On December 26, 2014, the outlines of a familiar ship flashed in the Bosphorus. High “Atlantic” nose, octagonal superstructure prism, dashingly littered foremast, emphasizing the swift silhouette of the Aegis destroyer … An old acquaintance, USS Donald Cook (DDG-75), returned to the Black Sea. The US Navy missile destroyer, which became famous after a high-profile incident in April 2014.
However, that incident became "loud" only on one side of the ocean. On the official website of the destroyer "Donald Cook" there is no mention of the refusal of "Aegis", the inclusion of electronic warfare "Khibiny" or the reports of 27 sailors who resigned with the motivation "we do not want to expose our lives to mortal danger."
The missile destroyer of the 6th Fleet (assigned to the Rota naval base in Spain) has been patrolling the Mediterranean Sea for the past year, performing missile defense missions in Europe and demonstrating guarantees of support to US allies in the region. On New Year's holidays (26.12 - 14.01), the Americans decided to have a nice rest on the Black Sea. During 21 days of active rest, the destroyer visited Constanta and Varna, conducted joint maneuvers with a Turkish Navy ship and the only surviving Ukrainian Navy ship, the Hetman Sagaidachny frigate, and then, within the time period established by the Montreux convention, left the Black Sea.
In connection with the previous events (of April 12, 2014), a reasonable question arises: what has “Cook” forgotten again in our latitudes? Are the Yankees looking for new adventures? We have completely lost our fear. Have you come for revenge? Or did their acquaintance with KREP “Khibiny” not bring any deliberate expectations?

90 missile silos with the ability to store and launch anti-aircraft missiles of any class - from light self-defense missiles ESSM (4 in each cell) to space interceptors SM-3. In addition to missiles, universal silos can be used to accommodate Tomahawks and anti-submarine rocket torpedoes - in any combination, depending on the tasks ahead. The destroyer's air defense in the near zone is additionally provided by two rapid-fire anti-aircraft guns "Falanx" (4000 rds / min) with guidance according to the data of the radars built into them. All weapons and systems are under a single control of the Aegis (Aegis) combat information and control system, which provides automatic detection, tracking, selection and destruction of selected targets on the water, under water and in the air, and also controls the operation of the power plant, navigation systems, communications, as well as means of struggle for the damage to the ship. The automated robotic ship is able to exchange information with its “colleagues” (to date, the Aegis are installed on 84 cruisers and destroyers of the US Navy), distribute tasks and independently make decisions in a combat situation.
“Donald Cook is more than capable of defending itself against two Su-24s,” said Colonel Stephen Warren of the Pentagon Press Office.
Radiance of pure energy
The power plant of the destroyer "Arleigh Burke" consists of four General Electric LM2500 gas turbines with a total capacity of 77 million watts (105 thousand hp), which allows the destroyer to reach speeds of over 30 knots (~ 55 km / h).
The Burkov power supply system of the first sub-series consists of three Allison 501-K34 gas turbine generators (GTGS, Gas Turbine Generator Sets) with a capacity of 2.5 MW each, dispersed in three compartments (generator No. 1 - auxiliary machinery compartment, No. 2 - second turbine compartment, No. 3 - a separate generator compartment), which allows to ensure sufficient power generation to provide all shipboard consumers, including the Aegis BIUS and its subsystems: first of all, advanced detection means and weapons.
Three-phase electrical network, voltage 440 V, frequency 60 Hz.
The destroyers, built at the beginning of the new century, were equipped with new 3-megawatt generators. In the future, in the event of the appearance of a super-powerful AMDR missile defense radar (destroyers of sub-series 3), one of the destroyer's helicopter hangars will have to be re-equipped to install an additional generator: the voltage in the network will increase to 4500 Volts, which will entail a significant number of technical problems related to electrical safety and nutrition of ordinary consumers.
The front-line bomber Su-24 (and its reconnaissance version Su-24MR) is equipped with two alternators GT30PCh8B with a capacity of 30 kW each (producing a current at a voltage of 200/115 V, a frequency of 400 Hz) and two DC generators GSR-ST-12 / 40a with a power of 12, 5 kW (rated voltage 28, 5 V).
To convert the voltage of alternators into a three-phase current with a nominal voltage of 36 volts and a frequency of 400 Hz, two power transformers are provided (three-phase current is required for the operation of sighting and navigation equipment).

Phased AN / SPY-1 radar antenna (one of four). Peak radiation power 6 MW

AN / SLQ-32 electronic warfare station, known in nautical jargon as "Slik-32". Standard on all American destroyers

Container KREP "Khibiny" (L175V). The length of the container is 4950 mm. Weight 300 kg. Power consumption 3.6 kW
Based on the above data, the well-known “elephant and pug” paradox arises.
"Cook" from afar spotted the approach of the "drying", played a combat alert and froze at the combat posts. Everything went smoothly, the radars calculated the course of approach to the target, the Aegis regularly controlled the guidance systems. And suddenly - bang! Everything went out. The Aegis does not work, the screens show dregs, even the Phalanxes cannot receive target designation! SU-24, meanwhile, passed over the Cook's deck, made a combat turn and simulated a missile attack on the target. Of course, successful - because there is no opposition! Then he turned around and imitated another one. And so on - 10 more times! All attempts of technicians to revive Aegis and give target designation for air defense failed, and only when the silhouette of the “drying” melted in the haze over the Russian coast, the screens came to life, and the guidance systems faithfully showed the clear, shining empty April sky.
- From the popular article "Khibiny" versus "Aegis", or What scared the Pentagon so much? " of April 15, 2014
"Clap!" - good sound. But the usual logic for some reason suggests the opposite: to distinguish the Khibin pulses against the background of the SPY-1 radar pulses and the destroyer's electronic warfare systems is like hearing the breath of a KamAZ driver through the roar of an engine.

Therefore, all the tales about “jamming”, “turning off” and some kind of “driving mad” of the Aegis radars by impulses that are three (!) Orders of magnitude inferior in power are designed for the victims of the exam and cannot be taken seriously.
It is not possible to “burn” or in any way damage the electronics of the destroyer with an electronic warfare aircraft container. To create a pulse of the required power, it would be necessary to detonate a nuclear charge equivalent to tens and even hundreds of kilotons of TNT near the ship.
Finally, one must be aware that the Khibiny CREP is not an offensive, but a purely defensive weapon.
What Khibiny Can Do
Aircraft electronic countermeasures are considered an important element that increases the chances of aircraft survival in modern combat conditions. The principle of operation of KREP is based on radio direction finding of the sounding signal of the radiation source (enemy radar) with the subsequent distortion of the parameters of the reflected signal in order to:
- delays in the detection of the KREP carrier aircraft as an object of attack for the enemy;
- masking the true object against the background of false ones;
- difficulties in measuring the distance to the object, its speed and angular position;
- deterioration of the characteristics of the tracking mode "on the pass" when scanning the beam of the on-board radar antenna;
- an increase in the time and difficulty in capturing an object when switching to the continuous radio direction finding mode.
It is impossible to “knock out” the enemy's radar with the help of the KHIBINA KREP (such a task is not even posed), but acting on a local scale, it is quite possible to turn the “drying” into a “difficult target”, giving the pilots a few precious minutes to complete the mission in the area of action aviation and air defense of the enemy.
Now about how all this relates to the case with "Donald Cook". The answer is no way!
KREP “Khibiny” is not installed on Su-24 aircraft (silent stage). The complex is intended only for the new tactical bombers Su-34 (the aforementioned L175V containers, delivery of 92 sets, according to the contract of the Ministry of Defense dated January 14, 2013). The version of this station KS-418E for export Su-24MK and MK-2 did not go into production; it was last seen at the MAKS stand in the mid-2000s.
For effective operation, the “Khibiny” does not need to fly point-blank to the enemy's radar. Radar power is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the distance. And if at a distance of 200 km there is still a chance to distort the signal and "deceive" the radar of the Aegis destroyer, then it will be extremely problematic to do this close up: powerful signals will quickly reveal the true position of the bomber and nothing good awaits further pilots.
Taking into account all of the above, it becomes clear the cost of all the talk about the outbreak of panic on board, and the voluntary landing of 27 frightened crew members. The air show, staged by a single Russian bomber, undoubtedly remained a bright page in the memory of American sailors, but could not cause any serious consequences. Donald Cook continued to fulfill its tasks in the region. And, as we can see, eight months later, without any particular fears, he returned to the Black Sea. American sailors (each, in accordance with their official duties) are aware of the capabilities of their supership and know how invulnerable their destroyer is to attacks by single aircraft.
Aegis is not perfect. But, directing criticism, it is necessary to understand that where the Aegis destroyer fails, the other ship will "roll back" even earlier. This is one of the best shipborne air defense systems, continuously evolving over the past 30 years. Any ridicule is inappropriate here. As well as doubts about the combat capabilities of a robotic destroyer: contrary to the opinion of the victims of the exam, electronics is the most reliable element of any system (for example, spacecraft, where they try to minimize the number of moving parts), the most resistant to strong vibrations and other unfavorable factors. Let's leave the tales of "powerful electromagnetic pulses" on the conscience of nuclear weapons fans.
By the time the computers "shut down" and "go out", all other ship systems (mechanics / hydraulics / electric drive) will have long been broken and disabled.
Attempts to find the primary source of news about the flight of 27 sailors lead to the same Russian-language Internet resource. The Pentagon's official statement regarding this incident does not contain any meaningful information. The Americans only hint resentfully that it was impolite.
What was it?
The commanders of the aircraft of each Party shall exercise the greatest caution and prudence when approaching aircraft of the other Party operating over the high seas and ships of the other Party operating on the high seas, in particular ships engaged in the release or reception of aircraft, and in the interest of mutual safety. should not allow: simulating attacks by simulating the use of weapons on aircraft, any ships, performing various aerobatic maneuvers over ships and dropping various objects near them in such a way that they pose a danger to ships or hinder navigation.
- Article 4 of the Agreement between the governments of the USSR and the USA on the prevention of incidents on the high seas and in the airspace above it.
The incident with the 12-fold flyby of the Donald Cook can be viewed as a combat maneuvering to demonstrate its displeasure with the presence of the American ship in the Black Sea and politely warn the Yankees against making any sudden movements in the context of the growing internal Ukrainian conflict.