Seas and oceans cover seven-tenths of the Earth's surface, but most people have never seen ocean sunsets or real ships in their lives. It is difficult for those living on the coast to imagine the true dimensions of marine technology. Without seeing the ships up close, it is impossible to understand how colossal these machines are, and how they differ from everything with which we are used to meeting on land.

Walking around the city and accidentally meeting a battleship on the street, you can get a shock for the rest of your life. A close acquaintance with such a colossus will quickly reduce the number of "couch experts" littering with posts on the Internet: "One rocket - and a bullet." Those sitting on the couch often simply do not understand what it is.
"Wisconsin" (tactical number BB-64) is so huge, not because it is a battleship, but because all ships are monstrous compared to humans. Thousands of tons of metal structures, whose total density is less than that of water.

Everyone knows what a tanker looks like from the outside.
This is how it looks from the inside:

"Skyscraper" at the pier. But it’s just an ordinary destroyer, one of sixty built according to the Berk project.

Anchor of the submarine pr. 941 "Shark"

This is how the atomic cruiser "Peter the Great" is used to see on TV screens. Like a paper boat that children let. The distance hides the true dimensions.

Mahina near

Another unusual view of the "Orlan" under construction. It's just something.

The captain of the liner "Queen Mary 2" poses in front of his ship. "Black Queen" overshadows everything

One of the four aircraft carrier aircraft lifts. With this size, you can play football on it

One of the yachts of Russian businessman Andrey Melnichenko (Sailing Yacht “A”, launched in 2015). She is much larger than the American destroyer. At this scale, the figures of people on the deck are almost invisible.

Missile cruiser of the 1960s

The crew of the Japanese battleship. From the figures of people you can estimate the height of the superstructure pagoda
Someone will say with contempt that ships sometimes sank from one torpedo, not understanding what is the meaning of the word “torpedo” itself. Specific naval ammunition for delivery to the target hundreds of kilograms of explosives! On land, this amount of explosives would be enough to destroy an entire block. Plus the absolute incompressibility of the aquatic environment (tenfold increase in the force of the explosion).

And this moment is truly great
when, to the thunder of orchestras and applause, he, shuddering, it will rise from the ground
- the one from which we cannot tear ourselves away …
Ceremony of withdrawal from the slipway shop of the submarine K-551 "Vladimir Monomakh".