In order to disable a modern warship, it takes only 1 successful missile hit. With all this, it is difficult to shoot down even one launched anti-ship missile. And if the enemy fires a salvo from several rocket launchers? There is no salvation, and everyone who is more or less versed in military affairs understands this.
During the 60-80s of the last century, they tried to find a way out of the unsightly situation surrounded by a protective fire shield with the help of super-fast mechanical cannons and countless "anti-missiles", increasing their number on board. However, this led to the fact that there was virtually no room left on the warship to accommodate the main weapons. In addition, the missiles that are in service today, say, "Granit" and "Mosquito" made in Russia, pass through this fire shield without any problems.
Now, if the ship were like a ghost in the likeness of the fantastic "Flying Dutchman" - for radars and guidance systems! The first who thought about this were the US military designers during World War II. Outstanding physicists of that time, including Einstein, were invited to implement the idea. The result was the well-known "Philadelphia Experience", the essence of which was that the battle destroyer "Eldridge" tried to hide under a strong electromagnetic field. The experiment, as you know, did not work out, and fantastic problems happened to the ship. There is nothing to be amazed at - scientists known for their own absent-mindedness, and thought of placing an iron ship in the center of such a field, which could only be done by the eccentric Einstein. Naturally turning into the core of a huge magnet, the Eldridge simply made a "leap" in space and time. Consequently, the idea was closed, and no attempts were made to return to it up to this time.
But another special technology, Stels, is absolutely safe for the equipment and the ship's crew, according to which the overseas B-2 and F-117A aircraft have already been made and fly. It involves giving an object a geometric shape that would promote the greatest dispersion of radar waves. An addition to this is the use of special materials that absorb or scatter electromagnetic signals.
It is surprising that Stels were used in aviation much earlier than in shipbuilding, because it is much more difficult to create an aircraft using it than a ship. The faceted, angular box flies much worse than it floats. But still better later than never!

As is known in the Russian Armed Forces, the adoption of new corvettes by the Navy has been designated. And perhaps it could be ships of the "Gaiduk" class, in the design of which elements of Stels special technology were used. The idea of such a plan belongs to the main designer of the Nikolaev shipbuilding center Sergey Vladimirovich Krivko, who remain unclaimed in Ukraine and may well serve Russia in creating a flotilla of invisible ships.
Despite the fact that domestic shipbuilders have plans to build stealth ships, it is still too early to talk about the actual implementation of such design developments. The only ship that can be classified as invisible is the heavy nuclear cruiser Peter the Great. The ship superstructures of this vessel are made in the form of a pyramid, and there is not a single right angle on the entire hull. All buildings have an angle of inclination to the water surface of at least 100 degrees. Also, during the construction of the ship, special paint was used, which, like a sponge, absorbs the rays of the enemy's sensors. All these properties combined make the giant ship virtually invisible to enemy radars. But unfortunately, this is still just one example of the competent use of invisibility systems. At the same time, the world is actively implementing programs to create ships that will remain invisible when in the enemy's radar surveillance zone.

The revolution in military shipbuilding raised a real boom - dozens of states announced their intention to update their naval technical arsenals in the near future. According to forecasts, by 2015, the world's navies will acquire 1,443 warships, the total cost of which will amount to $ 271.5 billion. kush.
In the famous movie based on the Street Fighter game, the main characters try to arrive at the lair of the vile scoundrel on a black boat equipped with Stels special technology. Apparently, someone in Sweden was inspired by this. So or not, you can find the answer on the pages of The Inquirer, which reported that the stealth ship already exists.
There is no reason not to believe this information. Company Kockums, a division of the German group of companies HDW, itself loudly announced to the world about the launching of its "Ship number two" - a new invisible warship of the Visby class. At the same time, she announced this a long time ago, back in mid-June 2003.

It is comical that the shape of the deck of the demonstrated stealth ship is similar to the one shown on the picture posted on the Kockums website and in The Inquirer and is very similar to the shape of the F-117A aircraft, and - that stealth ship on which the hero was heroically driven Van Damme and his girlfriend in misfortune.
The shape of the body, in reality, is the main point. The essence of the special technology is the absence of right angles in the design of all hull units, which ultimately provides the aircraft (or ship) with partial invisibility, but not from all radars.
The main factor is the material used to make the hull of an aircraft or sea vessel. As they say, referring to attorneys on the Swedish side, the journalists of The Inquirer, the hull of the invisible warship built in Sweden is made entirely of carbon fiber.
Plus, there are hydroreactive motors, and special technologies for suppressing radar and infrared (thermal) radiation. With a favorable set of circumstances, the 1st stealth ships will be adopted by the United States Army by 2005.
And here is a rather fascinating disposition. Before the launch of the Swedish stealth corvette Visby-2, the overseas Washington Times published a note that the Pentagon had already signed contracts with 3 well-known firms - specifically General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin and Raytheon Corp. - to create completely new combat invisible ships.
In the United States, there is serious competition for leadership in the construction of invisible ships for the navy. It is a fact, however, that the Swedes have already erected a similar ship and did not calm down on this, and laid a series of 14 more "Visby" corvettes. True, a familiar ship is guessed in its general outlines, this unusual perk of corners with a triangular gun turret on the bow (the gun is retracted inside if necessary) is surprising. Interestingly, their hull is made of carbon filaments that suck in electromagnetic radiation - and in less than 11 miles, the corvette remains hidden from radar, and if it turns on the energetic jamming system, the distance will be reduced to 5-6 miles!
Do not lag behind the Swedes and the French. Last week it was reported that the French military-industrial complex will offer, in response to a tender announced in early summer of this year, the Brazilian Navy, an aggregate package of frigates, multipurpose patrol ships and a tanker. Coming into competition with shipbuilding companies from England and Italy, French shipbuilders want to put up for auction their latest developments in the field of military shipbuilding, including surface ships made with extensive use of Stels special technologies.