Subdivisions of the Black Sea Fleet will soon get acquainted with one of the most advanced warships of our time.
According to Western news agencies, the destroyer HMS Diamond headed for the shores of Ukraine.
The destroyer Diamond was laid down in 2005, launched in 2007 and commissioned in 2011.
The cost of building the ship, according to official figures, amounted to over one billion pounds, which made the "Diamond" the most expensive destroyer in world history. Only in 2016, the championship in this dubious achievement passed to the American “Zamvolt”.

Like its sisterships (Daring, Dauntless, Dragon, Duncan and Defender), HMS Diamond belongs to the Type 45 Daring series of destroyers. The construction of the series was carried out for 10 years, from 2003 to 2013.
A notable feature of the "Valiant" six is lack of shock weapons. The new generation destroyers are designed exclusively for protection, primarily against air threats.
And there is nothing shameful in this concept. Any river boat class ship can launch cruise missiles. But to intercept an air target (detect, calculate the trajectory and aim missiles a hundred kilometers from the ship), a whole destroyer is required.
Being a naval air defense platform, "Diamond" serves as a command post, coordinating the actions of aviation and air defense of operational naval formations.

The strength of a destroyer is in its radars.
The first scans all space, right down to near space.
The second is constantly peering into the horizon line, fearing the appearance of low-flying aircraft and missiles.
If a threat is detected, the radar goes into combat mode, programming the autopilots of the launched anti-aircraft missiles, trying to bring them as close as possible to the selected target.
The Briton does not need additional illumination radars: his missiles are equipped with active homing heads (activated at the final section).

The main ammunition load is 48 silos for anti-aircraft missiles of the Aster family. The existing modifications have a firing range of 120 km and a cruising speed of 4, 5M. The missiles are equipped with a controlled thrust vector and are capable of maneuvering with an overload of up to 60 units.
Compared to the ship's S-300FM missiles, British missiles have inferior energy characteristics. Nevertheless, the “Astra” is more compact, has 4 times less starting weight, is superior in maneuverability and is equipped with an active seeker with all the ensuing advantages (and disadvantages).

The next generation of British missiles promises to be able to accelerate to seven speeds of sound and hit targets outside the Earth's atmosphere. At the very least, the capabilities of destroyer detection tools allow us to do this already now.
Like any large warship, the Type 45 destroyer has moderate versatility. For example, the American AN / SSQ-130 electronic intelligence system is installed on board.
A permanent basing of the helicopter is envisaged, as well as reserved places for a mobile hospital and the deployment of a Marine Corps platoon.
The destroyer is equipped with a new SSTD anti-torpedo protection system based on a towed low-frequency antenna (threat detection), a pair of towed rattles and 16 fired acoustic simulators to deceive enemy homing torpedoes.

Those who point to the weakness of the Daring's weapons usually do not take into account that modern NATO ships are underutilized in order to reduce unnecessary costs in peacetime.
If a situation arises, even remotely threatening a conflict, a lot of additional weapons will be installed on the Daring, if the sailors so wish. For example, a number of sources mention two sections of the UVP (16 launchers) for the "Tomahawks".
However, Royal Navy has much more effective carriers for cruise missiles - seven nuclear submarines of the Trafalgar and Astyut type (new, fourth generation).

And surface ships have their own clearly defined mission. Air defense.
The technical level of the Daring is of particular interest
The reduced crew is only 190-200 people, which is unexpectedly small for a ship of this level. For example, the crews of domestic BODs and American Aegis destroyers are twice as large.
The multifunctional mast is a tall, dark structure in the middle of the destroyer, which combines sensors and antennas of transceiver devices.

Combined powertrain with all-electric transmission.
The full-speed engines are two Rolls-Royce WR-21 gas turbines based on civil aircraft engines.
Cruising - a pair of marine diesel engines of the Finnish company "Vyartsilya".
Full Electric Propulsion (FEP) eliminates the mechanical link between the propulsion system and the propellers.
This reduces the length of the propeller shafts and removes restrictions in the choice of compartment layout and equipment placement.
Other benefits include less body vibration, which has a positive effect on sonar and other sensitive sensors.
In the future, there is an efficient distribution of energy resources and (depending on the task) the ability to redirect all energy to one specific consumer.
Additional cooling of the working medium and the exhaust gas recovery system have a positive effect on the efficiency of the installation. With a full supply of 1100 tons of fuel, the destroyer is capable of crossing the ocean twice. Of course, only in theory. In practice, warships are prohibited from sailing with empty tanks; as soon as the fuel level drops to 50%, as a rule, a mandatory refueling follows.

The Type 45 destroyers make a good impression due to their innovative design, competent choice of weapons and good taste of the designers.
HMS Diamond's Black Sea visit will delight the press, but it is unlikely to be useful for gathering technical information. All information on this ship can be obtained from numerous contractors around the world. Our sailors could measure the “fields” and operating frequencies of the RTS when they met in the English Channel, because destroyers of this type are regularly included in the “honorary escort” of our ships.
It remains to be hoped that the noble lines of the "Diamond" will be able to inflame healthy envy among those who, by rank and rank, are supposed to think about re-equipping the domestic fleet.
Just like many years ago, the British Secretary of Defense took off by helicopter to admire the Soviet nuclear cruiser sailing in the ocean.