We are so accustomed to the fact that our army is strong that we hardly notice, more precisely, we do not want to notice that light "clouds" have appeared over the Russian Armed Forces, which threaten to turn into thunderclouds. We are happy to talk and write about our aircraft, which are at least as good as Western ones. We "procrastinate" Armata and its derivatives, comparing them with the best examples of Western armies. We talk about the advantages of new missiles and systems.

And at this time, right today, here and there, various statements by government officials and army officials are heard about postponing the delivery of weapons for some time, let's say. On the delayed launching of ships into the water. On adjusting the timing of delivery to the troops of something.
So what's up? Why it happens? Indeed, quite recently, all officials, including the president and the prime minister, spoke in unison about the fulfillment of the defense order, as a matter of almost honor for Russia. Do many remember Putin's April statement on the unconditional fulfillment of the state order? And many are able to say exactly how much it has been completed and whether it has been completed at all?
The thing is that the budget did not have the necessary funds! The crisis, which we are "successfully overcoming", still got us with its claws. We talked a lot about the fact that sanctions harm Europe and the United States, but they seem to benefit us. We develop, increase output, conquer markets … In any analytical program on our TV, you can hear a full set of such statements.
The president's support and the real successes of our servicemen in Syria gave us hope that everything will come true. The government will find money for us and the army. The industry will start working not only well, but also quickly and cheaply. New ideas from the developers will be implemented as soon as possible.
Prime Minister Medvedev's decision to adjust the state defense order for 2016, signed on September 5, is just the first call. It is clear that there is no specific data on this issue today. The only thing that can be assumed is that defense enterprises will not receive some of the promised funds. And this, in turn, means that the plans of the state defense order for the next year are crumbling. The snowball of adjustments will grow in detail gradually.
And now, not hiding that, however, it does him honor, Putin himself says that by 2018 our army will be rearmed by 70%, and the state order will be reduced. And he says that it is necessary to replace the places of the defense order, but not with pots and pans.
On the one hand, he who is forewarned is armed. And on the other? It is difficult to predict what enterprises, miraculously pulled out of debt holes, will do. And where will the workers, who at one moment turn out to be superfluous, go? Although we have already gone through one scenario.
True, some specifics have already "hatched". The Ministry of Defense planned to make the famous "Armata" the main tank by 2020. For this purpose, it was planned to purchase more than 2,000 such vehicles for military units. According to tank manufacturers, there was an order for as many as 2,300 vehicles. However, quite recently, a completely different figure appeared on the website of the Ministry of Defense: in 2017-19 it is planned to purchase up to 70 "Armata".
Naturally, the reasons for changing the order were not named. I think that after some time versions will be announced about some flaws, about the modernization of the existing one, and some more. In fact, the reason is trivial. The military budget is being cut and will be cut. Everything is logical, because you will not take money from the shelf if you did not put it there. This is what the people say.
The situation with the Navy looks even more confusing. Even the blind see the need to modernize the Russian fleet. Ships, like people, age, lose their striking power, and turn into respected veterans. And we need warriors. And these "warriors" need to be built. Build a lot. The Soviet legacy can no longer guarantee a worthy response to the aggressor.
Since 2007, construction seems to have begun. Missile boats, small vessels and even submarine cruisers began to leave the docks for testing. New cruisers and frigates were laid at the shipyards. The revival has begun.
The first "brake" was our excessive faith in the "love and friendship of fraternal peoples." When the construction was stopped by the Ukrainian side. Ukrainian engines have ceased to be supplied to us. In fact, the question of putting "own" components on military equipment and armament arose sharply back in the last century. And in the USSR it was successfully solved. And in Russia it was postponed "for later."
Then the "rockfall" of statements by military and government officials about reductions in the needs of the fleet began. Let me remind the readers, Project 11711 BDK. Large landing ship, which was supposed to replace the Soviet BDK. In 2004, the need for 6 such ships for the Navy was announced. Then they decided to revise the project.
Today we see two ships. Two instead of six. It was decided to close the project. "Ivan Gren" and "Pyotr Morgunov" - that's all that will be transferred to the fleet after the tests.
You can endlessly talk about the submarine fleet. About new missile cruisers. But, alas, most of them remain only in projects. Building ships of this class is very expensive. And it means that it is too heavy.
Even the Strategic Missile Forces will not receive all that is promised. Although, at all times, the priority was always with these troops. No, Yars and similar systems will be supplied. But the stationary-based systems "Sarmat" most likely, according to the original plan, it will not work.
Let me remind you that the outdated and outdated Voevods (known to the majority under the NATO nickname Satan) were planned to be replaced by Sarmatians by 2020. Today it is clear that these plans are not feasible. Already today. At best, such a replacement will take place in 2021. Or a little later.
So where is the way out of this situation? And does he exist at all? I affirm - there is. And the way out is to use today those developments that are and have already been tested in battles.
When the commander of the Airborne Forces announced the creation of tank companies and companies on infantry fighting vehicles in subordinate units, what kind of machines did he talk about? And he talked about the T-72B3 and BMP-2 tanks. I hope no one will reproach General Shamanov with stupidity and unwillingness to have the most powerful and modern weapons? So why exactly these machines?
Yes, simply because both the tank and the combat vehicle have a huge potential for modernization. And in the coming decades, this potential will be used. And mass serial production has reduced the cost of this technique to the limit. And the long-term operation in the troops has practically revealed all the "disadvantages" of these machines.
Modernization of the T-72 to the level of the T-72B3 costs just over 50 million rubles. In other words, for one "Armata" we can get several T-72B3s at once. Naturally, the T-90 would be more desirable, but it also "bites" at cost.
The situation is exactly the same with the famous T-50 complex. The plane is ready. Moreover, it has been launched into series. And according to the plans, it should become the main one. In our plans, this "huge" looked impressive. Already in 2020, we were supposed to have 60 fighters in the army. And in the future, their production was to increase.
In reality, it turned out about the same as with "Armata". We wanted to get on the "twine", but trousers get in the way … It's good if in 2020 we have a regiment of such machines.
But we have a Su-30MK that is quite combat-ready, even in competition with the American F-22 and F-35. And, according to the designers, the potential of these machines is far from being exhausted.
And what is the bottom line? As a result, we see the famous "half a glass of water". Some of the readers are now sighing sadly. The army is in the "corral". Another part ponders whether the Russian army, in the form in which we have it, can really resist the enemy. The third part chuckles happily. Failed modernization. Clumsy. And we said …
I did not name the article in Stalin's way for nothing. This is not megalomania and not a desire to show off knowledge of the works of the "leader of the peoples". We were really spinning a little. Everything did not work out right away.
In general, I believe that the correct movement is walking, running. But not frog jumping. The movement should be uniform and in one direction. Therefore, the modernization of the army must continue. Continue no matter what. But without breaking the navel.
I would be careful not to talk about our weapons and military equipment as trash. Especially after what this technique showed in the Syrian battles. In the same way, talk about the superiority of the Western armies in some components too. Yes, if you consider the army as the world, there is always a "gap". But this gap is always "plugged" by something else.
Vertigo quickly disappears if you exit the centrifuge or loping. If, of course, your vestibular apparatus is working correctly. I think healthy people serve in our Ministry of Defense.
And one moment. There is no need to explain to anyone that officials who have grasped such an opportunity are not just stealing from us. Internet and TV rarely do not report on the next "flown".
Those who are "dizzy with success" must be stopped. By the methods of the person I quoted. Tough and for a long time. Take the same Zakharchenko. 9 billion rubles is a lot. T-90, for example, today costs approximately 120 million rubles. That is, the cattle in the form of a human had 75 tanks in the burials. Two battalions. Not bad…
And this is from one of the deputies …
And if you still look for your relatives, I am sure that it would be possible to scrape together a brigade easily and naturally.
"Effective managers" of our time have shown that they can only steal effectively. From the same budget, from the same state defense order.
It is necessary to really change the situation radically. And to tear this root with a crunch and crack in the pattern and likeness of 37 years. With the confiscation of everything that is possible.
Only then will the state defense order be fulfilled on time and without problems. And the president will not have to dodge talking about 70 percent, which is enough to make us feel calm.
Is not it?