The joint special exercise of forces and means of technical and logistic support of the armed forces of the Russian Federation and Belarus was in many ways experimental. The problems generated by outsourcing were solved, the most important issues of material and technical support (MTO) of the army and navy were worked out. What conclusions did the leadership of the Russian Defense Ministry come to after the large-scale maneuvers? What structural changes may follow in the near future? These and other questions of the "Military-Industrial Courier" were answered by the head of the operation of weapons and military equipment of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the head of the GABTU (1996-2004), Colonel-General Sergei Maev.
- Sergei Aleksandrovich, the Zapad-2017 exercise was held under the motto "To be able, to have, to desire!" What does this mean for the system of material and technical support of the Armed Forces?
- Today, as, however, at all stages of construction, development and use of the military organization of the state, its entire supporting organism solves one problem: creating conditions for combat units under which they achieve success with minimal human and material losses.
The motto is not accidental - the troops must not only know how victory is achieved in battle, and desire it, but also have everything necessary. And these are weapons and equipment, ammunition, fuels and lubricants, clothing, food.
The exercise was held in the year of the 125th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding military leader, founder of the Logistics of the Armed Forces, General of the Army Andrei Vasilyevich Khrulev, who emphasized that three conditions are necessary for victory in a war. You must have all types of weapons and ammunition, food, uniforms, etc., be able to wield weapons, be ready for a feat, and desire to defeat the enemy.
- In 2016, the process of gradual transition from outsourcing in logistics to regular means of repair and restoration of military equipment began. The task is not an easy one, because in the previous leadership of the Ministry of Defense, some believed that outsourcing would automatically solve almost all problems.
- When it comes to everyday issues, outsourcing has shown itself to be normal. This applies to the work of the military trade, food and clothing support, bath and laundry services, the organization of operational maintenance and utilities of the military units of the Ministry of Defense. This was especially evident in matters of logistics in the Arctic zone. However, during the repair and technical restoration of military and military equipment, outsourcing was not effective at all levels.
Judge for yourself: in the conditions of hostilities, civilian specialists cannot be so easily sent to the front line. Only servicemen can follow orders and deliberately go under bullets, risking their lives.

In this regard, it was decided to carry out repair and maintenance work in a mixed way - by regular repair and restoration bodies (RVO) of military units and industrial brigades. The technical minimum of skills and knowledge of calculations, provided by the training program for personnel of units of the Ground Forces, quite allows them to perform certain types of maintenance and current repairs on their own. However, this is not fully feasible in relation to complex types of AME. Therefore, such a decision was made. The experience of civilian specialists, their technical knowledge and skills are in great demand among the troops. Working together will benefit both. It's not just a matter of close interaction between civilian and military specialists. What functionality is given to civilian repair enterprises? It's no secret that when outsourcing, all repairs were assigned only to them. Now it will be different. Therefore, the process of transition from the system of technical supervision by industrial enterprises to maintenance and repair by the forces of regular military units determined the need for a quantitative and qualitative increase in their capabilities.

During 2016–2017, the central management bodies of the logistics department carried out work to substantiate the optimal composition and number of forces and means of technical support for various levels of troops, as a result of which decisions were made on the formation of repair and restoration regiments (RVP) in each district. And this led to changes in the organizational and staff structure of the troops. For example, it demanded the reorganization of automobile companies into battalions with an increase in their composition of means of evacuation.
The practical actions of the RWP at the Caucasus-2016 exercise proved the relevance and timeliness of such a decision. As a result, the resources of the AME recovery system have increased by an average of 15–20 percent. The capabilities of one of the repair and restoration regiments were also studied during the Zapad-2017 exercise. So far, the measures taken have turned out to be insufficient, and today, in connection with this, the training of specialists in various military registration specialties on the basis of training centers has been intensified. The military departments of civilian universities are improving the system of relevant classes according to separately developed programs.
- It turns out that we are talking about the creation of a new structure of the logistics of the RF Armed Forces …
- The new MTO structure is not being created, but really serious changes are coming. This is due to the fact that there was an integration of two closely related tasks at the place of their implementation, general principles, forces and means of logistic and technical support - in a single MTO system. The main requirements of such integration are the optimization of command and control bodies, the unification of the entire material base of the Armed Forces under a single command, effective separation of stocks of materiel, and economic expediency. All of them are dictated by the parameters of the new look of the Armed Forces.
- What experience has been gained in organizing logistics since August 2016 as a result of events in military districts, armies, brigades, combat work in Syria and other hot spots?

- In the course of exercises and special operations, a unique experience was gained in the movement, deployment and work in the field of formations, units and organization of MTO at all levels. Especially - with all-round support of the group of forces in Syria. Large-scale work on equipping the troops was carried out in the Arctic zone as well.
An analysis of the practical actions of repair and restoration units showed the need to increase their production potential through the use of new technological equipment, the recreation of the RWO in all structural links of the Armed Forces, the integration of capabilities for the repair of weapons and military equipment by industrial enterprises of the RF Armed Forces, better training of specialists, as well as the creation and separation of reserves. repair kits and spare parts for the troops.
- How did the role and significance of the repair of weapons and military equipment in the operational-tactical link generally change?
- We are talking about optimizing the combat potential of the Armed Forces, which determined the need for appropriate changes. The main goal is to guarantee the maintenance of the required level of combat capability of the troops in any conditions. At the same time, the problem of the functioning of the maintenance system has not been fully resolved, the coefficient of effectiveness of the restoration of AME by military RVO is low.
Over the past five years, due to the creation of regiments, battalions and companies of multi-axle heavy wheeled tractors (MTKT), repair and evacuation regiments (REP), RVP, separate repair and restoration battalions (ORVB), this coefficient has been increased. The prospective composition of the RVO of the military operational and operational-strategic level at one of the stages of the exercise was presented to the Chief of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces, General of the Army Valery Gerasimov, and received approval in principle. All this will make it possible to significantly increase the efficiency of the technical support system, eliminate malfunctions in the course of hostilities (current and medium repairs), and shorten the time it takes to return the restored weapons and military equipment to service.
- Did the Zapad-2017 exercise make it possible to identify any new directions in the organization of repair and restoration work of military and military equipment?
- Let's point by point. First. The samples of military repair facilities developed at the end of the last century are steadily aging and today are far from always effective. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the appropriate development of mobile maintenance and repair facilities according to the nomenclature of the GRAU, signal troops, RChBZ, engineering troops. For the comprehensive repair of modern equipment of combined arms formations, prototypes of repair shops are being developed on common basic modules equipped with high-performance diagnostic equipment.

Second. The restoration and maintenance of missile and artillery weapons in formations and military units is organized by the forces of industrial enterprises and military RVOs in relation to their capabilities for carrying out maintenance and repairs of varying complexity.
Third. The maintenance of military equipment in combat readiness by the forces of military repair agencies of the tactical level, both in peacetime and in wartime, strongly depends on the availability of single and group sets of spare parts for weapons samples, the staffing of which leaves much to be desired and requires timely replenishment. Therefore, the reduction of the terms of repair and restoration work is possible due to the improvement of the ordering system and the provision of spare parts.
Fourth. Work is underway to create unified technical means of maintenance, which will facilitate the replacement of the outdated instrumental base with workshops of a new generation to provide all types of maintenance and current repair of weapons and military equipment by military RVOs in the field.

Fifth. The order of work of the RVO and industrial enterprises are regulated by the corresponding orders of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the procedure for their interaction with the bodies of military command and the military representations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is being specified. For example, at the production facilities of the central base for the storage and repair of armored equipment in Ramenskoye, two workshops for the overhaul of engines and armored vehicles with the use of technological equipment of a mobile repair plant are deployed. It is planned to create similar production facilities in other regions. This will allow the restoration of equipment in military conditions, the accumulation of armored equipment at production and logistics complexes such as NZ.
Sixth. It is advisable to locate the area for the complex restoration of weapons and military equipment in the depths of the rear strip on the main communication lines under the cover of formations and units of the second echelon. The composition of such forces and means is unstable. Based on the tasks, it can include all existing repair units, subdivisions and organizations of the formation that are not involved in the technical support of troops operating in the main directions. On-site repair teams from industrial enterprises operating under concluded contracts, as well as enterprises of the local industrial base and specialized ones - armored and automobile repair plants, storage bases, property warehouses as part of logistics centers can be involved in these works.

During the Zapad-2017 exercise, the research group developed 34 simulation models on the functioning of the logistics system in the Western and Arctic strategic directions. This will make it possible to assess the capabilities of the forces and means of logistics in the complex. In particular, through technical support, 10 predictive models have been developed (for repairing armored vehicles, AT, RAV) with calculations for restoration in various directions.
- In the Armed Forces, there has been a significant - from 178 to 34 positions - reduction in the range of fuels and lubricants. How has this been achieved and how will it affect the combat readiness of the AME?
- A significant reduction in the range of used fuels and lubricants occurred on a planned basis through unification, the use of various kinds of additives that allow maintaining the main characteristics of fuels and not reducing engine power.
Of course, the reduction in the number of brands of fuel for military equipment is directly related to its combat readiness. This is both economically feasible, and allows for quick replenishment of stocks, significantly simplify the routine and repair work of engines, and optimize the training process for military repairmen.
- What measures are provided for the separation of stocks of material assets and how will this affect the work of repair and restoration bodies?
- Proposals have been prepared for the formation of units capable of overhauling components and assemblies of weapons and military equipment, in addition, since 2016, targeted funding for the purchase of spare parts for them has resumed.
The measures taken in the Armed Forces to separate stocks of materiel are primarily aimed at releasing the RWO from property that has no prospects of use and does not affect the defense capability, as well as at creating the necessary stocks for modern and promising weapons and military equipment.

To ensure prompt repair in the GRAU of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, together with the enterprises - manufacturers of weapons, the issue of creating spare parts and accessories in bulk from the main components and assemblies of the RAV, which most often fail, is being worked out. When approving the list of spare parts for each RAV nomenclature, the inclusion of these kits in the separation of reserves of military districts (fleets) will be organized.
- What are the main tasks for the development and improvement of logistics in 2017–2018, primarily in terms of the restoration of AME?
- According to the results of the Zapad-2017 exercise, the tasks are as follows: reorganization of the platoons of support for motorized rifle and tank battalions into material support and repair (the latter will be considered the primary repair unit), repair companies of motorized rifle and tank divisions - into repair and restoration battalions, continuation of work to increase the number and capabilities of repair and restoration military units, including those formed for wartime.
To further increase the capabilities of the recovery system, it is necessary to continue to work on providing WBMs with new modern models of mobile maintenance and repair facilities, and equipping them with innovative diagnostic tools. It is necessary to provide for the formation in each military district of units for the repair of units both on a stationary and on a mobile railway or automobile base.
The solution of these tasks will ensure the simultaneous coverage of all equipment requiring current and medium repairs directly in units and formations, the advancement of most of the repair and evacuation units to the troops to restore equipment directly in combat formations and the near rear, as well as the separation of repair and evacuation agencies throughout the depth actions of troops with the possibility of their timely maneuver.
And the last thing: according to the established tradition, the Deputy Minister of Defense, General of the Army Dmitry Bulgakov, presented the battle banner to the newly formed 5th repair and restoration regiment. As they say, a start has been made, and further military practice, if necessary, will make its own adjustments.