Engineering troops, called upon to solve special tasks, need special equipment with certain capabilities. The Russian defense industry offers the army various promising developments of all the necessary types. At present, one of the newest samples of engineering equipment, the BUM-2 percussion-boring machine, is completing tests. In the near future, she will have to go through all the remaining checks and then go for supply.
A promising model of equipment for the engineering troops was first presented last year. Drilling and percussion machine BUM-2 in the form of a full-fledged model and layout was shown in the framework of the international military-technical forum "Army-2017". For greater clarity, the machine was demonstrated in a deployed position and simulated preparation for drilling. At the same time, the development organization and the future operator spoke about the capabilities and characteristics of the new BUM-2. In addition, it became known that by the time of the first public demonstration, a promising sample had time to go to tests and cope with part of the checks.

Drilling and percussion machine BUM-2 at the "Army-2017" exhibition. Photo
By August 2017 and before the first public demonstration, the BUM-2 product managed to undergo field tests, during which it confirmed its capabilities and characteristics. It was reported that in 2018 state tests of a new model should take place, based on the results of which the issue of accepting equipment for supply will be decided. Thus, the exhibition demonstrated a promising development approaching the start of mass production and the start of service.
In March 2018, new information appeared about the plans of the military department regarding the BUM-2 machine. The press service of the Ministry of Defense has confirmed plans for the current year, providing for state tests. After their completion, the product will have to go to supply the engineering troops. The military department again indicated the tasks and advantages of the latest model. It recalled that the BUM-2 should significantly increase the capabilities of the engineering troops in the construction of permanent and temporary structures, as well as in solving other tasks related to construction or drilling.
During the international forum "Army-2018", which took place a few months ago, industry and the army again presented a promising engineering machine with drilling equipment. Previously announced information on the progress of work and plans for the near future was confirmed. Officials recalled the ongoing testing and the imminent acceptance of equipment for supply.
In September, the army first tested new equipment in the field. Within the framework of the largest exercises "Vostok-2018", the engineering troops used various equipment, both existing in the units and undergoing tests. In particular, BUM-2 machines were involved in the exercises. With their help, the problem of water supply to the participants of the maneuvers was solved. Drilling rigs prepared wells, which were then used for water production. The preparation of water for consumption was carried out by other equipment of the engineering troops.
On November 19, Izvestia published a new report on the progress of the BUM-2 project, received from an unnamed representative of the Ministry of Defense. According to him, the new type of percussion drilling machine is still undergoing state tests, the site for which has become one of the ranges of the Leningrad Region. In this case, the tests are coming to an end. However, the source did not name the exact dates for the completion of inspections and the acceptance of the BUM-2 for supply.
The latest news shows that work on the BUM-2 project continues and should soon lead to the desired result. In the near future, a new sample of engineering equipment will be supplied to the ground forces and will expand their capabilities in solving certain tasks. It should be expected that the appearance of the percussion-boring machine will have the most serious impact on the potential of the engineering troops. The manufacturer calls the BUM-2 a fundamentally new machine, and soon the troops will be able to use all its advantages.
A promising project of a percussion-boring machine for the engineering troops was developed by the specialists of Geomash-Center LLC (Moscow). This organization, leading its history from the end of the 19th century, is a major developer and manufacturer of drilling equipment, and it was decided to use its experience in the interests of the engineering troops. Several years ago (exact data on this subject were not published), the company received an order to develop a new military-purpose boring and percussion machine. In 2017, she submitted the first prototype for testing.
The promising engineering vehicle BUM-2 has a fairly simple architecture. It is proposed to install a platform with special equipment on an existing high-performance vehicle chassis. In addition, the machine carries hand tools for construction purposes. This architecture provides the ability to quickly enter a given area to complete the task. In addition, the machine is built on the basis of a chassis that is well mastered in production and operation, which also provides significant advantages.

Exhibition model of the car. Photo
The KamAZ-63501 general purpose all-terrain wheeled chassis was chosen as the base for the BUM-2. This machine is equipped with a 360 hp diesel engine. and has an all-wheel drive four-axle chassis. The cargo platform can accommodate equipment or a payload weighing up to 16 tons; it is possible to tow a trailer weighing a little less than 30 tons. The maximum speed on the highway, regardless of the load, reaches 90 km / h. The KamAZ-63501 chassis is actively used by the Russian armed forces, including as a carrier of special equipment for various purposes.
During the construction of the percussion drilling machine, a set of special equipment is installed on the existing chassis. Directly behind the cab, above the second axle, several boxes are mounted for transporting tools and property. Behind them, a boom support frame is provided for use in the transport position. On the sides of the frame, at the chassis level, there are trays with fasteners for transporting replaceable augers. Under the base frame and at the rear of the chassis, two pairs of hydraulic jacks are mounted for suspension before operation. In the aft part of the chassis, above the rear bogie, a turntable with the main units is installed.
The platform is full-revolving, but it can use its working equipment only in a sector with a width of 270 ° - on the sides and rear of the chassis, with the exception of the area covered by the chassis and the cab. On the left of the platform, the operator's cab is located with developed glazing, which provides a good overview. On the starboard side and at the stern of the platform, there are casings with various equipment. On the side of the cab, near the center of the platform, there is a boom support. The movement of the boom and its working equipment is controlled by hydraulics. The hoses of the hydraulic system are located mostly open and do not have developed protection.
The hydraulically powered telescopic boom carries an oscillating drill guide. The main element of the latter is a hydraulic motor mounted on a movable base. When drilling, he is responsible for the rotation of the auger and performs blows. The motor can be moved along the rail, providing penetration into the ground or rock. The boom and rail design allows drilling at different angles to the vertical and surface. Drilling is provided both vertically downwards and at angles up to 170 ° to the vertical. The swing of the platform with the boom makes it possible to drill closely spaced wells without moving the machine itself.
The set of the BUM-2 machine includes several augers with different characteristics and capabilities. With the help of such equipment, the percussion drilling machine can work on non-frozen and frozen soils, as well as on rock. At the same time, in different conditions there are different restrictions on the drilling speed, maximum well depth, etc. Despite this, the special equipment BUM-2 provides a solution to a wide range of tasks.
Using a screw with a diameter of 180 mm, the percussion drilling machine is able to drill holes up to 6 m deep in soft or frozen ground. When using 300 mm augers, the maximum depth is reduced to 4 m. It is also possible to drill holes in rock, but in this case their depth limited to 2, 8 m. Augers for such tasks have a diameter of 40 and 80 mm.
The BUM-2 crew consists of only two people - the driver and the operator of the drilling rig. All major operations involving drilling are carried out by the crew using remote controls. However, in some situations, the crew will have to leave their cabins. In particular, the change of working equipment is carried out with the direct participation of a person.
The crew also has a set of hand tools at their disposal. Hydraulic devices are used; working pressure is created by standard pumps of the drilling rig and is supplied to the tool through flexible hoses. The presence of hand-held hydraulic tools makes it possible to solve some problems that do not require the involvement of a full-size drilling and percussion system.

Side-back view. Photo
In fact, BUM-2 solves only one problem - the machine is capable of drilling wells and boreholes of different diameters and depths in various soils and rocks. At the same time, she can participate in various works and ensure the implementation of a wider range of tasks. First of all, wells of large diameters can be used for driving finished piles or in the manufacture of flooded ones. This makes it possible to use the percussion-boring machine in the construction of various military or civilian facilities. The scope of the vehicle in this case depends only on the current situation and the plans of the command.
Wells of different diameters can be used for groundwater abstraction. Nevertheless, BUM-2 cannot independently carry out all work of this kind, and for the preparation of water for subsequent use by consumers, the participation of complexes consisting of supplying water supply units is required.
The percussion boring machine can also be used for all kinds of blasting operations. Small bore holes made in rock are suitable for placing explosive charges. Above all, such work must be performed for making trenches, breaches or passages in difficult terrain. In addition, drilling explosives can be useful for destroying buildings, highways, airstrips and other objects.
Thus, having a limited set of functions, the promising percussion drilling machine BUM-2 is capable of solving various problems in various areas of military construction, dismantling or support. Such a "universal" tool is of great interest to the engineering troops. In addition, it can have a positive impact on the potential of other branches of the armed forces with which military engineers interact.
All structures of the armed forces need new models of equipment, and engineering troops are no exception. In recent years, several new models of special equipment for one purpose or another have been developed specifically for this type of troops. Some of these products have already been brought into series and operation, while others are still being tested and are only getting ready to be supplied. Among the latter, the BUM-2 percussion-boring machine is still listed.
According to the latest reports, BUM-2 is now completing state tests, according to the results of which it should be supplied to the engineering troops. The exact dates for the completion of the current work and the appearance of the order for the acceptance of the equipment by the army have not yet been named, but it is obvious that this will happen in the very near future. Thus, by the beginning of the next decade, the engineering troops will be able to obtain new models of equipment in sufficient quantities, as well as master them, thereby increasing the overall performance of the army as a whole.