Aircraft carriers are not only the pinnacle of shipbuilding, but also aircraft construction. Therefore, their comparative analysis is also important for assessing the technological level of states.
There are few aircraft carriers in the world, and most of them are in the US Navy. Nevertheless, these ships are in the fleets of countries in all the most important regions of the world: the Americas, Europe, the Asia-Pacific region and the Indian Ocean zone. It should be noted that in addition to the classic models (with a catapult or ramp), there are aircraft-carrying ships with vertical take-off and landing aircraft (VTOL), which, having a short take-off run, are close in combat capabilities to "full-fledged" fighters. Consider both. Moreover, in the fleets, where there are second ones, they belong to the same class, with the exception of Japan, which, limited by the constitution and post-war treaties, is not entitled to have such ships. Therefore, even such large ones as the Izumo class, with a displacement of about 37 thousand tons, with group-based aviation, are classified as destroyers-helicopter carriers.
In addition to the United States, Russia and China, aircraft carriers are part of the fleets of the UK, Italy, India, France, Thailand, Japan and Brazil.
Attention to "classmates"
For comparison, you should choose ships that are close in generation and type: with the basing of "normal" aircraft or only VTOL aircraft. Taking into account that the main enemy of Russia is NATO, let us turn to ships of this class in the fleets of the alliance. The comparison will be carried out according to the method used for "Nimitz", "Kuznetsov" and "Liaoning" ("VPK", No. 16, 2016).
Great Britain, Spain, Italy have ships based only on VTOL aircraft and helicopters. France has a classic aircraft carrier. Let us dwell on the analysis of the newest British "Queen Elizabeth" and the Italian "Giuseppe Garibaldi". It is also advisable to pay attention to the aircraft-carrying ships of our eastern neighbor, Japan, which has territorial claims to Russia and a key US ally in the Pacific.
The first step after choosing ships for comparison is to analyze the tasks for which these aircraft carriers are intended. Despite their versatility, they have specific features in different fleets. In accordance with the methodology, the importance of tasks is assessed by the weighting coefficient of significance.
Post-war experience has shown that aircraft carriers are actively used in armed conflicts and local clashes of various scales, becoming one of the main components of the groupings of opposing fleets with the start of large-scale hostilities. Accordingly, when comparing aircraft carriers, it is necessary to consider two options: actions in a local conflict with a weak naval enemy and in a large-scale war.
We will compare aircraft carriers in solving the following main tasks: destruction of aircraft carrier strike and multipurpose enemy groups, large groups of surface ships (KUG and KPUG), submarines, repelling enemy air attacks, striking ground targets.
Success rates
In a local war with a weak adversary (taking into account the likelihood of attracting carrier-based aircraft), with regard to the aircraft carriers under consideration, the weight coefficients are distributed as follows: the destruction of groups of surface ships and boats - 0, 1, submarines - 0, 05, repelling air strikes - 0, 3, application strikes against enemy ground targets - 0.55. These coefficients were obtained from the analysis of the experience of using such ships in the wars of the late XX - early XXI centuries and apply equally to all the models under consideration. The task of destroying the enemy aircraft carrier forces in this case, obviously, will not stand.
In a large-scale war, the weights are distributed differently and differ from country to country. Values for "Queen Elizabeth": destruction of aircraft carrier strike and multipurpose enemy groups (aircraft carrier group of the Russian Federation) - 0, 15, KUG and KPUG - 0, 3, submarines - 0, 25, repelling an enemy air attack - 0, 2, strikes against ground objects - 0, 1. For "Giuseppe Garibaldi" the same coefficients, taking into account the peculiarities of the Mediterranean theater of operations, look like this: 0, 05, 0, 15, 0, 35, 0, 25, 0, 2. As for "Izumi", then since Japan's interests will be reduced to ensuring the security of its waters and the seizure of the contested islands of the Kuril ridge, the alignment will be as follows: the destruction of aircraft carrier strike and multipurpose enemy groups (Chinese aircraft carrier group) - 0, 05, groups of KUG and KPUG - 0, 35, submarines - 0, 25, repelling an air attack - 0, 25, striking ground targets - 0, 1.
"Elizabeth" the great and little "Garibaldi"
"Queen Elizabeth" (gross displacement - 70,600 tons) is due to enter service in the coming year. Its gas turbine units provide a top speed of 25 knots. The fuel reserves guarantee a cruising range of 10 thousand nautical miles at a speed of 15 knots. The standard aircraft will be the F-35C. There is still no data on the likely composition of the air group, but it can be assumed that, based on the range of tasks, it should be multipurpose and it can include 24 F-35Cs, 12 EH101 Merlin and four Sea King ASaC mk7 AWACS helicopters.
For takeoff of aircraft with a short takeoff run, the aircraft carrier is equipped with a bow springboard. According to the open press, the initial project does not provide for the installation of weapons, including self-defense air defense systems, which is very strange. However, space has been reserved for two 16-container UVP of Aster anti-aircraft missiles. Probably, this air defense system will be the basis of the air defense system.

The most important indicator is the possible duration of active hostilities until the moment of replenishment of supplies and the available daily aviation resource. Queen Elizabeth is designed for 420 sorties over five days with the possibility of night operations. The maximum intensity can reach 110 flights per day. The ship has 24 positions to prepare the F-35C for departure. That is, the maximum composition of shock and other groups for carrying out combat missions is no more than 24 units.
Giuseppe Garibaldi is the smallest aircraft carrier in the world, with a total displacement of 13 320 tons. At the same time, 16 VTOL "Harrier" II or 18 SH-3D "Sea King" helicopters are based on it. Maybe a mixed air group. Based on the nature of the ship's missions, this option should be considered the most probable. Let's take for analysis the composition of two flights of aircraft and helicopters - eight Harriers II and eight SH-3D Sea King.
The maximum speed of the Garibaldi is 30 knots, the cruising range is seven thousand miles at an economic speed of 20 knots. The known data on the possible modes of use of aviation give grounds to estimate the maximum daily intensity of 35-40 sorties of aircraft and helicopters. We estimate the possible duration of intensive combat operations in terms of aviation fuel and ammunition stocks within five days with a total number of sorties of 160-180. The maximum number of aircraft or helicopters in a group, determined by the number of starting positions on the flight deck, is six.
Unlike the "Englishman", the "Italian" is well armed. These are, first of all, four launchers of the Otomat Mk 2 missile system (ammunition - 10 missiles) with a firing range of up to 180 kilometers. The issuance of target designation for anti-ship missiles was tested from SH-3D helicopters. The ship's air defense in the near zone is provided by two eight-charge launchers of the Albatros air defense system with Aspide anti-aircraft guided missiles. The total ammunition of the complex is 72 missiles, and the effective firing range reaches 14 kilometers. For the destruction of anti-ship missiles not hit by the air defense system, there are three 40-mm paired Breda Compact AU ZAK Dardo with a weapon control radar RTN-20X Orion. Each gun has 736 rounds of ammunition in the tape and a rate of fire of 600 rounds per minute.

The destroyer-helicopter carrier Izumo, with a very decent displacement, has a modest air group for it - 14 SH-60K Sea Hawk helicopters. However, in the future, it is supposed to include the F-35B VTOL aircraft, since there are plans to purchase 42 aircraft of this type. Based on the tasks that this ship can be involved in, its air group should be mixed. For analysis, we will take a variant consisting of eight F-35B VTOL aircraft and six SH-60K Sea Hawk. With this approach, the maximum intensity of the use of aircraft from a ship can reach 25-30 sorties per day. Total: 140–160 in five to seven days of intense fighting. On the flight deck there are 12 starting positions for aircraft, which determines the maximum composition of aircraft and helicopters in a group.
The ship's air defense is provided by two SeaRAM Mk-15 Mod 31 air defense systems and two 20-mm ZAK Mark 15 Phalanx CIWS with six-barreled guns. To search for submarines, the ship has a GAS OQQ-23.
Let us state that the combat capabilities of these ships are determined by the composition of their air groups, with the exception of the Italian Giuseppe Garibaldi, which also has a rather powerful Otomat anti-ship complex. The air defenses of these samples are represented only by self-defense complexes and do not have a significant effect on the integral assessment.
Whose wing is longer
The task of fighting enemy aircraft carriers, as a rule, is solved in a naval battle lasting up to a day. "Englishman" in this case can only use the F-35C. Their combat radius allows them to strike at the Russian aircraft carrier group without entering the reach zone of its long-range anti-ship missiles. Up to 40 sorties can be made from the deck per day. Of these, at least 16 must be "spent" to provide air defense connections. With the deduction of at least four positions for the use of helicopters and air defense fighters in the defense system, no more than 20 vehicles can participate simultaneously in an attack. Of these, at least four must be in the airspace clearance group. There remain 16 F-35Cs, each with two JSM anti-ship missiles (the other two internal suspension nodes will house air-to-air missiles, and the external suspension will not be used to ensure maximum stealth in the enemy's air defense zone). Total: 32 anti-ship missiles.

Our aircraft carrier will be able to counteract this strike with the forces of two or four vehicles from the position of duty in the air and four more from the position of duty on the deck. Of these, three or four will be linked in battle with fighters to clear the airspace. The rest are attacking the strike group. As a result, one or two aircraft from it may be lost. The rest, maneuvering and evading attacks, will approach the launch line in a pair-flight with a salvo of four to eight JSM anti-ship missiles. In this case, the probability of the destruction of our aircraft carrier during the first strike is 0, 07–0, 1. The second strike will, possibly, be limited to one link (four vehicles). The probability of the withdrawal of an aircraft carrier, taking into account the counteraction of our fighters, is 0, 01–0, 02. Total: per day - a maximum of 0, 08–0, 11.
"Giuseppe Garibaldi" to solve this problem will be able to use only its "Harriers" II - it does not have the ability to approach the launch range of the "Otomat" anti-ship missile system against an aircraft carrier. However, the combat radius of the Harriers in the strike version with four Harpoon anti-ship missiles is not large - less than 500 kilometers during takeoff with a short takeoff, which will force the Italian to enter the reach zone of its long-range anti-ship missiles to strike the Russian aircraft carrier group.
During the day, "Garibaldi" will be able to perform no more than 16 sorties, of which at least six will go to air defense. Taking into account the limitation on groups of six aircraft, the remaining resource will be able to perform two strikes for six and four "Harriers", respectively. A pair of aircraft in each of the groups will have to provide cover for the strike vehicles. Accordingly, their share remains four in the first group and two in the second. A maximum of four Harpoon anti-ship missiles can be launched from each of the attack aircraft. Taking into account the counteraction of the Russian naval aviation and a possible strike on the Giuseppe Garibaldi long-range anti-ship missiles, all that the Italian is capable of is damage to our aircraft carrier with a probability of 0.015-0.02.
The predicted enemy of the Izumo is the Chinese Liaoning, guarded by five to seven newest destroyers and URO frigates. To strike at it, the "Japanese" will be able to use only its F-35V VTOL aircraft. The combat radius of the aircraft will allow Izumo to strike the Chinese compound without entering the range of its anti-ship missiles. Of the possible 16 sorties per day, at least six are used to solve air defense missions. There are 10 left for the attack on the Liaoning. Considering that it is necessary to have at least a couple of fighters on deck ready for air defense, there can be only six vehicles in attack at a time. The organization of strikes against Liaoning by Japanese Izumo will be similar to that considered for Giuseppe Garibaldi. Since the F-35V VTOL aircraft has only one type of anti-ship missile system - JSM (other air-to-surface missiles that this aircraft can use involve entering the air defense zone of a shipborne formation with long and medium-range air defense systems), we can confidently assume that that Japan will try to acquire the required ammunition in sufficient quantities and its allies - the United States and NATO countries are unlikely to refuse it. Accordingly, the attack on the Chinese aircraft carrier group "Izumo" will be delivered using the JSM anti-ship missiles - two missiles per aircraft, that is, twelve in the first and eight in the second strikes. This will make it possible, taking into account the opposition of the naval aviation of the Chinese formation, to disable the Liaoning with a probability of 0.03–0.04.
The fight against groups of surface ships is assumed to be one of the main tasks in the operation to conquer supremacy (superiority) at sea in a given operationally important area. The term of the decision can vary from three to four to six to eight days. In local conflicts, light forces, primarily groups of missile boats, will be the targets of naval (deck) aviation strikes. In a large-scale war, the main efforts will be focused on the defeat of the KUG from cruisers, destroyers, frigates and corvettes of the URO, landing squads (DESO), convoys (KON) and KPUG.
In local conflicts, according to experience, the task of countering two to five CMGs, two to three missile boats in each, is important. To defeat such a group, the allocation of two or three pairs of attack aircraft or helicopters with anti-ship missiles and NURS will be sufficient. At the same time, the probability of destroying enemy boats is close to guaranteed - 0, 9 or more. It will take up to 30 aircraft and / or helicopter sorties, which is quite achievable within five to six days for all aircraft carriers, for which this will be from 7-8 percent (for the "Englishman") to 16-20 (for the rest) of the total resource of the air group.
When fighting naval groups in a large-scale war, up to 15 different naval groups of the Russian fleet will operate in the area of responsibility of the Northern Fleet, including up to two KUGs of cruisers, destroyers, frigates and corvettes URO, three to four KONs, four to five KPUGs of small ships and three or four KUG missile boats and MRK. To defeat each of them, "Queen Elizabeth" will be able to allocate a group similar to that calculated for an attack on an aircraft carrier with escort. It will be able, with a probability of 0, 4–0, 5, to defeat the KUG, 0, 6–0, 7 - KPUG, 0, 8–0, 9 - KUG missile boats and MRKs, or destroy up to 60 percent of ships and vessels from the average convoy (four - six transports and three or four escort ships). Taking into account the possible resource allocated for solving this problem, three or four ship groups can be subjected to strikes by naval aviation. Total: the expected efficiency of Queen Elizabeth's solution to this problem can be estimated at 0, 14–0, 18.
"Giuseppe Garibaldi" will have to hit the limited forces of the Russian Mediterranean squadron, consisting of one or two CMGs, as well as three to five different naval groups of the fleets of Russia's allies, in particular Syria. A strike group of four to six VTOL "Harrier" II will be able to defeat the Russian KUG with a probability of 0, 25–0, 3 or KUG of other countries (more than 0, 9), and groups of four - six SH-3D helicopters, having two Anti-ship missiles "Harpoon" or "Sea Eagle" are capable of destroying ship groups of the allied Russian fleets with an efficiency of 0, 75–0, 8. The available resource of the Giuseppe Garibaldi air group will make it possible to allocate two or three groups to solve this problem within five to six days aircraft and one or two helicopters. Total: the expected efficiency of solving this problem by the "Italian" can be estimated at 0, 45–0, 50.
The Izumo will fight against the groups of surface forces, covering the landing on the Kuril Islands, gaining superiority in the operationally important areas and defending the coastal waters of Japan. The enemy can be the Russian and Chinese fleets consisting of three or four KUGs of cruisers, destroyers, frigates and URO corvettes, five or six KPUGs of small ships and six to eight KUGs of missile boats and MRKs. To defeat each of them, "Izumo" must allocate groups of VTOL F-35B, four to six units. Each will be able to defeat a Russian or Chinese KUG from large ships with a probability of 0, 12–0, 18, KPUG from modern corvettes - 0, 2–0, 3, KUG of missile boats and MRK - 0, 5–0, 6. Taking into account the possible of the resource allocated for solving the problem, five to seven ship groups may be under the blows of naval aviation. The expected efficiency of the solution can be estimated at 0, 12–0, 15.
Unlike Russian, Chinese and American aircraft carriers, for the evaluated British, Italian and Japanese ships, the fight against submarines will be the main, rather than defensive, task. The search and destruction of submarines will be carried out as part of the aircraft carrier search and strike groups (APUG). Therefore, as the main criterion, it is necessary to choose the probability of the destruction of a submarine in a designated area within a certain time.
For a correct comparison, it is necessary to select the same composition of the APUG, similar size of the area and the duration of the search. In this case, it is advisable to define a typical area "cut" for the NATO APUG in the Norwegian Sea, and the duration of the operation - a day, which is typical for operations in the system of zonal ASW against submarines fighting surface ships. For comparability of the results, let us take the APUG with the minimum composition of the most common ships with limited search capabilities, so that the contribution of the aircraft carrier to the final result is the greatest. The experience of NATO exercises suggests that the APUG warrant is built in such a way as to first of all cover the aircraft carrier from attacks by air forces and submarines. The high potential of the APUG is achieved due to helicopters operating in the probable directions of the submarine's exit from the search strip.
The number of PLO helicopters in the air groups of the compared samples determines that Queen Elizabeth will be able to provide continuous stay in the air of two vehicles, and the other two ships - only one each. Taking this into account, the probability of the destruction of a British APUG submarine in a typical area in three days may be 0.4–0.6, depending on hydrological conditions. The capabilities of APUG with two other aircraft carriers are approximately the same and amount to 0.25–0.4.
Sea battle with "air" and "land"
The capabilities of aircraft carriers in air defense can be assessed by the proportion of enemy air strikes thwarted by enemy forces on the ships of the formation and other objects covered by them.
In a local war, a British aircraft carrier, based on the nature of the missions and the resource of fighter aircraft, can intercept up to 10-12 air targets by pairs of fighters in five days. The other two are five or six. In air combat, the probability of destroying an attacked target, typical for a local conflict, or forcing it to abandon the combat mission can be estimated for the F-35C / B at 0.5–0.7, and for Harrier II - at 0.2– 0, 3. Military experience gives reason to believe that about 15-18 air targets can appear in the air defense zone of responsibility of such aircraft carriers within five days. Accordingly, the probability of their successful interception for the British aircraft carrier is estimated at 0, 3–0, 4, for the Izumo - at 0, 16–0, 23, for the Giuseppe Garibaldi - at 0, 07–0, 1.
In a large-scale war, within five days, up to 25-30 groups and single aircraft of the Russian Navy and Aerospace Forces, solving various tasks in the northern part of the Norwegian Sea and the western part of the Barents Sea, may be out of the reach of coastal air defense aviation in the probable zone of responsibility of the "British" air defense. Air group "Queen Elizabeth" will be able to intercept by pairs of fighters in five days up to 12-15 air targets.
The situation for an Italian aircraft carrier in a large-scale war is different: in its likely area of responsibility for air defense, the intensity of enemy aircraft is expected to be significantly lower - most likely, "Garibaldi" will be located in the depths of the operational formation of the NATO air force. In five days, about five to eight groups and single aircraft, mainly from the Mediterranean countries of the Arab world, can become objects of interception. Air group "Giuseppe Garibaldi" is able to cope with four to five air targets.
The scope of air defense missions for a Japanese aircraft carrier can be significant: it must take part in covering ships and naval vessels in areas inaccessible to coast-based fighters. A very significant force of Chinese and Russian aviation will operate against the Japanese fleet. An assessment of the capabilities of the Japanese air defense system to counter enemy air attack in the Izumo's zone of responsibility shows that up to 30–35 or more groups of air targets of various composition may be out of the influence of coastal fighters in five days. And they will be intercepted by the forces of the Japanese air group. In this case, according to the calculation of the resource, "Izumo" in the teeth only six to eight air targets.
It should be noted that in an air battle against a more modern enemy - Russian and Chinese aviation, the probability of destroying a typical target or forcing it to abandon the combat mission for the F-35C / B can significantly decrease and amount to 0, 3–0, 4, while for Giuseppe Garibaldi aircraft this figure will change slightly.
Based on the above estimates, the proportion of successfully intercepted air targets in a large-scale war for Queen Elizabeth may be 0.15–0.2, for Giuseppe Garibaldi –0.16–0.19, for Izumo –0.06– 0, 09.
It remains to compare the capabilities of ships in work on ground targets in large-scale and local wars. A British aircraft carrier can strike in a large-scale war, taking into account the possible allocated resource, two or three point objects to a depth of 600 kilometers from the coast, which corresponds to approximately 0.05–0.07 of the total operational requirements. In a local war, its capabilities are significantly higher due to a larger resource for solving this problem. They can be estimated at 0, 2–0, 25. In a large-scale war, the Giuseppe Garibaldi will most likely have a resource to defeat only one ground target at a distance of up to 300 kilometers from the coast, which will be approximately 0, 02–0. 025 from required in a limited operationally important area. In a local war, this figure is expected to increase to 0, 09–0, 11. The Japanese aircraft carrier has approximately the same capabilities with a greater depth of impact.
In favor of the "Englishman"
The analysis performed allows us to derive integral comparative indicators. For a British aircraft carrier, they amount to 0, 35 for local wars, 0, 23 for a large-scale war. For an "Italian" - 0, 18 and 0, 22, respectively. The Japanese Izumo has 0, 18 and 0, 15. That is, according to the degree of compliance of the ship's effectiveness with its purpose and the probable conditions of combat use, Queen Elizabeth will be the first, which surpasses the Italian and Japanese in local conflicts by almost twice, and in a large-scale war - by 5 and 50 percent, respectively. With an approximately equal match ratio with Izumo, Giuseppe Garibaldi is almost 45 percent superior to the Japanese in large-scale wars.
The low indicators of the latter are explained by the significantly more intense expected hostilities in the Pacific theater of operations. The high coefficients of the "Briton" prove that in modern conditions a larger air group is needed on ships of this class.