One of the news from Le Bourget, where the international air show opened on June 19, was the news that Russia had won a tender for the supply of combat helicopters for Egypt.
It is planned to deliver the Ka-52K, a naval version of the Ka-52 strike.
The Ka-52K differs from the base model in the presence of a shortened folding wing, which was modified to accommodate heavy weapons, and a blade folding mechanism, which is understandable for the naval version. There is never a lot of space in the holds, an option is necessary.
May I congratulate Egypt? Definitely, you can. Firstly, they received not just helicopter-carrying troughs, but also real combat stuffing for them. And not just combat helicopters, but specially designed specifically for the Mistral, for the dimensions of its compartments, elevators, and so on.

There are no more differences, otherwise the "Katran" is the same "Alligator".
According to information received from representatives of the Russian Helicopters holding, work is already underway to modernize the Ka-52K.
The essence of the work is the installation of a new airborne radar, which will allow the use of the Kh-35 and Kh-38 anti-ship missiles.
The Kh-35V is a subsonic missile capable of hitting missile, torpedo, artillery boats and other ships with a displacement of up to 5000 tons with a high-explosive fragmentation warhead. The operating range is 130-150 km. Its land-based counterpart is "Ball".
The X-38 is generally a new product that entered service in 2012. The flight range is shorter, up to 40 km, but a speed of 2, 2M allows you to say hello to a warhead of 250 kg and make anyone think.

In any case, the Egyptian naval pilots can be congratulated. They will have an excellent combat vehicle at their disposal, no matter what they say. Moreover, the Ka-52 has already been tested in combat conditions.

The Egyptians are great. It is not known how many participants in this tender were, but they won it with the maximum result. Indeed, not Eurocopters or Sea Hawks to equip the Mistrals?
So, of course, congratulations, and at the same time I hope that the money raised from the contract for the supply of helicopters to Egypt will allow our Aerospace Forces and the Navy to get as many of these handsome men as possible at their own disposal.

This is definitely more important. First - to their house, and the rest will be able to wait.
P. S. Yes, the photo shows not the Ka-52K, but the usual Ka-52. He didn’t get any worse from this, and if there is “accidentally” at hand a photo that has not been copied from someone, why not?