In the 90s, on the wave of anti-Soviet and anti-communist sentiments, a formidable Russophobic campaign was launched throughout Eastern Europe. Bulgaria turned out to be one of the very few countries where healthy Slavic, Orthodox feelings prevailed over fratricidal slander. There were attempts to demolish the Monument to the Soviet Soldier-Liberator in Plovdiv (Alyosha), the Monument to the Soviet Army in Sofia and many others. Fortunately, most of these attempts were unsuccessful. The normal inhabitants of the country organized activities to protect the monuments. In the most difficult days, the defenders lived around the clock in tents near the monuments to prevent their demolition. Dozens of statues, busts and bas-reliefs of the socialist era were dismantled from the pedestals, but were not lost. During these times, a ton of bronze cost about $ 3,500, and the minimum wage in Bulgaria was less than $ 100. However, the monuments were not melted down. They were carefully preserved for over 20 years until they were collected at the Museum of Socialist Art in Sofia in 2011.
Despite the general success in protecting monuments, as in any war, this one also did not go without some tactical failures in certain sectors of the ideological front. Such a single tactical loss was a bronze plate with the name of the commander of the "Shch-211" Alexander Devyatko. The lieutenant captain was doubly lucky. First, he was not Russian at all, but a Soviet officer, which especially infuriated democrats and liberals of all stripes. By the way, Devyatko was Ukrainian, but since he wore a Soviet officer's uniform, few people were worried about such details. Secondly, his memorial plate stood on one of the central streets of Varna. It was and remains the "sea capital" of Bulgaria. Highways, sea and railway stations and the airport converge here. Here are the most expensive hotels and restaurants, where princelings from the outskirts of the liberal Western world regularly come to brag about their position. Every time they passed along this street, a modest memorial plaque of the junior officer who died near Varna to defend the city near the Kriegsmarine flickered in front of them.
It's nothing to our native Bulgarian reptiles, they would have endured. But in the "sea capital" every day high authorities come from the super-democratic and super-liberal West. Each time it asked what kind of memorial plaque it was. Hearing that it was a Soviet officer who sank at least two ships of Hitler's allies near Varna, liberals ("freedom lovers") and humanists ("philanthropists") from the democratic and tolerant ("tolerant") West frowned as if from unbearable toothache. Someone had to leave this street and in 1993 the Democrats and Liberals won a small Pyrrhic victory. The modest memorial plate of Alexander Devyatko was demolished and carried away in an unknown direction. The slab was demolished, but the street was not renamed. After all, the people would have rebelled for such a thing, and the managers would not have thought a little. And the slab was, but floated away. You never know what swam in those troubled times. One day the city council decided to renovate several streets. They took out the tram rails from the old streets, put in new asphalt, and when they decided to put the rails back in, it turned out that they were gone. Disappeared several kilometers of a two-track tram line, tens of tons of rails. And in Varna - just a plate of bronze a meter and a half, with a finger in thickness. It seems that even the city government has nothing to do with it.
So Oleksandr Devyatko Street was left without Oleksandr Devyatko. 50 years after the end of World War II, the enemy again broke through to the western coast of the Black Sea and the first thing to do was to sink Soviet submarines. This time not themselves, but the memory of them. "Shch-211" was no stranger to fighting alone with a mighty enemy at a great distance from its home bases and covering forces. She did not leave the battlefield, but only lurked for a decade, waiting for better times. She lived in the hearts of those who remembered her and loved her.

"Shch-211" at the bottom of the Black Sea
On September 11, 2000, Bulgarian divers Dinko Mateev and Vladimir Stefanov, while fishing for rapans, found the remains of an unknown Soviet submarine. Since in this area of the Black Sea in 1941-1942. several submarines died at once, the Bulgarian authorities were in no hurry to report the find, because the possibility of re-discovering an already known unit was not ruled out. In August 2001, in Sevastopol, from the Grafskaya pier, the fourth historical and ethnographic expedition "Walking across the Three Seas" was launched, supported by the Russian Navy, the government of the Russian capital and the international organization UNESCO. It was attended by seven schoolchildren from Moscow and Sevastopol, who won this honorary right as a result of the scientific conference "Archipelago Expeditions of the Russian Fleet". Back in Sevastopol, the guys reported the unusual find to the command of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. A corresponding request was sent to the Main Headquarters of the Bulgarian Navy. The answer to it did not come immediately: to say something concrete about the submarine lying at the bottom, it was required not only its external examination with the help of divers, but also serious work with archival documents. Former senior diver of the naval base "Varna", cap. 3 ranks retired Rosen Gevshekov organized a scuba diving team, which included members of the local diving club "Relikt-2002". It was found that a Soviet submarine of the times of the Great Patriotic War of the "Sh" type, similar to the "Shch-204" submarine discovered in 1983, 20 miles from Varna, was actually lying there.
On July 1, 2003, an expedition departed from Sevastopol to the shores of Bulgaria from the EPRON rescue vessel and the KIL-158 killer vessel of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. They had to examine and identify the "Shchuka" that had died in the area of the Varna Bay. Russians in Bulgaria were greeted warmly. According to the spokesman for the press service of the Black Sea Fleet, Captain 2nd Rank Nikolai Voskresensky, the Bulgarian naval sailors “despite their NATO orientation, it was very difficult to pretend that today Russia and Bulgaria are not connected. Much remains here from Soviet times: warships, badges with stars on sailors' belts, cars, music and television channels. You can often hear Russian, although, to be honest, today's Bulgarian youth often prefer English."
The expedition found the submarine on the evening of July 4, 2003. It quickly became clear that the Pike had died, if not instantly, then very quickly. The sub's hull was broken into two unequal parts. More massive - aft, lay on a course of 60 degrees with a roll of 5 degrees to the port side and a trim of 10 degrees to the bow. The bow was buried 5 meters into the ground. The boat was heavily overgrown with a shell, the layer in places reached 20 cm. The hull of the submarine was 40 cm covered with silt. The fencing of the solid cabin was completely absent. The entrance hatches to the 4th and 7th compartments were open, and the top cover of the conning tower was also missing.

Tool and propeller "Shch-211"
In total, 35 descents were made on the boat, with a total duration of more than 50 hours. Several fragments of boat mechanisms, a Soviet helmet, a completely intact compass bowler, pieces of railings and insulation - 28 items in total were raised to the surface. The best trophy, of course, was the 45mm bow cannon. To the surprise of the divers, after 62 years of being under water, 21 of the 24 gun mounts gave up in normal mode. After cleaning, many of the mechanisms of the forty-five turned out to be operational. This is probably the best advertisement for Russian weapons. On the chipped metal of the gun lock, they found a barely distinguishable serial number - № 2162 and the inscription "1939". A serial number was found on the gun carriage; a wrench was preserved in its original place. The greatest success was the discovery of a fragment of a metal plate with the coat of arms of the Soviet Union. The symbol of the now defunct great country was raised from the submarine that died for its independence. The plate as the greatest value was passed from hand to hand. The last, on the submarine killed by the enemy, the divers dismantled the left three-blade propeller with brackets.
Today, it is known with a high degree of certainty that the coordinates W = 43 ° 06 ', 8 sowing. latitude and D = 28 ° 07 ', 5 east longitude at the bottom of the Black Sea lies the deceased Soviet submarine "Shch-211". This point, in accordance with international rules, was declared a mass grave of 44 Soviet submariners and the coordinates of the military glory of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.
At a press conference in the port of Varna, the head of the Black Sea Fleet's UPASR, Captain 1st Rank Vasily Vasilchuk, announced the main version of the death of the submarine. It is based on the material developed by the expedition. "Shch-211" discovered the Romanian minelayer "Prince Karol", which was heading for Varna. According to V. Vasilchuk, the first torpedo attack on the Romanian minelayer near the Pike fell through for some reason. Romanian sailors managed to send a danger signal to the shore. This did not help the minelayer. The second volley from the "Pike" still sent to the bottom of the Romanian aristocrat. This was the last victory of Shch-211. The Nazis were perfectly familiar with the positions on which Soviet submarines were carrying combat patrols. Finding a defenseless "Pike" in shallow water was not difficult. Aviation was raised from coastal airfields. The planes, presumably Junkers, came in to attack from the direction of the sun. "Shch-211" was on the surface, in which the speed of the boat is much higher. The submarine rushed to 50-meter depths, where it was possible to hide under water. Diesel engines roared mercilessly and the noise of aircraft engines on the submarine was not heard, as they did not notice the aircraft themselves. The "Pike" was first fired upon from large-caliber machine guns. Bullet marks are still clearly visible on the hull. Then bombs fell on the boat. One of them fell into a light hull in the area of the first and second compartments. An explosion occurred, detonating ammunition, and weak inter-compartment bulkheads were demolished. The nose of the "Pike" was simply torn off, and it itself went down to the bottom like a stone, burying itself in the ground for several meters. It is well known that the design drawback of boats of this series was poor longitudinal stability. This largely explains the rapid death of the boat. Presumably, after the sinking of the submarine, the place where the oil slick was found was bombarded with depth charges from German ships.
In Varna, Russian military ships were greeted warmly. As a sign of respect for the Russian sailors, the state flag of the Russian Federation was raised on the building of the Marine Station. The Consul General of the Russian Federation in Varna A. Dzharimov and representatives of the command of the Bulgarian Navy arrived on board EPRON. Many Bulgarians came to the city cemetery in Varna as a sign of respect for the ceremony of laying wreaths and flowers by Russian sailors at the monuments to the fallen Soviet and Bulgarian soldiers. Flowers were laid at the foot of the obelisk to the sounds of the orchestra, and the orchestra played the anthems of the two countries in succession.
In 2010, the Culture Commission under the Varna City Council made an official decision to return the commemorative ploch. leith. Alexander Devyatko and the construction of his monument near the Black Sea coast. Like every administration in the world, there is no hurry for the Bulgarian one either. For the third year in a row, they are looking for where the memorial ploch disappeared (most likely it was melted down two decades ago). They draw up plans and schedules, write reports … The fact that there is still no monument is not a problem for the administration. If it is necessary, they will write a report on why the monument has not yet been erected, apologize and their deep personal human regret, then draw up new plans and schedules … I wanted to be indignant, but what's the point? Maybe someday they will do it!
It is important for us that the Pike won the battle again, this time not at sea, but on the ideological field of military history. "Shch-211" in Bulgaria is known, remembered and loved. She is the most famous submarine in the military history of Bulgaria. The gun removed from it in 2003 is now in the Military-Historical Museum of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation in Sevastopol, and other artifacts are in the Central Naval Museum in St. Petersburg.

Monument "Shch-211" near the mouth of the Kamchia River, where August 11, 1941
14 Bulgarian saboteurs landed under the command of Tsvyatko Radoinov
In the 90s, the Democrats did not get to it.
In 2010, a group of 30 veterans of the Black Sea Fleet of the USSR from Russia and Ukraine visited Bulgaria. Chairman of the Ukrainian Association of Submarine Veterans Cap. 1st rank retired Alexander Vladimirovich Kuzmin presented a commemorative medal to the mayor of Varna. Soviet veterans and official representatives of the Bulgarian authorities went on a boat to the place of the sinking of "Shch-211". A funeral prayer was served, wreaths were solemnly lowered onto the waves.

TTD "Shch-211"
Soviet diesel-electric submarine of the "Sh" type, series "X".
Displacement (surface / underwater): 586/708 t.
Dimensions: length - 58.8 m, width - 6.2 m, draft - 4.0 m.
Travel speed (surface / underwater): 14, 1/8, 5 knots.
Cruising range: over water 4500 miles 8, 5 knots, under water 100 miles at 2, 5 knots.
Powerplant: 2 x 800 hp diesel engine, 2 x 400 hp electric motor.
Armament: 4 bow and 2 stern 533-mm torpedo tubes (10 torpedoes), 2 45-mm 21-K guns (1000 rounds), air defense - machine gun.
Immersion depth: working - 75 m, maximum - 90 m.
Crew: 40 people.
The list of those killed on the "Shch-211" in November 1941:
1. Devyatko, Alexander Danilovich, b. 1908, submarine commander, cap. l-t
2. Samoilenko, Ivan Evdokimovich, b. 1912, military commissar, art. political instructor
3. Borisenko, Pavel Romanovich, b. 19091 assistant commander, art. l-t
4. Korablev, Viktor Alexandrovich, b. 1913, commander of the BCh-1, art. l-t
5. Mironov, Vasily Ignatievich, b. 1915, commander of BCh-3, l-t
6. Trostnikov, Alexey Ivanovich, b. 1907, commander of the BCh-5, voentekh. 2 ranks
7. Sergeichuk, Savveliy Demyanovich, b. 1917, early. sanitary service, voenfeld.
8. Baltaksa, Yuri Arnoldovich, b. 1918, backup for the commander of BCH-3, l-t
9. Shumkov, Georgy Grigorievich, b. 1913 understudy for the commander of BCH-5, voentech. 2 ranks
10. Dubovenko, Feodor Filippovich, b. 1913, petty officer gr. steering, ch. Art.
11. Shaparenko, Alexey Dmitrievich, b. 1914, commander of the department. steering, art. 2 tbsp.
12. Toporikov, Mikhail Ivanovich, b. 1918, senior helmsman, art. sailor
13. Sapiy, Ivan Timofeevich, b. 1920, helmsman, Red Navy
14. Gavrilov, Alexey Ivanovich, b. 1921, commander of the department. artillerymen, Art. 2 tbsp.
15. Emelyanov, Petr Petrovich, b. 1917, commander of the department. ENP, Art. 2 tbsp.
16. Yarema, Andrey Fedorovich, b. 1916, helmsman, Red Navy
17. Molchan, Vitaly Alexandrovich, b. 1921, commander of the department. artillerymen, Art. 2 tbsp.
18. Kvetkin, Petr Sergeevich, b. 1913, petty officer gr. bilge, ch. Art.
19. Baranov, Alexey Alexandrovich, b. 1921, commander of the department. artillerymen, Art. 2 tbsp.
20. Danilin, Nikolay Vasilievich, b. 1920, senior torpedo operator, art. sailor
21. Ryabinin, Fedor Andreevich, b. 1920, torpedo, Red Navy
22. Sotnikov, Pavel Mikhailovich, b. 1915, petty officer gr. radio operators, Art. 1 tbsp.
23. Khokhlov, Vladimir Sergeevich, b. 1917, commander of the department. radio operators, Art. 2 tbsp.
24. Legoshin, Petr Nikolaevich, b. 1919, radio operator, Red Navy
25. Rozanov, Vladimir Nikolaevich, b. 1911, petty officer gr. minders, midshipman
26. Puzikov, Ivan Filippovich, b. 1917, commander of the department. minders, art. 2 tbsp.
27. Selidi, Grigory Kharlamovich, b. 1915, senior mechanic, art. sailor
28. Sorokin, Viktor Pavlovich, b. 1918, senior minder, art. sailor
29. Furko, Vasily Pavlovich, b. 1917, minder, Red Navy
30. Bukatov, Vladimir Vladimirovich, b. 1918, minder, Red Navy
31. Kryuchkov, Sergei Ignatievich, b. 1915, petty officer gr. electricians, art. 1 tbsp.
32. Chumak, Andrey Yakovlevich, b. 1914, Senior Electrician, Art. sailor
33. Konovalenko, Boris Artemovich, b. 1918, electrician, Red Navy
34. Kutar, Nikolay Ivanovich, b. 1920, electrician, sailor
35. Mezin, Spiridon Fedoseevich, b. 1911, petty officer gr. bilge, ch. Art.
36. Kravchenko, Vladimir Pavlovich, b. 1916, commander of the department. bilge, art. 2 tbsp.
37. Gauser, Grigory Alexandrovich, b. 1918, hold, Red Navy
38. Kurkov, Vladimir Mikhailovich, b. 1915, commander of the department. electricians, art. 2 tbsp.
39. Mochalov, Boris Yakovlevich, b. 1921, hold, Red Navy
40. Lifenko, Andrey Mikhailovich, b. 1919, hold, Red Navy
41. Ivashin, Alexander Nikiforovich, b. 1922, commander of the department. SKS, Red Navy
42. Sypachev, Tikhon Pavlovich, b. 1917, cook, Red Navy
43. Plekhov, Konstantin Mironovich, b. 1920, combatant, Red Navy
44. Gruzov, Viktor Nikolaevich, b. 1920, electrician, sailor