Chinese rocket DF-26C against the background of the international situation

Chinese rocket DF-26C against the background of the international situation
Chinese rocket DF-26C against the background of the international situation

In early March, information about a new Chinese medium-range ballistic missile reappeared in the Western press. The new weapon has sufficiently high characteristics, thanks to which it can have a noticeable impact on the balance of power in the Asia-Pacific region. The new Chinese missile could threaten several countries located in Southeast Asia, as well as those with interests in this region.


The American edition of The Washington Free Beacon, citing intelligence sources, writes that China has completed the creation of a new ballistic missile of the Donfeng family. The product with the symbol DF-26C is designed to attack various targets at a distance of up to 3, 5-4 thousand kilometers. The emergence of such weapons causes concern for several states at once. The range of the new missile allows China, for example, to attack US military bases on the island of Guam.

Information about China's new ballistic missile is extremely scarce. At the moment, only some general figures and details of its technical appearance are known. It is known that the DF-26C missile systems are based on special wheeled chassis. There is also information about the way these systems are located: they are located in protected underground structures and must leave them only before starting. The locations of the new missiles, for obvious reasons, remain unknown.

The DF-26C two-stage ballistic missile is reportedly powered by solid propellant engines. With a range of up to 4 thousand km and based on a wheeled chassis, the new missiles are capable of supplementing the existing weapons of the 2nd artillery corps. In terms of range, the DF-26C missiles surpass the DF-3 complex, not so long ago decommissioned, and the self-propelled launcher allows for mobility at the level of the DF-21 system. By simultaneously using the DF-21 and DF-26C missiles, China will be able to increase the strike potential of its armed forces. So, DF-21 missiles can be used to destroy enemy targets at a distance of up to 1,800 km, the latest DF-26Cs - up to 4,000 km.

Depending on the location of the missile bases, the new DF-26C complex can be used to attack targets over a fairly large area. In the east, Japan and a number of Southeast Asian states, as well as American bases on the island of Guam, may be under attack. In the western direction, DF-26C missiles can reach the territory of some Middle Eastern states. In addition, all of India is in the area of responsibility of the calculations of these complexes.

The new ballistic missile with a range of up to 4 thousand kilometers significantly increases the potential of the Chinese armed forces. Several factors contribute to this at once. First of all, it is the range of the rocket. In addition, the new missile is likely to be able to carry both nuclear and conventional warheads, which will provide it with greater flexibility of use. Finally, a self-propelled launcher will allow you to quickly transfer missiles to the desired area.

Chinese rocket DF-26C against the background of the international situation
Chinese rocket DF-26C against the background of the international situation

Shortly before the news about the DF-26C missile appeared, other information appeared about promising Chinese weapons. In January, China tested an experimental hypersonic aircraft. Quite expectedly, the fact of these tests provoked the emergence of relevant concerns. There is reason to believe that the developments under the program, within the framework of which the experimental apparatus was built and tested, will be used for military purposes. First of all, the possibility of creating a hypersonic warhead for ballistic missiles capable of maneuvering in the final phase of flight is being considered.

Thus, China announced its entry into the "club" of developed countries engaged in research and construction of hypersonic aircraft. At best, it will take several years to carry out all the necessary work, which is why warheads for missiles, in which the developments under the hypersonic program will be used, will not appear until the end of this decade. It cannot be ruled out that at the same time, a project will be created for the modernization of some existing and currently being developed ballistic missiles, in accordance with which these weapons systems will receive new warheads.

Other concerns regarding the new DF-26C missile are related to one of the previous Chinese projects. Earlier, on the basis of the DF-21 rocket, the DF-21D product was created. This ballistic missile is designed to destroy enemy ships. Anti-ship ballistic missiles have some advantages over other systems of a similar purpose, but their creation and use are associated with a number of difficulties. First of all, it should be noted that it is extremely difficult to ensure acceptable accuracy of a missile hit. The target ship is constantly moving, which is why the missile warhead must adjust its flight trajectory accordingly.

Concerns associated with the further development of the DF-26C project missiles still look far-fetched and premature. Nevertheless, it cannot be ruled out that in the future, China will create updated versions of a new rocket using developments for new projects and, as a result, with higher characteristics.

It is easy to see that in its current form, the DF-26C missile system is a serious problem for countries located in Southeast Asia or having their own interests there. The flight range of up to 4 thousand km, combined with the mobility of the launchers, provide high flexibility of use and make it possible to keep a fairly large region "on the fly". In the light of recent statements about the future of the Asia-Pacific region and the plans of various countries to change the balance of power in it, the new missile looks like a serious argument in favor of China.
