"Stalin's breakthrough"

"Stalin's breakthrough"
"Stalin's breakthrough"
"Stalin's breakthrough"
"Stalin's breakthrough"

During the Stalinist leadership, for 30 years, an agrarian, impoverished country dependent on foreign capital has turned into a powerful military-industrial power on a world scale, into the center of a new socialist civilization. The poor and illiterate population of tsarist Russia became one of the most literate and educated nations in the world. By the beginning of the 1950s, the political and economic literacy of workers and peasants not only did not yield, but also exceeded the level of education of workers and peasants of any developed country at that time. The population of the Soviet Union increased by 41 million.

Under Stalin, more than 1,500 major industrial facilities were built, including DneproGES, Uralmash, KhTZ, GAZ, ZIS, factories in Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk, Norilsk, Stalingrad. At the same time, over the past 20 years of democracy, not a single enterprise of this scale has been built.

Already in 1947, the industrial potential of the USSR was fully restored, and in 1950 it more than doubled in relation to the pre-war 1940. None of the countries affected by the war had even reached the pre-war level by this time, despite the massive financial infusions from the United States.

Prices for basic foodstuffs over the 5 post-war years in the USSR have decreased by more than 2 times, while in the largest capital countries they have increased, and in some cases even 2 times or more.

This speaks of the tremendous success of the country in which the most destructive war in the history of mankind had ended just 5 years earlier and which suffered the most from this war !!

In 1945, bourgeois experts gave an official forecast that the USSR economy would be able to reach the 1940 level only by 1965, provided that it took out foreign loans. We reached this level in 1949 without any outside help.

In 1947, the USSR was the first after the war among the states of our planet to abolish the rationing system. And from 1948, annually - until 1954 - he reduced prices for food and consumer goods. Child mortality in 1950 decreased in comparison with 1940 by more than 2 times. The number of doctors has increased 1.5 times. The number of scientific institutions increased by 40%. The number of university students increased by 50%. Etc.

The shops had an abundance of a variety of industrial and food products, and there was no concept of scarcity. The choice of food in grocery stores was much wider than in modern supermarkets. Now only in Finland you can taste sausage reminiscent of the Soviet era. Crab cans were in all Soviet stores. The quality and variety of consumer goods and food products, exclusively of domestic production, was incomparably higher than modern consumer goods and foodstuffs. As soon as new fashion trends appeared, they were instantly tracked, and within a couple of months, fashion items appeared in abundance on store shelves.

The wages of workers in 1953 ranged from 800 to 3000 rubles and above. Miners and metallurgists received up to 8,000 rubles. Young specialists-engineers - up to 1,300 rubles. The secretary of the district committee of the CPSU received 1,500 rubles, and the salaries of professors and academicians often exceeded 10,000 rubles.

The Moskvich car cost 9000 rubles, white bread (1 kg.) - 3 rubles, black bread (1 kg.) - 1 rubles, beef (1 kg.) - 12, 5 rubles, pike perch fish - 8, 3 r., Milk (1 l.) - 2, 2 r., Potatoes (1 kg.) - 0, 45 r., Beer "Zhigulevskoe" (0, 6 l.) - 2, 9 r., Chintz (1 m.) - 6, 1 p. Complex lunch in the dining room - 2 rubles. Evening in a restaurant for two, with a good dinner and a bottle of wine - 25 rubles.

And all this abundance and comfortable life was achieved, despite the maintenance of 5, 5 million, armed "to the teeth" with the most modern weapons, the best army in the world!

Since 1946, work has been launched in the USSR on atomic weapons and energy; rocketry; automation of technological processes; the introduction of the latest computer technology and electronics; space flights; gasification of the country; household appliances.

The world's first nuclear power plant was commissioned in the USSR a year earlier than in England and 2 years earlier than in the USA. Atomic icebreakers were created only in the USSR.

Thus, in the USSR, in one five-year plan - from 1946 to 1950. - in the conditions of a tough military-political confrontation with the richest capitalist power in the world, without any external assistance, at least three socio-economic tasks were solved: 1) the national economy was restored; 2) ensured a steady increase in the standard of living of the population; 3) an economic leap into the future has been made.

And even now we exist only due to the Stalinist legacy. In science, industry - in almost all spheres of life.

US presidential candidate Stevenson assessed the situation in such a way that if the growth rates of production in Stalin's Russia continue, then by 1970 the volume of its production will be 3-4 times higher than the American one.

In the September 1953 issue of Narional Business magazine, Herbert Harris' article "The Russians Are Catching Up" noted that the USSR was ahead of any country in terms of growth in economic power and that at present they were 2-3 times higher in the USSR than in the USA.

In 1991, at the Soviet-American symposium, when our "democrats" began to scream about the "Japanese economic miracle," the Japanese billionaire Heroshi Terawama gave them an excellent "slap in the face": "You are not talking about the main thing - about your leading role in the world. In 1939 you Russians were smart and we Japanese were fools. In 1949 you became even smarter, and we were still fools. And in 1955, we grew wiser, and you turned into 5-year-old children. Our entire economic system is almost completely copied from yours, with the only difference that we have capitalism, private producers, and we have never achieved more than 15% growth, while you, with public ownership of the means of production, reached 30% or more. Your slogans of the Stalinist era are hanging in all our firms."

One of the best representatives of believing workers, revered by St. Luke, Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimea, wrote: “Stalin saved Russia. He showed what Russia means to the rest of the world. And therefore, as an Orthodox Christian and a Russian patriot, I bow deeply to Comrade Stalin."

Never in its history has our country known such majestic transformations as in the Stalin era! The whole world was stunned by our success! That is why the "diabolical" task is now being realized - never again to allow the emergence of the power levers of the state of people comparable in their inner strength, moral qualities, strategic thinking, organizational abilities and patriotism with Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (today in Russia, in my opinion, only G. A. Zyuganov meets these requirements, and that is why the entire propaganda machine of Russophobes and anti-Sovietists has been working against the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation for more than two decades), who have devoted their entire life to the people. And for this, it is only necessary to slander and slander the activities and life of a great man.

But a quarter of a century of unbridled propaganda did not bring its organizers a victory even over the dead Stalin.

We know the motives of those who slander Stalin. All this nonsense falls on us so that we, through a comparison of what was done then, could not comprehend the crime of what is happening now. They could not even return to the ideas of socialism in thought! The anti-Stalinist campaign pursues one goal - to prevent the people from recreating the Stalinist economic system, which will very quickly make our country independent and powerful.
