Now, when the actions of the new American president resemble the actions of a child who first got into a modern toy library, when the United States almost daily changes its positions on some issues of international politics, more and more often one can see analytical articles, polls, and predictions of further developments. Will the Americans risk hitting North Korea? What are the chances of the sides in the event of such a strike? Lots of questions and answers. But, paradoxically, both the questions and the answers only confuse the readers.

I am always amazed at our willingness to accept other people's point of view. Only because "everyone thinks so." Agree, most of us, without hesitation, begin to count the number of missiles, tanks, aircraft and other weapons when assessing the situation. Compare the performance characteristics of equipment and weapons. Simply because we have a simple, but true, thought clearly embedded in our heads. Whoever has more modern weapons will win.
And most importantly, we completely forget about our own history and our own examples. We have forgotten about Panfilov's men … We have forgotten about the militias near Moscow. We forgot about Leningrad … That you can kill a person. But it is impossible to kill the people, their army, their soul … For some reason we decided that to fight to the death is only our prerogative.
We decided that the Japanese kamikaze were gone. We decided that Brandenburg-800 had no heirs left. We decided that technology decides the war! Someone argue? It's true!
In order to clarify the situation at the moment, I decided to tell you about the North Korean army. And to tell at the level that journalism can only afford, which "can afford." I will immediately apologize for the fact that the information that I will present is mostly from foreign sources. North Korea is a difficult country. A country that has forgotten how to believe. And … the winning country. Everything that can be classified is classified.
One of my close friends, one of those who do not really care about the "literalism" of their language, immediately "discarded" me … "Are you torn to the tops? You take the obviously winning Temka" … No, no. Topics I have always taken and take only those that are interesting to my readers. That is why at the beginning of my articles I often quote my friends-readers. Today you are Trump. It is this information that reports to the American president about the potential of the Korean army.
So, the first thing a not-so-literate Western layman is faced with is the problem of finding the Korean Peninsula on the world map. Where is this peninsula?
But the fun begins next. Such a small, almost invisible pimple on the Asian continent? Moreover, half is already ours … The perfect "microbe" remains. And all the might of the American army broke its teeth there half a century ago? Can not be. The Western world can destroy this microbe with one "sneeze" …
Only in life it turns out differently … A small inconspicuous microbe can create big problems for a large, highly organized living organism … It can simply kill this organism. Let's talk about this.
I'll start with the simplest and most unexpected information. The North Korean army currently has the 5th army in the world. Stronger, and even then according to the parameters that I wrote about at the beginning of the article, are only China, Russia, the USA and India. Weird? Not at all. I will now try to explain the origins of this situation. Two examples are sufficient for this. Examples that are designed to show not only the origins of the power of the North Korean army, but also the origins of our attitude towards Koreans in general.
On March 15, 1946, the Korean people celebrated their first national holiday, the 27th anniversary of the anti-Japanese movement. Crowds of Koreans marched to Pyongyang's central square to take part in the demonstration. The city is decorated not only with Korean, but also with Soviet flags.
On the government rostrum, Chairman of the Provisional People's Committee Kim Il Sung, members of the government and a member of the Military Council of the 25th Army of the USSR, Lieutenant General Lebedev. And, as is customary to write in official reports, the persons accompanying them.
The demonstration went on as usual. Crowds of Koreans flowed across the square like a festive river. Music played. And suddenly … A grenade flew from the crowd of demonstrators to the government rostrum. One of the members of the student column from 10-15 meters threw a grenade right at the feet of Kim Il Sung.
Soviet junior lieutenant Yakov Novichenko saved the Korean leader from death. The Siberian, who went through the crucible of World War II, instantly assessed the situation and made the only correct decision. He caught a grenade in flight and covered it with his body. Except for Novichenko himself, no one was hurt.
It was somehow not customary to talk about this before. A man has accomplished a feat - so what? He's an officer. This is probably correct. But over time, such feats are forgotten. And Yakov Novichenko did not die. He was saved by … Port Arthur! Not the port we remember. The officer was saved by the book "Port Arthur" by Alexander Stepanov, published in 1944. It was this book that the junior lieutenant read before the demonstration. And it was this book that he, according to the old Soviet boyish habit, hid under his belt. A torn off right arm, a knocked out eye, multiple wounds to the feet, injuries to the chest, numerous injuries almost all over the body … But the thick book prevented the fragments from hitting the internal organs (
This was the first of many assassination attempts on Kim Il Sung …
The second episode from the history of North Korea is connected with Pyongyang's response to Seoul. January 21, 1968. Seoul. The area of the residence of the President of South Korea Chonwadae. At the beginning of eleven, the police noticed a group of soldiers in ROKA (Republik of Koreas Army) uniforms. Naturally, the police decided to check the soldiers on a spree …
A routine check turned into hell. The "soldiers" responded with heavy fire. During the shootout, the police managed to destroy 5 and take one alive ( However, the police could not interrogate the prisoner. Right in front of the guards' eyes, he committed suicide … I don't want to write in details, but the suicide was cruel …
A large-scale counter-sabotage operation began. During the period from January 21 to February 3, 28 North Korean special forces were killed. None of the servicemen of military unit 124 of North Korea surrendered. Two returned back … The losses of the South Koreans amounted to 140 people. Of these, about half were killed …
Many readers who are interested in the armies of the world, after meeting with the North Korean army, were in some stupor. An army that is armed at the level of the 70s and 80s of the last century, an army whose components are more suitable for a museum than for battle, inspires respect. And the most interesting thing is that experts understand that this is a strong army.
The population of North Korea is only 25-26 million people. There is no exact data. However, there is other data. The DPRK army makes up about 5% of the total population. These are those who are in active military service today. In addition, another 25-30% of Koreans are serving in paramilitaries. From this it is not difficult to calculate the combat strength for the initial period of the war.
According to American data, the DPRK army today is approximately 1,150,000-1250,000 people. The reserve that the DPRK will be able to collect in the first day after the outbreak of hostilities is approximately 8-8.2 million people. The same amount during the first 3-5 days …
But there are other data as well.99% of Koreans have served in the armed forces and constitute the reserve of the DPRK army. Even veterans will join the ranks in the event of the outbreak of real hostilities. In almost any Korean city, you can read the national motto or national idea: "The army comes first!"
Let's take a closer look at the Korean army. I must say right away that the figures that will be given in the article are rather arbitrary. The closeness of the country does not contribute to the good work of the enemy's intelligence.
Ground troops.
Unlike most armies in the world, the DPRK has a traditional view of war. The command continues to believe (in my opinion, quite justifiably) that the main force of the army, those thanks to whom the territories are captured, the attacks of the enemy are repelled, serve "on the ground." In the ground forces. It is the infantry that ultimately determines the outcome of the war.
Today in the DPRK army there are, according to various sources (from and to):
Personnel: 950 thousand - 1 million people.
Tanks (various modifications) - 4200-4300 units.
Artillery pieces - from 8600 to 8700 units.
Multiple launch rocket systems - from 5500 to 5600 units.
For the most part, all this technique is outdated. These are Soviet or Chinese samples of the 50-70s. Although, judging by the April 16 parade, more modern technology appears. Serious enough.
Particular attention should be paid to the artillery of North Korea. Paradoxical as it may sound, but it is the artillery that today will be able to ensure the victory of the DPRK in the battle with Seoul. The point is that the guns are located in the border areas. And they practically have the ability to strike directly at the capital of South Korea.
In addition, such types of artillery installations are very difficult to destroy or somehow neutralize with the help of modern electronic warfare means. And the traditional airstrike in such cases or other types of fire impact will not be able to actually destroy the weapons. During the confrontation, the DPRK has perfectly equipped firing positions. Created a powerful system of underground structures along the contact line. Underground passages, according to the same Americans, stretch almost to Seoul.
Many analysts question the size of the army. Maintaining such an army is quite costly for the economy. And it is simply impossible for a country that has been under sanctions for almost its entire history.
The answer to this paradox is simple. In addition to combat training, the army is also engaged in quite peaceful affairs. Soldiers build houses, do agriculture, work in factories … But they are in areas that are close to the demarcation line.
The smallest part of the North Korean army. According to experts, there are only about 60 thousand sailors in the DPRK. And the country cannot boast of the power of the ships.
430 patrol vessels.
260 landing ships, 20 mine-sweeping vessels.
70 (approximately) submarines.
40 support vessels.
I understand the skepticism of "sea wolves". With such a fleet to fight the Americans or the Japanese?.. And who said that the DPRK is going to fight the Americans in the oceans? Let's take a hovercraft as an example. Yes, in a confrontation with large ships, this is not an enemy. And for the landing on the territory of South Korea? To capture the islands? Is there something better?
The same is the case with the submarine fleet. Only a few submarines are multipurpose. The rest are of small and ultra-small classes. Submarine of coastal action. And in this capacity they are simply invaluable. Especially considering the coastline and the huge number of coves and grottoes. A boat located in any bay or bay, with low visibility and low noisy diesel engines, poses a serious danger to enemy ships.
And to ensure the normal functioning of the DPRK's fleet, it has about a dozen naval bases in different parts of the country.
On the whole, the DPRK fleet is quite coping with its main tasks today. Provides sufficient defense of coastal areas and a quick transfer of troops towards South Korea. And the new submarine-launched ballistic missiles shown on April 16 indicate that the fleet has also been replenished with submarine missile carriers. Consequently, Pyongyang is serious about Japan's attempts to dominate the region.
Air force.
The DPRK aviation is probably the weakest link in the army. Although in terms of numbers it looks quite acceptable.
Personnel - 110-115 thousand people.
Combat aircraft - more than 800.
Transport aircraft - more than 300.
Helicopters - 300.
The most modern aircraft of the DPRK are MiG-29 (purchased in the USSR), MiG-23 and Su-25 … The rest of the aircraft is even older. So, our old An-2s are still used in transport aviation.
However, even such aircraft are capable of striking targets in South Korea. The fact is that most of the combat aircraft are located at airfields located near the border. At a distance of up to 100 km. Accordingly, they do not have time to quickly respond to the lightning-fast air defense raid of the Republic of Korea.
Air defense.
Air defense units are organizationally part of the ground forces. Or the Air Force. Therefore, it is impossible to talk about exact figures. However, realizing that the Air Force will not be able to provide protection against attacks by enemy aircraft, the North Koreans are paying great attention to air defense systems. Of the most modern in the DPRK, systems similar to the S-300 have been seen. But their number is quite limited. Like the S-200.
But the cannon air defense artillery is really good. There is everything. From the ZSU to the world's most powerful 100mm anti-aircraft gun. That, in principle, will provide a quite decent reception of uninvited "guests". Especially assault aircraft and helicopters. The DPRK leadership has thoroughly studied the actions of the American army in Vietnam.
Special Forces.
The lag in most positions from the armies of the neighbors led to special attention precisely to these units. The elite of the Korean army. Trained and dedicated fighters.
According to various estimates, the DPRK special forces today number from 180 to 200 thousand people. Most of the units are designed to be thrown into the deep rear of the enemy. It is operations in the rear, in the opinion of the DPRK army command, that can provide a turning point in the confrontation with a strong enemy.
The bulk of the special forces are army special forces. But there are also elite units. In particular, I talked about one of these divisions at the beginning of the article. These units today, despite the ceasefire, conduct reconnaissance and other operations in South Korea.
The question arises about how to penetrate the territory of the opposing state. The methods are traditional. Or on foot, using gaps in the contact line. Or by sea. With the help of ultra-small and small submarines and hovercraft. There is also exoticism. Underground passages. According to some testimonies, in order to become a fighter of an elite special forces unit, you must definitely visit the south.
There is one more important feature of the North Korean army that distinguishes it from the South Korean one. This is the psychology of winners. In this, Koreans are similar to us. And these are not nice words. The soldiers of this army organically combined seemingly incompatible things. National traditions, a kind of ideology, peculiarities of a national character. Any Korean will tell you about the exploits of his fathers and grandfathers in the struggle against the Japanese, the Americans, and the South Koreans.
The cult of heroes is everywhere in the DPRK. They are revered. They are glorified. Any boy dreams of serving in the army and performing a feat in the name of the people. Women are not lagging behind men either. The morale of the army is so high that being captured for Korean soldiers is tantamount to a shame for the whole family. Victory or death.
Perhaps that is why a small, poor and not at all developed in the modern sense of the country was able, perhaps the only one in the world, to successfully resist the United States and other "democratizers". She was able to preserve the originality and her own uniqueness.
Perhaps that is why Pyongyang takes the saber rattling of the new US president quite calmly. Koreans are on their land and will not give it to anyone. And, judging by Trump's confusion, Americans understand this too. Fighting an opponent who is not going to surrender or retreat is more expensive for himself. The attackers will have a lot of blood.
Today, North Korea looks like a cornered cat. A cat that turns into a tiger in such a situation. And not to take this into account is more expensive. For all.