Sweden has long proclaimed its military and political neutrality, but this position does not exclude the need to build and develop the armed forces. In recent years, Stockholm has taken some measures to restore and build up military power in order to maintain the desired combat capability. To fulfill such plans, the military budget has increased in recent years, and similar measures will be taken in the foreseeable future.
Loud words
Recently, Swedish Defense Minister Peter Hultkvist once again raised the topic of risks, challenges and military spending to respond to them. The head of the military department explained why the budget for next year again provides for an increase in spending on the army.
The minister pointed out that such measures are directly related to the actions of Russia. The security landscape is changing. Everyone saw what happened in Georgia, Crimea and Ukraine. In addition, Russia is modernizing its armed forces and strengthening its presence in the Baltic region. As a result, Sweden is at the forefront and may face certain risks.
However, P. Hultqvist does not believe that Russia is a direct threat to Sweden. However, the capabilities of the Russian army are well known - and this must be taken into account when drawing up your plans.

Thus, the characteristic features of the current situation in Europe make Stockholm develop and supplement its plans for the development of the armed forces. Additional expenditures are needed, due to which it will be possible to ensure the reorganization and rearmament, as well as increase the combat effectiveness of the troops.
Old problems
The history of the Swedish army in recent decades is typical for European countries. Previously, Sweden had a fairly powerful armed forces, but then they began to economize on it with a known result. So, according to SIPRI, in 1990 - shortly before the radical change in the situation in the region - military spending in Sweden was equivalent to 2.4% of GDP. In the past 2018, about 54 billion Swedish kronor (approx. USD 5.8 billion) was spent on defense - only 1% of GDP. A few years earlier, military spending was even lower, both in absolute and relative terms.
A sharp reduction in the military budget in the nineties led to a restructuring of the army structure in the direction of reducing units and military personnel, as well as reducing the number of equipment. The number of military equipment has dropped by tens of percent, and the number of military units and subunits has fallen several times. However, until recently, it was believed that such a cut would not have negative security implications, although it would free up money for other areas.
Currently, approx. 30 thousand people. Another 20-22 thousand are members of voluntary organizations capable of helping the army. In service there are several hundred armored vehicles, about 100 combat aircraft, dozens of ships, etc.

It is believed that the size and capabilities of the armed forces are no longer sufficient, even taking into account the size of the country. In particular, a few years ago, a lot of noise was made by calculations according to which Sweden would not be able to defend itself from an attack - the defense would have lasted only a few days.
New measures
A few years ago, the Swedish Ministry of Defense began to take measures to restore and build up the army's combat capability. The first measure of this kind was requests for an increase in the defense budget. Despite controversy and criticism, such requests were generally met. Over the current decade, military spending has increased by almost 18%, which has allowed the launch of several programs of rearmament and structural reform.
In September of this year. details of the new plans of the Ministry of Defense and the Swedish government became known. In the draft budget for fiscal year 2020, it was proposed to increase defense spending by 5 billion kronor (approx. $ 530 million) - almost 10%. As follows from the latest news, such a project passed through parliament and was accepted for execution. Thus, in the new 2020, the Swedish army will have to spend a little less than 60 billion kroons.
The expenses for the subsequent period are also discussed. According to preliminary plans, which have not yet been formalized even in the form of a bill, in 2021 the military budget will again be increased by several billion kroons. So far, such growth is planned for 2021-25. In the long term, spending is expected to increase again - so far, in this context, 2030 is mentioned as the planning horizon.

In recent years, military spending in state budgets has gradually reached the level of 1% of GDP. In the near future, it is planned to gain a foothold at this level and then slightly increase them. At the same time, no one is going to reach the level of 2-2.5 percent so far. GDP that took place in the distant past. The Swedish military and political leadership believes that the defense budget is at the level of 1-1.5 percent. sufficient for solving existing problems.
The increase in defense spending naturally attracts criticism. The funds for this do not appear out of nowhere, and for this it was necessary to introduce a new tax on the banking system. As a result, a curious situation develops. No one argues with the very need for the development of the army, but many are dissatisfied with the cost of this process and the ways of obtaining money for it.
Responses to threats
The increased defense budget is planned to be used for the formation and restoration of units and subunits, for the construction or modernization of facilities, as well as for the purchase of materiel. At the same time, a significant part of military spending will continue to be spent on current needs.
The exact plans of this kind have not yet been announced, but the official statements already mention the need to restore a number of military units and subunits that had previously been reduced. It is also planned to return to full-fledged service of a number of military facilities. For example, work is already underway at the underground base of the Muskyo fleet - by 2021-22. the top leadership of the naval forces will finally move there.

In the foreseeable future, the procurement of new military equipment is envisaged. So, in the period from 2018 to 2027, it is expected to supply 70 JAS 39E / F Gripen fighters for the Air Force. New ships and submarines are being built. Air defense equipment is being purchased. There are plans for the further development of the ground forces equipment park. Based on the available data, such orders and contracts have become possible solely due to the growth in the budget observed in recent years.
However, in the next decade, far from all the needs of the army will be satisfied. A few days ago, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, General Per Buden, announced the results of a new analysis of the army and its prospects. It turned out that to carry out all the necessary transformations and purchases until 2030, more funds are needed than it is planned to allocate. Above the necessary, about 40 billion kroons are required.
Expensive defenses
In recent years, Sweden has significantly increased its military spending - from 2015 to 2020. an additional 33 billion kronor ($ 3.5 billion) was spent on defense, which made it possible to carry out several important programs and lay the foundation for further modernization of the army. In the near future, a new budget increase is planned with the same goals. However, even such an increase in military spending, it seems, will not cover all the needs of the army.
The prerequisites for such a situation are obvious. For many years, Sweden saved on defense, which made it possible to free up money for other areas, but gradually led to a reduction in defense capability. Over time, the situation in the armed forces has deteriorated and requires an appropriate response in the form of additional costs. Some of the needs were covered by new taxes, but the overall situation leaves cause for concern.
The Swedish Defense Ministry directly names Russia as a reason for increasing military spending. Indeed, our country is strengthening the grouping of troops in the Baltic direction, and neighboring states view this as a threat. However, Russian actions are far from being the actual reason for the decline in their defenses. Not Moscow, but Stockholm for a long time saved on the army, which led to certain consequences. In this case, the "Russian threat" turns out to be just an argument in disputes over financing.