Limit as a burning problem of the modern Russian army

Limit as a burning problem of the modern Russian army
Limit as a burning problem of the modern Russian army

We thought for a long time whether it was worth raising this topic at all. Is it worth throwing a fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey or adding black paint to a beautiful picture of the combat training of our units and subunits? But the very term "beautiful picture" is perhaps the reason.

The picture is, in fact, what all the media go to exercises and maneuvers for. Today, the two concepts should be clearly separated, because the maneuvers are an exemplary show of the "West-2017" type, organized with a very transparent and definite purpose, and exercises are a daily process, let's say, within the army.

So, the picture. With BTU during the next check of the troops of the Western Military District by the command of the district.

The picture is quite, the test was passed with a rating of "good", which also inspires some optimism and confidence. What's next?

And then what did not get into the picture. And left behind the scenes.

Another training period has passed. "Army Games", "ARMY-2017", "West-2017". It all ended very nicely. But this is already a component of the management of the modern army and the military-industrial complex, without which, it is obvious (but incomprehensible, to be honest), today is impossible.

On the other hand, the number of sudden checks that took place during this period even made my head spin. Now in one, now in another district, units and formations raised the alarm and worked out various, often quite serious and complex tasks.

Let's leave aside the entertainment of managers for now. If you can't live without them, then you can't. But here, unfortunately, one thing clings to another.

It is clear that equipment must be sold for a hefty dollar, and for this it must be properly advertised and shown. It is clear that it is necessary to show systematically and regularly that from the taiga to the known seas, our army is capable of hanging on to anyone. The only question is in volume and quality.

And here there are no claims, it is necessary - therefore, it is necessary. But why due to the processes going on next to each other?

When talking with officers of various units, you catch yourself thinking that the army is really doing what it is supposed to. Combat training is underway. The soldiers are being trained. Officers train. Those who are entitled to participate in combat operations. However, this is still causing concern and misunderstanding, you can hear completely wild words. Not very understandable to civilians, but familiar to any military man.

From the latter: "The limit has been lifted." It becomes clear why as many as 32 charges were allocated to the mortar battery (8 units) during the check. You can shoot yourself. No, if we hypothetically assume that the crews practiced in advance, in the PPD, at their "own" range, then yes. Why hypothetically? Well, simply because the "firing" range is, as it were, close by, and you can control it.

If we add to this what we have heard "out of the corner of our eye" about the trucks with ammunition sent to the "West-2017", then some things become clear.

Normal people may have a fair question: did you go crazy there? Are there no cartridges and shells in Russia? Warehouses full to poke in the face?

Do not. We know about warehouses. But there is a difference between the ammunition allocated for the training process and the reserve in case of hostilities. These are two completely different boxes. And the second is more important.

But what if you need to show off? The infantrymen walked six hundred meters in the "West", pouring targets at several lines. The artillery plowed the fields as it would have been in actual combat use. And everything was hit successfully.

Not surprising, by the way. For the "West" personnel were gathered in all districts. And we went there as to the "Army Games", the best of the best. Who will not screw up and miss the mark in front of the observers. So everything is really natural.

But back to those who did not get to the "West". And he remained to pass the standards for inspections. And then there was not only difficulties, not just show-off, no. But you have to turn out.

You remember the teachings you visited, or you look through the frames that did not fit into the picture, and you understand that here, too, "not everything is so simple." The platoon commander really controls every cartridge. And sometimes, when there are especially "harmful" inspectors on the tower, they do not cheat, but a tactical maneuver. Closer to the "eyes" puts those who are trained and can "show", and those who are neither fish nor meat - farther, on the flank. Which is quite logical, it will burn ammunition, but will not hit the target. And the platoon, company, battalion will not fulfill the combat mission.

Why, if there are three grenades for an RPG, three grenade launchers? One is truly a master. The commander is confident in him. And two are so-so. They can hit, or they can pick the parapet or fire a mythical helicopter instead of a tank. And then oh how difficult it will be for the unit.

Now those who served before chuckled. A common practice, it has always been this way. They taught everyone, but during the shooting they tried to put the "masters" on the most "dangerous" directions. He will complete the task himself and help his friend. Moreover, this is the skill of the commander in controlling the battle. Use your strengths and hide weaknesses from the enemy. The main thing was and remains - His Majesty Result!

I do not argue. So it was and will be. However, in addition to the task at specific exercises, there are others. More global and significant for the country. Weird? Is a young green lieutenant performing tasks that are significant for the country somewhere in Siberia or the Far East? Not in Syria, not in the "West-2017", not at the army games. Yes, oddly enough, even in the usual distant garrison.

We are always preparing for war. The army is intended for this. That is why we spend a lot of money on training soldiers and sergeants. We spend "nowhere", from the point of view of our liberal fellow citizens. The soldier served the prescribed time and left. Not led tank or road mining. He went to build, study, plow the land, drive a bus in the city …

But we understand that this is the most important element of the country's defense capability. This is a reserve. This is the one who, if something happens, will go to the second echelon. The one who will bring victory. And these costs are nothing more than a contribution to future victory. And the lieutenant is tormented at the firing range or shooting range with "mama's son" for this very reason.

But there is also a "modern" problem. The one that was not in the Soviet Army.

Today the platoon or company commander also looks after the personnel. From dozens and even hundreds of conscripts, they are looking out for those who can turn out to be a Soldier. Who the army needs. And who needs an army. Think back to your service. Surely everyone has such a "copy" in memory. "Goonies are terrible, but he shot like a god" or "a sapper from God, he understood the mine in his gut" …

Officers are looking out for future contract soldiers.

And today "double basses" are the real core of the army.

But now a completely legitimate question arises, which we hear at different training grounds, in different companies, from officers of different types of troops. How can you find a good tank driver when driving is limited? "Goryuchka" does not seem to be in short supply, but …

And with the gunners it is even worse. It’s not only about fuels and lubricants, but we also need to think about the number of shots, about the resource of the barrels. And again: "shared" with "West".

Maybe this very "tank genius" is now in the ranks. And they did not see him simply because he did not fully reveal himself while driving. I almost did not understand the power of the engine. Not "grown" into the dimensions of the car …

How can you find another specialist? A sniper who is not allowed to shoot? The sapper who once saw a war mine in the classroom? A rocketman who wiped a rocket for a year and never took part in a real launch?

From TV screens, from the pages of print media, from the lips of our statesmen and the opposition, we hear about the budget deficit, about the tasks that need to be … We clap our hands when our crews win the games … "and" efficiency "of the use of available forces and means.

Winning games is great. But these are games, these are competitions of the best of the best. But after all, if something happens, it will not be necessary to win the masters-athletes, and not the aces of the aerobatic teams.

By the way, they are just that reserve, which in that very case will prepare the replenishment. No one will send "Swifts" or "Russian Knights" with bombs to the BZ.

And what about the lieutenant or the captain from the regular unit? What should be the commander of this unit? How to teach people if there is a shortage everywhere? If every liter of fuel or every cartridge is registered? Not because someone can steal. No. Just "you have been allocated." Limit.

The Russian army has really changed for the better today. There are many things that make us proud of her. But the old approaches to sourcing are pissed off, to be honest.

It is clear that the level of a platoon, company, battalion and even a regiment is not the one from which one can shout to the minister or the head of the corresponding department of the Ministry of Defense. Each hare wears its own ears. But it is not clear why the generals so quickly forget their own officer youth. Your own platoon, company, battalion? Or do warm rooms have such an effect on memory? Can't a strategist be a tactician anymore?

But any strategic task is solved by tacticians. In order for the "front" to turn, these same companies and battalions must turn. And not on the map, but on the ground. Under enemy fire. So give the unit commanders the opportunity, we repeat, the opportunity, to make their units capable of carrying out your strategic ideas.

For the third time we repeat that we are in no way criticizing all these managerial things such as exhibitions and ostentatious maneuvers. But we advocate that the modern Russian army devotes as much time and resources as possible to combat training.

In Tvardovsky's famous "Vasily Terkin" there are lines: "Provide, since I am worthy. And you must understand everything …"

Yes, Tvardovsky writes about a reward for a hero. But in order for heroes to appear, you need to raise them. Train. Instill self-confidence. Confidence in your own weapon. And such confidence is given not so much by theoretical as by practical possession of this very weapon. Practical!

It’s a paradox, but behind the scenes, comrades senior officers (from major and above) are basically not talking about preferences or indexing paychecks. Although it has not been indexed since 2014, despite the rise in prices. And not even on the topic of a really huge workload and documentation that has grown at times. And we are talking about the sluggishness of the army system and these limits.

And here the following conclusion suggested itself: there should not be any limits when it comes to the proper training of soldiers.

It is clear that if a person "entered" the army service, he will sign a contract. Everything is clear here. And if not?

Those who did not go to contract service should not become "cannon fodder" in the long term, fattened but untrained. We just can't afford it today. This means that, given that the service life today is only one year, this year should and should be used to the fullest. Drive tanks and armored vehicles, shoot, dig, run, camouflage.

Learn military science in a real way.

And what then can we talk about the limits?
