with the redirection of gases to the nozzles directed forward in the direction of travel. With their help, the body of the second stage had to be diverted from the discarded warhead.
According to some reports, by the end of the sixties, the engines of the 9M76 rocket underwent modernization, which implied the use of new fuel. Now it was proposed to use charges of mixed butyl-rubber fuel T-9-BK. While maintaining the basic characteristics, such a fuel made it possible to improve some of the engine's performance characteristics.

The rocket is ready to fire. Photo
An autonomous inertial guidance system based on a gyro-stabilized platform was created for the rocket. Initial guidance in azimuth was proposed to be carried out by turning the launch pad in the desired direction. After the launch, all operations were carried out by the rocket automatics. With the help of lattice stabilizers, the approximate retention of the product on the required trajectory was ensured, and the automation calculated the deviation from the specified flight parameters and issued commands to the drives of the movable nozzles. After reaching the required point in space, the control system had to drop the warhead and slow down the second stage. After that, the warhead independently and without control drove to a ballistic trajectory.
At different stages of the Temp-S project, it was proposed to equip the 9M76 missile with four types of warheads, but only two such products reached serial production and operation. The AA-19 warhead with a 300 kt thermonuclear charge was the first to go into production. Later, the AA-81 product with a capacity of 500 kt appeared. At a certain stage, it was planned to equip the missile with a chemical warhead created for the Temp complex, but this proposal was not implemented.

The rocket is in the launch position. Photo
The 9M76 rocket had a total length of 12, 384 m. Of these, 4, 38 m fell on the first stage and 5, 37 m - on the second. The maximum diameter of the product in the transport position reached 1.2 m. The starting weight did not exceed 9.3 tons. The warhead, depending on the type, weighed up to 500-550 kg. In accordance with the terms of reference, the firing range was to be from 300 to 900 km. The circular probable deviation should have been brought to 3 km.
Soon after the start of the development of the project, plant No. 235 (Votkinsk) received the task to prepare for the production of promising missiles. Other enterprises involved in the project received similar instructions concerning other elements of the 9K76 Temp-S complex. Due to the need to develop a technical design, it was possible to start producing the required products only in the second half of 1963. By the end of the year, the first prototypes of missiles and other equipment were sent to the Kapustin Yar test site for testing.
The first drop tests of model missiles with simplified equipment took place in December 1963. In March of the following year, the first launch of a full-fledged product was performed, which was able to deliver a simulator of a warhead to a range of 580 km. During the first tests, the 9M76 rocket showed insufficient range and accuracy characteristics, which is why it needed improvements. In addition, there have been several emergency launches with the destruction of missiles in flight. To rework the project, the tests were briefly interrupted.

Placement of funds of the "Temp-S" complex on the position. Figure
The next stage of checks was carried out using the 9P120 self-propelled launcher and other auxiliary equipment of the rocket complex. Before the completion of the range tests in 1965, 29 launches of ballistic missiles were carried out, including 8 using a standard launcher. Based on the results of all checks, it was found that the new missile system meets the requirements and is capable of solving the combat missions assigned to it. Complex 9K76 "Temp-S" was recommended for adoption.
On December 29, 1965, a new extended-range tactical missile system was adopted by the strategic missile forces. Soon after, preparations began for the serial production of the required products. It was planned to entrust the release of new products to enterprises that previously supplied equipment for testing. The first serial launchers, missiles and auxiliary vehicles were handed over to the customer in 1966. In the same 1966, for the creation of the Temp-S complex, project managers A. D. Nadiradze, B. N. Lagutin and A. I. Gogolev were awarded the Lenin Prize.

Loading operations with a 9M76 rocket in a 9T230 container. Photo
Simultaneously with the completion of the tests of the "Temp-S" complex, the development of its modernized version called "Temp-SM" began. This complex was supposed to differ from the basic version with a new missile with increased characteristics. It was supposed to raise the firing range to 1100 km and reduce the CEP to 1500 m. According to various sources, the updated missile reached testing, but was not put into service. For certain reasons, it was decided to leave in operation only the existing 9K76 Temp-S.
The missile systems transferred to the troops were distributed between divisions and brigades. The standard division had two missile batteries, each of which consisted of two squads. The department had one 9P120 self-propelled launcher and several auxiliary vehicles at its disposal. In addition, the division had a command battery, as well as several auxiliary platoons. In addition to divisions, the missile brigade included several other units responsible for target reconnaissance, topographic location, target designation, etc.
According to various sources, in 1967 no more than six missile regiments were formed, armed with Temp-S systems. The overwhelming majority of such units were based beyond the Urals, which was associated with the deterioration of Soviet-Chinese relations. It was proposed to cover the western direction with the help of other missile systems. The operation of the 9K76 complexes by the strategic missile forces did not last long - until February 1968. After that, an order from the General Staff was issued on the transfer of existing regiments to the rocket forces and artillery of the ground forces. Now the missile regiments were to be subordinate to the command of the military districts.

Withdrawal of units armed with Temp-S complexes from the GDR. Photo
Serial production of machines of the 9K76 "Temp-S" complex continued until 1970. The last 9M76 missiles were launched only in 1987. Production volumes were sufficient to form the required number of units required for deployment in all dangerous areas. At first, the Temp-S complexes were deployed only on the territory of the Soviet Union. Later, in the early eighties, the transfer of Temp-S complexes to the Warsaw Pact countries began, where they remained until the end of the decade.
According to available data, by 1987 the armed forces of the Soviet Union had 135 self-propelled launchers 9P120 and the required number of other equipment of the Temp-S complex. Over two decades of production, about 1200 9M76 missiles with different combat equipment were fired. Equipment and weapons were operated by several formations of the Soviet army on the territory of the USSR and friendly states.
In December 1987, the USSR and the United States signed the Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Short-Range Missiles, which implied the abandonment of complexes with a firing range of 500 to 5500 km. Several domestic missile systems, including the 9K76 Temp-S, were affected by this agreement. Already in the first days of 1988, Soviet specialists disposed of the first 9M76 missile, the operation of which was prohibited by the treaty. This was followed by the decommissioning of the equipment in service and the disbandment of the units that operated it. The last missile of the Temp-S complex was eliminated at the end of July 1989. After the completion of the disposal, only a few self-propelled launchers and a number of missile dummies survived. Currently, all these products are exhibits of domestic museums.

Destruction of decommissioned missiles. Photo
The 9K76 Temp-S operational-tactical missile system was in service only in the Soviet Union. This development was not offered for export. Some foreign sources mention negotiations on the transfer of such systems or technical documentation to friendly foreign states. However, such negotiations - even if they were in fact - never led to the emergence of supply contracts. In addition, there is still no convincing evidence confirming the very fact of such negotiations.
The 9K76 Temp-S missile system was created in the first half of the sixties using the existing experience in the development of such systems, as well as using the latest technologies, materials and developments. The result of these works was the emergence of the first domestic operational-tactical complex of increased range, using a guided ballistic missile with a special warhead. The project turned out to be quite successful, thanks to which the troops operated high-performance equipment for two decades. It should be borne in mind that the operation of the 9K76 system ceased not due to moral and physical obsolescence, but because of the emergence of new international treaties.