In the Teikovo missile formation, a regiment equipped with a novelty of the Strategic Missile Forces, the mobile complex "Yars", took up combat duty. The rearmament of the regiment took place since December last year by divisional divisions, and in March all 3 missile divisions began to carry out combat duty on new equipment in full force.
Soviet, and then Russian, mobile missile systems have always evoked respect and envy from potential adversaries, and pride from their owners. Yars, a new development of military scientists based on the Topol-M complex, was no exception. This model has significantly surpassed its predecessor in terms of its characteristics. Its main difference from the Topol-M is that the missile has a multiple warhead, which greatly enhances its use. She confidently hits the target at a distance of about 11,000 kilometers, which was clearly shown during acceptance launches from one of the launch sites located in Plesetsk. At the same time, it has such a degree of protection against anti-missile weapons that at the moment there is no defense system that could withstand it.
In the Teikovo division, the journalists were shown the Yars PGRK, given a brief description of it, and also familiarized with the measures taken to ensure its safety and security. For this, a scenario of an attempt to seize the complex by conditional terrorists unfolded before them. The anti-sabotage unit of the Strategic Missile Forces successfully coped with its task, preventing the development of an emergency situation. The journalists were assured that in real conditions such an attempt was doomed to failure in advance. But even if we assume that the complex will be in the wrong hands, then it will still not be possible to use it, numerous levels of protection will not allow the launch of the rocket. It can be destroyed, but it will not work without a command from the outside, even if all pre-launch operations are carried out properly.

The advantage of mobile missile systems over mine ones is that a very limited circle of people knows about the routes of their movement, even the KDS (the commander of the duty forces) recognizes him immediately before joining the shift on combat duty. It is very difficult to find a launcher by means of satellite reconnaissance. While carrying the DB in the field, tight security of the missile battalion's location is organized. Mining of the perimeter around the position and the installation of electronic surveillance and signaling devices are being organized. There is a round-the-clock watch on the perimeter security console by shift operators.
In the "fields", the military serving the complex live in fairly comfortable conditions, for this they have at their disposal combat alert vehicles (MOBD), in which, if not all, then most of the conditions for normal existence outside the usual environment are created. So in the living quarters of the kunga there are 8 people in sleeping places similar to the compartment of railway cars, there is a kitchen with a refrigerator, stove and utensils necessary for cooking. You can have a quiet meal in the dining room. To create an optimal climate, there is an air conditioner, heaters and a filter ventilation unit inside the car. For defense in the operator's compartment there is a turret machine gun mount with 7, 62mm. Kalashnikov machine gun. So that after the change in carrying the database, you can put yourself and your clothes in order, there is a washbasin and dryers for clothes and shoes in the car. The autonomy of a fully fueled unit with all the necessary is 45 days.
Now, on the basis of the Teikovo division, a center has been deployed for retraining specialists of various profiles from the Topol-M complex to the Yars, in particular, they train driver mechanics for launchers and combat duty vehicles. Classes are held in classrooms equipped with modern simulators and real equipment. Of course, it is much more difficult on a real chassis than in the simulator's cabin, where movement is only simulated on monitors, and nevertheless, the cadets successfully pass all tests in theory and practice and go to their units in order to wait for the Yars to arrive.

The launcher of the complex is made on the basis of the MAZ-79221 chassis and is similar in design to the Topol-M APU. Binding to the terrain during the march is carried out, if necessary, launch, automatically from any coordinate point, using an inertial navigation system with correction via satellite.
The launcher includes a diesel generator of an autonomous power supply system, a navigation system and a launch coordinate recalculation. A set of launch preparation equipment and a set of communication means that ensure uninterrupted transmission and reception of data under any external conditions.
The hydraulic part of the APU is represented by devices for leveling the complex in the horizontal and vertical planes (the so-called plates) and lifting devices for the boom with the launch container located on it.
To ensure the necessary for the normal operation of all electronic devices of the launcher and the rocket itself, the equipment includes a powerful climate control unit powered by a diesel power plant on the march and connected, like the entire complex, to the regular power grid during stationary service.

Machine length about 23, width about 3, 4 height 3, 3 meters. The ground clearance is approximately 475 mm, the turning radius is 18 meters. The depth of the ford to be overcome is 1, 1 meter. The volume of the fuel tanks of about 900 liters provides a cruising range of up to 500 kilometers. (Attention, all figures are approximate, as they are taken from official sources and, for obvious reasons, may not coincide with the real ones).
Currently, 9 Yars are on alert somewhere in the Ivanovo region, along with the Topol-M complexes, which will continue to serve until they are replaced.