I would like to bring to your attention a photo review of the new seaports built in Russia after 1992, as well as those currently under construction.
1. Marine facade - passenger port on Vasilievsky Island (St. Petersburg).

Built on an alluvial area next to the highway of the WHSD road under construction.
Construction began in 2006, the 1st stage was launched in September 2008.
Currently, the port has 7 berths 2108 meters long and is capable of receiving cruise liners up to 317 meters long.
2. Moby Dick - a ferry and transshipment complex on Kotlin Island (Kronstadt).

Located next to the ring road, the 1st stage was launched in August 2002.
At the moment, the complex has 2 berths with a length of 321 meters.
3. Bronka - multifunctional marine transshipment complex (MMPK).

It has been under construction since January 2011 on the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland near the ring road.
The container terminal with an area of 107 hectares will have 5 berths with a length of 1176 meters.
The 57 hectare rolling cargo terminal will have 3 berths 630 meters long.
The design capacity of the 1st stage of MMPK is 1, 45 million TEU and 260 thousand units of automotive equipment per year.

4. Primorsk - an oil-loading port on the northern coast of the Gulf of Finland.

End point of the Baltic Pipeline System (BPS).
Construction began in March 2000, the 1st stage was launched in December 2001.
Currently, the port has 4 berths for receiving tankers with deadweight up to 150,000 tons and 2 berths for receiving tankers with deadweight up to 47,000 tons.
The port is served by tugs "Dir", "Rusich", "Vyatich" and "Skif" built by the LSP "Pella".

5. Vysotsk. Distribution and transshipment complex of oil products "LUKOIL-II".

Located on Vysotsky Island in the Vyborg Bay of the Baltic Sea.
Construction began in June 2002, the 1st stage was launched in June 2004.
Currently, the port has 3 berths for receiving tankers with a deadweight of up to 80,000 tons.

6. Ust-Luga - sea cargo port in the Luga Bay of the Gulf of Finland.

Construction began in 1993, the 1st stage was launched in December 2001.
The port currently has 13 terminals:
The timber terminal, the fish terminal and the terminal for servicing ships are located at the mouth of the Luga River and existed before the start of the port construction.
- coal terminal (1st stage - 2001, 2nd stage - 2006)
- road-rail ferry complex (September 2006)

- universal transshipment complex (June 2007)
- multipurpose transshipment complex "Yug-2" (1st stage 2008, 2nd stage 2010)
- technical sulfur transshipment complex (2008?)
- terminal for transshipment of oil and oil products (January 2011)
- terminal for rolling cargo "New Harbor" (November 2011)

- container terminal (1st stage - 2011)
- terminal for transshipment of liquefied petroleum gases (LPG) (June 2013)
- terminal for fractionation and transshipment of stable gas condensate (June 2013)
In total, the port has 22 berths with a length of 4652 meters (this data does not include the last 2 terminals).
Also on the territory of the port is the Ust-Luga oil depot - the end point of BPS-2.
The port is served by tugs "Beluga", "Navaga", "Sevryuga" and "Taimen" (LSZ "Pella").

7. Baltiysk - automobile and railway ferry complex.

Construction began in August 2002.
The 1st stage (a / t) was launched in December 2002, the 2nd stage (railway) - in September 2006.
The terminal has 1 berth 260 meters long and belongs to the port of Kaliningrad.

8. Light - oil and universal terminals.

Oil terminal on the bank of the Kaliningrad Sea Canal (Izhevskoye settlement).
Construction began in October 1999, the 1st stage was launched in November 2000.
The terminal has 3 berths 483 meters long and belongs to the port of Kaliningrad.

Universal terminal for bulk and liquid cargo (Volochaevskoe settlement).
Built on an alluvial area next to the Kaliningrad Sea Canal.
The 1st stage was launched in April 2007.
The terminal has 9 berths 2074 meters long and belongs to the port of Kaliningrad.
The terminal is serviced by tugs "Pioneer" and "Kommunar" built by the LSP "Pella".
9. Sabetta - sea cargo port on the eastern coast of the Ob Bay.

Construction began in July 2012, the first ship arrived on October 17, 2013.
The 1st stage provides for the construction of 4 berths 975 meters long.

10. Olya - sea cargo port in the mouth of the Volga River in the Bakhtemir arm.

Construction began in 1993, the 1st stage was launched in June 1997.
Currently, the port has 10 berths with a length of 2330 meters.

11. Taman - sea cargo port on the Black Sea coast of the Taman Peninsula.

Construction began in 1999, the 1st stage was launched in December 2008.
- terminal for transshipment of fat and oil raw materials and wine materials (December 2008)
- grain terminal (September 2011)
- terminal for transshipment of oil products and liquefied petroleum gases (July 2012)
Currently, the port has 8 berths with a length of 2016 meters.
The port is served by tugs "Azot", "Togliattiazot", "Taman" and "Peter" (LSZ "Pella").

12. Imeretian - a universal cargo port in Sochi, near the mouth of the Mzymta.

Construction began in 2008, the 1st stage was launched in April 2010.
The berths and wave protection structures of the port make up a single complex.
After the XXII Olympic Winter Games, it will be converted into a yacht marina.

13. Kozmino - an oil loading terminal in the port "Vostochny".

Located in the Primorsky Territory in the Kozmina Bay of the Nakhodka Bay.
The end point of the Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean oil pipeline.
Construction began in May 2008, the 1st stage was launched in December 2009.
At the moment it has 2 berths for receiving tankers with deadweight up to 150,000 tons.

14. Suburban - a loading port in the south of Sakhalin Island in Aniva Bay.

Construction started in 2003, technical launch in July 2007.
Currently, the port has 4 quays with a length of 951 meters and 2 terminals:
- oil terminal (December 2008)

- terminal for transshipment of liquefied petroleum gases (LPG) (February 2009)

15. Varandey - an oil terminal on the coast of the Barents Sea (Varandey settlement).

It consists of a stationary offshore ice-resistant offloading berth (FOIROT) weighing 14,000 tons and a height of 64 meters, installed at a distance of 22 km from the coast at a depth of 17 meters, and a tank farm connected to the berth by pipelines.
Construction started in 1999, 1st stage - August 2000, 2nd stage - June 2008.

Oil terminals were also built in the ports of Novorossiysk (Yuzhnaya Ozereevka settlement, launched in October 2001) and De-Kastri (Sea of Japan, Chikhachev Bay, launched in October 2006).
Novorossiysk - 2 remote mooring facilities (TLU) located at a distance of 4.6 and 5.2 km from the coast for receiving tankers with deadweight up to 150,000 tons.
De-Kastri - remote single-point berth (VOP) "Sokol", located at a distance of 5.5 km from the coast for receiving tankers with deadweight up to 100,000 tons.