National Liberation War of Bohdan Khmelnytsky. 370 years ago, in August 1649, the troops of Bohdan Khmelnytsky defeated the Polish army near the town of Zborov. Russian troops could not finish off the Poles because of the treason of the Crimean Tatar Khan. Khmelnitsky was forced to agree to the Zboriv Treaty, according to which the Poles recognized the rights and privileges of the Zaporozhian Army.

Preparing to continue the war
The Russian national liberation war shook the Rzeczpospolita. After heavy defeats in 1648, the Poles agreed to a truce. Bohdan Khmelnytsky also needed a break to decide on further actions. In winter - spring 1649, negotiations were underway, with both sides preparing for the continuation of hostilities. The Polish elite was not going to give in to their slaves (slaves). The guerrilla war continued at this time.
Hetman Khmelnitsky used the truce to establish a new administrative order in Little Russia. The central government was established - the hetman administration. Eastern Little Russia was divided into 16 regiments, at the head of them were colonels, the regimental office also included regimental judges, carts, scribes and esauls. Khmelnitsky himself became Colonel Chigirin. The shelves were divided into several hundred, each covering several places. Hundreds were headed by the centurions and the centenary administration. In the conditions of an unfinished war, this was a justified step: regiments with hundreds were at the same time administrative-territorial and military units, ready to immediately go to war. In addition, the old authorities - magistrates, etc., operated in cities and towns, but they were completely subordinate to the Cossack authorities.
The hetman administration paid much attention to strengthening the army. The production of guns, firearms and edged weapons, ammunition was established. In Chigirin, a military treasury operated, in charge of the receipt of existing taxes into the treasury, and they also started their own mint. Chigirin became the capital of Khmelnitsky, here he received ambassadors, all letters were sent here. The most important centers and strongholds of the rebels, in addition to Chigirin, were also Pereyaslav, Belaya Tserkov and Kiev. The Pereyaslavl regiment was considered one of the largest in Little Russia. The main center of artillery was also located here, there were large workshops where guns, other weapons and ammunition were produced and repaired.

Negotiations with Moscow and Warsaw
At the beginning of February 1649, the envoy of the Russian Tsar Vasily Mikhailov arrived in Pereyaslav. He brought a letter and royal gifts. The letter did not bring serious progress in the reunification of Little Russia with the Russian kingdom. The government of Aleksei Mikhailovich wanted peace with the Poles and the solution of the main issue - reunification - was postponed. The Starshinskaya Rada again asked for Russian citizenship.
At the same time, negotiations were under way with the Poles. The Polish king Jan Kazimierz sent an embassy headed by the governor of Bratslav, Adam Kisel. Khmelnytsky was brought a royal charter for the hetman. The Polish ambassadors promised forgiveness of all previous deeds and actions, freedom of the Orthodox faith, an increase in the registered army, the restoration of the previous rights and freedoms of the Zaporozhye army. Kisel urged Khmelnytsky to "leave the rabble", increase the registered army to 12-15 thousand people and fight the "infidels". The Polish government planned to bribe the hetman and his foreman with certain promises, to tear them away from the people and use the Cossacks to restore "peace" in Little Russia. The king needed military strength to strengthen his power both in Poland and in Little Russia. So that Hetman Khmelnitsky would break and subdue the magnates to the royal power. In fact, Jan Kazimir continued the political line of his predecessor.
However, the situation has now changed a lot. At the beginning of the uprising, Khmelnytsky could agree with this policy of Warsaw. Now Little and White Russia is engulfed in the people's liberation war of the Russian people against the Polish occupation. The hetman could no longer agree to an agreement with the king without betraying the interests of wide sections of the population. The hetman was also not ready to completely break off relations with Warsaw. He has not yet received the full support of Moscow. Therefore, Khmelnitsky took an evasive position in negotiations with the Lyakhs. The hetman handed over to the Polish embassy his terms of peace: to liquidate the Union of Brest, to grant the Orthodox Metropolitan a seat in the Senate, to expel the Jesuit order from Little Russia, to limit the possessions of the Polish nobles, to determine the borders of the Cossack land, etc.
In Warsaw, there were two positions on unsuccessful negotiations. The tycoons demanded that the war be resumed immediately. The King and Chancellor of Ossolinsky and their supporters believed that the time for war had not yet come. For the sake of appearance, they decided to agree with all the demands of the rebels, and at this time to continue preparations for war. The nobleman Smyarovsky was sent to Khmelnitsky to continue negotiations. He had to persuade the foreman to disband the army, Poland was supposedly ready to disband its army. The king promised to suppress the excitement of the "rabble" if she refused to lay down her arms. Smyarovsky arrived at the Cossacks in mid-April 1649. His mission failed. Khmelnitsky greeted Smyarovsky coldly, then he was executed, suspected of organizing a conspiracy against the hetman.
In mid-April 1649, another embassy from Moscow, headed by Grigory Unkovsky, arrived at Khmelnitsky. The Russian government was ready to provide any material assistance to Khmelnitsky and suggest that he try to get the Russian tsar elected king of Poland, which could stop the war. The Hetman again raised the issue of reuniting Great and Lesser Russia. Reasonably noted that the appearance of the Russian army in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (it consisted of 80% of Russian lands) will immediately lead to the fact that Lithuania will ask for the citizenship of the Russian tsar. German also said that now Moscow has nothing to fear from the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, since without the Zaporozhye army Warsaw does not have its former strength. And with the reunification of Little Russia and White Russia (Lithuania) with the Russian kingdom, Moscow will receive a huge territory with an entire army.
Following the negotiations, Khmelnytsky sent a letter to Moscow, in which he again asked for military assistance against Poland. Also, the first official embassy was sent to Moscow, headed by the Chigirin colonel Vishnyak. He was well received in the Russian capital. Soon Moscow refused to fulfill the terms of the 1634 Polyanovsk Treaty. The Russian government ceased to prevent the Don Cossacks from taking part in the liberation war in Little Russia. Many Don Cossacks came to the hetman's army. Also, the Russian government began to provide assistance with weapons and ammunition.
Negotiations with the Port and Crimea
Khmelnitsky managed to conclude a favorable agreement with the Port. In February 1649 the Turkish envoy Osman Agha arrived in Pereyaslav. Turkey at this time was experiencing an internal crisis, there in the summer of 1648 a palace coup took place, Sultan Ibrahim was killed, and the young Mehmed IV was placed on the throne. The time of the new sultan's early childhood is a period of intrigue and uprisings. The state's position was complicated by the war with Venice. In Istanbul, they feared that in this troubled time the Polish king, allied with Venice, would not throw the Cossacks against Turkey.
Therefore, the Ottomans tried to cajole Khmelnitsky, sent expensive gifts and were very polite. The Turks were especially delighted when the negotiations between the hetman and the Poles failed. Porta promised the Cossacks freedom of navigation in the Black Sea, the right to duty-free trade in Turkish possessions. The hetman's envoy was supposed to be in Constantinople. The Turks asked one that the hetman prevent the attacks of the Don and Zaporozhye Cossacks on the Sultan's possessions.
Porta's benevolent position immediately affected relations with the Crimean Khanate. When Khmelnitsky turned to Khan Islam-Girey for help, he immediately moved his horde to Little Russia to help the Cossacks. The hetman's and khan's troops were to march on Poland. This was a forced step, the movement of the Crimean Tatar troops in Little Russia led to the ruin of the Russian lands, the withdrawal of thousands of people. Otherwise, the Crimean Khan could agree to an agreement with Poland and strike at Khmelnitsky's army at the time of his decisive battle with the Poles.
Renewal of hostilities. Siege of Zbarazh
In May 1649, a huge army gathered under the command of Khmelnitsky: the army of the Cossacks, the Crimean horde with the khan himself. The whole of Southern and Western Russia rose. Some Cossack regiments numbered 20 thousand people, and hundreds - a thousand people each. The Tatars of the Budzhak horde came to the army of Khmelnitsky (it was located in the south of Bessarabia, between the Danube and Dniester rivers), Nogais, Moldovans, Crimean mountaineers, Pyatigorsk Circassians, Don Cossacks, etc. Even Turkey sent several thousand Rumelians.
At the same time, the Poles were preparing for the offensive. The Thirty Years' War ended in Europe, many soldiers were left without "work". This allowed Poland to strengthen its army. In May 1649, Polish troops, reinforced by German and Hungarian mercenaries, crossed the Goryn River and fortified themselves in two camps. The first, under the command of Adam Firley, was located near the town of Zaslav, the second, led by Stanislav Lyantskoronsky, in the upper reaches of the Southern Bug. Then they were reinforced by the detachment of Nikolai Ostrog. The high command was assumed by the Polish king Jan Kazimierz. The king did not retain the post of commander-in-chief for Prince Vishnevetsky, and the offended powerful nobleman with his hussars and knights went to their possessions in Chervonnaya Rus. In addition, Prince Janusz Radziwill received an order to attack from Lithuania. Polish troops attacked the agreed Sluch - Southern Bug line, and pushed the Cossack detachments standing along it. The Poles won several separate skirmishes and captured and burned several castles. The troops of the Lithuanian hetman Radziwill were advancing along the Pripyat line.
Khmelnitsky knew about all the movements of the enemy from numerous informants from the people. He put several regiments and detachments on the borderlands in advance, reinforced by numerous peasant rebels. The hetman tried to wear down the enemy with numerous skirmishes with small detachments, and only then appeared with the main forces. The regiments of Nebaba and Golota were to fight the powerful Lithuanian magnate Radziwill. Khmelnitsky himself with the main forces and the Tatar horde went to Starokonstantinov, towards the Polish army. As soon as the news came to the Poles that Khmelnitsky was approaching with a huge 200 thousand Cossack army and that Khan Islam-Girey himself was walking with him with 100 thousand hordes of Crimean, Nogai, Perekop and Budzhak Tatars. These numbers were at least three times exaggerated. The Polish lords joined forces and retreated to the Zbarazh castle. They were joined by Prince Vishnevetsky, who was persuaded to forget the previous grievances. In total, there were about 15-20 thousand Poles in Zbarazh.
The Poles camped at Zbarazh and dug in. At the end of June 1649, the Cossacks and Tatars (120 - 130 thousand people) besieged Zbarazh. The Poles repelled the first attacks. Then the siege began. The soul of Zbarazh's defense was the frantic Vishnevetsky. When the fortifications turned out to be too extensive for defense, he cut them down more than once and forced them to enclose the camp with even higher ramparts. Khmelnitsky surrounded the enemy with his earthen fortifications, smashed the enemy with cannonballs and buckshot from several dozen guns, not counting rifle fire and Tatar arrows. The Poles hid from shelling in dug holes-shelters, and only in the event of an assault they poured out upstairs. A desperate struggle went on for about two months. The Polish garrison repelled all the assaults. During fierce battles, Colonels Burlyai and the first saber of the Cossacks, Bogun, were wounded, Morozenko died.
However, the victory was close. A Polish eyewitness wrote: “We were in despair. The enemy overlaid us so that even a bird could not fly to us, not fly out. In the Polish camp, famine began, and Vishnevetsky did not have a chance to break the blockade on his own. Poles ate dogs, cats, mice, all kinds of carrion, drank water poisoned by corpses. They were weakened by hunger and mass disease. Half of the garrison was killed or sick and could not fight.

Zboriv battle
At this time, King Jan II Casimir slowly moved from Warsaw to Lublin and Zamost, trying to gather more troops and expecting good news from Radziwill. The royal army stopped at Toropov, not knowing the true state of affairs in Zbarazh, when a messenger arrived who was able to make his way through the siege ring. Having received news of the extreme position of the Zbarazh garrison, the king with 30 thousand troops decided to go to the rescue. Khmelnitsky's intelligence immediately reported this. Leaving a part of the army led by Charnota to continue the siege, Khmelnitsky with other regiments and Tatars moved towards the enemy. His army numbered about 70 thousand people. The main forces of the Cossack and Polish troops met at Zborov, five miles from Zbarazh. The battle took place on August 5 (15) - August 6 (16), 1649.
It was rainy summer, and the Strip overflowed. Its swampy shores have turned into a sea of mud. Khmelnitsky hid the troops in the thickets near the river, in the ravines and waited for the enemy. Moreover, with the help of local residents, the hetman sent part of the troops to the rear of the Poles. The stormy overflowing river tore down the bridges, and the Polish king ordered to establish a crossing. The Polish camp did not know that Khmelnytsky with superior forces was already waiting for them on the other side. The attack by Khmelnytsky's troops came as a surprise to the Poles. In addition, Nechai's regiment, which had been ferried earlier across the river, attacked from the rear. The defeat at Pilyavtsy was almost repeated. Being bombarded by numerous Cossack artillery, surrounded on all sides by Cossacks and Tatars, the royal army panicked. Jan Kazimierz personally admonished the soldiers with a sword. The Poles came to their senses, fought back and began to build fortifications. The coming night stopped the battle. However, the position of the Polish army was critical. The Poles could not withstand a long siege in their camp, they did not have supplies for this. At the council of war, the Polish commanders decided to continue the defense and at the same time enter into negotiations with the khan. A letter was sent to Islam-Giray, in which the Polish king reminded the service rendered by Vladislav IV to the khan in the past (leave from captivity); was surprised at his unjust attack and offered to renew friendly relations.
In the morning, the battle resumed. The Cossacks almost broke through the enemy's defenses, the situation was straightened only by the counterattack of the German mercenaries. As a result, the khan decided to end the battle. The brave defense of the Poles could drag out the case, as it happened at Zbarazh. This was not to the liking of the Tatars, who preferred quick raids, seizing prey and going home. Long sieges, stubborn battles and more losses led to a rapid decline in the morale of the steppe people. In addition, the Crimean Khan was not interested in the complete victory of the Cossacks. Crimea arranged a long conflict, the code could profit at the expense of both sides. Islam-Giray started negotiations with the Poles, took a deposit of 30 thousand thalers. The khan demanded to stop fighting, otherwise he threatened to oppose the hetman. Khmelnytsky was forced to give in and start negotiations with the Poles. Thus, the Polish army escaped total annihilation.

Zborowski world
Already on 8 (18) August 1649, a double agreement was signed with the Crimean horde and Cossacks. Poland pledged to pay a ransom for withdrawing the horde to Crimea and for lifting the siege from Zbarazh, and to start paying tribute to the Khanate. The king gave the khan the right to plunder the cities and lands of Little Russia during his return to the Crimea, to take people away.
Peace was also concluded with the Cossacks, at the suggestion of the khan, on the basis of the program that Adam Kisel had previously passed on to Khmelnytsky. The Zaporozhye army received all the previous rights and privileges. All rebels received a full amnesty. The number of the register was determined at 40 thousand people, those people who remained outside the register had to return to their masters. The Chigirinskoye starostvo was personally subordinate to the hetman. All positions and ranks in the Kiev, Bratslav and Chernigov provinces, the Polish king could give only to local Orthodox nobles. There should have been no royal army on the territory of the Cossack army. Jews and Jesuits lost their right of residence on the territory of the Cossack regiments. Regarding union, church rights and property, the question should have been raised at the next Diet in accordance with the previous privileges and interests of the Kiev clergy. The Kiev Metropolitan was given a seat in the Senate.
This world was not durable. The Poles were delighted to get rid of the deaths of two troops at Zborov and Zbarazh. However, as soon as the gentlemen and the gentry escaped death and captivity, their arrogance and ambition immediately returned. They were not going to fulfill the terms of the peace. Chancellor Ossolinsky was harshly criticized and even accused of treason. Even the king was accused of cowardice and haste of the agreement. The lords who were saved thanks to the Zborov treaty, who were sitting in Zbarazh, declared that the peace was concluded at their expense (they had possessions in Little Russia). Prince Vishnevetsky openly declared that the king gave them to the Cherkas (as the Cossacks were then called) and the Tatars. Poland was still strong and could continue the war. So, Radziwill defeated the rebels in the battle of Zvyagil. Colonel Golota was killed. Then Radziwill defeated the Cossack army near Loyev (July 31). One of the leaders of the Cossacks, Krichevsky, died. In these battles, the Cossacks suffered serious losses. But Radziwill could not continue the offensive either. In its rear, the peasants and townspeople of White Russia continued to rebel.
On the other hand, although Khmelnytsky returned with victory and peace, the agreement with the enemies irritated the people. The people were irritated by the alliance with the Crimean horde, its atrocities. The agreement mainly ensured the rights and privileges of the Cossack foreman, the Little Russian nobility and the clergy. People did not want to return to the citizenship of the Commonwealth. About 40 thousand Cossacks were included in the lists of 15-16 regiments, but 100 thousand or even more remained outside the register, and returned to the state of serfs, Polish slaves. There were even more peasants who were to return to the rule of the Polish lords and gentry. It was difficult to restore the old serf relations. Attempts by the gentry and the hetman himself to "restore order", punitive expeditions provoked new uprisings and the flight of peasants to the Russian kingdom. The terms of the union and of religious affairs in general were uncertain, which promised new problems in the future.
Thus, the attempt of the hetman and part of the foreman to create a Cossack autonomy, where the registered Cossacks would become a new privileged class (becoming a new gentry), and most of the people would be serfs, including again under the rule of the Poles, failed. The mass of the Russian people hated such a division into the "chosen" and the "claps". The Polish lords also did not want to recognize the Cossacks as an equal class. Despite all the efforts of the Polish king, the Zboriv Treaty was not approved, the gentry decided to continue the war.