Soon, the miracle bracelets will have to help the Russian military to fight saboteurs more effectively. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation should receive the novelty by the end of November 2016. It is reported that the Ministry of Defense will spend 396 million rubles on the supply of a set of technical means of protection "Strelets-Chasovoy". The production of these devices is carried out by the company "Argus-Spectrum" from St. Petersburg.
For the first time this complex was shown at the International Salon "Integrated Security" in 2014. Then it was presented in two forms: "Sentry", which was intended to protect stationary objects of the Russian Ministry of Defense, and "Checkpoint" - to protect mobile objects and checkpoints directly. The second time a set of technical devices "Strelets" was shown already at the exhibition "Interpolitex-2015" in Moscow, in the same year "Strelets-sentry" was adopted by the Russian army (Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation 2015 No. 131).
The "Sagittarius-Sentinel" complex is a bracelet that the watchman puts on his hand, this bracelet is connected to the control panel. In the event of an emergency situation, all information is promptly sent to higher-ranking commanders via secure digital communication channels, including information about the immobility of a soldier for 45 seconds or the fact that the bracelet has been removed. Developers from St. Petersburg presented a modernized version of their bracelet at Interpolitech. Now these smart bracelet watches are able not only to transmit information to commanders about where his soldiers are, whether they are breathing, they have received the function of positioning on the ground. The Sagittarius-Sentinel bracelet is able to remember the time and the collection point and, at the right time, pave the way to it. This feature should especially appeal to Russian paratroopers, who are often parachuted in unfamiliar terrain. It will not be possible to drown out such clocks, since they use Russian communication protocols, which are state secrets, in their work.

The set of technical means "Strelets-Sentinel" was designed jointly with the Directorate of Troops Service and Security of the Military Service of the Russian Ministry of Defense, it is reported that it has no analogues in the world. For two years, it underwent a series of state tests, including even for resistance to a nuclear explosion, in 2015 the Strelets-Sentry complex was adopted for the supply of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Sergey Levchuk, the general director of Argus-Spektr, told reporters.
A feature of this technical complex is that it operates at a distance of up to 50 kilometers from the control panel, providing a confident and stable connection. Each bracelet has a built-in module of the domestic navigation satellite positioning system GLONASS, which allows tracking the location of each guard in real time. It is also reported that the bracelet "Sagittarius-hour" is able to work at ambient temperatures down to -50 degrees Celsius.
Russian paratroopers have already experienced the novelty. According to the press service of the Eastern Military District, during parachute jumps from Mi-8AMTSh helicopters at the Baranovsky training ground in Primorye in February 2016, servicemen of the Guards Airborne Assault Brigade of the Airborne Forces tested the alarm system, personal warning and navigation under the name "Sagittarius-Sentinel", which outwardly resembles an ordinary wristwatch. After landing, the paratroopers with the help of this device in a matter of seconds were able to determine their location, as well as the place of assembly.

In turn, the commanders of the paratroopers' groups, using the Strelets-Sentry system, could promptly send orders and orders to their fighters both by a coordinate system and in the form of text information. When a conditional enemy was detected without any unmasking paratroopers of factors, an alarm signal was immediately sent over a protected radio channel. According to the fighters and commanders of the airborne assault brigade, the use of such devices makes it possible to quickly and more accurately carry out the assigned tasks to destroy the firing points of the conditional enemy and enter the specified areas. Also, the military noted the high survivability of the "Strelets-Sentinel" bracelets, including at low air temperatures, ease of use and autonomy of work.
At the military-technical forum "Army-2015", the success of the St. Petersburg developers was noted by the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. In October of the same year, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu made a proposal to test the "Strelets-Sentinel" bracelets in the Arctic. For these purposes, a special model of bracelets was made. Also, as noted above, the kit was successfully tested by the paratroopers of the Eastern Military District. In addition, the Strelets-Sentry complex of technical means is used to guard the Moscow National Defense Control Center of Russia. The service life of such bracelets, according to the manufacturer's information, is 10 years.
According to the publication Life, Crimea will receive especially advanced complexes, which is now at risk, there is a threat of "guests" entering the peninsula from the territory of Ukraine. The bracelet, which outwardly resembles an ordinary watch, is attached to the arm of a soldier who is on guard duty. The gadget is directly connected to the commander's console: all the necessary information about the state of health and the location of the sentries flows to the commander. If outsiders enter the territory of a military unit or emergency situations occur (for example, the capture of guards as hostages), a soldier with a Sentinel-Sentinel bracelet can quietly press a special button, and his comrades will come to his aid in a short time. The main purpose of the miracle bracelet is to control the situation at protected facilities, collect and monitor information about the health status of participants in control and security lines. For example, if an intruder is detected at the facility using a bracelet, you can send an alarm to the guard and the garrison daily outfit. The complex is able to determine the movements of the offender, the place and time of the violation. He is able to provide access control and the conditions necessary for guard duty.

It is curious that of the 396 million rubles allocated for the purchase of bracelets, 85 million are intended for equipping with sets of military units located in the Crimea. For example, a set of 60 bracelets for an alarming and ringing alarm system (STS) will be sent to the military units of the Crimean naval base, which was recreated on the peninsula in 2014 after its annexation to the Russian Federation. At the same time, the equipment for the Republic of Crimea is more functional. The kit for Crimea includes an alarm system and a personal operational warning system for military personnel; detection and protection systems against intrusion into the internal territory and along the perimeter of buildings and structures; ACS - access control and management system; SSKU - network computer control system; APS is an automatic fire alarm system.
Other parts of the Russian army will receive only a component of the entire complex - the STVS system, which is able to provide covert transmission of an alarm signal from a serviceman, control over his location and movements, as well as covert notification of his problems (for example, in the event of an attack) to the commander and comrades in arms. 87 of these kits should be delivered to 70 military units, as well as to training centers throughout Russia. Experts interviewed by Life said that the number of guards at Russian military facilities depends on their specifics. For example, a warehouse with ammunition does not require a large number of sentries, but the situation is completely different if we have a fleet of equipment in front of us. Usually, the equipment is located on a sufficiently large territory, where the routes of the sentries are precisely defined. At such facilities, more security posts are needed.
“Each of the complete sets is determined by a set of equipment. Since there can be 10 posts in one military unit, but the distance between them will not be 200 meters, but 5 kilometers, so the number and composition of equipment will be such as to extend radio communications up to these 5 kilometers. The Russian Defense Ministry themselves decide how many guards and posts they have, how many bracelets they may need, Argus-Spectrum told Life to journalists.