ARMY-2016. "KAORD and KBS". The next step towards great opportunities

ARMY-2016. "KAORD and KBS". The next step towards great opportunities
ARMY-2016. "KAORD and KBS". The next step towards great opportunities

We bring to your attention another new development of domestic specialists in the field of communications.

"KAORD and KBS" stands for "Integrated hardware for radio access and communication security control".

Developed by specialists from the St. Petersburg Special Technological Center and the Military Telecommunications Academy.

Status: undergoing state tests.

The complex is designed for the operational deployment of a communication system in unprepared areas, the organization of full control over the electronic situation and, if necessary, take immediate measures to block unauthorized sources of information.

The complex includes:

- post of radio mobile communication;

- communication security control post;

- mobile (portable) communication security control post;

- post of pairing;

- post of information processing;

- UAV control post.

The complex allows you to carry out the following operations:

- binding to field and stationary communication centers using optical, radio relay, wire and satellite communication systems;

- to provide the necessary circle of persons with GSM communication, including classified, with the possibility of accessing the ATS network of the Russian Federation;

- to provide the necessary circle of people with mobile Internet (WiFi);

- to provide VHF radio communication with communication centers of the tactical level by means of R-168MRA "Aqueduct", R-187P1 "Azart", KRUS "Strelets";

- deploy 2 independent self-organizing subscriber networks at control points with a distance of up to 20 km from the deployment site using an xDSL modem and a WiFi module;

- to ensure 100% connection of subscribers of various communication networks with each other;

- retransmission of signals from digital VHF radio stations and distribution of short messages at a distance of up to 180 km using UAVs;

- to analyze speech messages in the network and detect specified keywords and phrases in them;

- electronic monitoring within a radius of 20 km;

- identify and block mobile stations that do not have special countermeasures and are in the electromagnetic availability zone when switched on;

- control of tasks performed with the help of UAVs: conducting photo, video, infrared and electronic reconnaissance of the area, relaying signals, conducting electronic suppression of communications equipment.


The versatility of the complex is evidenced by a variety of antennas.


Operator room. You can only shoot this way …


Post of conjugation. The command post of the "Orlans" looks about the same. Only instead of a telephone - manual joysticks.

Perhaps all of the above requires translation.

In short, the complex can do two main things.

First: to provide communication between subscribers of cellular, wired and VHF communications. And also to bring communication and the Internet to where they were not. "Zest" in the conjugation of different systems. Roughly speaking, a call from a cell phone can be broadcast to a VHF radio station, and information transmitted by a radio station can be forwarded to a wired network.

Second: with the help of two hands, which are the UAV "Orlan-10", the complex can broadcast any signals to the distance of the "Orlan". Moreover, each of the UAVs can operate within a radius of up to 100 km. But one of the devices can itself play the role of a repeater, thereby increasing the range of the complex to 180 km.

Given the versatility of Orlan-10, the drone can be equipped not only with surveillance cameras or repeaters, but also with electronic warfare modules. That turns the complex from a passive element of a communication system into an element of an electronic warfare system of an attacking plan.


But we will talk about the capabilities of Orlan-10 separately, it's worth it.

In general, "KAORD and KBS" is a multifunctional complex capable of operating autonomously and at any distance, in accordance with the assigned tasks.
